Reborn Sun Ce

The 213th Jizhou Army defeated Gao Huai's ambush again

Volume [-] Conquest of Jiangdong] [-] The Jizhou Army defeated Gao Huai again and transferred the ambush troops——

In the second and third, the Jizhou Army defeated Gao Huai again and transferred the ambush troops

But even with Guo Jia's ghostly ability, the difference between the strength of his troops and the enemy's is too great.He also has no better strategy to deal with the large number of enemy troops surrounded.It can only make people stick to Taniguchi temporarily, and then look for opportunities to break through.

Just as everyone was about to discuss again, an alarm came from the guard post monitoring the rebel army, and the enemy army started to move again!

Sun He spat: "Damn, words don't count! It's not even half a minute! What a bunch of cunning and shameful guys."

After cursing, he hurried down the slope and called the resting soldiers to line up.In that battle just now, only three soldiers were accidentally scratched by the enemy's swords and guns, which was not considered a loss at all.

Guo Jia frowned and said softly: "Soldiers never tire of deceit, whoever is a general will tell his opponent all about his strategic intentions! Then what kind of battle does he have to fight, as long as he simply surrenders.

Besides, they were pretending to be yellow scarf thieves, it's normal to deceive you, Bo Hai is still a little frivolous! "

With the vigor of the first battle just now, the guard archers gradually began to cooperate with each other tacitly.The fired arrows start to automatically extend outwards.Zhao Yun's Zhending army, who was firmly guarding the narrow valley entrance, was hit hard.The Jizhou army's second wave of attack quickly left more than a hundred dead bodies and collapsed again.

Because he had to dress up as a yellow scarf, Gao Ping didn't bring many archers.So even though the Jizhou army also sent the only archers to shoot at the guards of the Zhen family on the mountain, it will suffer a lot from the upward attack.

In addition, the entrance of the valley is narrow, and most of it is blocked by the carriage compartment, and the pawns have to pass through.The large group of archers couldn't use it at all. You squeezed me and hit each other. Many arrows fired in a hurry even lost their strength and fell down in mid-air.

This time the defeat was even faster than the first three points.

Gao Huai and Gao Ping, who were in charge of the formation, couldn't believe it. Is this still following him and defeating the elite soldiers of Baima Yicong?It's all fighting spirit, and it will collapse at the touch of a touch.

Could it be that pretending to be a yellow turban thief left them with only the courage of a yellow turban thief?

Gao Huai, who had suffered consecutive defeats, retreated to his elder brother Gao Ping angrily.Gao Ping, who had a calm face just now, also had a trace of anxiety.He looked at the guards of the Zhen family who were piling up dead bodies and tidying up the battlefield.

Gao Ping said to himself: "This is not like an ordinary guard! What's going on, they themselves said just now that they are the guards of the Zhen family. But how can they be so good at fighting? Our elite battle formation rushed up, They also break down quickly.

It was an accident the first time, and it was the same this time. After a while, 400 of us did not come back.I don't know how the Zhen family's casualties are, but it seems that the situation will not be too big. "

Gao Huai had a look of hatred on his face, after all, the casualties just now were all his subordinates.The operation to create riots in the enemy country has not yet started, and in this humble hill, a small half of the manpower has been lost.How could this make him feel sad and angry.

Gritting his teeth, he said, "Brother! It's not a problem to continue fighting like this! The enemy army is so brave, I'm afraid my part will collapse completely in a short time. If I don't call the reserve guards from the back! I want revenge! Kill them all !"

Hearing Gao Huai's gnashing of teeth, Gao Ping was also taken aback, and said softly: "Yes, it's not a problem to continue like this. But before the expedition, the military adviser carefully explained that we should never reveal our identities unless necessary.

If the latter weapon is used, anyone with a discerning eye will know our true identity immediately.The mission to harass Youzhou and the Yellow Turban bandits is a complete joke. "

But they don't know that Guo Jia in the valley has already seen through their plot!

Hearing that Gao Ping wanted to refuse, Gao Huai said fiercely: "Brother, don't say any more, I can't take it anymore! You just said that if the damage here is too big, our mission will also fail! My brother, go to mediate people!"

Gao Ping looked helplessly at his brother who left in a hurry.This tyrannical guy really lost his temper, and his elder brother didn't want to go against his will too much.I can only comfort myself that if I continue to attack like this, even if I can manage to take it, I am afraid that more than half of it will be damaged.

He couldn't bear this kind of result: "Forget it, anyway, I plan to kill all the people inside. As long as the news is not leaked, the scene will be cleaned up at that time, and then the fire will be set to destroy the traces."


With a sad face, Zhao Yun looked at the six fellow villagers who were lying quietly on the ground in front of him. They were already seriously injured and could not breathe.

They can no longer laugh and joke with themselves as before, and they can no longer fight enemies side by side with themselves.

Sorrow occupied the heart of this young general who was proud of their good fighting skills just now. Although casualties on the battlefield were inevitable, every time he faced his dead body, it always filled the heart of this emotional young man with embarrassment. sad.

This sadness gradually accumulated, and slowly turned into an uncontrollable anger.

"What kind of world is this? Even if you go out to play once, you will lose your life for nothing. They didn't die on the battlefield against Yuan Shao's army, but they slept in this peaceful place with beautiful scenery."

"I want to avenge these brothers who died in vain. I want to rush out and kill those yellow scarves! But Mr. Guo said that they are the Jizhou army. Is this true? After the armistice, didn't the Jizhou army withdraw to Yecheng?"

Zhao Yu and Zhen Mi saw the men discussing important matters at first, so naturally they would not approach them and disturb them.Seeing Zhao Yun's transformation, they stared worriedly at this man with a straight and slender body.

Seeing Zhao Yun's expression changed, Wang Yue shouted in a deep voice: "Zilong, you have to calm down! There are too many enemies outside, we can only take a defensive position! When it is late at night, Zhongshan and Ji County will definitely send reinforcements!

If it doesn't work, I'll go there myself.As the main general, you shouldn't worry everyone anymore! "

After listening to Wang Yue's words, Zhao Yun glanced at the two younger sisters.Knowing that they should not be worried, he suppressed his anger and nodded slightly.

"Master Wang, Zhao Yun understands!"

They walked towards the worried two younger sisters, but the heavy oppressive atmosphere made them lose the idea of ​​talking.The three just stretched out their hands and held each other tightly.It seems that only in this way can their hearts be at peace.

As long as people are together, there is nothing to scare or upset them anymore.

After half an hour, Gao Huai finally rushed out of the valley with [-] soldiers who were hiding behind and waiting for orders.These soldiers are equipped with the standard weapons of the Jizhou Army and light leather armor, which is tough enough to deal with ordinary bows and arrows.

These 500 people were originally used by the two brothers as an ambush at the back just in case.

Unexpectedly, this small valley made them have to play early.Those rebels who had been defeated twice in a row, seeing these brothers in regular equipment coming up, the soldiers who had been sitting on the ground dejectedly immediately had their morale high.


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