Entertainment: Madam, you don’t want to be without any films to shoot, do you?

Chapter 312 Chapter 313 Director Pei went to North America for work? Definitely for riding

Chapter 312 313. Director Pei went to North America for work? Definitely for riding…

The vehicle headed straight to the site of today's promotional event.

Pei Ran and Frank chatted for a while in the car.

Zhao Jinmai sat obediently beside Pei Ran and listened.

The two of them mainly talked about how popular "Dying to Survive" was in the United States, and how Pei Ran now had a large number of fans in the United States.

Pei Ran smiled and said a few polite words.

This was completely different from the boastful attitude he showed when he said to Zhao Jinmai in the room, "Many female stars are eager to become my maids."

In response, Zhao Jinmai couldn't help but slightly raised her snow-white swan neck to glance at Pei Ran who was chatting and laughing.

Tsk... the boss was just peeking at her legs, why is he suddenly becoming so serious now?

There is no woman who doesn't like a man who is busy with his career.

Because when men are working, that sense of abstinence... is really at its peak.

If Pei Ran knew about Zhao Jinmai's "obscene" thoughts.

Pei Ran nodded in approval.

He loves women at work too!

Just like when Yang Mi was busy processing documents in the office some time ago, Pei Ran was lingering his hands all over her body...

In the end, Yang Mi had no choice but to lift up her skirt at work and crawl on the table with her upper body to read documents. As for her lower body... she was criticized by someone.


at the same time.

The news that Pei Ran appeared at the New York airport also spread back to China.

Because of the time difference, it is still late at night in China.

Even so, it is still a sure-fire hot search.

It is said that there are not so many audiences in life, but this sentence is not quite right when applied to Pei Ran.

I, President Pei, wanted to fart so much that some crazy and fanatical fans came to analyze what Pei Ran had eaten today. There were even some little haters who came to refute the fanatical fans and then start another big trend.

There is nothing wrong with the saying that when you are famous you are prone to gossip.

Netizens also widely discussed what Pei Ran was going to do in the United States.

Some people say it is tourism.

Then netizens immediately jumped out and called him an idiot. He was definitely going to participate in the promotional activities for "Dying to Survive" in order to reap another wave of box office revenue for the foreigners before the last fire was extinguished.

Some people said that Pei Ran went to Hollywood to film a movie, while others said that there was a problem with Yutu Media’s venture capital project, and Pei Ran directly raised money to benefit overseas and enjoy the rest of his life.

Anyway, there is everything to say.

However, these views were all refuted by a netizen named "想被沛然cc".

Then someone asked, since you refuted it, what do you think Mr. Pei was doing?

And the netizen who "wanted to be cc'd by Pei Ran" also responded immediately:
"Director Pei went to the United States to ride a foreign horse!"

Well, this sentence directly convinced the netizens who were originally refuted.

Putting aside Pei Ran’s career, Pei Ran’s romantic scandals are really outrageous.

Of course, there are also some female fans or female moviegoers who became fans of Pei Ran because of his looks or career and they disagree and came out to clarify for Pei Ran.

In the early morning, Weibo was once again in turmoil because of Pei Ran.

Until noon the next day.

The official Weibo account of Yutu Media has released the announcement.

"Yutu Media President Pei Ran went to the United States for work. Please do not speculate or attack Pei Ran personally."

The reason why Yutu Media released such a clarification notice was not because of those rumors that Pei Ran rode a foreign horse. Any netizens with normal brains could see that this was just a joke. It was mainly because some behind-the-scenes promoters against Pei Ran took this opportunity to give Pei Ran a false and malicious title of "after becoming famous, worshipping foreigners and changing nationality".

However, this little storm is really not enough in front of Yang Mi.

It directly followed the old rules of the entertainment industry, with the internet army inciting public opinion and looking for someone to help clarify.

However, before Yang Mi could ask a few influential people in the entertainment industry to clarify the matter, Huaying officials came out to clear Pei Ran's name... This scared away those behind-the-scenes promoters with bad intentions and they gave up.

From the time Pei Ran was exposed to have gone abroad to the time Huaying cleared Pei Ran's name, not even 24 hours had passed, and the popularity had already topped the list.

Although there were fewer negative comments, Pei Ran’s whereabouts in the United States were captured by a resourceful netizen and posted on Weibo.

There is even a close-up photo of Zhao Jinmai and Pei Ran getting in the same car.

When this photo came out, even Yang Mi was stunned.


Wasn’t Pei Ran’s whereabouts kept secret throughout?

Where the hell did these netizens take these photos?

The photos clearly show Pei Ran's profile and Zhao Jinmai's slim back as she got into the car. Of course, her face was not clearly visible because it was blocked by the car, but these photos were instantly pushed to the top of the comment list.

The comments below appear several pages long every time the page is refreshed.

"This figure from behind looks very young... maybe around 20 years old? Has Director Pei changed his taste?"

"The slenderness of her waist shows that she is definitely not old, and her waist-to-hip ratio is perfect."

"With this hair color and skin, she's definitely not a foreign horse. I didn't expect that... Director Pei didn't ride a foreign horse when he went abroad. Did he ride the foreign student?"

"Are you insulting international students? We international students have Chinese brains but American bodies! This is like being in Cao's camp but your heart is with Han!"

"By the way, are the cores of foreign horses and Asian women the same? Anyone who has ridden both can come out and discuss it?"

"Don't let the upstairs stink too much!"

"Can you please stop slandering her? In this photo, Director Pei even lowered his head and didn't even look at the woman's butt. How could you think of such a dirty thing?"

"There seems to be a big foreign horse in the car!"

"Don't be too ridiculous, guys. The person in the car seems to be the head of Warner Bros. Asia Pacific. Frank, it's obvious that he's bringing his assistant to discuss cooperation, okay?"

"Really? Are you really going to discuss cooperation?"

Some netizens understood and immediately guessed that Pei Ran was going to discuss cooperation.

Some people even directly climbed over the firewall to access the Internet to check Pei Ran's whereabouts.

The result... you won’t know until you check, and you’ll be shocked when you do.

It turned out that Pei Ran appeared on the popular variety show Saturday Night Live on CBS TV in the United States.

In this episode.

Pei Ran told the story behind the movie "Dying to Survive", as well as the filming highlights, and even gave a simple performance of Chinese Kung Fu.

Of course, Pei Ran couldn't do difficult moves like two-finger push-ups, inch-power punches, etc.

It was just the simplest performance.

But this still has a great visual impact on Americans!
It quickly became a hot search topic with “#Director from China knows mysterious Kung Fu!#”.

It became a trending topic on Twitter and Facebook that day.

Finally, netizens also discovered the woman who got in the same car with Pei Ran.

Because in this program, Zhao Jinmai showed up briefly because Pei Ran cueed her.

Many Americans have been attracted by Zhao Jinmai's oriental beauty, and some have even proposed to her online, but... not many people pay attention to it.

(End of this chapter)

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