Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 305

Chapter [-] Bo'an Hastily Sieges the City

Gongsun Fan took the order and was about to turn around and go out in a hurry.Chang Shi Guanjing, who was also in military uniform, rushed in hastily.

Guan Jing, who always liked to wear Confucian uniforms, was suddenly inspired by poetry today, and changed into military uniforms on a whim.I went to the city wall to see the scenery, which is rare once a year, but I saw the pioneer cavalry of Ji County who came to attack the city.

The grand scene of thousands of horses galloping is really a spectacular scenery that is rare for ordinary people to see in a thousand years.Shocked, Guan Jing almost jumped down from the city, and ordered the guards to close the city gate tightly.He went straight to the temporary general's mansion without stopping, and wanted to report the alarm to the lord.

The two who came in and went out were full of bumps, Guan Jing was a scribe after all, even though he was in military uniform he was just a scholar who was strong on the outside but capable on the inside.He was bumped by the strong Gongsun Fan and sat on the ground outside the door.

He didn't have time to touch the sore spot, so he simply sat on the ground, panting and yelling to report.

"General! The general is not good. Just now, when my subordinates were patrolling the city, they saw Xian Yufu and Qi Zhou, the officers in Youzhou, leading a large number of cavalry to surround our city! It seems that there are at least five thousand Ride above!"

Hearing the warning, Gongsun Zan asked Guan Jing with some reluctance: "This is terrible! Shiqi, have they surrounded the gates on both sides? Can the north gate be rushed out?"

"Looking at the situation, it should be! This subordinate rushed to the general's mansion just now, and saw that Qi Zhou had dispatched a cavalry force and headed for the city gate to the north. This subordinate came rushing from the top of the city, and they should have sealed off at this moment." Live at the North City Gate!"

The distraught Gongsun Zan sat down on the newly bought armchair, muttering to himself in a low voice.

"Damn Liu Bo'an, it seems that he has already intended to plot against me, and the speed of sending troops is so fast! Is the sky going to kill me?"

Gongsun Fan and Gongsun Ji asked at the same time, "What should I do? Brother!"

Seeing that everyone was looking at him with hope, Gongsun Zan's calm mentality cultivated through years of fighting finally took effect.

He said with hatred: "What are you afraid of! Don't panic, everyone. I think back then, this general led fifty cavalry, and he could kill him three times out of thousands of cavalry. What's more, these mob soldiers from Youzhou County. You don't need to Worry!"

Everyone was a little dazed, and thought: "That's right! You are a general with high martial arts skills. Even if you have thousands of troops, you can kill three in and three out. But what should we do? We are not as brave as you!

You must know that half of the knights who charged with you at that time failed to come back. Do you want us to be the other half who died in battle?But this time it is an army of one hundred thousand, one hundred thousand!It's just that there are five thousand cavalry outside right now.

If you really rush out, I'm afraid that none of them will survive.What's more, you are old now, and it is not certain whether you can be impulsive! "

When the chaotic crowd hesitated for a moment, the opportunity to break through had already been missed.After a while, the guards at the city gate came to report.

"General! The infantry of Liu Yu's army has also arrived, and they surrounded the city to death! That Liu Yuzhou shepherd shouted from the city, wanting to talk to the general! I guess he wants you to leave the city and surrender!"

Anger rose in Gongsun Zan's heart in vain, and with a bah, he greeted, "Brothers, we will meet Liu Bo'an, an old man when we go up to the tower! I really don't believe that a cowardly old bastard in this life can turn the world upside down!" !"

Gongsun Zan screamed fiercely, but few of the brothers around him responded vigorously.

Everyone knew that this time it might really be something bad.These people who are staying in the city now are all the closest confidantes of General Fenwu.If Liu Yu breaks the city, I'm afraid none of them will end well.

However, this small temporary fortress was not considered a city at all.To put it bluntly, it's just a stronger wall.As long as people outside the city charge, they can climb to the top of the city.After all, this small town just wanted to live temporarily.

It is convenient for Gongsun Zan to command the army and collect food and grass.I didn't even prepare any fire oil for defense, Lei Mu.Even the bows and arrows are still the ones that were originally carried on horseback, and they can shoot and kill several people.

There must be at least [-] people outside the city, and it is true that one person can drown a person with a mouthful of saliva.

As soon as Gongsun Zan and the others appeared at the top of the city, Liu Yu immediately saw this thorn in his side.In the past, he had nothing to do with the arrogant Gongsun Zan, but today he feels extremely elated.

All the grievances he had suffered in the past two years seemed to radiate from his chest in an instant.

Finally, Liu Yu, who was in a happy mood, called out to the group of people standing on the low wall above with a hearty voice that had never been seen before.

"Gongsun Bogui, our army from Youzhou came here today to suppress the subordinates of the disobedient ministers. You still have to leave the city and surrender. If you take the initiative to admit your mistake in front of this official, I am a lenient person. You can still see it For the sake of my colleagues in the past few years, I will spare you my death.

At most, you can go to the imperial court and take away your position as General Fenwu.You just go home and be a wealthy farmer, that's a good end! "

Looking at the triumphant Liu Yu, Gongsun Zan, who was bullied by his old enemy, almost burst into flames in his heart.

I secretly said in my heart: "With your current face, if I put down my weapon and fall into your hands, I'm afraid I will die as ugly as it is! You look like a hypocrite, will you be deceived by me when you are a hypocrite?" ?”

Years of fighting between life and death gave Gongsun Zan the good habit of keeping calm at critical moments.When he carefully looked at Liu Yu's rear army who had already started camping, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he already had calculations in his heart.

Somewhat humbly said to Liu Yu: "Master Liu, why did you misunderstand your subordinates so much. It's getting late today, can you please forgive me for one night, and tomorrow morning, my subordinates will definitely give you an answer!"

The subordinates around him were all shocked and shouted: "Brother (General)! We can't surrender!"

It was the first time in the past two years that Gongsun Zan called himself Lord Liu so respectfully.Liu Yu's heart was almost full of pride. He knew that Gongsun Zan, who had always been arrogant, was frightened by his [-] troops and wanted to surrender.

It was Liu Yu's wish to win Gongsun Zan without a fight.This gave Liu Yu, who had never had the upper hand since his dispute with Gongsun Zan, a great sense of accomplishment.Still, a man with military power is stronger and speaks with more confidence!

Looking at the sky proudly, it was indeed a bit dim, and said in a tone of reward, "Okay! Gongsun Bogui! Today, I will temporarily rest outside the city. I hope to see you lead the people out of the city to surrender early tomorrow morning!"

The powerful Liu Yu didn't worry about what kind of tricks Gongsun Zan could play.Unless he can really count one as a hundred, but even if he can, what about his subordinates, who can?It is simply impossible for every soldier to be able to count as a hundred.

Looking at Liu Yu who laughed triumphantly and left, Gongsun Zan cupped his hands in disapproval, and led his men down the city.

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