Chapter 66 Seeking Death
Late at night, there are no stars or moon!
Li Mu rode his horse slowly towards Wugutuhan's camp on the side of Langjuxu Mountain.

Wuzo and Naha, as well as wolf people such as Ulisakha, followed closely behind him.

On the other side was Chen Xuan, the centurion of the Great Snow Dragon Cavalry, and three centurions of the Wei Wuzu.

It was the first time that Wu Zuo and others met Chen Xuan and others.

Although they were not familiar with each other, when they saw Chen Xuan in snow-white silver armor and his majestic back as straight as a spear while sitting on his horse, they all knew that the other party was the elite soldiers of the Qian Kingdom!

So at this moment, their confidence in Li Mu has increased a lot.

Sirius hadn't lied to them.

He indeed had a very powerful elite army in his hands!

But Li Mu was not as relaxed as they were.

In the distance, the bonfires in the camp of the Wugutuhan tribe were like stars in the sky.

Just taking a quick look, there are thousands of tents!
Although Langjuxu Mountain is not very high, it is not steep either.

But the camps of Wugutu Khan's people were scattered in the valleys between the hillsides, forming a good barrier with the help of the mountains on both sides.

If the five thousand barbarian soldiers defend themselves based on the terrain of the mountain, it will be difficult for the troops under Li Mu's command to launch an effective attack on them!
If we attack rashly, it will only become a tough battle.

This is a fatal war situation for our side which is at a disadvantage in numbers!

At this time, Shen Pingan came over:

"Captain Bai, the enemy is numerous and has an advantageous position. How can we defeat them?"

Li Mu glanced at him.

Shen Ping'an was very smart and was from the Shen family in Xuzhou. He was skilled in archery and horse riding since childhood and had done a lot of research on military tactics.

Maybe it's time to ask his opinion.

"Do you have any idea?"

Shen Pingan frowned and thought for a while, then said:
"The enemy camp is located in the hinterland of Langjuxu Mountain, with a huge mountain behind them. They have nowhere to retreat. If we use the same tactics we used outside Tiangu Pass, it will likely cause the enemy to resist to the end, because they have no way to retreat!"

Li Mu nodded.

The battlefield situation is different, so the tactics adopted cannot be the same.

This place is different from outside Tiangu Pass.

Outside Tiangu Pass, although there were tens of thousands of barbarian soldiers in Wugutu Khan's camp, their mentality was one of plundering the land.

If you win, you make money; if you lose, you return to Mobei.

Therefore, Li Mu advanced on three fronts and killed Wugutu Khan's personal guards, forcing them to flee in a panic.

But it’s completely different here!
This is already the lair of Wugutu Khan!

They have nowhere to retreat!

If we launch a fierce attack, these barbarians will instead develop a determination to fight to the death.

After all, your family is around you and the Wolf Mountain is behind you.

If they retreat any further, they will have nothing.

What's more, the power in Li Mu's hands is several times smaller than that of the enemy!
With such power, it is impossible to form a crushing situation!

Thinking of this, he looked outside the Wugutuhan camp.

On one side outside the camp is the long mountain range of Langjuxu Mountain. Although it is not very high, it stretches for several miles and extends to the Tuogu River in the distance.

When Li Mu saw this, he immediately had an idea.

"Chen Xuan!"

"The general is here!"

Chen Xuan stepped forward and bowed respectfully.

"This time you will be the first to launch the attack."

"You lead all the Great Snow Dragon Riders, each of whom carries kerosene, to attack from the east side of Wugutuhan's camp, but you must not go deep into the camp!"

"If the enemy counterattacks, you will show weakness and flee from the west along the ridge on the other side of Langjuxu Mountain, all the way to the Tuogu River!"

Chen Xuan glanced at the mountains on one side of Langjuxu Mountain.

Although the mountains there were not very high, it was still difficult for the cavalry to quickly cross them. If they were a little slow, they would be caught up and surrounded by the pursuers.

However, the course of the Tuogu River on one side of the mountain is very wide, and it is impossible for the cavalry to withdraw safely from there.

Does the lord want to put the Great Snow Dragon Riders in a desperate situation?

He was a little hesitant in his heart, but his expression remained calm.

As the leader of the Great Snow Dragon Riders, it is his duty to follow orders!

"The last general takes command!"


After receiving the order, Chen Xuan turned around and returned to the Great Snow Dragon Cavalry team.

Five hundred Snow Dragon Riders immediately set off.

Hundreds of cavalrymen covered in silver armor, along with the centurion, moved towards the east side of Wugutuhan's camp.

When they were less than a mile away from the camp, Chen Xuan raised the saber in his hand and roared:



The five hundred Snow Dragon Riders immediately let out an earth-shaking roar and, following the centurion Chen Xuan, launched a fierce attack on the east side of Wugutuhan's camp.

It was dark at night, and the barbarians in Wugutuhan's camp were still asleep. Only a few dozen barbarian soldiers were guarding and patrolling outside the camp.

The sudden appearance of the enemy caught these barbarians off guard. In panic, some of them raised their sabers and rushed towards the Snow Dragon Riders to fight, while others turned around and ran towards the camp, shouting as they ran:
"Enemy attack!"

"Everyone get up, there are enemies!"

The barbarians who rushed towards the Snow Dragon Cavalry were quickly killed by Chen Xuan and others.

The Great Snow Dragon Riders quickly broke through the eastern side of the barbarian camp, throwing the kerosene cans in their hands onto the tents as they charged.

The flames spread quickly between the tents.

But because there was no wind, the fire was not very big and only burned a small area on the east side of the camp.

However, the barbarian camp here quickly started to move.

Many barbarian soldiers soon emerged from the tent. They mounted their horses with sabers in hand and followed their squad leaders or centurions to charge towards the attacking Snow Dragon Cavalry.

In an instant, thousands of barbarian soldiers gathered in the camp!

At this time, Wugutuhan was also awakened from the big tent.

"How many enemies are there?"

“Less than a thousand people!”

When Wugutuhan heard this, he became furious.

Damn Qian people, they still want to use the same tactics as those outside Tiangu Pass!
After a series of battles with the Great Snow Dragon Riders, he already knew that the enemy did not have many soldiers and horses, but was very good at night attacks and assaults.

These Qian people were very cunning. When they attacked the camp, they carried kerosene and set fire as they attacked.

Once the camp was in chaos, they would rush in and kill indiscriminately, throwing the entire battlefield into chaos.

But this is his old nest, and behind it is the barbarians’ ancestral land, Langjuxu Mountain!

They will never succeed again like they did outside Tiangu Pass!
"Order all the troops to go out. This time I will kill all these Qian people and stick their heads all over Langjuxu Mountain!"

After saying this, Wugutuhan grabbed the saber beside him and rushed out of the tent.

Soon, he gathered all the barbarians in the camp and besieged the Snow Dragon Cavalry on the east side.

Thousands of barbarian soldiers quickly formed an effective offensive and gradually drove the Snow Dragon Riders out of the camp.

At this time, the Great Snow Dragon Riders saw that all the enemies had come out and their number was more than ten times theirs, so they immediately turned their horses around and ran towards the west side of the camp.

Five hundred Snow Dragon Riders rushed along the Langjuxu Mountain towards the Tuogu River.

Seeing the enemy fleeing towards the Tuogu River, Wugutu Khan couldn't help but laugh grimly.

"You ignorant person, actually ran in that direction, isn't he courting death?"

"Everyone, follow me and chase them. This time we must kill them all by the Boneless River!"

(End of this chapter)

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