Dragon Clan: Write a diary, why is it Shura Field every day?

Chapter 64 "9 Years of Waiting."

Chapter 64 "Ninety Years of Waiting."

"Ninety years of waiting."

"I have waited for ninety years."

"I've been looking forward to this since I saw Norton escape from the brass can ninety years ago."

"I long for a chance to destroy him completely."

"And I will wait until I am one hundred and thirty years old."

"From being full of energy, to being in a shabby state now."

The old cowboy listened in silence.

Ninety years of long patience, just to accomplish one thing.

That person must have a firm belief in his heart that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

"Leonardo, I'm exhausted."

"I'm really exhausted."

"I am tired of the dragons dying and being reborn again and again in this cycle."

“It seemed like just a game to them.”

“It’s really annoying.”

The old cowboy raised his head and stood opposite Ange, and their eyes met.

“My time is running out.”

"Compared to the dragons' nearly eternal life, I am as short-lived as a stink bug."

“But that doesn’t stop bedbugs from having minds of their own.”

“To completely wipe out the dragon race and eliminate the four great monarchs at once is the wish of this insect.

“This task is extremely difficult. The old cowboy pondered for a moment and finally spoke.

Indeed, it has never been easy.

To pull down the four kings from their thrones forever,

So that they can't be resurrected again,
Let them truly and forever disappear, rather than being resurrected somewhere decades later.

Even during the heyday of the secret party, no one dared to make such a bold assumption.

As Ange was talking to the old cowboy about his thoughts that had been suppressed for eighty years,

Thousands of miles away,
On the deck of the Moniach, two figures jumped into the icy river water.

There are now six ropes hanging from the side of the ship.

Yes, four more than before.

Ye Yang and Nuo Nuo each had two tied around their bodies.

This may not seem to matter, as underwater creatures could easily cut one rope if they were strong enough, let alone two.

“But why not use all of it?”

"That at least adds a layer of protection."

Professor Manstein's words are hard to refute. The diving light above the head has little effect on underwater illumination.
It can only illuminate a distance of five to six meters, and it is pitch black any further away.

Through the diving goggles, Ye Yang saw a thick dark green color, and countless suspended particles were moving slowly in the turbid water.

This is in stark contrast to the clear water during training. As the water pressure increases as you go deeper, the burden on your body gradually increases.

Dizziness, pressure on the eardrums and breathing difficulties began to set in. Despite a month of professional training and wearing top-notch diving equipment, these discomforts could not be completely avoided.

Virtually no experienced diver can completely escape these physiological responses.

The only way is to stay calm, take deep breaths, and allow your body to gradually adapt to the changes in pressure.

When diving deep, psychological tension is the most dangerous enemy, far more terrifying than lack of oxygen.

"How do you feel?" Nuonuo's voice came into my ears through the headphones.

"Not bad." Ye Yang responded through the communication device, "Let's continue diving."

The dive is not a continuous process.

Every time the reading on the pressure gauge reaches a critical depth, it is necessary to stop and conduct a detailed inspection.

Only after confirming that everything is normal will we continue diving.

This is a necessary safety measure.

This is done to prevent surprises during deep dives, because once a problem is discovered at depth, it may be too late to take remedial action.

As they went down, the beam of the diving light gradually became dimmer and could only illuminate a distance of three to four meters ahead.

As the two of them remained silent, the world around them seemed to freeze in silence.

The only sound was their own breathing, muffled and unusual.

This kind of environment makes people feel abandoned by the world, an indescribable sense of loneliness. "I have seen the cracks, and we have reached the predetermined depth." Nono's voice suddenly broke the silence.

Ye Yang looked down at the pressure gauge, which showed that they had dived to a depth of 60 meters.

Beneath their feet, a huge crack appeared, a flat straight line extending out of sight.

Such huge cracks are rare in nature, let alone so straight.

"Underwater Group A reports that they are about to enter the target area." Ye Yang reported to his superiors.

The two held hands and were slowly dragged into the water by the lead weights at their waists.

The entrance of the crack is narrow, with the stone walls on both sides only two meters apart, as if it is the gateway to hell.

The rock wall was rough and uneven, and they clung to each other to prevent their diving suits from being scratched, which would have had disastrous consequences.

Their bodies continued to sink, and the numbers on the pressure gauge continued to rise, indicating how deep they were underwater.

No matter which direction you look, up or down, there is endless darkness.

Ye Yang couldn't help but think of the legend of Lucifer's fall.

It is said that Lucifer's fall from heaven lasted seven days and seven nights.
A descent from heaven to the deepest abyss of hell.

At this moment, he also had similar feelings.
It was like going straight down to hell.

Fortunately, after a while, the sight before his eyes was no longer rough rocks.

Instead, a variety of colors began to appear.

Mottled bronze color came into his sight. And he continued to fall.

This huge wall made of bronze seems to have no end and stretches out forever.

It is hard to imagine how huge this palace built by the King of Bronze and Fire is.

When the pressure gauge reading reached 80, Ye Yang finally saw the entrance of this magnificent building.

"Professor, I believe we have successfully reached the gates of the Palace of the King of Bronze and Fire."

"On the magnificent gate, there is a carving of a fierce human face with a burning log in its mouth."

Nono's voice echoed in the cabin of the 'Moniah'.

Professor Mans Rundstedt and Professor Manstein looked at each other.

“That should be a living spirit.”

Professor Manstein came to this conclusion based on his decades of experience in dragon research.

"It is a substance known as 'regenerated metal', and represents the pinnacle of Dragon Alchemy."

"Among the four great monarchs, only the Dragon King Norton, who controls the incomparably pure element of fire, can create this metal."

“Only those who pass its inspection will be allowed to enter.”

“You can think of it as an electronic lock that always has power.”

Even the Dragon King keeps locks on his home.

No one likes to find their door wide open after being away for a long time.

Professor Manstein does not explain it in more detail, but in this case it is sufficient to explain what it is and what it does.

Time is tight.

"The high-purity dragon bloodline is your pass." Professor Manstein reminded: "Nono."

"The vacuum tube you carry with you contains the blood of the 'key'. Apply it to the lips of the 'living spirit' to unlock it."

Silence fell.

There was a long silence.

Something seemed to happen over there, and there was no response.

This suffocating silence made everyone in the cabin of the Moniah feel nervous.



"What happened?"

“Please reply immediately!!!”

Professor Manstein called anxiously on the communication channel.

Professor Mans Rundstedt clutched his hair tightly, his face full of anxiety.

They have already lost two students today, and unexpectedly a new crisis has arisen.

They lost four students in a row, including two S-level and S+-level students with outstanding pedigrees.

Such losses are unbearable.

(End of this chapter)

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