Global awakening, start copying the school beauty's superpowers

Chapter 72 Captain, what's wrong with you?

Chapter 72 Captain, what's wrong with you?
Yunpei City.

After night fell, Zhao Wanqin came to her own lounge. She was sorting out information about various large-scale beast tides that had occurred in the southeast defense zone recently.

At this moment, her communication terminal rang. Zhao Wanqin immediately came to the computer and transferred the information on the terminal to the computer and opened it.

When Zhao Wanqin saw the messages sent by Lu Ming on the computer interface, her brows slightly frowned.

In fact, Zhao Wanqin had already noticed how the soul-reviving substance was produced. Not only Zhao Wanqin had noticed it, but Long Tianhua, the chief defense chief of the Fumo Mountain defense line, also knew it.

Long Tianhua is not a fool. The first thing he did after taking office as the chief of defense of the Fumo Mountain Defense Line was to investigate the smuggling of soul-reviving substances. There must be something fishy going on.

A new official has three things to do when he takes office, and the first one must naturally burn vigorously enough.

Zhao Wanqin was not very interested in the information Lu Ming reported. She was more interested in Liu Hongshan.

Liu Hongshan told Lu Ming this news. It was obvious that Liu Hongshan was a person with a particularly keen political sense. Most people would probably not realize that Lu Ming had a special identity. At most, they might think that Lu Ming was just an investigation team leader who was parachuted in through connections.

In other words, someone wanted to use Liu Hongshan to convey to them the question of how soul-reviving matter was produced.

Once the production process of soul-revitalizing substances is exposed, it will not only be a huge shock to the defense line of Fumo Mountain, but also to the entire alliance, and will cause a major earthquake in the entire alliance.

By then, I don’t know how many people will be liquidated because of the soul-reviving substance.

Once people know that the soul-revitalizing substance can only be produced by ferocious beasts eating humans, they will wonder why so many people have died in Fumo Mountain over the years, and whether someone is intentionally sending humans to the mouths of ferocious beasts, allowing the beasts to eat humans and then excrete the soul-revitalizing substance.

The most important thing is that someone at the Longhai outpost was using the distress signal to deliberately attract other members of the investigation team. What does this indicate? It indicates that this practice is likely to be very common.

Especially those who smuggle soul-revitalizing substances, if they have a stable supply of goods, they must have already mastered the process of collecting soul-revitalizing substances.

Once this kind of thing is exposed, it will inevitably cause panic among many people in the entire league and will also arouse people's associations.

Zhao Wanqin thought about it for a while, then quickly replied to Lu Ming's message, asking Lu Ming to keep paying attention to this matter but not to investigate too deeply.

Zhao Wanqin asked Lu Ming to go to the Longhai outpost base in the beginning in order to accumulate political resources for Lu Ming. Once the smuggling of soul-reviving substances was exposed, Lu Ming would be a great hero.

But Zhao Wanqin also knew that this was very dangerous for Lu Ming. Those interest groups that smuggled soul-reviving substances would definitely try every means to get rid of Lu Ming.

However, with Commander Lin Jingwan in charge at the Longhai outpost base, Lu Ming's life safety is not in big trouble.

At this moment, Lu Ming was sitting on the roof, quietly looking at the blood-red moon in the distance, waiting for Zhao Wanqin to reply.


After hearing the message alert, Lu Ming immediately turned on the projector to check. After seeing Zhao Wanqin's instructions, Lu Ming already realized Zhao Wanqin's intention.

Zhao Wanqin meant that she would not attribute the credit to Lu Ming, nor would she mention Lu Ming's name when reporting, after all, Lu Ming was not the first to discover the matter. But she would specifically mention what he did in front of Long Tianhua and several other important defense ministers.

The advantage of doing this is that it allows people who should know Lu Ming to know him, but it will not attract too much attention.

For Lu Ming now, attracting too much attention is indeed not a good thing.

After reading the message from Zhao Wanqin, Lu Ming came down from upstairs.

Now they have nothing to do but wait for the base to send them a message asking them to retreat.

When Lu Ming came down from upstairs, except Wu Dongqing and Zhou Guangyun, the other members of the investigation team looked at him with admiration.

Li Moxuan and the others have already told other team members about Lu Ming. The captain, Lu Ming, not only stood up to stop the beast tide at the critical moment, but also came out of the beast tide alive. He even looked like he was not hurt at all.

At this time, a team member suddenly thought of something and asked, "Captain, have you not been corroded by the spiritual poison after opening the Heavenly Gate? Could it be that you..."

Before the team member could finish his words, Lu Ming's body suddenly fell to the ground, as if he had reached his limit. Seeing this, Qin Yurou hurried to Lu Ming and supported him.

Everyone gathered around, and Li Moxuan asked, "Captain, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Ming looked very uncomfortable and said, "The spiritual poison has taken effect..."

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized that it was not that Lu Ming was not affected by the spiritual poison, but that Lu Ming had been holding on and acting as if nothing had happened.

Li Moxuan and others felt very uncomfortable when they thought that Lu Ming would rather endure the pain in his body and hold on in order not to make his teammates feel guilty.

At this moment, the members of the No. 20 Investigation Team also felt very uncomfortable. Lu Ming said at this time: "It's okay. I heard that there are drugs that can treat spiritual poison. I will apply for it when I return to the base."

After hearing this, everyone fell silent. Although they also knew that the Alliance did have drugs that could treat the erosion of spiritual poison, the treatment effect was not very good. Anyway, anyone who had opened the Heavenly Gate would basically have to rest for several years.

Seeing that Lu Ming looked very uncomfortable, Wu Dongqing and Zhou Guangyun began to gloat again. The corners of their mouths slightly raised, revealing an imperceptible smile.

I didn't expect that Lu Ming was actually poisoned by the spiritual poison. Lu Ming might not be qualified to be the captain of the No. 40 Investigation Team anymore. Song You will most likely take over.

Seeing Lu Ming's look, Qin Yurou wanted to ask a few questions out of concern, but she always felt that Lu Ming was pretending. She didn't know what to say now. When she returned to the outpost base, she would have to communicate with Lu Ming in depth. After all, she was already on Lu Ming's side, and she needed to communicate with him if he had any instructions. Then she would know what was going on.

Seeing that everyone seemed to care about him, and that Zhou Guangyun and Wu Dongqing, two of Song You's lackeys, were gloating, Lu Ming felt a little relieved. It seemed that they had already believed that he had been poisoned by the spiritual poison.

The fact that Kaitianmen was not corroded by the spiritual poison is indeed difficult to explain and can easily arouse other people's suspicion.

It would be troublesome if people found out that he possessed the skills to fight with the Sky Gate open.

(End of this chapter)

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