Chapter 68 Bronze City

On the cruel battlefield, Norton, the new-age king who mastered the power of bronze and fire, ended the life of the enemy.

The creature could only let out a few low roars in extreme pain as its final farewell to life.

This scene made everyone present feel at a loss, unable to find any solution to the problem. However, the image of a dog emerged in Caesar's mind.

He thought that when a dog's owner decided to end its life, even if it was covered in wounds and bleeding, it would still happily run towards its owner when the owner called its name.

Even when its physical strength is exhausted and its life is about to come to an end, its loyalty and trust in its master never change.

Now, the once awesome dragon lies dead, its head consumed by fire from within.

The dragon's head stood still, and its terrifying golden pupils dimmed and no longer shone. Norton climbed into the dragon's head.

The process is just like a Gundam pilot climbing into his Gundam mech. There are some differences, though.

The flames and light on Norton's body began to surge around him, no longer just around him.

The flames and light began to spread to the huge body of the dragon.

After just a moment, the originally lifeless and dim dragon began to emit light.

The golden pupils also began to light up gradually, becoming brighter and brighter, and more and more shocking! Until finally, the dragon's eyes were completely lit up!

It spread its wings and regained its strength, as if it was reborn from the ashes!
The huge dragon body woke up again. It raised its head and let out a deafening roar towards the sky.

It is no longer the bound Samson, no longer a controlled dragon servant, it has become a completely new existence. It is the King of Bronze and Fire, Norton!

After thousands of years of silence, Dragon King Norton has come to the world again, and the overlord who rules everything has returned!

"This... are they fused?" Professor Manstein felt a chill coming over him, and his blood seemed to have solidified. "The Dragon King was able to obtain a dragon body through this method?" He said in disbelief.

"Although the dragon body obtained by this method may not be as strong as the one obtained by hatching it again,"

Professor Mans Rundstedt analyzed, "But it is undeniable that it is still a dragon body."

"He was badly wounded, but he found a whole body!" Professor Manstein stammered.
"This must make him even more powerful than in human form!" His voice was rapid and nervous, and anyone could feel his fear.

"That is why," Caesar said coldly, "there is no possibility of escape for us."

"Like I said before, there's nowhere for us to escape."

"We can only face the battle head-on!"

"Professor Mans Rundstedt, give it your all. This will be our only chance."

Deep in the sea, in King Norton's palace, a tense atmosphere permeated.

"What should we do now?" someone asked. "We can't just sit here and wait for death, right?"

Another voice was filled with anxiety. "What if the Dragon King Norton suddenly wants to go back to the palace to rest? Wouldn't we be trapped here?"

Someone said worriedly, "Two men and two women, doesn't this make a perfect dinner?"

Lu Mingfei scratched his head and tried to use humor to ease the tension.

"Quiet." Ling's voice sounded calmly, interrupting Lu Mingfei's joke.

"Oh." Lu Mingfei glanced at Ling and saw that the latter had his eyes closed, as if he was concentrating on sensing something, so he didn't continue talking.

Nuonuo seemed to sense something, and her crystal ears moved slightly. "This bronze's moving." Ling finally spoke, with a hint of surprise in his voice.

Lu Mingfei's face was filled with disbelief. He muttered to himself, "Can you not be so frightening every time you speak? When I was diving with you, you almost scared me to death."

"Yes..." Nono continued, "This bronze city has been activated."

"I just checked and the pressure gauge reading is decreasing."

"This suggests that the water inside the Bronze City is being drained."

"We should leave." Ye Yang said, pushing open the door.

Lu Mingfei thought to himself, is it really that serious? Did everyone feel something was wrong, but I was the only one who didn't feel anything unusual?

Suddenly, he heard a sound.

“Crack, click, click—!”

It was the sound of mechanical gears turning, faint at first, but then getting louder and clearer. These sounds came from all directions at the same time, making people feel as if the world was ending.

"What would happen if this bronze city was activated?"

Lu Mingfei asked the question while running quickly.

"Does this need to be said?"

"Of course it is."

"You will be locked away in the Bronze City."

"Have you forgotten what Ye Sheng and Jiude Aki experienced last time?"

Nuonuo was the last one to run out of the bronze hut. As soon as she stood firm, she saw a huge bronze object falling in the air in the distance. "Bang!"

It hit the ground with a loud metallic thud.

The sound was so loud and shocking that everyone present subconsciously covered their ears with their hands.

Nuonuo saw it clearly. It was a huge bronze gear as big as a millstone, weighing several tons. It fell from a height of dozens of meters but was still intact.

After two thousand years, it is still so solid, which is enough to show how excellent the alchemical skills of Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire are.

While everyone was still in shock, more bronze gears and fragments fell from the dome of the Bronze City.

The floor began to shake, as if the entire bronze city was gradually collapsing.

Lu Mingfei shrank his neck. “There seems to be something wrong with this way of starting up, right?”

"Of course not!" Nuo Nuo became a little panicked, "This is not starting at all, it's self-destructing!"

"Norton did that before."

She suddenly recalled the records about Norton she had seen in the academy.

"The water level is rising." Zero warned. Before they knew it, the water had already covered their feet, and it was rising so fast that they could almost see the change in the water level with their naked eyes.

The solid bronze walls around it were broken by the surging water.

Streams of water poured down from great heights like a giant dragon spitting water.

The water level rose rapidly, almost reaching people's chests.

"Run away!" Nono shouted.

But she herself didn't know which direction she should escape.

She doesn't even know how we got in here, let alone found the exit.

"Follow me," Zero said, starting to jog and leading the way.

A group of people ran closely behind her.

Before Lu Mingfei could react, Ling pressed his hand under the water.

A stream of bright red blood gushed out from his fingertips, and Lu Mingfei screamed in pain.

The living spirit under the water drank his blood, then opened the door and let them in. Following the mad water flow, the four were washed into the Dragon King's bedroom.

The situation here was not much better than the previous floor. The surroundings continued to collapse, and water rushed in from all directions.

Even a bronze supporting column had broken and collapsed.

The situation is extremely dangerous!

Zero stood still.

"Why don't you just keep going?"

"Miss, if we don't leave quickly, we're going to die here."

Lu Mingfei looked desperate.

"I don't know where to go next." Zero shrugged.

Lu Mingfei jumped anxiously, "Then how did we get in just now?"

"I don't know." Zero replied.

Lu Mingfei was stunned.

How could I not know this?

Ye Yang frowned, as if trying hard to recall something.

Nuonuo felt that this scene was somewhat familiar.

Suddenly, she remembered.

Isn’t the current situation the same as what Ye Sheng and Jude Aki encountered?
It dawned on her!
“Water will be injected layer by layer here!”

"This is exactly the same situation that Ye Sheng and Jiude Aki encountered!"

Nuonuo turned to Lu Mingfei, her eyes full of encouragement.

"Lu Mingfei, do you still remember the route on the Bronze City map you found last time?"

“I know it can be hard.”

"But it doesn't matter, we still have time."

(End of this chapter)

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