Chapter 73 Request for a Rescue Mission
It was like the dark sphere that obscures the sun during a solar eclipse.

Nuonuo almost forgot to breathe when he saw this scene.

She had witnessed the mystery of a solar eclipse before, but the scene before her was completely beyond her imagination.

A dark sphere hangs in the sky.

It gradually began to spin, releasing a violent force that swept everything away: the river, the rocks, the fish.

All objects sucked into it were instantly destroyed into dust.

She saw with her own eyes a huge stone that disappeared without a trace as if it had evaporated once it entered the black sun.

Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, could not escape the attraction of the Black Sun and was being dragged upwards.

The huge dragon's body was already covered with scars after the previous fierce battle.

The dragon's tail swung violently in pain, and its angry and unwilling roars echoed in the river.

Purple lightning rolled above.

The terrifying purple lightning was right below the black sun, and the terrifying arcs of electricity kept flashing.

Bolts of lightning continuously bombarded Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire.

Even an indestructible dragon body cannot withstand such intensive and violent attacks.

Under repeated blows.

Those originally delicate and elegant black scales shattered and fell off, revealing the fragile flesh underneath.

Under the ravages of thunder, the dragon's body was covered in blood.

The scene was extremely tragic!

Nuonuo suddenly remembered the scene of killing the fish.

It’s the same when killing fish, remove the scales first, and then it’s easy to handle.

Her own thoughts frightened her a little.

The four great monarchs, the noble first generation, how could such great creatures be associated with fish?
Suddenly, the awe I felt was gone.


Perhaps it was because of Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire,

At this moment, I feel like a fish on the chopping board waiting to be slaughtered?
They are at the mercy of others and have no power to resist.

The purple thunder continued to fall.

Even though hundreds of thunderbolts had already fallen, the thundercloud seemed to show no signs of diminishing.

Like endless thunder.

After all, he is Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, the one sitting on the throne.

Possessing a powerful vitality that ordinary people can hardly imagine,

Even now, he is not dead yet. If it were Constantine, he would have died long ago.

The solemn voice changed again, and a completely new kind of words began to take shape.

“Close to the target!”

“We are going to succeed!”

"Only five meters to the water surface!"

Lu Mingfei's excited voice came through the headset. Ling glanced at the pressure gauge and confirmed the information. They were about to quickly rise to the surface from a depth of 80 meters underwater.

Their ascent speed was so fast that it broke the best record in previous training and was at least one minute faster than the scheduled time.

Obviously, this could be either case.

Either Lu Mingfei was slacking off in training.

Or maybe he learned that his senior sister was in danger, so he unleashed his amazing potential and was eager to reach the surface as soon as possible so that he could change the oxygen tank and return to rescue her.

Whether the truth is the former or the latter, Zero feels that it no longer matters.

The river was calm and the two men's heads gradually emerged from the water.

Not far away, two lifeboats were on standby.

Seeing that the underwater survival team members were alive, the personnel responsible for receiving them showed tears of joy on their faces, and drove towards them cheering excitedly.

There were people in the crowd applauding enthusiastically; their eyes and expressions were as if they were welcoming the return of a hero.

"Why didn't you use the diving bell?"

The people on the lifeboat asked, "We thought we might not be able to wait for you this time."

"That's too slow. It's not like we don't have hands."

Lu Mingfei climbed onto the lifeboat panting.

As soon as he got on the boat, he lay down directly, breathing heavily, with his tongue hanging out.

His chest rose and fell dramatically, and his heart beat at an alarming rate, delivering fresh oxygen to every part of his body.

He looked so exhausted, like a dog that had run eight kilometers.

He really tried his best to surface from a depth of 80 meters and break the training record.

In comparison, Zero seems much more relaxed.

She neither lay down nor stuck out her tongue.

She just sat quietly by the boat and slowly took off her diving gear.

After taking two breaths, Lu Mingfei struggled to sit up.

"Why did you take off your diving gear?"

"Go and change a new oxygen cylinder, then take two oxygen cylinders and go down to rescue your senior sisters and the others, okay?"

The crowd around, who were originally laughing and talking, suddenly became quiet.

They thought the other group was just behind them, but they didn't expect something to go wrong?

"Zero, I know you have great stamina."

"It's okay to do it again. See how you don't even breathe."

"What are you still doing?"

"Why don't you go and change the oxygen tank?"

Seeing that everyone was in a daze, Lu Mingfei became anxious and jumped up and down.

Those who were unaware of the situation hurriedly began to replace the oxygen cylinders.

"Don't worry." Zero's voice broke the tense atmosphere.

The people who were busy with their work stopped and stood there in a daze.

Lu Mingfei looked at Ling in confusion.

He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and he didn't understand why Ling was wasting time at such a critical moment. "Senior sister, they are still underwater."

"They need us to rescue them."

"Time is precious, every second counts!"

"Hurry up, please!"

Lu Mingfei's tone was almost pleading.

He was really panicked.

He had lost a lot in the past eighteen years.

Some were lost, and some were stolen.

He actually doesn't care too much.

Because those things didn't belong to him in the first place.

Once lost, it’s lost.

But this time it's different.

The red-haired girl was willing to wear a purple suit for him, wear her most disliked high heels for him, drive a fiery red sports car, and walk into his life like an angel.

He was the one who rescued her from the deepest of troubles.

in other words,

She was the one most willing to lend a helping hand during his darkest and most difficult moments.

She is the only light in his dark life!
One could even say that she was the sunshine in his life.

Now, that sun seems to be setting and may never rise again.


He couldn't let that happen.

Even if it costs his life, even if it means giving up everything, he is willing to do it.

"It's too late." Zero said calmly.

"how come?"

Lu Mingfei subconsciously retorted, "Ye Yang went to save her."

"He told me so himself."

"As long as I swim fast enough and bring the oxygen tank back as soon as possible, there will be no problem."

"How can it be too late?"

"How can it be too late?"

Lu Mingfei was somewhat out of control.

"Stop fooling yourself." Ling said coldly.

"Ye Yang's oxygen tank only has 40% left, but it needs to support two people."

"With two people together, their ascent speed will inevitably be greatly slowed down."

"How long did it take us to ascend?"

"How long will it take to go down?"

"Do we have time?"

Is there really still time?
Is there really still time?
Lu Mingfei never touched this idea, he didn't dare to touch this idea.

He had already begun to avoid thinking the moment the accident happened.

He didn't want to and was unwilling to face the answer.

He just rushed upstream with all his might.



He just keeps pushing himself and racing against time.

There is still time, there must be still time.

This belief has kept him going until now.

This allowed him to break the training record by more than a minute.

He did surpass himself, but he couldn't beat time.

Lu Mingfei stared at the water in a daze.

Do you need help, brother?

The bottom of the river suddenly lit up.

At the bottom of the river, where the water was so deep that one could not see one's front, a dazzling light suddenly appeared. Looking around, the entire water area was illuminated by the light.

This scene was grand and spectacular, like a miracle.

Lu Mingfei stood there in a daze, looking somewhat bewildered. But Ling stood up and cast his eyes towards the bottom of the water.

"It should have been like this underwater at that time." She said. Lu Mingfei came to his senses. It was what he had mistakenly thought was an underwater earthquake.

The 'Moniah' was approaching slowly from a distance.

Although it was shaky, it was still a warship.

“We succeeded, but we also failed.”

"It seems that Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, is still alive." Caesar's voice came from the boat.

He stood by the railing of the deck, his eyes fixed on the water, a serious expression on his face.

There were shocking bloodstains on his ears.

'Kamaitachi' gave him super hearing.

At such a close distance, the explosion of a Storm torpedo is enough to easily destroy a person's hearing.

In other words, he was deaf.


"Lu Mingfei, you made it up successfully!"

Lu Mingfei said: Their oxygen supply can only last 20 minutes! Please rescue them as soon as possible.

Do you need help, brother?

"Professor, S-level student Lu Mingze is requesting a rescue mission."

(End of this chapter)

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