Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 271 A Chou's First Production Productivity Lujiang's Education and Road Constructi

Chapter [-] A Chou’s Primary Productivity Education and Road Construction in Lujiang

For this expedition, the entire Jiangdong Army was equipped with a large number of wooden oxen invented by A Chou and taught by the craftsman camp.Immediately, the carrying capacity of the entire army increased greatly.

Originally, in this kind of medium-to-close range combat, the supplies transported by one civilian can supply two soldiers, a total of three people.

But if it is a long-distance battle, the supplies transported by one civilian can only barely supply another soldier.

Carrying a heavy burden to move forward, and the civilian husband who consumes a lot of physical strength, is himself a huge consumer of food and grass.

Now that there is a portable and practical wooden ox, the carrying capacity of a peasant is no less than that of an ox cart, and it can already supply enough for ten soldiers.In this way, the longer the march, the more obvious the effect.

The army of food transportation has been greatly reduced. The original 1000 food transportation team can now be guaranteed with only [-] people.After traveling long distances, the food and grass saved by nine thousand people is an astronomical figure.Greatly reduced the pressure on the army's food and grass supply.

Nine thousand civilian husbands stay in place, whether it is used for farming or various constructions, the role they can play is even greater.

Moreover, the lightness and maneuverability of the wooden ox makes its speed much higher than that of the original grain-transporting ox cart.Its one big wheel and the surrounding four thick support rods make it almost impossible to get stuck in mud.

In addition, its key parts use advanced gear transmission, which makes the speed of the wooden ox almost equal to that of soldiers who only march lightly with weapons.The supply of food and grass for the army was completely guaranteed, and the generals once again saw the evildoer of the lord.

Even a random ugly girl is so talented.One after another asked to go back, all of them were replaced with new wooden cattle grain carts.

In the past, the slow speed of their favorite grain ox cart would sink into the mud pit at every turn.In contrast, they can no longer look at it.

It's just that this time the expedition was too hasty, and they had already brought all the newly made wooden cattle from Jiangying.It can only save one-third of the civilian husbands.

Of course, this is quite a huge improvement.In the words of the lord, an ugly girl is worth a powerful food delivery team.

What Sun Ce said to himself in his heart was a famous saying of a great man: "Technology is the primary productive force! Here, A Chou is a huge productive force! It is still necessary to vigorously develop advanced technology! The Three Kingdoms era is really too backward! Electric lights, telephones , What a distant memory of TV!

Today's nightlife can only be mountaineering after returning to the room every night.Fortunately, each mountain has a different beautiful scenery, which makes people never get tired of it.Otherwise, this boring night life will really make people go crazy with depression. "

The Jiangdong army plus the people who transported the grain, [-] troops marched, two hundred miles away, but they had to cross two rivers.It was the turn of spring and summer, and the river was soaring. By the time Sun Ce's [-] troops arrived in Chao County, it was already half a month after they decided to go on an expedition.

Although it took five or six days for the preparation work, it also took eight or nine days for the journey.Such a slow speed of travel made Sun Ce feel that the traffic in this era really needs to be greatly improved.

At this speed, it would only take half a year to travel through all of Lujiang County, let alone a war.It seems that in the south of the Yangtze River, the best time to send troops is the dry season in autumn and winter.

After discussing with Li Ruyi, from now on, bridges and roads will be built in Lujiang, and the Qin Chi Road 400 years ago will be rebuilt.Since the four hundred years of the Han Dynasty, the convenient transportation of the Qin Dynasty has been almost completely destroyed.

Sun Ce, who was used to the highways of later generations, felt that such a slow speed was really unbearable.He wants to build concrete or stone arch bridges over all the big rivers.Let all the counties and counties be connected to the road paved with cement.

Although Sun Ce did not understand the construction methods of modern bridges.But Zhaozhou Bridge, the highest achievement of the ancient arch bridge, has been admired for a long time, and he went to see it in person.As long as the basic drawings are drawn and handed over to the craftsmen who repair the bridge, it is not difficult at all.

The ingenuity of the craftsmen of the ancient Han Dynasty far surpassed that of other civilizations of the same period.What's more, with the guidance of Sun Ce, a cheating device, it's hard to imagine what kind of masterpiece they will make.

Just let Li Tie's craftsmen pull out the steel bars and mix them with sand and stones, which are the few stones needed to make bridges.It can be replaced by standard cement prefabricated parts, which will definitely greatly increase the progress of bridge construction.

And it can save a lot of masons. In fact, in this era without trucks, there is no need to worry about the bridge being crushed.Just add sand and gravel in proportion to the cement, and the arch bridge has the characteristics of strong pressure resistance.

There is enough load-bearing capacity, and the steel bars are not so necessary.Of course, the support with steel bars is stronger and more durable than without.It's just to let Li Tie's craftsman camp do more work. It's better to plan for the long-term to build bridges or something.

And Zulang's side has stopped cement production after the cottage was built.Now not only can not stop production, but also a large number of expansion.A single Lujiang River may consume tens of thousands of tons of cement.

With sufficient food supply and wages, workers are not a problem at all in this era of exiles.

In the military camp outside the city of Chao County, Li Ru returned to his chair after sending out the secret letter sent to the cottage by Fei Nu.

Now under the careful training of several young Taoist priests according to the training method taught by Sun Ce.In addition, Zuo Ci, the 'natural enemy' who often likes to eat one, does not exist.

The number of pigeons that can send letters has grown to nearly a hundred.Basically, it can meet the military communication needs in various parts of Lujiang.

Li Ru looked at the lord sitting in the handsome seat with a smile: "My lord can rebuild the way, it is really a great thing for the country and the people!"

Sun Ce thought strangely: "I am a latecomer. I know very well that the key to a strong country lies in education and road construction. Only when these two foundations are developed, coupled with strong industrial and commercial support, can a country be truly strong. These , Does the military division also know?"

Thinking of this, Sun Ce said with a smile: "Military commander, after Lujiang is pacified, what we have to do is not only to build roads. We also need to rebuild academies at all levels, so that all our children in Lujiang can go to school for free and become successful. Opportunity.

You see, ten years from now, there will be no Bai Ding in my Jiangdong military land. In 20 years, our talents in Lujiang will be all over the world.As for 30 years later, lol!Commander, you will see! "

Hearing the master's grand vision, Li Ru, a man of insight who is used to seeing big scenes, let out a heavy breath.

&nbff8sp;There was a look of longing on his face: "My lord's great plans and wishes are truly a blessing for all people in the world! But to run a school of this scale, the large number of books alone is a big problem, and the money and energy that needs to be invested is really inhuman can imagine.

In addition to rebuilding Chidao, I am afraid that I will spend decades of financial resources in Lujiang!My lord, please think again!Besides, the children from the farm are so useful, those foolish people may not be willing to send their children to study. "

Sun Ce smiled mysteriously: "Military teacher! If you have a limited supply, all kinds of books that are almost free. Do you still think that this society is difficult to manage? The address of the academy or something, just choose some vacant secluded houses of some big families to buy can!"

"Think about the New Farming Policy that I have started in Lujiang, plus we don't have to hand over any harvest this year. In just one year, the output of more than [-] soldiers and civilians can basically feed our entire county for three years.

By this autumn, Lujiang will be able to fundamentally solve the food problem.

Think about it, military commander, if the academy provides the children who come to study, each of them will have a free lunch every day.

Haha, is there anyone who would not like to come to study?Of course, we have set up an assessment mechanism. If someone fails to pass, they have to spend their own money to study.At least children from poor families will not miss the opportunity to study. "

Li Ru frowned slightly: "Free lunch, this is a good way to attract students! But free books, could it be donated by some big family? Impossible! Such a large supply of books is simply beyond the reach of a few big families. .

I'm afraid it will cost all the power of all the big families in Jiangdong, my lord, don't be deceived by others! "

Hearing the military adviser's worry, Sun Ce almost burst into tears with laughter: "Don't worry, the military adviser, the person who donated the book is myself, can I still lie to myself? Haha!"

Li Ru, who had always been calm, pointed at Sun Ce in shock and said, "My lord, how can you be so rich? Could it be that Chunjiu Wuliangye is really so profitable? My God! How long has it been? My lord, you, are you really rich?" It is the biggest profiteer of the big man!"

Looking at the shocked military adviser, Sun Ce rubbed his nose with a wry smile, and thought to himself: "This Li Ru is too outspoken! Fortunately, he is only the biggest profiteer, and he almost became the big traitor in his mouth!"

At the moment, he no longer defended himself, but just smiled and said: "Okay! As long as you know about this matter, military commander, don't spread it out for now. We will arrange it after we return to Shu County. Right now, we still have to clear up Zheng Bao and others. "

Only then did Li Ru understand, and thought to himself: "When did this Bofu learn to brag! Probably he also knew that the words were too full, and he was afraid that he would not be able to take them back, so he told me not to spread them! Yes, it must be!

No matter how rich you are, how can these hundreds of thousands of books be completed in a short period of time!This time the lord's cowhide is really huge! "

After thinking clearly about the joints, Li Ru finally calmed down the emotions that were rarely out of control.

"My lord! Zheng Bao has been reported to you by his subordinates before. It's just that most of his ten thousand subordinates are local fishermen in Chaohu Lake, and almost everyone can sail a boat. It can be said that he is a natural sailor! I thought it was best to subdue them, not destroy them!"

Sun Ce immediately understood, and said happily: "Yes! Use them to form our navy. Xingba is also here, let him be the commander of the navy. If it is suitable, we can let this Zheng Bao be the deputy commander of our navy. ! The military division’s arrangement is indeed good!”

Li Ru smiled modestly: "This is all the successful method I learned from my lord, and my subordinates dare not take credit for it! But if this Zheng Bao surrendered to our army, he should be transferred to another place for employment. In case there is him around, Xing Ba can't subdue this group of lake bandits in a short time."


Chapter [-] A Chou’s Primary Productivity Education and Road Construction in Lujiang

Chapter [-] A Chou’s education and road construction in Lujiang, the first productive force, go to the website

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