Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 4 Becoming Sun Ce at the Beginning of Traveling

Volume 4 Returning to the Three Kingdoms for the First Time] Chapter [-] Becoming Sun Ce at the Beginning of Traveling

"I think so too."

Sun Wushou nodded seriously, and received: "From your father's accidental death in battle, to you, to Zhou Yu, followed by Lu Su, Lu Meng and Lu Xun. Almost every lord and governor is An untimely death, an abnormal death!"

"It's either an accident or a sudden illness. Few of them died under normal circumstances. It's okay to say one or two, almost all of them are like this. There are also many generals and counselors who also died in such unreasonable ways. In other words, there are many abnormal deaths."

"If you say that there is no mastermind behind this, I wouldn't believe it if you beat him to death! This has a great impact on the great cause of our Soochow. It's just that the history books are all vague, and no one knows what's hidden behind it. What is the real inside story?"

Hearing this, Sun Ce also became enraged and said, "Gongjin was also caught by them, I don't know if you don't tell me, there are so many things! They are tearing down my pillars and destroying my foundation! His heart It's so sinister! What the hell is Zhongmou doing? I'm afraid more than one hand is doing these things behind this!"

Xiaosun couldn't help being startled, "Oh my god! It seems that this trip to the Three Kingdoms is quite risky. I'll be the first to go!

I'm afraid that as soon as it appears, it will be targeted by many shotguns, no, bird bows!It seems that I have to think of a way, first protect myself, this little bird!Otherwise——, I can even imagine the pitiful appearance of a bird being shot by random arrows and flying all over the sky.This kind of fate is too tragic! "

Sun Ce pondered for a moment and said, "You can deal with this matter slowly after you go, but it's useless to think about it now. You still need to recruit more talents. Whether it's a commoner or a gentry, as long as it can be used by you, you must firmly grasp it." Grasp it firmly. You, a modern person, should understand this truth more deeply than I do. Only with a large and sufficient number of talents can we have a bright future!"

"Oh, I wrote it down. That's right! Knowledge is the primary productive force. This has been verified by the great exhibitions of the modern world, and it is absolutely the truth." Xiao Sun had no other response except for nodding his head in agreement.They are all good words of gold, so keep them in mind!

"I don't have anything else to say. Everything depends on your own creation. The time is coming. I will open the gap in time and space and you can get out. My divine power will directly send you to my time and space before 18 in the body!

According to my calculation, it was about 7 to 8 days before my assassination, so you can get acquainted with my body.Then you should be able to avoid that assassination, if you really can't avoid it, as long as you don't drink that bowl of "medicine"!But I think, this will be a series of actions against me, and there may be another trick. It seems that someone wants me to die! "

"Finally, I have a 'private' request. When you get to the past, you must treat every family member well. No matter what the situation is, don't hurt your relatives! I don't want to see flesh and blood fratricide! do you understand?"

Seeing Sun Wushou nodding his head blankly, he said again: "Especially to Da Qiao! Help me fulfill my promise to her, that is what I owe her! Alas! Reminiscing about the past always makes me feel very touched! I am sorry for her, you just Love her for me! Her name is Qiao Liang, and I call her Moon Moon in private."

"Da, Daqiao! I'm going to be Daqiao's husband. (Daqiao's husband is really awkward. Although I know that their surname is Qiao, but according to modern habits, they will still be called Daqiao in the future!) The second most beautiful in the world "Female"!? I'm not ready! I don't know if my immature heart can bear it, oh my God. He dances too fast!"

Xiao Sun murmured involuntarily: "Why does great happiness always come so suddenly?"

"Get out of here!"

At this time, a huge vortex suddenly appeared on the top of the quiet room, and a golden energy instantly surrounded Sun Wushou.

And quickly threw him into the center of the vortex, and after a bang, Sun Wushou disappeared into this space!The moment he entered the vortex of the gap in time, he clearly saw a handsome face with red veins all over his forehead!

Sun Wushou thought, Sun Ce must be angry, eh!Should be very angry!

It feels good but it feels like a moment, and it feels like thousands of years have passed.During this period, he only felt that the pressure on his soul was getting bigger and bigger, and his soul was getting smaller and smaller, and it was almost the size of a sesame seed. It seemed that he still existed, but he didn't seem to exist anymore.

There are countless needles piercing the whole soul!Sun Wushou wanted to yell but couldn't make a sound at all.The feeling in the soul is like the creaking sound of glass that is about to be crushed.Ah, what a pain!

"Is this time-traveling? I don't want to wear it anymore. God, why do other people's time-traveling seem so easy. Once you close your eyes, open them again, and it's done with a whoosh. Why is my time-traveling so painful? I wanted to travel vigorously, but not like this, it seemed that I was about to be destroyed without sound, oh my god, I suddenly thought, it couldn’t be that old Sun Ce made a mistake!”

At the moment when Sun Wushou felt that he was about to collapse, he finally found that he had entered a new space. With a bang, his soul instantly disintegrated into several fragments, occupying and melting into this entire space, and then dividing each other.

Sun Wushou knew that he had finally arrived at the station in its entirety, and had not been crushed into powder by the powerful space-time pressure. From now on, Sun Ce was him, he was Sun Ce!And this new Sun Ce will definitely fly higher and better than the old Sun Ce!

Before he fell into a "coma", he only thought of one thing that made him happy, "God bless! I finally became Sun Ce. It really is hard to be the best! My dear Da Qiao , I’m here! I’m going to enter the "bridal" room with you tonight. Otherwise, I’m sorry for the hardship I’ve suffered! Rolling and compressing, I’m coming to see you even if I’m crushed to pieces!”

What Xiao Sun didn't hear was that in the distant time-space management office, Sun Ce murmured to himself alone: ​​"Oops, I was a little dizzy when I was angry for a while, and the energy added to that brat's soul is a bit too much. But Will it not cause bad consequences?

However, it would be better to let that angry kid suffer a little bit.Ignore him, look at his own good fortune!I believe that since heaven has given me this opportunity, everything will be decided by God.I'm still doing my own thing. "

After an unknown amount of time, Xiao Sun's consciousness finally began to wake up gradually. He wanted to open his eyes, but found that his eyelids felt like a heavy weight.

And the body does not seem to be his own.That's right, it wasn't my own.The veins all over his body seemed to be pulled by countless villains, and the pain was terribly painful.I can't even use the slightest bit of strength in my hands and feet.

"What's going on? Is this a sequelae of time travel? Could it be that he's still a little uncomfortable with Sun Ce's body? Didn't Sun Ce say that his body will be completely open to me and cooperate with my entry!"

"Oh, maybe, maybe, maybe there is still a process of adaptation! After all, this is my first time travelling, so of course I'm a rookie, and I have to learn all my experience from scratch!"

There is no way, in order to see the dear and beautiful Da Qiao sooner, Comrade Xiao Sun can only keep working hard.In my heart, I was thinking about Da Qiao, Da Qiao!

Finally, with Da Qiao's "spiritual" support, he finally opened his heavy eyelids, and opened his pure eyes for the first time in this world of the Three Kingdoms.

"My God, it's so blue! The mountains are so green! What a beautiful view! It's an authentic and original ecological beauty. Hmm! Something's wrong, why is the scenery still shaking up and down!"

"Is it because my eyes haven't adjusted well, I'm a little dizzy? Or are you sitting in a rocking chair?"

Xiao Sun blinked vigorously, no, the scenery is still so fresh and beautiful.

"Could it be that my Da Qiao saw that I was too bored staying at home, so he took me out for an outing. By the way, Da Qiao?"

At this moment, a slightly hoarse voice came from beside him, "Eldest Young Master, you are awake, Cheng Gong, come quickly, Eldest Young Master has finally woken up. That's great."

At the same time, he had a face that was not considered handsome, like a long pancake.Appearing in the vision of the new Sun Ce, there are a few small red beans roughly dotted on his face.

Sun Ce moaned from the bottom of his heart: "Ah! Why is there always such a big gap between ideal and reality? Shouldn't Da Qiao be by my side at this time?"

"I'm a wounded man! God, you play me too much! What I long to see is my beautiful big Joe, not the big cake in front of me. Although I am also very hungry now, I can't take him as a meal. !"

Sun Ce subconsciously asked, "Da Qiao? Where is Da Qiao? Where is Da Qiao?"

The big pie-faced man froze, "Big bridge, there is no big bridge here at all. Eldest son, we just crossed a small bridge. That bridge is just built on a small river ditch. It's very small, and it can only accommodate one person." If two people can't walk side by side, it doesn't look like a bridge at all!

Hey, how do you know we just crossed the bridge!Oh, sir, you woke up just now, didn't you?It's a good thing you wake up!We are all very worried about you! "

Slightly calmed down, "Why come to Tang Seng! Please don't 'fuck' any more, okay?"

Xiao Sun's mind immediately appeared the comprehensive information of the man with a big pie face in front of him, "Sun He, whose name is Bohai. He was born in the Guyu family. Later, because of Sun Ce's love, he was given the surname Sun. He was Sun Jian's confidant when he was young. Sun Ce traveled to the east, and followed Sun Ce to conquer Wu and Hui. From then on, he challenged Yuan Shu. , lead the left and right soldiers in the rear, know the internal affairs, and treat them as the confidant."

At this time, a few men of different heights and in tattered military uniforms surrounded him.They said in a hurry, "The eldest son has woken up. That's great. It's really auspicious people have their own faces!"

"The eldest son is such a good person, God really opened his eyes!"

"General Polu has a soul in heaven, and he will definitely bless the eldest son to be fine!"

So many people know me.In other words, from now on, I officially entered the Three Kingdoms era and became Sun Ce and Sun Bofu!

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