Chapter 53 They will, and I will
As night fell, Ye Yang closed the door of the house heavily and walked up the stairs.

Climbing up to the second floor, using the silvery moonlight coming in through the window, he noticed a movable rifle placed on the table.

Why did weapons appear?

Perhaps it was a surprise attack by the previous invaders, and Shude Aki prepared it in self-defense?
Yes, it must be so.

Ye Yang comforted himself like this, then turned and headed towards the bedroom. It was late at night, and he should rest immediately after returning home. Only by regaining sufficient energy can he cope with tomorrow's challenges with ease.

He walked to the door and took hold of the handle.


The door handle turned, but it did not open as expected. After trying several times, Ye Yang realized that things were not simple.

The door is locked!

Just as he was hesitating, the voice of Aki Sakude was heard from inside the room.

"You're back?" Her tone was calm, but it revealed something strange.

"Yes, Aki, can you open the door and let me in?" Ye Yang replied.

"How was the dinner?" She didn't seem to intend to open the door right away and continued to ask.

Although the tone was gentle, Ye Yang felt a hint of crisis from it.

Filled with murderous intent!!!
"The dinner was just so-so, nothing special." Ye Yang replied, trying his best to keep his voice calm. "I actually wanted to come back earlier."

"If it weren't for the dragon attack, I would have been reunited with you long ago." This response was perfect.

Even if Socrates and Aristotle were present, they would probably just stand aside and applaud.

"I see." Shutoku Aki asked with a smile on his face, "So, were the ladies at the dinner party beautiful?"

This is a question full of traps.

Many wise men have not been able to avoid this danger and paid the price with their lives.

In some cases, it is often necessary to say something that is not entirely sincere.

This is seen as a strategy, taking a step back will open up a new world.

To borrow the language of the greats, this is called conflict avoidance.

"Not bad." Ye Yang replied.

Stay neutral and never make mistakes.


The door slowly opened, revealing a figure behind it.

The bedroom was not completely dark. There was a light on. It was a cozy bedside lamp with warm colors, located at the innermost wall of the room.

The soft yellow light illuminated Shude Aki's figure from behind, covering her with a faint golden glow.

She was wearing a sexy nurse outfit that she found from somewhere, which made people feel like they were in heaven, as if an angel had come to greet them.

"You are..." Ye Yang asked.

Shude Aki put his finger to his lips and made a gesture to keep quiet.

What I can do, they can't do.

This means to be quiet and listen to me.

She slowly walked towards Ye Yang, came in front of him, put her hands on his shoulders, and looked at him firmly.

"I see."

"The ladies at the dinner must be very beautiful." "A woman with dragon blood and who dresses up carefully cannot be bad."

She spoke softly, and although her tone was calm, it was full of determination, just like a judge reading out a verdict in court, which could not be questioned or refuted.

Jiude Aki is like the judge sitting high on the bench, while Ye Yang is like the defendant standing below waiting for trial.

“But that doesn’t matter.”

"Even if they are beautiful, I am not inferior to them."

"Whatever they have, I also have."

“What I can do, they can’t do.”

The judge crouched down, but still looked up at her defendant, whose hair had been carefully tied up. "Right?"

"Mr. Chen...?"

next moment,
The dragon enters the sea!!!

When I woke up again, it was already twelve o'clock noon.

Tired and exhausted, never enough sleep!
After a night of hard work, the feeling of fatigue is enormous.

Ye Yang still forced himself to get up.

He was awakened by hunger, which would never happen under normal circumstances.

Obviously, after a long journey and several hours of fierce confrontation, the physical strength was greatly consumed and fuel was urgently needed.

What is heartwarming is that there is already a delicious breakfast on the bedside table.

A glass of fresh milk and a sandwich with ham.

As a simple energy replenishment, this is really perfect.

Ye Yang held the milk in one hand and the sandwich in the other, enjoying the delicious time.

As if sensing something was happening, Aki Sakutoku walked into the room from outside with a bright smile on her face.

This smile is different, it seems more satisfied and happier.

This joy was revealed in her slightly upturned mouth, bright eyes, and light steps.

Jiude Aki sat down beside the bed and gently rubbed Ye Yang's cheek with his hand, "Are you up?"


"The sun is almost shining on my butt, and I can't get up yet."

With a sandwich in his mouth, Ye Yang answered vaguely, "I slept until this time, don't you know?"

"What time did you go to bed last night? Don't you know?"

"The sun is already high in the sky and I've just laid down."

Jiude Aki laughed, with a faint blush on her face. She approached Ye Yang and whispered in his ear, "Isn't it all because my brother is too brave?"

"Hmm~" Ye Yang took a sip of milk, "I found that

What they can't do, I can do! You are so much braver now!"

"You never dared to talk to me like this before.

"Aki, were you pretending to be shy in front of me before?" "That's not the case." Jiude Aki muttered in a low voice, "Isn't it because of you?"

"because I?"

"I won't say any more. I'll go get you some food." Shude Aki stood up. "This amount of food is not enough for you. You'll be hungry again later."

"I specially studied Daxia's recipes yesterday and will make Chinese food for you today!"

Ye Yang was stunned when he saw Jiude Aki running out of the room as fast as a deer.

Learning to cook Chinese food?
It’s really exciting.

I wonder what the food she makes will taste like?
While thinking, Ye Yang picked up the laptop next to him. He didn't forget the text message Norma sent yesterday.

He was included in the Bronze Program.

Although I have a general understanding of the situation, the specific details are still unclear. Now I can log in and check the specific situation.

After entering his account password and going through some special permission verifications, Ye Yang successfully logged in.

With a touch of the fingertips on the keyboard, the content on the screen appears quickly.

After browsing it, he roughly understood the situation.

There are five groups in total.

He was assigned to the same group as Nono and Caesar.

Caesar provided support on the surface of the water while he and Nono sneaked underwater.

Their mission is to sneak into the lair of Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire, and plant a bomb.

The nest is located at a depth of fifty or sixty meters underwater.

Therefore, they all need to receive diving training.

This is also the reason why the "Bronze Plan" was scheduled to be implemented in February 2010.

Everyone needs time to prepare and train.

After reading the detailed plan, Ye Yang left the meeting.

Returning to the main interface, he clicked on the link next to it and entered the Night Watchman Forum.

He had not paid attention to the forum before, but now that he had some free time, he decided to take a look, get some information, and see what everyone was discussing.

[Brilliant achievement! Ye Yang, the chairman of the S+ Freshman Association, successfully hit the dragon's head and killed the first generation! ]

[Not taking the bloodline test, not having the required strength? He showed unprecedented S+ level strength! ]

[So, what is our S-level Lu Mingfei doing? ]

[Susie was in danger, who stepped forward to save her? ]

[Amazing! Caesar actually prepared a grand fireworks show for Nono on the top of the mountain! ]

(End of this chapter)

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