Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 232 Zang Ba's Scheme

Full Text Advertisement Chapter [-] Zang Ba's Calculations Cao Jun Tuliu County

Thanks to my friend Fangxin 616, the chapters that are popular all over the world 0 and the rewards from Gu Ah!I am really moved!

Xia Houyuan understood that, strictly speaking, he spared his life.If he couldn't bear this bit of saliva, he wouldn't be Xia Houyuan who was valued by Cao Cao and could be alone.

In the blink of an eye, he saw that the other generals in the opposite formation, who were eager to try, were happily welcoming Zang Ba back to the formation, secretly startled.

"This Zang Ba alone is on par with me, and the knife he called Yingzi just now is really amazing. I'm afraid it's not as good as mine in a real battle. If you continue to fight brazenly, you will be asking for trouble up.

Seeing Zang Ba return to the formation, Xia Houyuan didn't rest at all.There is no intention of camping on the spot.

Order directly to the guards who sent the order.The whole army set up camp, bypassed Kaiyang, and marched directly to Xiapi.Zang Ba heard Xia Houyuan's loud order behind him, and knew that he was speaking to himself.

Nodding slightly.He said in his heart: "This Miaocai is really a smart person! I just don't want to fight this kind of unjust battle! Tao Qian! I led my brothers to help you win the whole Xuzhou, but you only arranged a riding capital for us two brothers. Lieutenant's false duty.

The other few brothers are no more than captains in the military, and they are not even willing to ask the imperial court for a reward for us.

Why should I work so hard to help you? The lives of the brothers are really not fate!I bother!If it wasn't for you, Tao Qian, who just entered Xuzhou at the beginning, and the strength in your hands couldn't beat us, I'm afraid you wouldn't hand over the Langya Kingdom that you promised in advance!

This time, he even wants to use us Taishan County people to do the evil deeds of destroying people and make him a good person?Fortunately, the boy Zhang Kai who did the work was quite clever, and he took the red goods back to Mount Tai after finishing the work, avoiding the end of being silenced by him!

Old man Tao Qian thinks that you have been smart all your life, and you are always calculating others. (Free download of the full-text e-book) This time you provoke Cao Mengde, let's see how you end up!I want Brother Laozi to help you take the blame, but there is no way!I will not make enemies with Cao Jun for you!

No matter what Cao Mengde said, he has an army of [-], and he borders Langya County. If he doesn't like us, he can come over to conquer our Taishan army at any time. I don't want to fight him to death for no reason.Let others take advantage of it!

Now my Taishan Army has also helped you deal with Cao Jun, which is considered to be the best of benevolence!Ha ha!

This cunning Xiahou Miaocai is also here, Taozhou Mu, you old man will take over!I want to plot against me all day, am I, Zang Ba, so calculating?That's true, how many times I have died long ago! "

When Sun Guan and others saw Zang Ba returning to his horse, they rushed forward one after another.

"Boss! Are you just going to let Cao Jun go like this? We didn't worry for nothing, we never returned to the camp empty-handed!"

Zang Ba stared, and said: "You know what! Who said that I returned to the camp empty-handed. This time I brought back a big treasure. In the words of those bald heads, it is that, good luck! I am today Forged a great good relationship!"

Seeing that the brothers were at a loss, Zang Ba said proudly: "Mother! You guys know that the thieves don't understand this. In the future, you will know my painstaking efforts!"

Sun Guan smiled and said: "Boss! What you said is so mysterious. Could it be that you want to make all four things empty? Shave your head like that fake bald man Ruo Rong, and build a few Futu temples for fun? Then don't drag the little brother That's good!"

Zang Ba was furious: "Bah! You are a dead baby, your mouth is full of dung. Do you want me to become a monk and help me take care of my eight wives and concubines? What a sloppy bastard!"

A group of brothers who were overwhelmed with joy and laughter withdrew their troops back to the city!

It was just the third day after Xia Houyuan led the army to 'pass through' Kaiyang County quickly.

A shocking news spread from Liu County in Xuzhou to the outside world like an explosion.

"Cao's army has slaughtered the city! Cao's army has slaughtered the city in Liu County! The whole county of Liu County is alive!"

Everyone who heard the news listened to the terrible news with their mouths gaping.After waking up, he crazily spread the news to everyone around him.

Everyone is half-believing and asking, will this be true?

But no one can give them the slightest definitive answer.

After Cao Cao sent troops, he first sent his army to capture the nearest Liu County.

The magistrate of Liu County at that time also knew the reason why Cao Jun came to attack, and he still had a certain degree of sympathy for Cao Cao.When Cao Jun, who saw the entire army arrived, did not encourage his soldiers to resist desperately, let alone mobilize the people to help.

In the last look at the situation that it should be impossible to defend, he simply ordered the soldiers to open the city gate on their own initiative.Anyway, no matter who is the state shepherd, the status of these talented county magistrates will not be shaken.You have to find someone to take care of the county seat!

However, this time, the person who greeted him was not what the county magistrate expected, the Master Wang who calmed down the world.It's the ferocious soldiers of Cao Jun, and the sharp knives and guns in their hands.

When the first soldier who opened the heavy city gate screamed and turned into meat under the chaotic knives of Cao Jun.The county magistrate of Liu County immediately knew that he had done a stupid thing. Sheep and wolves would never have a common language.

The county magistrate who originally thought that voluntary surrender would save the innocent people of a county.But in the end, for the people of the whole county, he chose a road of no return with no tomorrow.

The county magistrate, who had been a pure and clear official all his life, cried loudly from the tower of the county seat under his rule, and jumped down, drawing a wronged and desolate curve.With a bang, he crashed to death in front of Cao Cao's horse who was entering the city.

Cao Cao, who was dressed in sackcloth and filial piety, had an indifferent expression on his face. He didn't even look at the bloody corpse of the county magistrate, and urged his horse to step over his twitching corpse.The army that followed later drowned him under the chaotic footsteps.

Three days later, after Cao Jun marched towards Pengcheng with a large amount of food and grass collected in the county, there was no sound in the whole city.It seemed to be the quietest place in the world, except for the strong smell of blood all over the city, it was still talking about something.

Those who fled the city far away before Cao Jun besieged the city did not wait until Cao Jun left for a day.It was only gradually approaching this depressing city.When people eager to go home, one after another entered the city gate that was open but guarded by soldiers.

But countless people screamed wildly and rushed out without looking back.

What they saw was not the prosperity of the city in the past, but dead bodies.There were only a few dead bodies, large and small, hanging under the beams of the houses on both sides of the street, shaking slightly with the breeze.

The wind blew through the cracks of the door and the lattice, making a whining sound, which seemed to be the last cry for mercy before they died.

Every corpse hanging there, male or female, is naked.

Like pigs and dogs being hung up and skinned in a slaughterhouse.There are thick and glaring bloodstains under each corpse, and all the arms and legs of all corpses, including the body, have lost those large muscles.

The dilapidated corpse, mixed with the occasional dripping liquid, revealed the white bones.Like hell on earth, no one dared to watch the tragic situation during the period, and the survivors no longer wanted to stay in this miserable city, and scattered in all directions.

Liu County became the first dead city to appear under the iron heels of Cao Jun.

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