Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 259 Liu Bei Enters Xiaopei and Lu Bu Occupies Yanzhou

Chapter [-] Liu Bei enters Xiaopei and Lu Bu occupies Yanzhou

Hearing Chen Deng's tough tone, Xi Zhicai fell silent, as if he was weighing the pros and cons of what he got.

In fact, Xi Zhicai was already very satisfied in his heart. Last night, he just discussed the need to withdraw the army immediately. He only hoped that the Xuzhou army would be happy if they would not be entangled in fighting.

He didn't intend to do this kind of extortion at all, and it was just a brainstorm.To say it casually is to increase the bargaining chip in the negotiation. I didn't expect Xuzhou to agree so readily.

This surprised and delighted Xi Zhicai, who had been entangled with the problem of military rations all day and had a headache.

Surprisingly, this Xuzhou is really rich, and he can easily take out [-] shi, the food that Yanzhou urgently needs.If I knew it earlier, I would have knocked a hundred thousand stones.I am so happy that with the [-] shi of food and grass, Yanzhou's urgent need has finally been solved, and there is no need to reopen the camp at Jiuli Mountain.

"The problem is that I don't know what the situation in Yanzhou is now. Even if Jiulishan wants to reopen, I still don't know whether the control of that piece of land is in my hands. After so long, Jin Yi and the others should have dealt with it cleanly." !"

After thinking for a long time, Xi Zhi pretended to be hesitant and looked back at Cao Cao, as if he had got the master's permission, then turned his head and said to Chen Denglai as if he was sorry.

"Okay! My lord has a big belly and a heart for all people. I don't care about those little things with you. I just hope that you Xuzhou will never do such stupid things again in the future!"

These words were harsh, and it could be said that they were slapping Tao Qian in the face.But Tao Qian and the others felt guilty in their hearts, but they never burst out.No one wants to stand out, and Xi Zhicai cares about whether what he just said is reasonable.

Seeing that no one in Xuzhou raised any objections, Xi Zhicai continued: "Forget it! I can't even argue with you fools. Our army will withdraw after receiving the food and grass you send, and you can do the rest!"

Hearing that Xi Zhicai finally said the words of withdrawing the troops, Tao Qian and the rest of the Xuzhou clan who only wanted to spend their money and eliminate the disaster all breathed a sigh of relief.Hearing the definite news of the truce, some people even prepared to turn their horses and run towards the city.

But Chen Deng stopped them and asked everyone to promise the amount of food donated by the family before they were allowed to return to the city.

In one sentence, to seek peace for the soldiers and civilians in Xuzhou, it cannot be all funded by the family of the state shepherd.This made Liu Bei, who was watching from the sidelines, appreciate Chen Deng's loyalty and skill in handling affairs even more.

Chen Deng took the lead in promising the Chen family to donate ten thousand stones of grain, since there was no need to pay money, it would save a lot of money for the big families.People from other aristocratic families in Xuzhou pledged donations more readily than ever before.

At the end of the day, there was still a surplus of the donated grain, which instead meant that Tao Qian, the state shepherd, needed to contribute grain.

Of course Tao Qian would not agree, so he had no choice but to grab the share of the Chen family's pledge and send people into the city to transport food.Chen Deng, who can't work hard, is of no benefit at all.

It only took half an hour, and the food and grass of each family began to be sent out of the city in a steady stream under the urging of the eager family owners.

Cao Jun, who received the food and grass, also kept his promise and retreated.A war with a strange cause, but also in an inexplicable peace talks, ended hastily.

Seeing Cao Jun's army neatly escorting Xinde's grain to evacuate, everyone in Qingzhou and Xuzhou let out a long breath and completely relaxed.

No longer have to face the threat of death every day.

There is no need to wake up every morning and the first thing is to touch your head to see if your head is still growing on your neck.

You don't have to worry about holding a knife and gun anymore, bite the bullet and stand guard at the top of the city, waiting for Cao Jun to chop off his head and eat it in his stomach.

No need to fight desperately anymore, which is a good thing for everyone.The truce made all the people in Xuzhou dance to celebrate the New Year, and Xuzhou fell into crazy joy.

Three days later, the Qingzhou army returned to the camp with the rich gifts presented by Tao Qian and the big clan.However, Liu Bei refused Tian Kai's order to let him return to the army, and stayed in Xuzhou on the pretext that Guan Yu was inconvenient to move because of his injuries.

Hearing Liu Bei's decision to stay in Xuzhou, Kong Rong looked at Liu Bei thoughtfully, but didn't say a word.For him, where does Liu Bei stay.It didn't have much impact on his North Sea.

It seems that Tian Kai has not realized Liu Bei's plan, so why should he be that talkative gossip.

In the past three days, Liu Bei showed the magnanimity and charm of a generation of enlightened masters, and successfully got along with various families in Xuzhou.

The superhuman bravery of the three brothers was witnessed by thousands of people in the city at that time.Especially Zhang Fei's astonishing spear, but repelled the murderous demon Dian Wei, how many people in the world can have such force.

And isn't what Xuzhou lacks now is such a powerful general?

What's more, the reputation of Liu Bei retiring Cao Cao has been spread among Xuzhou soldiers and civilians.

Its prestige is so high that it even faintly overwhelms the official state shepherd Tao Qian.However, Tao Qian also had eyes for Liu Bei, and he didn't care about Liu Bei's tricks behind his back.He also transferred [-] of the remaining [-] Danyang soldiers to him.

And arranged for the three brothers Liu Bei to settle in Xiaopei, the front line bordering Yanzhou.With the best soldiers in the world, Liu Bei's strength suddenly exploded.Those members of the big clan with keen eyes know that the state shepherd of their family is getting old, and they know that time is long.

He has almost chosen this strange Liu Bei as his successor.

Cao Bao, who originally had some fantasies about the position of state shepherd, saw the situation and felt that he could not be the opponent of any of the three brothers.It can only be dead-hearted, like other family members, wholeheartedly making friends with Liu Bei.

Liu Bei, who came to Xuzhou, deeply felt that the path he chose was so correct that he was like a fish in water.There is no longer the feeling of restraint when he was under senior brother Gongsun Zan.

The feeling of freedom made Liu Bei even more energetic. He knew that Xuzhou must be a blessed place for him to make a fortune.Sure enough, not long after Liu Bei settled in Xiaopei, Tao Qian made a statement to the court and helped Liu Bei get the title of governor of Yuzhou.

Let the heroes of the world fight against each other, but no one pays attention to what the Liangzhou army is doing in Chang'an, Li Jue and others naturally wish for it.As long as someone submits a letter to ask for an official, they will all readily agree, it's just an imperial edict plus a seal.

Liu Bei fulfilled his wish and became the biggest official position in his life.Although the f8 art is not good, the tomb is not good, the shell is boiled, the shell is fishy, ​​and the fish is hopeful.

But when interacting with Xuzhou scholars, the honorific title of "Liu Yuzhou" made Liu Bei's heart float like never before.


Although Xun Yu and Cheng Yu took precautions as much as possible, there was a wave of rebellion in Yanzhou.One day after the news of Cao Jun's massacre of the city spread, it inevitably began.

What Xun Yu and the others who stayed behind were expected, but not completely expected.Chen Gong, an old friend who first supported Cao Cao's rule in Yanzhou, was the first to oppose Cao Cao's rule.

Chen Gong, who was a close friend with Bian Rang, used his powerful persuasive power.With the fate of the whole family and the massacre of Xuzhou, they once again moved the big and small families in Yanzhou.

However, it was the opposite of last time, but he wanted to expel Cao thief who he personally promoted.To Chen Gong, this was considered a sarcasm.

When the insightful people of the big family heard Chen Gong say that after Cao Cao returned to the army from Xuzhou, he would issue an order to seek talents, completely cutting off the path of the bigger family.Finally, he turned his back and joined Chen Deng's rebel camp.

This time, Chen Deng was also worried about Cao Cao's strength. In addition to motivating many aristocratic families, he also contacted Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu, and colluded with Lu Bu, the violent tiger who was hiding in Hanoi, and put a soaring spear behind Cao Cao. Fire up.

Lu Bu was extremely impatient to chat with Zhang Yang, and he was overjoyed when he received Chen Gong's invitation.Immediately, he opened his mouth and borrowed five thousand elite soldiers from Zhang Yang, preparing to march towards Yanzhou quickly.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Lu Bu knows how important it is to have the support of the local gentry to achieve the great cause.How could he, who could only live under the fence all day and was increasingly bored, give up such a good opportunity.

And Zhang Yang, the prefect of Hanoi, who was caught between his subordinates and Lu Bu, was overjoyed when he heard that Lu Bu, a fellow villager, had a way out.He tried his best and mobilized six thousand soldiers and horses to Lu Bu as quickly as possible.

Send this eager brute out of Hanoi.If he stays in Hanoi again, I am afraid that sooner or later there will be a big accident.It is entirely possible to even cause myself to turn against this fellow countryman.

With the strength of the army, Lu Bu joined Zhang Miao, and with the full support of the Yanzhou clan, the soldiers and horses also expanded rapidly.

Under the mediation of many big clans, the county soldiers from all over the country also surrendered one after another, which made Lu Bu's trilogy rapidly expand to [-] troops.The entire Yanzhou fell under the powerful offensive of Lv Bu's army in just half a month.

Except for Dong'e, where Cheng Yu's family was located, under the leadership of Zaozhi, the other big clans who rebelled were wiped out in time, and the city was firmly controlled.In addition to Fancheng behind Juancheng, there are hundreds of cities in the whole prefecture, and only three cities are still holding on.


Gao Shun, who had just returned from Jiangxia, left Brother Xu Ding and Pei Yuanshao behind.He rushed into the meeting hall of the prefect's mansion by himself, only to find that several generals had already gathered here.Gao Shun was so anxious that he didn't even pay attention to the generals who greeted him.

Sun Ce, who was sitting on the master's seat, asked directly, "My lord! Is Cao Cao really going to massacre the city in Xuzhou?"

Sun Ce's eyes lit up when he saw Gao Shun, and he came to greet him personally.

Supporting Gao Shun's strong body with both hands, he said with a smile, "Lieutenant Gao Gao, you are back! Good, very good! This expedition to Jingxiang, you have worked hard! You have done a very good job and strongly supported our army's cavalry raids. Thank you for Xiangyang's plan!"

The three people left behind by Gao Shun were walking into the hall, and their faces were moved when they heard the lord's praise.

He took two steps forward, stood behind Gao Shun, bowed and said, "It's all because the lord is well dispatched, and the last general (subordinate) dare not take credit for it!"

Sun Ce smiled and said, "Hey! You don't need to say too much, credit is credit. The military secretary of the Military Law Department will have a record, and it is your credit that will not miss a point! But if you make a mistake, you will inevitably be invited by the Military Law Department. Spank."


Chapter [-] Liu Bei enters Xiaopei and Lu Bu occupies Yanzhou

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