Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 246 If Wen Ruo Enraged Cao Cao Zhicai Helplessly Advice

Chapter [-] If the article angers Cao Cao, Zhicai can only advise

Looking at the bloody battlefield in front of him, Cao Bao secretly sighed in his heart, it's a pity!No longer caring about the battle situation at the top of the city, he led a dozen of his personal guards against the surging soldiers, and rushed down the city towards the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Cao Bao clearly knew that Pengcheng would definitely not be able to hold on.No matter how brave and desperate the soldiers are.Xuzhou does not have a good general, which is a fatal flaw.There are fierce generals leading and fierce generals leading the charge, and the effect is not bad at 01:30.

After seeing Cai Dianwei's violent killing methods just now, the wise Cao Bao has long since lost the intention of going up to his death.

"We are the only two brothers in the family, Hongdi has already died fighting for Xuzhou. If something happens to me again, and the Mi family waits on me like this, I am afraid that the Cao family will be completely destroyed soon.

Who would speak up for a family without a man in charge?Unless it's something else.

I think my Cao family is worthy of Xuzhou!Brother Hong died in battle, but Master Tao didn't even let out a fart!It's really chilling.Perhaps for him, only living people have value!In his eyes, the Cao family may not have enough weight!

It's better to arrange things early.Naturally, the most urgent task is to take Mr. Tao, the state shepherd, to evacuate from the east of the city where there is no Cao Jun.As for other civil and military officials, then ask for more benefits!As for what is outside the city, we can only take a step to see. "

It was only when Cao Bao brought Tao Qian to the east gate.However, they found that Chen Deng, Mi's brothers, and some big family chiefs in Pengcheng also arrived by 'just in time' surrounded by their own soldiers.

And when escaping is critical, of course no one will pursue anything.At this time, the entire Pengcheng behind them had fallen into a frenzied fight.When the east gate of Pengcheng opened, everyone rushed out like a flood that opened the gate.

Then there were more than 2 rout soldiers, and finally there were well-informed people who had just learned that the city had fallen.When several people were scrambling to get out of the city, they were overwhelmed and fell down.

And once people fall, no matter whether they are strong or thin, they have no possibility of getting up again.

When the flow of people disappeared, it was originally paved with large stones.In the hard and refreshing city gate passage, a thick layer of blood mud has accumulated.

The panic of being made into dried meat alive and eaten as military rations made people bravely face the tragic end of being trampled into meat paste.

Because there is still a great hope of surviving after fleeing the city, but staying in the city will only end up being cut into pieces by Cao Jun.The precedent of Liu County is there, so that people don't have any hope for their own destiny.

Cao Cao, who was visiting Dianwei's injury, heard that Tao Qian had fled, and knew that Pengcheng had fallen.

Gritting his teeth, he immediately issued the order to massacre the city.The soldiers of Cao Jun, who were brave and tenacious during the siege, suddenly turned into bloodthirsty beasts, and began to massacre the city like Liuxian.

When Cao Jun started a new round of massacres, Cao Cao finally received letters from Yanzhou Xun Yu and Cheng Yu.

In the letter, Xun Yu pointed out fiercely that the mistakes Cao Cao made in the recent battle, and persuaded in detail the great harm that the massacre of the city would do to the reputation of a lord.He even directly suggested the dismissal of Xi Zhicai, an extremely incompetent military adviser who fell into the lord and unrighteousness.

Seeing Cao Cao couldn't help getting angry, if he didn't know Xun Yu's loyalty and worried about the influence of the Xun family.It is really possible for Cao Cao to send guards to kill this outspoken taboo 'Wang Zuozhi'!

This letter also planted a thorn in Cao Cao's heart.In history, it was precisely because Xun Yu was too upright and outspokenly criticized Cao Cao's mistakes. Later, when the political situation was basically stable, Cao Cao really took the step of killing Xun Yu.

Most of the celebrities in the late Han Dynasty were arrogant, and Cao Cao in history has never been soft on these so-called iron-boned celebrities.Killing the edge is just the beginning.

Later, he punished Kong Rong's family, killed the famous scholar Yang Xiu, even borrowed the hands of others to kill Mi Heng and so on.

It all shows that Cao Cao only likes celebrities who do hard work, not those who only know how to be talented all day long and look down on everyone.

And the Xun Yu brothers are very serious people when they do things.That is to say, it is of great use to the Cao Cao Group in the early stage, and it is not like other celebrities who just criticize and do nothing.That's why Cao Cao has always endured his accusations, at most he just heard it.

An angry Cao Cao threw Xun Yu's letter on the ground, Xi Zhicai stepped forward to pick it up, and read it silently.

With a bit of regret, he said: "My lord! Calm down, it's all the subordinate's fault. I didn't think about it so carefully, and let the lord fall into such a passive state."

Cao Cao raised his hand to stop Xi Zhicai from saying: "Zhicai, this has nothing to do with you. This matter was decided after we discussed it repeatedly. He Xun Wenruo only knows how to arrange daily things, but he still doesn't know this. Where do things come from?

He has taken it for granted after reading the sage books.If it weren't for Zhicai's painstaking planning before, everyone in Yanzhou would already be eating each other.How can there be such a stable situation, why should he, Xun Wenruo's husband, go to such pains! "

Xi Zhicai said with a guilty expression: "My lord, Wen Ruo's husband is also thinking about the stability of our Yanzhou here. Please don't complain about Wen Ruo's husband, my lord. It's just that there is no way to have both in this world!

If you want to have enough food without killing people or offending those big clans, there is no way to do it! "

Hearing that Xi Zhicai mentioned the aristocratic family, Cao Cao cursed angrily: "These short-sighted aristocrats only care about their own petty gains. If Yanzhou really has a resurgence of the Yellow Turbans, what means will those aristocratic families have? It's not the same as the previous year Stand still?

They're just a bunch of fools who think they're smart!Zhicai!Sometimes when I think about it, the person you and I have worked so hard for doesn't understand the suffering of us, it really chills me!

If it weren't for worrying about the suffering of the people, I would like to let Yanzhou raise the Yellow Turban again.That's when those idiots know how to regret it! "

Xi Zhicai persuaded with a wry smile: "My lord! Absolutely not. Before thinking about us, I have already loved f8, and I have already fallen in love with you. 蛋打チ别 h carboxy 绱 cough 倮庋振駯赛莫草呵

Doing so will only make us lose this year's harvest. The subordinates really don't want to do things like this again next year, doing things that are against the harmony of nature!What's more, it is not easy for Yanzhou to find so much meat and food as in the past!

Besides, the subordinates have ordered Jiuli Mountain Camp to stop making meat and food!Let Jin Yi and the others start to do something about the aftermath! "

Hearing the tactful persuasion from the military adviser, Cao Cao slightly suppressed his anger: "Zhicai, that's what I said. I wouldn't really act like this! You have worked hard for you in the past two years. Many things can only be done by us. The two are discussing each other! Alas!"

Xi Zhicai was dripping with gratitude, bowed and said, "My lord can understand my subordinate's thoughts, and my subordinate will be very grateful!



Chapter [-] If the article angers Cao Cao, Zhicai can only advise

Chapter [-] If the article angers Cao Cao, Zhicai advises, go to the website

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