Chapter 61: The Establishment of the Shenji Camp

"Transplant this lychee tree to the back of Hua'e Xianghui Tower for me!"

"Put up the glass for me. The greenhouse needs to be built first!"

"Move these boxes upstairs to my bedroom. Inside the boxes are my favorite paintings. I plan to discuss the pictures with you two talented people later!"

"And these, these..."

Li An stood at the entrance of Hua'e Xianghui Tower, pointing at the large number of items moved from Lingnan, and ordered everyone to classify and put the things in place.

The huge royal convoy arrived in Chang'an from Lingnan after more than a month.

Even the huge lychee tree was successfully transported here, and because it was properly cared for and the followers watered it with spring water and fertilizer every day, only a small number of leaves died!
The huge glass greenhouse had already been built when Li An entered Hua'e Xianghui Tower.

Li An used wooden frames and iron sheets to combine many pieces of glass to build a huge greenhouse, and planted lychee trees directly in a corner of the greenhouse.

In other places, many fruits and vegetables have been planted, and many of them are almost ripe.

He plans to transplant many fruits and vegetables from Lingnan.

By that time, there was heavy snow in Chang'an, but his garden was filled with the fragrance of fruits and vegetables.

Just think about it!
"Your Majesty!"

A group of beautiful dancers came over and bowed to Li Anying.

After thousands of miles of bumpy journey, these beauties have become much thinner, and Li An couldn't help feeling a little distressed when seeing this.

"You have worked hard, go back upstairs and rest. I have Wu Cairen and Qin Meiren to serve you these days, so you don't need to work!"

After hearing this, the group of dancers couldn't help feeling lost.

I walked too slowly along the way.
When we arrived in Chang'an, the day lily was already cold!
The prince already has a beauty and a talented person by his side!
The dancers pouted their lips, turned around and walked away gracefully.

"Have a good rest, you still have a chance!"

Li An waved at them with a smile and watched them gracefully go up to the Hua'e Xianghui Tower.

On this side, Qin Miao frowned and looked at him:
"Hua'e Xianghui Tower is so small, and there is already a beauty and a talent. You brought so many beauties here. What do you want to do?"

"Aren't you afraid of working yourself to death?"

Li An smiled, but his smile was calm and calm:

"What's the big deal? Father has one emperor, four concubines, nine imperial concubines, twenty-seven imperial wives, eighty-one imperial wives, and three thousand beauties in the harem!"

When Qin Miao heard this, her eyes widened and she put her hands on her hips and said:

"you dare!"

Li An shook his head:

"I dare to accept you, so what else can I not do?"

Qin Miao was so angry that she was speechless.

On the side, Wu Zhao covered her mouth and smiled:
"Your Highness, why bother teasing Sister Qin? If these words were to reach the ears of the Emperor, I'm afraid he would be angry and say that you mocked him for having too many people in his harem!"

Li An shook his head and said:

"What's the big deal? We in the Li family are brave enough to take responsibility for our actions. Since we have so many concubines, we are not afraid of what others say!"

"Father will not be angry when he hears what I said. Instead, he will probably be angry that you call him old man!"

Thinking of this, he suddenly had an idea.

My father is indeed old.

With so many beauties in the harem, there will definitely be times when she is overwhelmed.

At this time, if someone like Will Gang appeared...

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but shake my head. Forget it, let's not do this.

In the royal court, there are all kinds of miraculous medicines.

What's more, this thing is simply forcing things to happen and is of no benefit to people at all.

It would be bad if Tian Khan were to be hollowed out from now on!

At this time, Feng Lang came over:
"Your Highness, the ten boxes of granular gunpowder have been delivered!"

When Li An heard this, he raised his eyebrows.

The granular gunpowder that Feng Lang mentioned was exactly the granular gunpowder made by Li An based on yellow gunpowder.

This granular gunpowder is made by grinding saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal with water and drying them into granules, then sifting them into the size of rice grains with a sieve and exposing them to the sun.

Although gunpowder had begun to appear in the Tang Dynasty at this time, it was all black gunpowder, and was accidentally obtained by Taoist priests when they were making elixirs. Its use was also for entertainment such as fireworks.

No one has used it in weapons yet!
It was not until the end of the Tang Dynasty that gunpowder was used in military applications!

In the first year of Tianyou, Yang Xingmi's army besieged Yuzhang. General Zheng Yi's troops fired machine guns and set fire to the Longsha Gate. He led the warriors to break through the fire and entered the city first, but was burned to death.

The flying fire mentioned here refers to simple artillery rockets.

The method is to bundle gunpowder onto the arrowhead, ignite it with a fuse, and then shoot it with a bow.

Such weapons are naturally very simple and their lethality is very limited.

It was not until the Yuan Dynasty that copper-cast muskets appeared. They could use gunpowder as propulsion to fire steel balls to kill the enemy!
These ten boxes of granular gunpowder were accumulated by Li An after a long period of research in Lingnan.

Li An was not a god, so it was impossible for him to know how to make firearms and gunpowder.

However, now that black powder has appeared in this era, it will be easy to deal with!
He only needed to purify the black powder according to what he knew, and then dry it into granules to produce granular gunpowder with more powerful explosive power.

It would be even simpler if there was only a musket!

As long as the simple musket in his memory is turned into a design, and the key parts are researched by the craftsmen, the craftsmen can find a way and develop it by themselves.

After all, it's not a revolver or a machine gun, so it doesn't require overly sophisticated parts!

Li An has already put forward the idea, and these skilled craftsmen will naturally be able to draw inferences from it!

But these things are hard-earned.

Ten boxes of granular gunpowder were all that Li An had accumulated over the past three years.

In this era, it is not easy to obtain saltpeter.

Saltpeter in nature is often formed by soil decomposition and oxidation by bacteria into nitric acid, which combines with potassium in the soil. It will precipitate in the form of a crust or salt flowers in the cool autumn.

To obtain saltpeter, you need to put the soil blocks containing saltpeter in a bucket and soak them in water. After filtering, boil and dry them, you can finally get saltpeter crystals!
This process alone will take at least a year!
Therefore, it took Li An three years in Lingnan to get these ten boxes of granular gunpowder.

When transporting it to Chang'an, he filled this large box with waterproof and moisture-proof kraft paper, covered it with waterproof felt cloth, and escorted it with two teams of hundreds of people. Only then did it arrive safely in Chang'an.

These granular gunpowder and these two carefully selected teams of hundreds are Li An’s entire strength!
Li An nodded to Feng Lang and turned to look at the two teams of one hundred men.

The soldiers in these hundred-man teams are all natives of Lingnan. They may not be as tall as the people in the north, but they are all strong and murderous!
"You have come all the way from Lingnan to Chang'an. Thank you for your hard work!"

Li An smiled and said to the soldiers:
"From today on, you are all members of my Li An Shen Jiying!"

Divine machine camp!
The soldiers of the Centurion Corps were all shocked when they heard this.

Although they didn't understand what the Shenjiying was, it sounded very powerful and majestic.

What's more, they came to Chang'an from Lingnan and were named Shenjiying by the prince, so they were naturally the prince's personal army!
Immediately, the crowd was excited and shouted:

"Defend Your Highness to the death!"

(End of this chapter)

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