Chapter 100: The Snake in the Courtyard
Human beings may be able to sink into despair all day long, and the occasional moment of clarity is enough.

But people cannot always be sober, and occasional depravity is not enough to make up for it.

This is really sad!

Life is short, shouldn't we enjoy it while we can?
The mandala flower blooming in Ye Yang's heart.

Had it been any other woman, the results might have been different.

But the woman in front of me doesn't.

Because she is Jude Mai.

"Merciful Lord, please forgive me!"

"I have committed a crime."

"I swear, I will repent."


"Not today."

Ye Yang does not believe in God.

Lies can only be told to gods one does not believe in.

Who would lie to someone they truly care about?

Ye Yang gently stroked Jiude Mai's waist-length hair.

"Shude Aki would never dare to say such a thing," he whispered in Shude Mai's ear.

"Don't pull my hair anymore." Jude Mai said, "Can you grab my hand this time?

"Ms. Jude Mai!"

Following this call, the next figure appeared clearly on the wall next to it under the illumination of the crystal chandelier.

Figures were busily moving about.

A grand and unique shadow drama slowly began its curtain.

six days later,
At Kassel College,

A mahogany conference table over ten meters in length is placed in the center of the conference room.

There was nothing on both sides of the table, only human figures moving around.

Angers called a meeting here.

Most of the professors at Kassel College were present.

The last time all professors were convened for such a large-scale meeting was ten years ago.

That time, because of the arrival of the Dragon King, the conventional forces of the academy were unable to cope with it, and the whole world was facing a devastating threat.

Professor Guderian, Professor von Schneider, Professor Mans Rundstedt, Professor Manstein - these top professors who were active in the academy and played key roles could only stand on the margins.

There is no other reason.

Around the mahogany conference table, a total of twenty-six seats await their owners.

The names of the people who sat in these chairs can be found in any three or four important works.

It is not one of those shoddy reading materials on the market.

These names appear in history textbooks, lists of Nobel Prize winners, and directories of the pioneers of physics.

They are key figures in the development of nuclear physics.

In mathematics, some people enjoy a King Solomon-like status.

The same is true in fields such as biology, chemistry, geography, and astronomy.

No need to read long and obscure academic works.

Here, you just need to ask questions and you will find answers.

The living authors of these works are now gathered together.

If they can't answer your question, the chances of finding the answer elsewhere are slim.

In 1911, Einstein attended the Solvay Conference and took a group photo with many outstanding physicists, a total of twenty-nine people, after the conference.

That was a golden age of physics and the core of quantum mechanics.


Someone joked that if a truck ran over here, the thickness of physics books might be reduced by half.

Even though it was meant as a joke, the quote wasn't entirely off the mark.

The continued development of a discipline depends on a small number of outstanding scholars.

It is not difficult for many people to master the basic knowledge of a subject, but only a few can understand it in depth.

Those who can master it are even rarer. Those who can find problems in the subject and make minor corrections,

The number is even more limited. There may be no more than ten people in the world who can push a discipline forward. Here, those sitting on the chairs are those rare "one of ten".

If a truckload of people came here today, it wouldn't just be that the thickness of the physics books would be halved.

All disciplines could suffer devastating blows. Academic and technological progress could stagnate for decades.
It may even take hundreds of years until the next batch of scholars grow up before they can lead the discipline forward again.

Now that everyone was present, Ange looked around and started the meeting.

"The purpose of our gathering here."

“I believe you have heard about it.”

"Well, now it's everyone's turn to express their opinions."

On the conference table, a printed document was placed in front of each participant.

The document contains detailed data from the "Snake in the Courtyard" incident at Six Flags.

The whole picture of the event is presented at a glance, without wasting precious time in the meeting room to analyze the data.

This is the kind of job Norma can handle very well.

The young investors next to them had already received the electronic files sent by Norma before the meeting started.

Compared with many industry veterans present, they look very young, like fledgling students.

It is always helpful to review relevant knowledge in advance.

That way, they can keep up with the pace of the meeting.

Put it bluntly so you can understand those complex terms.

Even among the big names in academia, there are differences in levels and abilities.

The predecessors have already achieved great achievements, and it is indeed not easy for later followers to reach their level.

“From a physics perspective.”

An elderly man just casually flipped through the documents on his desk and came to the conclusion

"With the current level of human technology, this is impossible to achieve."

His health was terrible. His hair was almost completely white, his thin body was always bent and he couldn't stand upright, and he had very few teeth left.

His face was as pale as paper and his appearance was somewhat horrifyingly ugly.

But no one dared to question his words. Doug Jones is now the brightest star in the physics world.

Although there were several other equally bright stars, they had already fallen, and those who survived were not as bright as him.

Living a long life is an achievement in itself.

"If humans could actually do it, then this guy might be able to knock down a building with just his hands?"

"It would take too much time to explain in detail."

"I don't have much time left. I don't want to waste it on meaningless discussions, nor do I want to take up everyone's time."

"As we all know, when a miraculous event occurs that cannot be explained."

"Then there are often traces of dragons hidden behind them."

"If I am not so stupid as to not be able to distinguish right from wrong."

"Then, according to the time calculation." "Now should be the time for one of the four great monarchs, the King of the Earth and the Mountains, to return?
"How is it?" Su Enxi's curious voice came from the phone.

In the first-class cabin of the plane, Mai Jiude held a mobile phone in one hand and a glass of wine that the flight attendant had just poured in the other.

"What's going on?" Jiude Mai took a sip of red wine, "Although we are very familiar with each other and have spent a long time together."

"But I'm not a worm in your stomach." How should I know what you are asking?"

"Can you please ask more clearly?"

"Bet?" Su Enxi said, "Didn't we lose?"

"And how did it feel?"

"Oh." Jiude Mai said calmly, "That's what you asked."

"It feels good."

"Five times a night, I feel like I'm in heaven." Su Enxi blinked. She had no idea what five times a night meant.

Has she heard of meeting her lover seven times in one night?

Up to now, Su Enxi had acquired almost all of her relevant knowledge from the Internet. This also led to an extremely scary phenomenon.

She mistook some information on the Internet for fact.

For example: those young guys on the Internet who have never slept with any woman, each one brags more than the other.

Made her mistakenly believe that six or seven times a night was extremely normal?
Simple and innocent, this is what a single, timid, homebody girl looks like.

(End of this chapter)

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