Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 217

Chapter [-] Zilong Refuses to Solicit Fengxiao Curve Poaching

All the sounds in the entire world seemed to have stagnated, leaving only the hissing sound of blood spurting out from the body.

After stopping for a while, the sound of bodies falling to the ground came from around.Of the dozens of guards who rushed forward, none of them could continue to breathe the air of this world, let alone stand still.

Looking at the dozens of corpses laying down in a semicircle within a radius of ten feet, Zhao Yun's eyes flashed with sadness.

"After the breakthrough, the Floating Snow Pear Blossom Spear Technique works more smoothly and smoothly, but it is also more convenient to kill people! It's just a pity for these Jizhou warriors."

Starting from this semicircle, it seems that a huge wave spreads towards the distance.Just like the shock wave of a huge explosive explosion.The soldiers of the entire Jizhou Army were shocked. It was their gaze that exposed the position of their leader just now.

But this enemy general is too terrifying, and he can break through the obstacles of thousands of troops.

Moreover, he killed the general and dozens of his elite guards with only one shot.This is simply not something humans can do.The soldiers who saw the situation, of course, understood what happened.

Glancing coldly at the stunned enemy soldiers around him, Zhao Yun took a deep breath and shouted: "The thief general is dead, and those who don't surrender will be pardoned!"

There were less than [-] real warriors left behind Zhao Yun, and the ten Jiangdong Army cavalry shouted with high morale!With such a strong martial arts master, how difficult is it to wipe out these enemy soldiers.

"The one who surrenders will not die! The one who surrenders will not die! The one who surrenders will not die!"

The rough voice spread far away, as if they heard the order to escape, but none of the Jizhou army surrendered.

Whether it was a regular soldier or someone dressed as a yellow scarf bandit, they all uttered a cry, and thousands of people completely collapsed.

Looking at the disintegrated Jizhou Army, the soldiers of Zhending Army and Jiangdong Army were all stunned. Everyone stood still and looked at General Zhao Yun who was sitting quietly on the horse with reverent eyes.

Besides, what else can they do with this little manpower.

hunt down?How many people can be hunted down for this kind of broken soldiers who are frantically fleeing for their lives.It's better to save some energy, clean up the battlefield, and return to the city earlier.This battle, if not for the powerful General Zhao, would have resulted in the destruction of the entire army.

Even so, most of the soldiers of the Zhending Army, the main force, had suffered casualties.The guards of the Zhen family also suffered dozens of casualties in the scuffle.However, the ten Jiangdong Army cavalry guards who followed Zhao Yun into the field at the end were not injured at all.

A miraculous victory, but no one was smiling, let alone crying.Everyone just held back their robes in silence, those bruised but breathless bodies.

If it weren't for their previous desperate struggle, the one who died might be anyone who survived now.

There were two hundred strong men who came happily, but when they returned to the city, not even one hundred could stand.

The horses and carriages were vacated as much as possible, and they were arranged for the wounded in the French operation.The atmosphere on the return trip was dull and sad. Under the surprised eyes of the city guards and the common people, this team of victors, who looked like remnants of defeated soldiers, finally returned to Jicheng.

After hearing the news, Mrs. Zhang hurried back to the mansion, and after scanning around, she found that her family members were not injured.I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.He quickly directed the family members, servants and doctors who rushed over to join in the action of arranging the funeral.


Early the next morning, Wang Yue and Guo Jia came to visit Mrs. Zhang together, and Zhen Yan was already waiting in front of the mansion.

Before leaving yesterday, Guo Jia tried to persuade Zhao Yun again.But no matter what he said, he was still rejected by Zhao Yun, who is now determined.In the blink of an eye, Guo Jia made an appointment with the Zhen family's mother and son for today's meeting, saying that they had something important to discuss.

Guo Jia thought to himself: "Zhao Zilong, didn't you refuse to go to Jiangdong? I'll take your family away and see if you don't leave!"

As the future head of the family, Zhen Yan sat with her mother as a matter of course.Quietly waiting for Guo Jia to speak.

Looking at the serious Zhen family mother and son, Guo Jia smiled slightly with a tired and pale face.

Going straight to the point, he said, "You two have already heard about me and Master Wang's intentions! Yes, we represent my lord and specially invited Brother Zilong to join our Jiangdong Army!"

After yesterday's battle, Guo Jia clearly saw Zhao Yun's formidable strength at the time of the outbreak.

At least under Yuan Shao, he has never seen anyone who is stronger than the cheered up Zhao Yun.If such a general cannot be recruited into the Jiangdong Army, then his crime against the Jiangdong Army is a dereliction of duty to the lord.

Secretly impressed by the eyes of the public and knowledgeable people.But what made him feel strange was that when he went to pick up the military report last time, he specifically asked the local Yangzhou tavern, but no one knew who Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong were.

"How did my lord know that Zilong is a talented general? How did he know that he should be staying in Zhending at this time, not in Gongsun Zan's army? Could it be that the Jiangdong Army still has a scout system in operation?

It should be, but since the lord doesn't say it, there must be his reasons, so I naturally can't ask redundantly.When he thinks I should know, he will naturally tell me! "

The mother and son of the Zhen family looked at each other, and Zhen Yan, who had never experienced such a battlefield of life and death, was greatly touched by the afterlife yesterday.

A young master who had lived a peaceful and stable life since he was a child, watched his subordinates screaming and falling down.Even he is so close to death, why not let him be shocked.

After everyone left, the mother and son said a lot of things they had never said before last night.

Including this chaotic world, the future of the entire Zhen family, and even the marriage between Zhao Yun and Zhen Mi.And Wang Yue and Guo Jia's intentions.Although they didn't fully think about the purpose of the two people's visit, they still thought about it closely.

Mrs. Zhang nodded slightly, motioning for Zhen Yan to answer.

"This son of mine grew up overnight! However, he is not experienced enough, so he must be trained independently!"

Zhen Yan got her mother's instruction, and said to Guo Jia seriously: "Brother Feng Xiao, I think the few people waiting for me are all brothers who have depended on each other for life and death. If you have anything to say, just say it directly. Whether it succeeds or not, we will Negotiate again!"

"Okay, Brother Zhen Yan, Jia will speak up. We want to represent my master, please move your Zhen family to Lujiang!"

Zhen Yan was startled, and glanced at her mother who was still sitting calmly.

With a wry smile, he said: "Brother, I was joking. I think the foundation of my Zhen family is in Zhongshan. It is not appropriate for us to move to Jiangdong as a family! When we go there, what we rely on is not to seek guilt.

Besides, if something really happens, except for the two elder brothers, we are afraid that we will ask for help! "

Guo Jia smiled and said, "Brother Zhen Yan, you are worrying too much. Having said that, Jia will tell you the truth. This is Jiangdong Army's military commander offering wine, and Wang Shi is our lord's first guard. The one who was injured Sun Bohai is my lord's cousin."

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