Dragon Clan: Write a diary, why is it Shura Field every day?

Chapter 45 "Created a monster?"

Chapter 45 "Creating a Monster?"

“Created a monster?”

"How could that be?" Jiude Mai seemed very calm.

Do we look like the bad terrorists out there? "

Susie looked around, her eyes falling on the eleven people wearing black combat uniforms, their faces covered, leaving only their eyes exposed, and holding submachine guns, then she turned to Jiude Mai.

Her eyes seemed to be questioning, aren't you terrorists?

Does it have to be written on your face that “I am a terrorist”?

"Well, even if we are." Jiude Mai looked a little helpless.
“But we didn’t make this either.”

"We just wanted to take Norton's urn away, not create this thing."

Shutoku Aki and Susie stared at each other, and the atmosphere between them was tense.

If eyes could shoot lasers, they would have been intertwined long ago.

"team leader!"

A surprised voice came from outside the window.

Hearing this familiar voice, Jiude Mai stuck her head out and looked outside, and found that the missing No. 13 had miraculously returned.

"Where are you from?" asked Jiude Mai.

"Ah... this is a long story." No. 13 scratched his head.

"I stumbled into the place completely by mistake and stumbled my way out by mistake."

He didn't have the courage to admit that it was his mistake that caused the mission to fail. Now the entire academy was in a state of tension, and he mistakenly believed that all this was caused by him.

"Okay." Jiude Mai waved her hand, "You come in first."

"Be careful not to let the monster see you, or it will follow you."

Number Thirteen turned over nimbly and entered Valhalla.

When he came in, he was suddenly shocked to see two more people.

He glanced at the captain and felt relieved to see that he looked normal.

Ye Yang looked dissatisfied.

He thought to himself, there is thunder outside, didn't you bring the lightning rod home? Are you really afraid that the lightning won't hit you?

But at this moment, he couldn't say anything.

as predicted,

The next moment, the monster, which was still in confusion, seemed to have found its target, turned around and walked towards Valhalla.

Facing a tiger from the side and from the front are completely different experiences.

When you look at it from the side, you will at most marvel at its majestic size and well-developed muscles. You will observe the length and beauty of the tiger's tail and the thickness and strength of its legs with an attitude of appreciation and appreciation. But when you encounter it head-on, you will truly feel the majesty of the tiger.

The sharp and fierce gaze, the low and loud tiger roar, the oncoming pressure almost touches the depths of the soul.

In the zoo, looking through the thick tempered glass, you feel fearless because you know the tiger cannot break through that barrier.

But the creature in front of him was different. The temperature of its body was enough to melt steel plates easily.

Even if you hide inside a tank, it can take you out of it as easily as opening a can.

Facing the creature that was approaching step by step and surrounded by fire and light, Jiude Mai swallowed nervously.

Her underwear was soaked with sweat.

This woman who had always been fearless finally showed panic and helplessness in front of this creature.

Susie's situation is not optimistic either.

Ye Yang could clearly see that her hand, which had been steady as she held the gun, began to tremble slightly.

Even the strongest women still feel scared when faced with fear.

"Sister, don't be afraid."

He reached out and took her hand.

Susie looked at Ye Yang for a moment before she realized what had happened.

"Run!" she shouted in a low voice, her face full of anxiety, and started running quickly while pulling Ye Yang.

Being led by Susie to flee in a hurry, when he reached the door, Ye Yang did not forget to turn back and made a "run away" gesture to Jiude Mai.

Unfortunately, a man with a heart as broad as the sea always needs to keep an eye on the overall situation.

After witnessing this scene, No. 13 widened his eyes and thought to himself, you are really amazing. You can still think about picking up girls at such an urgent moment. No wonder girls are willing to run away with you.

When he looked back again, he could only see Mai Jiude walking away. "Wait... Captain, could you at least call me when you ran?!"

No. 13 had just run a few steps when he suddenly heard a faint voice behind him.

"elder brother.…"

"elder brother..…"

He shuddered and ran faster.

"Attention, dragons are invading, everyone take shelter!
This is not a drill!
Attention, dragons are invading, everyone take shelter!

Repeat, this is not a drill!

Please stay away from the square in front of the library immediately if you are not interested!
Professor von Schneider's passionate voice was heard on the radio.

The voice was rapid and tense, full of urgency!

Obviously, the executive director, who was known for his ruthlessness, was unable to maintain his composure at this moment and inevitably began to feel anxious.

In the basement of the equipment department,
Ange used his black card to open the secret room marked "high risk".

He walked in, and after a series of complicated procedures, he finally opened a weapons box that was protected by layers of protection.

However, it was not the weapons that were so closely guarded, but just a few bullets.

The bullet tips were dark red, like an uncut red crystal with a blood-like luster flowing inside.

Yes, these are no ordinary bullets.

They are special bullets made from the Philosopher's Stone.

A bullet that is deadly enough to kill the Dragon King!

Ange put a few bullets into his pockets and walked outside, humming a light melody.

There was an indescribable lightness in his steps.

It was as if his age had instantly regressed by several dozen years.

A faint smile appeared on that face full of traces of time, a light spanning decades flashed in his eyes, and the tune he hummed was bright and full of vitality.

This situation does not usually occur in an elderly person.

It should belong to young people who are full of energy, to men who are about to go on a date and meet their loved ones.

It should be on campus and even in hospitals.

However, today, it appeared on this old man.

After so many years, he seemed to be reborn.

An attack was being planned.

Professor von Schneider's school-wide broadcast was not just to tell students what was happening.

More importantly, he wanted to make sure that no careless student would run to the square in front of the library and run into the firepower network that had been set up at this critical moment.

Once the bullets are fired, they won't stop just because you're a student at the Academy.

No matter who it is, one shot will cause blood and flesh to fly everywhere.

The church no longer exists, but Chu Zihang still stays there.

He was in a fierce battle with a little girl named 'Zero'.

Every time their attacks collided, there was a violent explosion.

Flames shot up into the sky!

Valhalla is well preserved, and it seems that Ye Yang has successfully guarded it.


The responsibility of dealing with the monster that walks in light and fire falls on the shoulders of Cesare Gattuso.

He didn't have much to do originally.

In the square in front of the library,
People can be seen moving quickly in the surrounding buildings, in the open areas in the distance, and on the roofs.

These students who have received battlefield survival training and a small number of executive department members are doing their best to reach the designated location as soon as possible.

It can be clearly seen that many of the figures are still wearing the white dresses they wore for the dinner.

The ladies ran quickly, holding their high heels in one hand and automatic rifles in the other.

Yes, even at this moment, they did not give up their precious shoes.

If necessary, they can immediately turn back into ladies at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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