Daqian deposed the crown prince, and the emperor begged him to stop rebelling

Chapter 54: The Slippery and Unrelenting Fighting Style

Chapter 54: The Slippery and Unrelenting Fighting Style

Wugutu's eyes were bloodshot as he looked at the grassland with withered grass in the distance, his anger evident on his face.

For several days, he was pursued relentlessly.

This group of enemies is very cunning, just like the most ferocious wolves on the grassland!

After withdrawing troops from outside Tiangu Pass, the enemy attacked him fiercely with his Barbarian King's banner.

Soon, other barbarian tribes discovered this, and many tribes with ulterior motives quickly distanced themselves from the Barbarian King.

The grassland is a world where only the strong reign supreme, and the Barbarian King is not hereditary.

Just like a pack of wolves, once the king becomes weak, others will take his place.

If the battle is going well, the other tribes will naturally appear loyal and gather closely under the banner of the Barbarian King.

However, when the barbarian soldiers' camps were burned and tens of thousands of troops were forced to flee, the enemy was chasing the barbarian king and biting him, it was inevitable that these other tribes would have some small ideas.

At this time, they did not dare to turn the tables and kill the Barbarian King to take the position of grassland overlord themselves.

But they really wanted to let the enemy attack the Barbarian King, constantly weaken the Barbarian King's strength, and then find ways to reap the benefits and strengthen their own tribe.

Therefore, although Wugutu had gathered tens of thousands of barbarian soldiers, after a night of surprise attack and relentless pursuit, Wugutu was soon left with only less than 10,000 people from his own tribe.

During the day the pursuit slackened somewhat.

Wugutu was about to issue an order to summon other tribes to join him, but the Great Snow Dragon Cavalry and Wei Wuzu quickly turned their spearheads and fiercely attacked the tribes that came to join them.

Their purpose is simple, to beat anyone who dares to come!

These great snow dragon riders come and go like the wind, and their combat effectiveness is extremely strong, much stronger than the tiger and leopard riders of the Qian Kingdom.

Other small tribes were quickly scared away by them.


They just saw that the enemy was still biting the Barbarian King, so they immediately made an excuse to leave!

At night, the Snow Dragon Riders launched a surprise attack under the cover of darkness.

It’s still the same old routine, burning the camps and charging with cavalry.

Although the Wugutu tribe had gained experience in preventing night attacks after the battle outside Tiangu Pass, they were unfortunately too fast and had too much attack power, and almost everyone carried a can of kerosene during the night attacks.

Once they get close, they will burn the tents. If the barbarians can withstand their attack, they will turn around and leave, and then continue to attack at another time and angle.

If the barbarian army's defense line is broken, they will march straight in and attack the barbarian king's tent.

After a few days, the Wugutu tribe was exhausted, unable to sleep well at night and felt listless during the day.

Even many of the small tribes directly under Wugutu left quietly.

In the past, following the Khan meant eating meat, but now following the Khan means only suffering.

Moreover, once they left the Khan, the other side would no longer attack. Even a fool could see this situation!
Therefore, when they reached three hundred miles away from the Great Wall, the tribesmen around Wugutu Khan, including the elderly and the weak, were less than five thousand people!
At night, he didn't even dare to set up the Barbarian King's tent.

The Barbarian King’s tent was ten feet wide and it took half a day just to build it.

As soon as you finish setting it up, the enemy comes to attack and throws oil cans at you.

What the hell is this?
Thinking of this, Wugutu's teeth were almost broken by sweat.

He had never seen such a tough enemy.

In the past, Qian State and even Yong State always adopted a defensive stance when facing barbarian soldiers. All their forces relied on the beacon towers and forts on the Great Wall to form the first line of defense, and then built strong passes at key nodes to resist the attacks of the barbarian soldiers.

This was the first time that someone had penetrated deep into the grassland and launched a fierce attack on the Barbarian King's troops. Everyone was a little uncomfortable with this sudden move, even the Barbarian King Wugutuhan couldn't stand it.

Although he still had thousands of barbarians around him, the enemy did not engage in a head-on battle with him. Instead, they adopted a bloodletting tactic of constant harassment, biting and tearing, which made him very uncomfortable.

This is a tactic that only horse bandits on the grassland like to use. How come these Qian people have learned it too?

So hateful!

As he was thinking, he suddenly heard a sharp military bugle call from a distance.

Different from the barbarians' bullhorns, this is a military bugle similar to a suona, and the tone it produces is sharp and loud.

Especially when charging at night, the enemy likes to blow this kind of bugle.

In the dark, moonless night, the high-pitched and stirring charge horn sounded like the roar of a devil waving his sickle in excitement, making people shudder.

When many barbarians heard this horn sound, they couldn't help but get goose bumps on their bodies and raised their heads nervously to look towards the source of the horn sound.

In the distance, there was a rider standing alone on the grass.

That's an enemy scout.

The sound of the horn he blew was different from the charge during the night raid. It was a very long and monotonous note, as if telling his comrades that the Barbarian King was under control.

Wugutu stamped his feet fiercely and roared:
"Whoever goes up and captures this trumpeter, I will make him a centurion and give him twenty slaves as a reward!"

Wugutuhan hated the bugler to the core and had already made up his mind that if he caught the bugler, he would insert the bugle into his body, then hang him up, sprinkle him with salt and cumin, roast him over a low fire, and finally chop him into pieces with a knife!

At this time, Helian Chu beside him shook his head and sighed softly:
"Great Khan, why bother getting angry with him!"

The grassland is flat and has a panoramic view.

Although the trumpeter seemed very close, he was actually at least several miles away from them!
Once the barbarians set out, the bugler will quickly turn around and leave. If a small team goes out to pursue them, the other side will send out a large group of troops to stop them, and by then many barbarians will be left behind.

If a large army moves out together, the enemy will temporarily hide and wait until night to attack again.

This style of play is extremely slippery and relentless.

It's like a heavyweight boxer weighing several hundred pounds, facing a smaller guy with a nimble body and a sharp blade in his hand. You can't hit him with your powerful attack, but he moves around you in a coquettish way, causing you to bleed continuously!

This kind of guerrilla tactics was what the barbarians were best at in the past.

Now the Qian people suddenly used this trick, but they were using their own method to return the favor, making Wugutuhan extremely miserable!


At this time, a fat man next to him walked over.

The fat man had a shaved head and his upper body was round like a balloon, but his two long legs were not too thick. His body proportions were completely unbalanced, and he looked like two balls, one big and one small, stacked together with two sticks stuck underneath.

This person is called Tuliu, and he is a think tank figure in the Barbarian King tribe.

"For now, why don't we return to Langjuxu Mountain?"

Langjuxu Mountain is Wugutu Khan's base, where he has tens of thousands of followers.

Moreover, it is close to Langjuxu Mountain, and the city can rely on the danger of the mountain to defend itself, which can completely break the enemy's harassment tactics.

After arriving there, Wugutu Khan could completely rely on the terrain to repel or even eliminate the enemy, and then gather other tribes on the grassland to restore his former strength.

Hearing his words, Wugutuhan frowned and pondered for a while, gritted his teeth and glared at the Great Snow Dragon Rider in the distance, and said in a deep voice:
"Let's follow Tuluwu's method and return to Langjuxu Mountain!"

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(End of this chapter)

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