Chapter 58 Hu Xuan Dance

Seeing Naha walking up to Li Mu with a wooden tray containing fine wine and lamb heart, Wu Zuo, his father Wuliman, Shen Pingan, Wang Bing and others couldn't help but smile knowingly.

As the crown prince of the Daqian royal family, Li Mu is naturally very handsome.

Although he suffered a lot in the death row camp and was exposed to a lot of wind and frost in Mobei, his facial features became deeper and clearer, and his brows showed more vicissitudes of life and a heroic and decisive killing spirit.

Which woman would not be moved by a man like this?

Therefore, just now several women from the White Wolf Tribe had brought him the Lamb's Heart.

But although Li Mu drank the fine wine they offered him, he did not eat a single bite of the tender and delicious lamb heart they sent him.

This represents the love of the tribal women, and you can only accept one.

If you accept the lamb-heartedness of a tribal woman but walk into a yurt with another woman, it means the greatest humiliation to her.

The most strong-willed tribal women may even die in front of your tent door.

And her people will regard you as their mortal enemy and will fight you to the death!
In fact, the women who just brought the Lamb's Heart were all very beautiful, and each was beautiful in her own way.

But Li Mu still remembers the scene when he first met Naha when he arrived at the White Wolf Camp.

She was dressed in white and riding a chestnut horse, like an angel stepping on a red cloud.

Especially her eyes, as blue as lake water, seem to reflect one's heart!
At this moment, this pair of azure eyes were looking at him lovingly, and two red clouds quietly appeared on the jade-like cheeks.

Her eyes were shy and passionate, as if full of anticipation.

Her eyes are like the most intoxicating wine...

Li Mu took a deep breath quietly, then picked up the short knife on the wooden plate, cut a piece of the lamb heart on it, and put it in his mouth to taste.

The lamb's heart is tender and hot, just like Naha's love!

Seeing Li Mu eat the lamb heart sent by Naha, the surrounding tribesmen, including Uliman and his son, cheered.

Who doesn’t want to witness the most beautiful love?

Especially Naha, the most beautiful girl in the tribe and the chief’s most beloved daughter!
In fact, there is another custom on the grassland that Wang Bing did not mention.

If a distinguished guest from a tribe wins the hearts of many women and many girls offer him their lamb hearts, but he does not accept any of them, then the tribe will feel very ashamed.

This means that the women in their tribe are ugly and cannot inspire any love in the distinguished guest.

Especially the White Wolf Tribe, which claims to have the most beautiful women on the grassland!
If so many girls, including Naha, were willing to fall in love with Li Mu, but he did not accept any of them, it would be nothing short of a shame and humiliation.

Therefore, when seeing Li Mu eat the lamb heart that Naha brought, Wuliman and his son were happy from the bottom of their hearts.

"Dance up! Dance up, boys and girls!"

Wuliman stood up, laughed, walked to the campfire first, and danced the traditional dance of the White Wolf tribe.

He was dancing the Daolang dance of the White Wolf Tribe, which was passionate and unrestrained, with sonorous and powerful movements, full of masculine strength.

Seeing this, Wu Zuo and others also jumped in front of the campfire and jumped up with the chief.

The women in the tribe laughed and clapped their hands while watching the men dance.

Naha was holding the wooden tray, still looking at Li Mu lovingly.

There was a jug of fine wine and half a lamb's heart on the wooden tray.

When the man you love has eaten all the lambs' hearts and drank all the wine you gave him, it means that his love for you is equally passionate and deep!
Although Li Mu was not very clear about the customs on the grassland, he could see the expectation in Naha's eyes. So, without waiting for Wang Bing to remind him, he picked up the wine glass with one hand, raised it up and drank it all, then put the lamb heart on the tip of the knife and ate it in big mouthfuls.

Watching Li Mu finish the lamb heart he brought bite by bite and drink up a whole pot of wine, Naha's face turned as red as the brilliant sunset and his eyes were full of joy.

She put the wooden tray on the table, turned around and jumped up happily.

The music also changed, from the music of Daolang dance to the music of the sea of ​​flowers dance.

The Flower Sea Dance is a dance exclusive to the women of the White Wolf Tribe. A woman will only dance for the man she loves most when she meets him.

The dance moves include spinning, shrugging, circling the neck, hand dancing, and eye contact. The movements of every limb from head to toe convey emotions, just like a sea of ​​flowers blooming in front of the lover, allowing him to pick them...

Naha was spinning in the cheerful music, like the most beautiful flower of the White Wolf Tribe blooming in the wind.
Swirling with the wind, swaying gracefully!
Her arms swayed like willow branches to the music, and every slender white finger danced to the music.

And her eyes seemed to dance.

Every glance back, every provocation, seems to touch people's heartstrings!

Hu Xuan dance, Hu Xuan dance.

The heart responds to the strings, the hands respond to the drum.

With the sound of the string drum, the sleeves are raised, and the snow flutters and dances.

Turning left and right without getting tired, turning thousands of times without stopping...

Li Mu felt like he was getting drunk.

He was not drunk on the kumis, but on Naha's dancing.

Naha danced and twirled, leaping from the campfire to Li Mu's side, stretching out an arm toward him, inviting him to join in the dance.

Li Mu smiled and shook his head.

He really can't dance, especially the Hu Xuan dance found on the grassland.

Naha smiled, took his hand, led him to the campfire, then slowly stretched out her arms and let him dance with her.

The music slowed down at the right time, turning into a soft melody called "The Moon in the Water"!
Naha also put one hand on Li Mu's shoulder and held his left hand with the other.

This dance performed by a man and a woman is similar to ballroom dancing, but Li Mu can dance to some of it. His movements no longer seem clumsy, and he can dance harmoniously and gracefully with Naha.

When Naha saw how well he danced, the joy on her face became even stronger.

Sometimes she guided Li Mu's movements, sometimes she held one of his hands and spun in his arms, sometimes she was very far away from him, and sometimes she spun around and returned to his arms.

The music is plaintive, but their dancing is affectionate and moving.

Before he knew it, Naha had jumped with him outside the campfire, along the outside of the camp, onto the grass, and headed towards the river.

There were other figures vaguely visible on the river bank. They were the lovers in the tribe. They were dancing passionately at the bonfire party and then quietly came to the side for a tryst.

From time to time, the passionate and sweet whispers of men and women could be heard in the evening breeze, stirring the hearts of Li Mu and Naha.

Naha took Li Mu's hand and walked to the river. She looked back and smiled at him, then let go of his hand, turned around and walked to the river.

Pieces of snow-white clothes fluttered in the wind, and she walked into the river without a trace of worry.

The moonlight shone on her smooth back, making her skin look flawless and white, like a piece of pure porcelain made of moonlight and white jade!
(End of this chapter)

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