Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 211

Volume II Conquest of Jiangdong] Chapter [-] Gao Ping secretly plots Sun He to charge forward——

Chapter [-] Gao Ping plots against Sun He bravely

This Gao Ping likes to plot tricks in normal times.He knows some art of war very well, and his own martial arts are good.He can be regarded as a talented person with both civil and military skills, so he deserves the attention of this cousin Gao Lan.

This time when they received a disruptive mission from above, they specially chose their brothers as the main generals.One reason is that the task is not too difficult, and two brothers can be trained.Besides, this Gao Ping has always made Gao Lan feel at ease in his work.

It wasn't until he came out of Yuan Shao's rule that he targeted the Zhen family, the richest man in Zhongshan.It happened that the young masters and ladies of the Zhen family were traveling in the city, so they dressed up as yellow scarf thieves to rob them.It can only be said that it is the misfortune of both parties!

Gao Ping just wanted to break his head and break his heart.I'm afraid I would never have imagined that there would be so many No. 200 in the world in this mere team of less than [-] people!It is simply a group of monsters.

Hearing that the elder brother said that we still have to silence him in the end, Gao Huai was shocked and said: "Ah! Brother, don't we keep our promises! After taking the money, do we still want to kill people?"

Gao Ping was finally irritated by his stupid brother, and stretched out his hand to slap him.

He said angrily, "Brother, are you really stupid? Or do you really want to be a kidnapper! Be moral! We are here to cause destruction. As long as we can cause a misunderstanding between Gongsun Zan and the Yellow Turban Bandit, we will do what we can." .”

Gao Huai touched the neck that was slapped, and smiled embarrassingly: "That's true. If we let the two sides fight, wouldn't we be able to win without fighting? Before that, we had to fight at Jieqiao and Longcou. There is no need to kill so many brothers!"

"Cough! Cough! Pooh!"

Gao Ping, who was choked by his thoughtless brother, glared at the innocent and smiling younger brother again.

Suppressing his anger for a while, he reprimanded: "Little brother, please use your brain, please! The implementation of our strategy must also be carried out according to the development of the battle situation. Forget it, I can't explain it clearly to you, so send a few teams of soldiers up , ready to enter the valley!"

His tone was relaxed, and he still didn't take the hundred or so people in the valley to heart.

Gao Huai laughed and said: "Brother, that's right, you know that my younger brother is stupid. As long as I know, I will have a future with my elder brother! Hehe! My brother is good at fighting wars, so it's up to my younger brother!"

Gao Ping scratched his head dejectedly, looked at the back of his brother who was leaving excitedly, and said softly: "Your mother, that's not right! I'm so close to you, it seems like I'm not good at fighting!"

Thinking of something, he laughed dryly twice.

He said to himself: "When I was investigating in front of the city gate just now, I vaguely saw that there are several female family members who are very good-looking! Haha! If this is the case, when they send the ransom, they will not talk like this.

Tsk tsk, beauty!But it's been a long time since I saw you, the beauties of the Zhen family!Brother is here to hurt you!hey-hey! "

Following Gao Huai's order, Jizhou elite soldiers dressed as yellow turbans outside the valley began to attack the valley.

It may be that the generals have repeatedly explained that this batch of Jizhou soldiers still look like bandit soldiers.Relying on the number of people, they crowded up chaotically.Just as they entered the valley entrance, they found that fifty steps ahead, several carriages blocked most of the way.

A small army formation has already been lined up in the remaining space in the carriage workshop.Just blocked all the roads.

The forward's pawns froze and stopped.However, the accomplices who were soon crowded in squeezed and continued to move forward.The leading thieves thought about it again: "It's just a square formation of dozens of people. Could it be that the nearly thousand brothers here can't kill them?"

After walking forward for less than twenty steps, a sudden burst of arrows shot from the hillsides on both sides.

The pseudo-yellow turbans who were attracted by the infantry phalanx in front of them were caught off guard and were immediately shot down.The wounded soldiers fell to the ground and let out miserable cries.

Amidst the screams, the people in front wanted to retreat, and the people behind wanted to move forward. The mouth of the valley, which was not considered wide, was suddenly squeezed into an impenetrable pile by a group of people in chaos.

Sun He was standing at the forefront of the infantry phalanx. Seeing the chaos of the enemy soldiers, he knew there was an opportunity to take advantage of it.Immediately ordered to shoot a round of bows and arrows first, and immediately all drew their bows and launched a charge.

Seeing these dozens of people, they dared to charge aggressively towards hundreds of enemies.The guards of the Zhen family who were in charge of archery on the hillsides on both sides of the mouth of the valley, their morale was boosted, their blood was boiling, and they looked a little frightened just after sweeping away.

Everyone pulled the bows in their hands creaking, and shot wildly at the soldiers. The sound of the bowstring stretching to the limit made people's teeth ache.The bang sound of the sharp arrow leaving the string made the enemy feel chilled.

Zhao Yun's true soldiers are indeed worthy of being the elite soldiers from Baima Yicong. Although there are no horses now, they can still run away in a cloud of smoke relying on their own two legs.

The sound of orderly footsteps sounded like a drum beating to death.Less than thirty steps away, he rushed to the front of the chaotic army in just a few breaths. Seventy-two strong soldiers, led by Sun He's soldiers, waved their sharp knives and rushed into the chaotic Jizhou soldiers.

In an instant, Taniguchi began a fierce hand-to-hand combat.As the knife light flickered, blood splattered in all directions.The miserable cries of the chaotic enemy army immediately resounded throughout the valley.

It also only took a few breaths of time, and the real soldiers who were good at fighting in the battle formation killed the chaotic army that could be seen in front of them with an overwhelming advantage.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the Jizhou rebellious army with full fighting spirit, only regretted that they had not given birth to three legs, and desperately turned back and rushed towards the way they came from.

Sun He rushed to the front with the sword borrowed temporarily by Wang Yue.After nearly three months of hard training, his martial arts has improved by leaps and bounds.

With the careful guidance of Wang Yue, a super master, although Sun He's moves have not changed much.However, the perfection of the force technique and the details of the moves has brought his kung fu to a whole new level.

The sword in his hand was swung out along a strange route, no matter what was in front of him, it was split into two with a chirping sound.Broken guns and broken knives were mixed with falling enemy limbs and heads, paving a bloody and muddy road in front of him.

The exquisite moves, coupled with the great effect of the magic weapon, made Sun He couldn't put it down even more.It's a pity that things that are not yours have to be returned after all.

Gao Huai was walking to Taniguchi with the brigade.

I was still thinking in my heart: "There are so many capable team leaders and chiefs leading the way, and it is not easy to deal with those family guards who are less than two hundred.

Anyway, our brother's credit is indispensable, so we don't have to compete with our subordinates for those tiny head credits. "

Unexpectedly, there was a sudden commotion in front of them.Surprised, Gao Huai was still walking forward, and was involuntarily swept away by the frenzied crowd.

Gao Huai, who was caught in the crowd, shouted loudly: "What's going on? Damn it, hold on to me, hold on! They're a bunch of fucking trash!"


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