Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 2 Can Time Travel Through Walls?

Preface]Chapter 2: Can you pass through walls?

Seeing that Sun Wushou was silent, Sun Ce continued: "People in China today are becoming more and more westernized in their thinking. They have given up the traditional culture left by their ancestors, thinking that self-indulgence is the best. Disloyalty and filial piety don't care about propriety, righteousness and shame, but they don't know how degraded they are. In the end, there will be a painful price to pay. It’s just that the time has not come! And there is no regret in this world about the ‘medicine’.”

"There are not many emotionally pure men like you now. Well, don't be sad for this kind of "woman" anymore. Excellent people are not afraid that there will be no excellent people to love. And she will eventually love for her Behavior pays the price!"

After waiting for a while and seeing Xiao Sun gradually calm down, Sun Ce said, "Now I can talk about the things I want you to help me with."

Sun Wushou nodded mechanically and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.He said with a low mood: "Thank you for telling me the truth, I understand! I will not punish myself with other people's mistakes! Please tell me what to do."

"First ask, do you understand my past situation?" Sun Ce asked.

"Of course, you are the most powerful person in the history of our surname Sun. Since your father's death, you only spent nine years starting from scratch, and you have managed to conquer one-third of the entire country from being dependent on others. , you have many advisors and generals who support you."

"It's really a lot of soldiers and a lot of talents. It has laid a solid foundation for the establishment of the entire Wu Kingdom. If you are given enough time, you are a hero who is completely possible to unify China. You are also the pride of our surname Sun .”

Sun Wushou replied seriously.

I thought to myself: "Just kidding, my ancestor, my idol, my favorite hero of the Three Kingdoms, how can I not be familiar with his information?"

"Stop, don't sing praises anymore, these things are all gone in a blink of an eye."

"Are you saying that I am a hero? But it seems that most heroes die under "conspiracy". Looking at ancient and modern times, how many heroes really died on the battlefield?"

Hearing this, Sun Ce gave a mocking smile on his handsome face.

He continued, "I used to think the same way. I will definitely become a hero, a real overlord of Jiangdong who can create a new history. With the support of many partners, I will work together to sweep the world and build a brand new The Great Han Empire. Return the world to a bright future. I also promised her to be the mother of the country admired by all, but I can't fulfill my promise. I feel ashamed of her!"

Speaking of this, Sun Ce's voice gradually sank.

"I understand, I understand yours, it's just that you have less time. If you had more time, you would be able to achieve your ideals. It's just—oh! Make the hero cry!"

Speaking of this, Sun Wushou also felt heavy. "If it weren't for the three damned assassins under Xu Gong, you wouldn't be a hero."

"Assassin! Is it Xu Gong's "door" assassin?"

"do not you know?"

Sun Wushou asked suspiciously, "It's written like this in the history books. After you killed Xu Gong in 2 A.D., three of his disciples wanted to avenge him, so they lurked by the river to take advantage of you." When you were out hunting, you sneaked up on you on the side of the road. After "shooting" you, because you saw the injury on your face, you felt that your image was damaged, and you became very angry. You didn't want to take good care of it, so the sores burst and died .”

"It's just fart! Can you believe what the history books say? They are all superficially used to coax the common people. What is Xu Gong? It’s actually full of conspiracies.”

"However, I didn't come to find out what it was. At that time, I was indeed injured, but it was not serious at all. It can be said that I am a general who grew up on horses. Could it be that I met suspicious people? Don’t know how to defend? Besides, I’ve been fighting on a horse all my life. Would I just sit there blankly and let someone “shoot” me in the face? If that’s the case, I’m afraid I’d have died a long time ago on the battlefield. A thousand times!"

"As for anger! I'm not boasting. I've always been a magnanimous person. Even Zhou Yu can't compare to me in this regard, so he always obeys me. If you want me to be magnanimous to others, To be lenient with their faults."

"I can't stand a little bit of my own setbacks? This history writer should let him eat shit! It's really made up to such an extent, it's so ridiculous! In fact, I It was just that when I was dodging the attack, I was shot by a poisonous arrow and injured the front bone of my calf. After Hua Tuo’s apprentice came to help me treat the injury and cure the poison, I was already seriously ill. But that night I drank a bowl to clear it up. The poisonous wound "medicine" fell into a frenzy."

Sun Wushou immediately went on to say, "Someone must have tampered with the 'medicine'!"

"Everyone knows this, do you still need to say it?"

"But why didn't the history books say anything?"

Sun Ce gave him a blank look, but was too lazy to answer, and said, "After I got here, my master took a fancy to him and took me to Donghai to study art. This trip lasted for 8 years. So what happened later? It’s not clear about that.”

"I only heard that the situation of my family members was very bleak. I don't know what happened to any of my younger brothers! Why did they treat them like this? They are all his relatives! How much he respected me back then, I So much love for him.”

"I handed over the entire Jiangdong foundation to him with confidence, but he—"

"Originally, Zhang Zibu and the others suggested that I 'entrust' the military power to my third brother Shubi. But I was worried that Zhongmou, who had been somewhat gloomy since he was a child, would object, and it would make my brothers angry." I'm afraid that Yu Qiang will destroy Jiangdong's great foundation!"

"There must be something wrong here! It's just that I haven't figured it out after thinking about it for 1000 years. That's why I'm not reconciled!"

"Later, after I was successful in my studies, I went to the time-space management headquarters and was admitted to the first-level Azure Dragon God General. Then I took the initiative to ask to manage this place, because unless it is specially approved by the Elder's House, there will be no gods except for the management gods. You can check the records of these Sky Eyes."

"And it was only then that I realized that the records of the Sky Eye can only be kept for 2 years at most. In 2 years, the people in the world have already changed several generations. The grievances and grievances have been settled, and there is no need for the data to exist. Therefore, we There is no record of that time at all. Let alone find out the truth about the past."

"Before coming here, the master once told me that if I really want to find out what happened back then, I will have a chance to be an administrator here after 1000 years. And it is the only chance, and I can only wait here, 1000 It's been a year. Today is the last day of the millennium. This is God's will! It seems that this opportunity is for you."

Sun Wushou couldn't help asking, "Why are you so sure it's me? Why didn't you go back and have a look yourself to find out the situation?"

Sun Ce gave him a deep look, and continued, "How easy do you think traveling through time and space is!"

"You've read too many novels! The movement of time and space has its own rules, which can't be 'disrupted' casually. If anyone could 'chaos' time travel, history would have been 'chaotic' long ago."

"When I first came here, my soul couldn't condense into a solid body at all, and even the protection to get out of this kind of room couldn't exist for a long time, let alone face the ubiquitous space-time storms. When I become a god, I will have energy again. If it increases greatly, it will be even more impossible to travel through."

Sun Wushou couldn't help but said, "Then my new soul will turn into little ashes as soon as I go out. How can I help you!"

"Shut up and listen to me!" Sun Ce said angrily.

Xiao Sun shrank his neck involuntarily, and responded weakly. "Oh! I just asked this casually, and I didn't say anything!"

"Master said back then that only a perfect person who is compatible with me can break through the blockade of reincarnation and go back to my past through time and space under the protection of me using only the smallest divine power. Because only such a person can use the smallest amount of energy. Change travels through time and space."

"It will not cause strong changes, but because I have become a god and want to travel through, the energy changes caused are very large, and it is most likely to cause the collapse of reincarnation, which is a catastrophe. It may even lead to this The complete annihilation of time and space."

"And the God who travels through is bound to be wiped out in the turbulent flow of time and space. No matter how powerful he is, he cannot escape the power of this rule. Therefore, there will never be a strong person who can travel through time and space."

Hearing this, Sun Wushou raised his hand, pretending to be anxious and asked softly: "Excuse me, can I ask another small question?"

Sun Ce looked at him, and couldn't help showing a smile: "I'm so angry with you, what a smart guy. Okay, don't pretend to be pitiful! I know what you want to ask! Is he a perfect person?"

Xiao Sun looked at Sun Ce blankly, and murmured, "You look so handsome when you smile! I am, even more handsome than Lao Tang when he was young. Even more handsome than me, I was really shocked .Aren’t you fascinated by all the beauties in the world! That’s why someone is jealous of you and uses a bowl of medicine to harm you!”

"Are you handsome! It's just normal for you to look like this. You're still handsome. Wake up! Don't be smug here! But before the truth is found out, this may not be a possible direction."

Xiao Sun said aggrievedly: "Old Ancestor! Can't you save me some face? Aren't you not as handsome as you? It hurts people's self-esteem too much, it hurts people too much. But it's really awkward to call you Ancestor."

Sun Ce said with a smile: "Okay, don't cross it, we don't have much time! You can call me big brother, so you don't have to be awkward. I haven't heard this name for 18 years! It's exactly 3 Jiazi's reincarnation! It’s the year of Gengchen. As for asking you to call me big brother, that’s about what I want you to do.”

"That's great, big brother, I'll be worshiped by my younger brother."

Xiaosun immediately hit the snake with the stick and fixed the address first, otherwise it would be too tiring to call people the old ancestor all day long.

"I know that elder brother just wants me to help you go back to the past and find out the ins and outs of your coming here! Needless to say, I am the only perfect person who is suitable for you. If this is the case, I will walk this journey on behalf of elder brother." trip!"

"I will do my best to help you find out this answer. But you should teach me invisibility, wall penetration and other special functions!"

Xiao Sun felt refreshed in his heart, "Haha, it's okay this time, and I can travel to the Three Kingdoms for free. Watch the real big scenes. It's not the fake actions in those film and television bases. Check the case, it's impossible, and by the way, I also want to watch the Three Kingdoms" Beautiful "women" such as Da Qiao Xiao Qiao or Diao Chan's bathing pictures.

Nosebleed just thinking about it. "Temptation", "Temptation", "Temptation", "Temptation" is great!That must be much more exciting than the simple images on v.Nonsense, that's the live-action version of the most beautiful woman in the world!Who can see more exciting than me, what a blessing.yeah! "

"I, Sun Wushou, will make you envy me even if I die!"

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