If I let you stay in Lingnan, how could you become the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty?

Chapter 3 This Lingnan Road is different from what I imagined

Chapter 3 This Lingnan Road is different from what I imagined
As we went deeper into Lingnan, the number of people and vehicles on the road continued to increase.

Among these people were farmers who came to the city to visit relatives, peddlers carrying loads on their shoulders, and merchants driving horse-drawn carriages.

What surprised Li Shimin and Yuchi Gong was that each of these people's clothes were very neat, with almost no patches visible, and their bodies looked very strong, with satisfied and happy expressions on their faces.

This is nothing like what Li An described in his letter, where everyone looked pale and naked!

Yuchi Gong whispered:

"Maybe, these people are all rich, so..."

Li Shimin nodded.

These days, ordinary poor people rarely go into the city.

If these people were rich, then their attire and appearance would be understandable.

But the scenes on both sides of the avenue also surprised Li Shimin and others.

But there were farmlands on both sides, and the crops were all growing lushly. From a distance, the green looked as if there was no end in sight.

From time to time, farmers' melodious songs can be heard from the fields:

"The sound of the bells is loud and clear, and I am walking in the holy land, with my hair stained with black and gray..."

Although Li Shimin could not understand the Cantonese spoken by people from Lingnan, he found the tune of the song melodious and pleasing to the ear, so he turned to ask a passerby:
"Brother, what's that song in the distance?"

The old man on the road saw that Li Shimin had an extraordinary appearance, so he replied respectfully:
"You are a foreigner, no wonder you don't understand. This is a song written by our prince, and the title of the song is called Glorious Years."

"Glory days?"

Li Shimin was stunned.

When will my Sixth Prince be able to write songs?
After a while, the old man told Li Shimin the complete lyrics of the song.

Li Shimin imitated the tone of the farmer in the distance and sang the lyrics he had just learned:

"The sound of the bell signaled the return home, and it seemed to bring a bit of sadness to his life.

The meaning of black skin to him is a lifetime of dedication... "

Although the Lingnan song he had just learned was a bit difficult to pronounce, Li Shimin sang it with ease.

Looking at the pastoral scenery in the distance, walking on this flat and smooth road,

His mood also seemed to have improved a lot.

This Li An is really interesting!
But few people know what else he did in Lingnan besides writing songs and building roads!

Soon, more and more people walked on the avenue, and there was an endless stream of people, even shoulder to shoulder.

In the distance, a huge city can be seen from afar. The city gate is majestic and magnificent, and its scale seems to be no less than Chang'an!

Li Shimin and Yuchi Gong's eyes widened again and their mouths opened wide.

"Is this... is this really the Lingnan that An'er described, a place with poor mountains and bad waters and starving people everywhere?"

Looking at the pedestrians around him who were talking and laughing, Li Shimin felt that the impression of Lingnan built up by Li An's letters was rapidly collapsing.

Although not all the people on the street were dressed in silk and satin, they were basically wearing neat cloth clothes with almost no patches or holes to be seen.

Their faces also showed expressions of joy and abundance.

This expression can't be acted out.

Only when you truly live a rich and happy life will you have this kind of expression on your face!

Moreover, even when they saw Li Shimin and his caravan passing by, they seemed to be used to it. At most, they just glanced at them and then went about their own business.

According to Li Shimin's idea, they would disguise themselves as a merchant caravan. Although they were dressed in ordinary clothes, when they arrived in Lingnan, a barren land full of starving people, there would definitely be a large number of people watching.

But what they didn't expect was that when they arrived in the city, such a caravan would collectively turn into invisible people.

People don’t care at all!
This sense of gap is too strong!

Li Shimin frowned for a while, then slowly relaxed his eyebrows, with a smile on his face:
"It seems that Lingnan Road is quite prosperous under An'er's rule, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. It's great!"

Yuchi Gong looked puzzled:
"Your Majesty, I remember that a few years ago, there were disaster victims from Lingnan who fled to Chang'an and described this place as miserable and barren."

"So much so that some criminals, upon hearing that they were going to be exiled to Lingnan, simply committed suicide rather than be buried in a miserable foreign land!"

"This... have we come to the wrong place?" No wonder Yuchi Gong was wondering,

Even Li Shimin couldn't figure it out.

In their impression, Lingnan, which had always been a place with poor mountains, bad waters, hungry people and surrounded by barbarians, turned out to be a rich and peaceful paradise!
If they hadn't pinched me several times in secret, I would have almost thought I was dreaming!
"I also find it strange, but since we are here, let's just investigate and see if this is really the case in Lingnan, or if An'er is up to something!"

As they were talking, the group had already gone deep into the city, but they saw that the road here was smoother than the official road. The entire road surface was paved with bluestone that was polished as smooth as a mirror, and there was almost no garbage to be seen.

The houses on both sides are also lined up in rows, neat and beautiful.

The streets were bustling with people in an orderly manner, without the usual noise of quarreling and fighting among neighbors.

This Lingnan city not only has excellent public security,

Even in terms of neighborhood construction, it was ahead of the entire Tang Dynasty.

Even the capital city of Chang'an cannot compare to it!

And it is unknown how much money it would cost to build these bluestone pavements that cover the entire city.

This Li An...

How exactly?
Li Shimin looked at the beautiful scenery in the city and was more and more surprised by Lingnan.
He felt more and more strange about Li An, his son whom he had almost forgotten.

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from the distance.

But suddenly a thin old man stumbled through the crowd and rushed towards them.

The old man looked to be about fifty or sixty years old, wearing dirty tattered clothes, with his gray hair all scattered. He ran hurriedly with his hair disheveled, while shouting in a crying voice:

"Help, help me!"

When pedestrians on both sides saw the old man, they automatically made way for him, but no one offered a helping hand.

Behind the old man, several people were chasing him on horseback.

The young man in brocade clothes at the front rode his horse and chased after them, laughing loudly:

"Old man, I'll see where you can run today!"

"Scream, the more you scream, the more excited I will be..."

When Li Shimin saw someone riding a horse and bullying the elderly and weak in broad daylight, he instantly became furious and frowned:

"It seems that the prosperity and happiness of the people in Lingnan are all fake! Such a poor old man with no clothes to wear is actually being chased and bullied by a playboy on horseback!"

When Yuchi Gong heard this, he was also angry.

Before Li Shimin could speak, he leaped in front of the old man, drew the long sword from his waist, pointed at the young man on horseback, and said angrily:
"Hey! You evil bastard, why are you riding your horse to commit murder?"

The young man on the horse had a rebellious look on his face. He looked at the long sword in Yuchi Gong's hand and said with a smile:
"You dare to draw your sword to stop me, but do you know who I am?"

Yuchi Gong sneered:
"No matter who you are, riding a horse and committing crimes in the streets, bullying the old and weak, don't you fear the laws of the Tang Dynasty?"

When the young man heard this, he was not angry. Instead, he looked at Yuchi Gong as if he was mentally retarded and laughed:

"The laws of the Tang Dynasty? Let me tell you, I am the law in Lingnan!"

Upon hearing this, Li Shimin and Yuchi Gong's foreheads suddenly became blue with veins bulging, and they almost couldn't help but draw their swords and kill the wild and wolf-like boy on the spot.

A dissolute young man, not only rode his horse to commit crimes and bully the elderly and the weak in broad daylight, but also brazenly said that he was the law and order of the Tang Dynasty in Lingnan.

At this time, the young man turned to look at the people around him:
"Do you think I am bullying this old man?"

The onlookers shook their heads and waved their hands when they heard his words:

“He deserves it!”

"you are right!"

"This old guy should have died long ago!"


Hearing this, Li Shimin and Yuchi Gong's faces turned extremely cold.

Unexpectedly, in this seemingly peaceful and prosperous Lingnan city, dandy young men rode their horses to bully the elderly and the weak, and no one dared to speak up for them.

The world is deteriorating, and people’s hearts are not as old as they used to be!
It can be seen that the wealthy and powerful here have already covered the sky with one hand!
Is there any royal law?
Are there any laws?
(End of this chapter)

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