Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 187

Chapter One Eighty Seven

Although the method of massacre is tragic, the effect is always the most significant.

After several battles, the Yellow Turban bandits in southern Jizhou were basically calmed down, and no Yellow Turban forces could enter it anymore.

Yuan Shao's rear finally stabilized, which enabled Yuan Shao to finally let go of his hands and feet, and began a struggle with Zhang Yan and Gongsun Zan from Heishan for the control of northern Jizhou.

Just when the Yellow Turban Army captured Yecheng and was fighting Yuan Shao relentlessly.

Far away in Langya County of Xuzhou at the junction of Yanzhou and Xuzhou, there is a small county in the far north of the county called Yangdu.

Yangdu is a county with only [-] households under its rule. Because it is located in the middle of the mountainous area and the traffic is not smooth, it is always difficult to increase the population.However, although the land in Yangdu is small, most of it is fertile land. In addition to the abundant water resources, the three major rivers of Yishui, Wenhe and Mengshui run through the whole area.

It became famous all over the world in the future because it was the birthplace of Zhuge Liang, a famous politician and military strategist, but now it is located in the hinterland of Yimeng Mountain, but it is just a paradise that is hard to reach.Whether it was the Yellow Turban Thief back then, or the recent war.All because of its difficult roads, few troops entered it.

At this time, Zhuge Liang was still just an unknown boy, and he had gone south to the south of the Yangtze River with his uncle, and went to Lumen Mountain in Xiangyang to study with Lord Pang De as his teacher under Zhuge Xuan's pleading.

Fifty miles southwest of Yangdu County, in a small mountain nest thirty miles near Hua County, Taishan County, Yanzhou, there is a quiet small village.The name of the village is as common as the names of thousands of villages in the world, it is Xiaoliting.

Because it is located in the mountainous area where the two counties meet, no outsider will come to the village all the year round.In addition to going to nearby towns to sell some local products and exchange some necessary supplies on the market day, the villagers basically live a simple life of semi-closed self-sufficiency.

About four months ago, several rich families moved in from Yuzhou to avoid the disaster of the Yellow Turbans.Including the servants and servants of these families, there were nearly a thousand more people in the village, and it immediately became lively.

There has always been a lot of vacant land in the village, so it doesn't matter if these people stay for a while.Several clan elders in the village discussed the matter, and no one was willing to jump out and oppose anything under the large amount of money from the big foreign family to open the way.

He came from a big place, and when he came, he said that he would only stay for a while, and he would return to his hometown once the Yellow Turbans passed by.

The simple local people have only one idea: "In this world, whoever goes out has no troubles. If you can help, you must help. What's more, the people in the village have never seen so many people in their entire life. Money. Every family can get hundreds or even thousands of dollars!

It's just for people to build some houses on the empty land and live there for a period of time.The people in the village are only cheap and have nothing to lose. "

Some outsiders came to the village, but none of the village elders and pavilion chiefs wanted to report to the county.

In fact, until now, they don't know which state or county they belong to.A poor mountain village that does not produce grain and has no specialties.The county magistrates wish that more things would be better than less things.They say this is not their jurisdiction.

I usually rely on the elders and elders in the village to deal with various disputes and problems. The villagers have long been accustomed to such a life of fighting against the world.

What's more, once it is reported, it's hard to say how much of the money will be left. If it's not good, you have to post the money yourself.Even the simple mountain people have a deep understanding of the ability of those officials to collect money.

Although it has not been reported to the counties, the sudden increase in the large population will eventually have clues that will fall into the eyes of interested people.

Tao Qian, who is in his sixtieth year, is sitting in the study of Xuzhou Governor's Mansion.

The increase in age has made this old man who was unrestrained and unrestrained in the past, but has been on the rise in his official career, completely lost the vigor and vigor of the past.After joining forces with Yuan Shu and Gongsun Zan in the past two years, he sent troops to fight Cao Cao several times and returned in complete defeat.

The heavy pressure of losing soldiers and generals made this old state shepherd already physically and mentally exhausted, and he has aged rapidly in the past two years.The skin on the suddenly thin old face loosened, forming layers of wrinkles.

The originally tall body was entangled by illness, and it was no longer as stretched and erect as before.From time to time, he covered his mouth weakly and coughed twice. The heroic and strong man of the year, under the ravages of the years, has completely looked like a dying man.

Tao Qian stroked his already completely white beard, and looked at the pile of documents and intelligence on the desk with a cloudy expression. Right there was a piece of intelligence that he had just arrived in the afternoon.For the first time, Xiaoli Village on the remote border entered the eyes of the governor of a state.

Tao Qian was very contradictory in his heart, he somewhat regretted his alliance with Yuan Shu and Gongsun Zan.

"If Wentai didn't die, how could our side lose so badly! It's a pity! It's a shame, but I died just after I joined their side. If Sun Jian had died earlier, I, Xuzhou, wouldn't be in such a mess now.

If you don't think that you, Sun Jian and Gongsun Zan, are rare heroes in the world, they are unrivaled.How could I easily throw myself into their side.Make it a dilemma now!

Sun Jian would be shot to death by a group of soldiers, but Gongsun Zan was defeated by Yuan Shao's yellow-mouthed kid, and then turned around.Are you not the heroes of the world?Has your heroism been eaten by dogs?This is simply the biggest joke in the world.

well!Buddha!Looking at the big men, only I, Tao Qian, admire you so much!Let the minister of Xiapi, Ruo Rong, embezzle money and food from the three counties to build temples and pagodas for you, and do a lot of things to recruit believers for you.Why don't you bless me Xuzhou?

And how should the members of the Cao family deal with it?Tie him up, or kill him!This is really terrible, a headache! "

Tao Qian had been sitting in his study when he received the information in the afternoon.Thinking hard about this question that made him entangled, he didn't want to let people criticize him and ruin his reputation for the rest of his life.

After all, assassinating the parents and family members of the enemy is something that Tao Qian, who has always called himself a gentleman, despises. The older he is, the more he cherishes those vain reputations.But let it go like this, but I feel that the bad breath in my heart is hard to get rid of!

When his eyes glanced over the secret report again, he turned to another military report that was torn in two and delivered two days ago.His dim old eyes suddenly revealed the light as before.His wild heart seemed to wake up suddenly again.

The military newspaper that made him angry said: "Xiapi Quexuan gathered thousands of people a few days ago, claiming to be the emperor. Looting the village, there are many followers, and the situation of disaster has been expanding. Please also invite the state shepherd My lord, send troops to destroy them in time to prevent chaos!"

Tao Qian couldn't help being very proud of the idea he had just thought of: "Haha! I think your Cao Cao's family came to my Xuzhou to avoid the chaos of the Yellow Turbans. I, Tao Qian, don't treat you well. It's not too rude.

I think that Cao Cao just had a battle with Yuan Shu, and I heard that it was because of food, the army was disturbed, and he lost several battles in a row recently.Therefore, he had to accept the mediation of the imperial court, and he must not dare to lighten the war again.It is not difficult for me to defeat you in the military, but it is not difficult to secretly get rid of your family and disgust you.

As long as someone kills your family, I will help you get rid of the person who did it and take revenge for you.Wouldn't it be possible to gain sincere thanks from you, Cao Mengde, after expressing the evil spirit in my chest?ha!I'm still very smart!

If you want to get rid of others, how can you do it yourself!This is the real plan to drive away tigers and devour wolves!Let's see who dares to say that Tao Qian is old!But for this matter, you have to send a suitable candidate! "

Tao Qian, who finally figured out the front and rear joints, seemed to have no back pain and cough.He called out to the guard in a cheerful voice.

"Come on, hurry up and ask Zhang Kai, the captain of the thief, to come to see this officer. I have urgent military affairs for him to do! Hurry up!"

Seeing the back of the guard hurried away, Tao Qian, who was satisfied with his ambition, underestimated the influence of filial piety and family affection on Cao Cao.Coupled with the existence of other factors, it has led to a reversible disaster for Xuzhou.

Xiaoli Village Pavilion, Cao Song's temporary residence.With the financial resources of the Cao family, even if it is a temporary residence, after these four months of continuous repairs, it has become a wall high and a courtyard deep.The walls, which are one and a half feet wide, are all made of large stones.

Without powerful siege equipment, it is impossible to be breached at all.

Cao's more than 200 servants are under the command of fifty guards specially sent by Cao Cao to protect Dad.Build walls and forts together whenever you have free time.The people who did it complained a lot, and they often complained in front of Cao Song.

After all, it is only a temporary residence, so is it necessary to work so hard?Maybe you can go home after repairing it, and it's not cheap for others.

In the end, Cao Song, who couldn't stand the pleas of everyone, came forward to intercede, and then slowly reduced his workload.In fact, the courtyard wall has been repaired at this time, and the guards of other key parts can do it themselves.The guards were happy to sell the old man's face.

Looking at the youngest son Cao De who was so busy inside and outside the room that his feet didn't touch the ground, he stroked his beard and smiled in relief.

Since leaving Qiao County, Cao Song has always acted cautiously, and strictly restrained the words and deeds of his family and servants, so no news was leaked.Even the few big families who came with me didn't know that the people who lived and evacuated with me were of course the family members of Lord Mucao of Yanzhou.

Now he thinks that the departure is imminent, Ying Shao, the prefect of Mount Tai, has already dispatched [-] soldiers from the county, on his way to meet him.The envoy sent by Ying Shao had already come to inform the day before yesterday that the soldiers and horses of Taishan County's brigade would arrive here at the latest tomorrow.

Cao Song, who was about to leave, was relaxed, and his control over his family was no longer so strict.But they didn't know that the family members who went out to buy a few days ago were tempted by people with ulterior motives, and accidentally revealed that they were the family members of Yanzhou Mu Cao Cao.

It's only half a sentence, but that's enough for some people.

The Cao family members were afraid of being punished by the patriarch, so they lost this good job. After returning home, they dared not tell the truth to anyone, but chose to conceal and subconsciously forget.

Self-comfort: "It's just a sentence, people forget it after hearing it. Didn't the grain seller also look unbelievable at the time! He didn't pick up on me at all. He will definitely think I'm just a big talker." Man! It will be fine!"

Therefore, Cao Song didn't know the whereabouts of the Cao family at all, and Tao Qian had already fallen into the eyes.

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