Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 226 Zhou Cang despised Xu Yi and Liu Xun was worried

Full Text Advertisement Chapter [-] Zhou Cang despises Xu Yi and Liu Xun worries about Zhong Fu

Hearing Liu Kai's blame, Zhou Cang scratched his head blankly and smiled naively: "Thief general, I am a good man and never lie. (Full text e-book download for free) If you don't believe me, my lord Alas, now that you know it’s useless, just go with peace of mind!”

It was Xu Yi who was behind, seeing Zhou Cang chatting endlessly with a defeated thief.Impatient, he rushed forward and chopped off Liu Kai's head with a single blow.The head was cut off suddenly, with a face full of confusion, but it landed right in front of Zhou Cang's feet.

Rolled twice, but looked up at Zhou Cang with his eyes full of doubts, as if he was still asking whether what Zhou Cang said was the truth.Zhou Cang sighed, but looked at Xu Yi contemptuously, and walked away without a sound.

Xu Yi shouted loudly from behind: "Hey! You greedy Zhou barbarian, you don't want your head work!"

Zhou Cang ignored it even more, and strode faster and faster.The generous back disappeared in the blink of an eye among the soldiers on both sides, still in the chaotic battlefield.

No matter how rough Xu Yi's nerves were, he knew something was wrong.This time, he was despised by Zhou Cang, who was usually thicker than him, so why not let him feel depressed, and raised his hand to touch the back of his head.

Whispering to himself: "I tried my best to help him get the credit, but he still looks at people with that kind of eyes. I'm really mad! But did I really do something wrong this time?"

A close guard stepped forward and reminded in a low voice: "General! Zhou Duwei just seemed to have the intention of subduing the enemy general. You are so quick to strike, Zhou Duwei may be angry with you! A living general , no matter what it is worth more than a head!

Besides, general, you face the enemy general who is resisting from behind, that, hehe!General, you understand! "

Hearing the guard's reminder, Xu Yi suddenly came to his senses. (Full-text e-book free download) With his rough skin far beyond ordinary people, he also felt a faint fever.

Some became angry and cursed: "You bastard, you know why you didn't remind me just now. Get away from me!"

Seeing the guard running away with a smile, he thought bitterly: "Grandma, I am really not as good as Lao Zhou this time. He actually did such a stupid thing out of obsession. Shame on you! Ah, if you don't deal with it properly, you will have to deal with it. I'm afraid the military division will ask me to embroider again!"

He hurriedly urged the horse to chase Zhou Cang in the direction where Zhou Cang was leaving. He had to apologize sincerely to Zhou Cang and get his understanding.If this matter is not resolved, I'm afraid that the righteous man will not be able to sleep tonight.As for the battlefield behind, there will naturally be guards to clean up.

When Liu Xun arrived here with [-] Chinese troops, the battlefield had long been silent.On a flat open space by the side of the road, there were piles of dead bodies of various shapes.It is normal to lack arms and legs, and there are quite a few people who have been trampled into meat by horseshoes.

There were also several heads that had been severed by sabers and rolled down under the high pile of corpses, as if a string of necklaces had been wrapped around them.

Before those heads were cut off, they were mostly screaming wildly.That's why many of them have wide-eyed eyes and big black mouths.When it is blown by the wind, it seems that it can still hear whistling sounds of different heights from its mouth.

Seeing the top corpse wearing the general's armor, Liu Xun's eyes twitched heavily.Looking up in despair, what was lying on the corpse was indeed the familiar head of his cousin with a rough face.

It's just that there is only a look of confusion on the bloodless face now.Hidden in the shaggy beard, the simple and honest lips were slightly opened, as if he had encountered something that he would not understand until he died.

Intense sadness, like a basin of ice water, made the arrogant Liu Xun suddenly calm down: "Something is wrong! Didn't the Changshi news say that there are only about [-] soldiers and horses in Shu County now? I think Brother Kai himself has ten thousand husbands." Unstoppable courage, he also brought two thousand elite soldiers.

Who can use the same force to completely annihilate them in an hour?This is simply impossible!Unless it is several times or ten times the enemy.There are at least a thousand corpses here, so many of my elite soldiers can be killed so quickly.

Could it be!Am I being fooled by a long history?Could it be that he wants to use this kid Sun Bofu to get rid of me, so as to prevent his actions from leaking out?But no matter what, I want to avenge Brother Kai!What's more, at this point, I have no way out! "

Surprised and uncertain, Liu Xun ordered: "The whole army is on alert, be careful of the enemy's ambushes, and move forward slowly!"

This deceleration has brought heavy psychological pressure to the entire army.

If Liu Xun still kept the soldiers' morale running like a rainbow as before, Shu County would definitely be able to attack under his overwhelming force.

Even if Sun Ce and the others with their iron cavalry can go out of the city to fight guerrilla warfare, but his family and subordinates in the city cannot escape the fate of being arrested.As for what will happen, it depends on Liu Xun's mood.

But Liu Xun was completely shocked by the quick and tragic death of his cousin's forward army.This tragic scene made all the soldiers under him become suspicious.There is no doubt that the morale of the whole army has suddenly dropped to a low point.

Leaving a thousand soldiers behind and burying his comrades-in-arms, Liu Xun led the army to move on.

An hour later, Liu Xun's army, which was advancing slowly and cautiously, arrived in front of the north city gate of Shu County unexpectedly and calmly all the way.The soldiers who had just breathed a sigh of relief were shocked to find that the gate of the north gate was wide open, and the suspension bridge fell steadily on the moat.

In the city, outside the city, up and down the city, there is the sound of crows and sparrows, and there is no one.

Facing the seemingly empty city, Liu Xun and his soldiers felt a heavy murderous aura rushing towards them.Ever since seeing the appalling corpses of the vanguard army, every soldier has been trembling on their way.

But walking carefully all the way, nothing happened.This made Liu Xun's soldiers tense up even more suspiciously.Now before he finally came to this strong city, he encountered such a strange scene again.

A terrible idea emerged in the hearts of all the soldiers: "Trap! This is a conspiracy against our army."

Seeing that the whole army was about to be in chaos, Liu Xun, who came to the front of the formation, shouted: "The whole army stands up! Be on alert!"

With a dignified expression, Liu Wei rode his horse to come to Liu Xun. He was the only son left behind by Liu Xun's elder brother when he passed away.Liu Xun has always doted on him, and he has been raised fat and white since he was a child.After he grew up, he was kept by his side as a deputy general in response to the occasion.

This is the first time that Liu Xun went out with him, because the desperate Liu Xun brought his family out of Shouchun.He didn't want to cause such a big incident, and he left General Zuo some excuses in Shouchun.Don't go and wait for the beheading?

"Second Uncle! Something's wrong. My nephew thinks that the city is full of murderous spirits, and the enemy will definitely have ambushes! What should we do?"

For the first time, Liu Xun felt a little bored with this nephew who had always liked him very much, and said irritably: "I also know that there is a problem. This is an empty city plan by the enemy. But this plan may not be true!"

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