Chapter 70 Night Attack
into the night.

In a farm in Wannian County, Chang'an, the lights have dimmed.

Five men in black, with short knives hanging from their waists and lanterns in their hands, patrolled around the farm wall for a week, and then sat on a stone bench outside a remote small door to rest.

This farm is located in a remote area and looks like an ordinary farm on the surface, but it is actually the place where Zhangsun Wuji trained and cultivated the Thirteen Crows.

There are many masters in the farm. They only train in the farm every day and rarely go out.

The security of the farm is also extremely strict. Five highly skilled night crows patrol a circle every hour. There are also various light and hidden sentries in the yard, and there are guards between the yards!
Seeing that it was already midnight, the five patrolling night crows took a short break and prepared to get up and go to the gate to change guard.

At this moment, a man suddenly caught a glimpse of several strange figures approaching them quickly in the deep night in the distance.

Although there were no stars or moon in the sky and the night was extremely dark, there were no obstacles such as trees outside the farm, so the man quickly realized that something was wrong.


Before he could finish, he heard several rapid sounds of breaking through the air.

More than a dozen crossbow arrows shot over and instantly hit the bodies of several night crows.

The opponent was using a short crossbow that could fire continuously, and the crossbow arrows were tipped with a deadly poison that would kill instantly upon contact with blood.

Under the fierce shooting, several night crows collapsed to the ground without making any sound.

Soon, a dozen burly men in black clothes and black scarves rushed over. After checking to make sure the five night crows were completely dead, a short bird cry was heard.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of men in black clothes and masks quickly approached the courtyard wall in the distance. After joining the vanguard, they quickly dispersed.

Some of them sneaked in through the small door, some climbed over the wall, and soon they all entered the farm yard.

Soon, a secret sentry discovered them, but before they could raise a warning, they were shot dead by the enemy's poisonous arrows.

After a while, dozens of burly men broke through the Night Crow's first layer of defense and entered the front of several walls of the inner courtyard.

The guards guarding the walls of various courtyards soon discovered them, and immediately rang the gongs and picked up weapons to fight with the enemy.

The rapid and loud sound of the gong instantly shattered the tranquility of the night sky.

Many night crows soon ran out from various houses on the farm.

They were all well-trained and had great martial arts skills. When they heard the gong, they immediately picked up their weapons and ran out of the house.

There are hundreds of people!
As soon as these night crows rushed out, they pounced on the big men in black without hesitation.

But before they could pounce on the men in black, they suddenly heard a loud noise like thunder.

Boom boom...

Several fire snakes suddenly shot out from the hands of the big man in black, and at the same time there was a loud bang like a bolt from the blue.

Night Crow, who was desperately rushing towards the big man in black, was suddenly hit in the chest by a sledgehammer and fell on his back in an instant.

The other night crows couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

What kind of hidden weapon is this!
Why is the movement so violent and the attack power so astonishing!
Before they could react, the opponent's second wave of attack had already arrived.

After the big man in black in the first row fired his shot, he quickly squatted down and began to reload in an orderly manner.

The big men in black in the second row immediately picked up their three-foot-long muskets with bayonets on top and pulled the triggers at the Night Crows not far in front of them.

Boom boom boom...

With a loud bang like thunder, a large number of night crows fell down in an instant like rice grains blown down by the wind.

After the second row of black-clad men finished their attack, they squatted down and began to clean their gun barrels and load bullets.

The big men in black in the third row raised their muskets again.

Boom boom boom...another burst of explosions!
This is exactly the three-stage strike that Li An asked Feng Lang to lead them to train in the Qinling Mountains!

The three-stage attack is to divide the musketeers into three rows, with the first row of soldiers firing first, followed by the second row and the third row.

The three rows of soldiers opened fire in sequence and then reloaded in an orderly manner, and the casualties they caused were endless!
In the blink of an eye, most of the night crows were killed!
At this time, the black-winged masked man in the front shouted loudly:

"Those who surrender will not be killed!"

It was Feng Lang's voice.

When the remaining thirty or so Night Crows heard this shout, they looked at each other in fear.

The training they received since childhood never allows them to surrender.

However, many people were frightened when faced with the muskets they had never seen before.

They may not be afraid of weapons.

But today they are facing more powerful weapons than they have ever seen before.

Not only does it make a thunderous sound, but it also has the powerful force to kill people in an instant without being seen.

This is simply a crushing defeat!
A night crow glared at Feng Lang who was shouting, then suddenly roared and pounced towards him.

Feng Lang raised his hand, and in his hand was a short and powerful double-barreled musket.

There was another bang.

The night crow that swooped over flew backwards in an instant, with a big hole appearing on its chest!
When the other night crows saw this, they were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

What kind of magic weapon is this?
Who are these people?

"Will you lower it or not?"

Feng Lang pointed the black muzzle of his gun at the remaining Night Crows and shouted in a deep voice.

The remaining night crows were silent for a while, and suddenly put down their weapons.

Can't beat it, really can't beat it!

No matter how strong their mental qualities or how high their martial arts skills are, they will completely lose the courage to fight when faced with such all-round crushing.


In the early morning, more than a dozen bodies were placed in front of the gate of Hua'e Xianghui Tower.

These dozen or so corpses were all strong men, who seemed to be around 20 or 30 years old, and they all had sharp weapons in their hands.

The causes of their deaths varied. Some were hit by crossbow arrows, some were hacked to death by sharp blades, and some had strange large holes in their chests, as if something had directly blasted their chests open.

A general in armor stood at the entrance of Hua'e Xianghui Tower, looking at the corpses with horror on his face.

He was the Sixth General of the Eastern Palace who was on duty last night, responsible for guarding the palace and the safety of the prince.

Standing next to him was the Jingzhao Yin of Chang'an.

The two men looked horrified when they saw the corpses lying on the ground.

Someone actually tried to murder the Sixth Prince!
Chang'an is the best place, Hua'e Xianghui Tower is the residence of the Sixth Prince, and yet someone dared to raid and assassinate him at night!

If this matter is investigated, not only will these two people be severely reprimanded, they may even lose their jobs and their heads!

Li An stood beside them, with two knife cuts on his brocade clothes, and his face was a little pale, as if he was still frightened.

"These villains are so bold that they actually took advantage of the night to assassinate me. Fortunately, my guard Feng Lang led the guards to fight desperately and prevented them from succeeding!"

(End of this chapter)

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