Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 275

Chapter Twenty Seventy-Five

Also in Lujiang, Zheng Bao, who was well-informed, of course knew that Shu County, which was not far away, had been captured by Sun Ce, and knew that the entire Lu family had surrendered to Sun Ce.

When Lu Jia, an 'acquaintance' who had been with him several times before, came to seek refuge, Zheng Bao took him in without hesitation.

Although he didn't know why Lu Jia didn't surrender with his family, as long as it was good for this person, for himself, and for the great cause of Chao County, he didn't care what the reason was.

Zheng Bao looked at the somewhat thin Lu Jia, and thought without malice in his heart: "Maybe someone from his grandson's family robbed his wife!"

Hearing what Lu Jia said, Sun Ce was just a young boy.Zheng Bao, who had been a lake bandit all his life, suddenly became ambitious.Six hundred miles away, Chaohu Lake was already too small to hold his thoughts.

Zheng Bao already longed for a bigger territory in his heart, that is, the entire Lujiang River.Therefore, when Lu Jia suggested that Zheng Bao should be the prefect so that he could fight against Sun Ce, he agreed without hesitation.

And immediately sent his subordinates to buy government offices, official robes, official seals, etc.Under the guidance of Lu Jia, he became the self-appointed governor of Chaohu in a decent manner.

Looking at the enraged Zheng Bao, Lu Jia smiled darkly: "Prefect Zheng, it's just that you underestimated the enemy this time. It's not a big deal if you say you lost the battle.

The subordinates didn't want to doubt Gan Ning, but just after he joined our army, Sun Ce suddenly attacked him.Don't the prefect feel a little strange? "

The proud Zheng Bao said disdainfully: "It's just that those of you who have read a lot of books have a lot of eyes, and you will come up with some bad things if you are good. Thinking about the Jinfan Xia of Xingba who ruled the river for several years, someone has already heard.

This time, because of the frenzied encirclement and suppression of the water brothers by the Xiangyang navy, his Jin Fanxia retreated to our Jianghuai after suffering heavy losses.Coupled with the fact that he is unfamiliar with the place, he wants to join our army!What is there to doubt!Lu Jia, you are simply worrying about nothing! "

After speaking, he came up with a common idiom that he could use, satirized Lu Jia as a talented person, and nodded triumphantly.As if nodding can increase his persuasiveness.

"I think he was affected by that boy Sun Ce's sneak attack on Xiangyang this time. How could he help that Sun Bofu who caused him a lot of trouble? You must be thinking too much!"

Lu Jia still kept his smile just now: "What the prefect said makes sense! In fact, my subordinates are not worried that Gan Ning will help the kid of the Sun family. If it is too big, it will have the ambition to dominate Chaohu Lake!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Jia closed his mouth, smiled enigmatically, and looked at Zheng Bao.He believes that this rough bandit leader will understand what he means. If he doesn't understand this, he really has been a lake bandit for more than ten years in vain.

Sure enough, Zheng Bao thought for a while, finally nodded heavily, and said in a low voice: "This Xingba has long been known as a chivalrous man among our brothers who live on the water. tight.

In the half month since he came to Shuizhai, he has been very supported by his brothers.If you didn't tell Lu Jia, the prefect didn't notice either.Now that I think about it carefully, it seems that those [-] strong men under him are really trying to make friends with those brothers in the water village!This is not good! "

Seeing that Zheng Bao understood what he meant, Lu Jia sneered at the bandit leader contemptuously in his heart.

"These lake bandits and river bandits are all vulgar people, and they think they are chivalrous! How did you go through such intrigues! Think Gan Ning is the boss of the river, and he is also a series of gangsters who have ruled the river for many years characters.

I think he is also a person who is used to being the boss!Now that he was forced to come to this lake to be someone else's subordinate, how could he be willing?Now that he has just arrived, he may be fine, but it will take time for him to gain a firm foothold.

There will be a fight between these two.This is a real battle between two dragons!

But no matter which one of you wins, as long as you can help me fight that boy Sun Ce.It would be nice to change to a stronger commander, as long as it can cause more trouble for that boy Sun Ce. "

But he comforted Zheng Bao and said: "Master Taishou, that Gan Ning is new here, but we need to worry that he will rebel soon. His foundation is still young, so he should not make any big moves right now to threaten your status, sir.

Lord Taishou just feel free to use him, but he can't let him make great achievements, so that all the brothers will be convinced by him!

Hearing Lu Jia's suggestion, Zheng Bao nodded solemnly convinced and said: "Zheng Bao has memorized what the military adviser said, but that bastard Liu Xun makes me angry when I think about it, I really want to chop him up with a knife That's good!

But if he really wanted to kill him, his five thousand subordinates would be troublesome again!What a headache! "

Lu Jia smiled again: "Your Majesty, don't be impatient. As for that Liu Xun, it's not a big problem at all! I think the water in Chaohu Lake is very humid and full of miasma. As long as he dies of a sudden illness, those of his Do you still have any questions?"

Hearing his plan, Zheng Bao was startled and said: "You military adviser, you really have one idea when you smile, and another idea when you laugh. I find that the happier you smile, the more vicious your plan is. How can I really say hello to you!"

You scribes who have read a lot of books, you all talk nicely, but you really don’t have a good thing in your stomach! "

However, Lu Jia said with a respectful face: "Your Excellency, you are overwhelmed! This subordinate just wants to plan for Your Excellency, and I dare not not do my best!"

The two traitors who had completed their plan looked at each other, and they both burst out laughing tacitly.

After laughing, Lu Jia said again: "My lord, the Chaohu County is now established. We should recruit talents and generals to increase our own strength. This will allow us to have the capital to resist that kid Sun Ce. "

Zheng Baowei pondered for a while, and immediately thought of a person: "Speaking of talents, there is a scholar named Liu Ye and Liu Ziyang on the ground of Chaohu Lake. really!

Calculated, he should be from Chengde, but his Liu family's fields are all in our Chao County.He himself lived in a farm outside the city all the year round.

The official asked someone to invite him last time, but he refused.It seems that if you want to make a big deal, this scribe is still indispensable!This time, I will send someone to find him again. If he doesn't come again, I will send someone to ransack his house and tie him to Chao County. "

Hearing the domineering words of the bandit leader, Lu Jia sighed helplessly in his heart: "Ah! This kind of ordinary person who has never read the sage books can only be a lake bandit for the rest of his life. He is talented and famous, so he must have arrogance. yield.

You tied him here, how could he really convince you!Even if someone is kidnapped by you, in the end, most of them are trying to play tricks on you.How can I want to help you wholeheartedly like me! "

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