Chapter 80 Mission
There are many world-renowned luxury brands, such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Burberry, etc.

The list is too long to mention, but if you can afford it, you can buy all the clothes from these brands and try them on one by one.

After trying them on, you can pick out the one you like best.

If you are buying clothes for yourself, you can of course do whatever you want.

But the current situation is different. The purpose of buying clothes is not to be comfortable, but to show off.

To show off, the most appropriate choice is not to wear what you prefer, but to wear a well-known brand.

The logic is simple, isn't it?
You want to show off, but you find that the other person is not on the same level as you and cannot recognize the brand of your clothes at all.

The other person looks at you blankly, but fails to understand the sense of superiority you want to show.

Isn't this situation very embarrassing?
In order to avoid this embarrassing situation, you must choose those that are popular in 2009.

The brand clothing that the nouveau riche and wealthy people like to wear the most.

A set of Armani brand clothing costs thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. It is not too expensive, but not cheap either. The important thing is that it reflects class.

When you put on Armani, the shopping guide will keep praising your handsomeness, wanting to pour out all the fancy words, for fear that the sponsor will be dissatisfied and leave.

Ye Yang was not particularly satisfied with this suit; it was not as comfortable as the custom-made suit.

But after all, it was the principal who paid the money, so he just went with the flow.

Xia Mi chose a white evening gown from Givenchy, with silk gloves on her hands and a skirt that was layered and bloomed like a lotus.

It's breathtakingly beautiful. The exaggerated expression of the shopping guide fully explains it all. It's not the clothes themselves that attract people.
It's the person wearing the clothes. The eighteen-year-old Xia Mi is breathtakingly beautiful. The exposed shoulder skin is even more beautiful than the snow-white evening dress.
The person is flawless, and the clothes serve as the finishing touch, so naturally they are expensive.

My daily outfits,

It is worth as much as three or five hundred thousand dollars, which is more than thirty times the price of Ye Yang's clothes.

It is true that capitalists love to make money from women. Ye Yang couldn't see how this suit was worth $300,000.

That's nonsense! With another $100,000, you can buy a Rolls-Royce.

Angers calmly swiped the card. In one go, four hundred thousand dollars was gone.

The store manager personally delivered the clothes to the car, and if he had a red carpet on hand, he would probably have rolled it all the way there.

It’s not that we haven’t seen VIPs who spend money like water, but it’s rare to see someone spend money so generously and without hesitation, like an ordinary person buying two tea eggs on a daily basis.

If such a customer is well maintained, good days are not far away. This dress is really precious.

Xia Mi's movements were so stiff when she got into the car. This was three hundred thousand dollars!

If a hole is rubbed out, it will be terrible. Xia Mi was terrified. She was just a small COSER who worked hard for two hours and could only earn a hundred dollars.

Oh, no, it's two hundred dollars.

Ye Yang looked at her and found it funny, "Relax, Xia Mi."

"You have to have an attitude of '30,000 dollars worth of clothes is nothing, I wear 300,000 or 500,000 dollars worth of clothes everyday.'"

Xia Mi's face was filled with sorrow. When it came to wearing clothes worth three or five hundred thousand dollars, she couldn't even imagine what kind of woman that would be.

For her, such clothes were out of reach.

Not only the clothes worth three or five hundred thousand dollars, but even the clothes worth three hundred thousand dollars that she was wearing now made her feel like she was carrying a heavy mountain on her back.

"Brother," "I'm staying in a hotel.

The income of a COSER doesn’t matter, since it’s only a few hundred dollars anyway."
"If you work hard and grit your teeth, you can still afford it."

Xia Mi complained, "This dress is too expensive!"
"If I really break it by accident, how can I afford to pay for it?" Ange replied.
"It's already yours." While driving, he thought to himself with self-mockery, is this a benefit of carrying out a mission?

Xia Mi's eyes widened in disbelief. A piece of clothing worth three hundred thousand dollars became hers just like that?
She opened her mouth wide, her face full of shock. Ye Yang looked at her, couldn't help but smile, and gently closed her lips. As soon as he let go, Xia Mi's mouth opened again unexpectedly. It seemed that her facial muscles had lost control.

"Ye Yang, she opened her mouth again!"

Xia Mi seemed a little helpless about this situation. Ye Yang also took the trouble to help her shut up and reminded her,

"Be careful, don't drool."

Xia Mi immediately retorted, "Who is drooling!" She pretended to be angry, but she was extremely cute.

Maybe this is the charm that makes people like you no matter when and where you are, even when you are angry?

Just like a kitten, even if its fur is ruffled, it is still innocent and cute in people's eyes.

Xia Mi gently stroked the dress worth thirty thousand dollars on her body, unable to conceal her joy.

She loved the dress so much. Who would turn down a $30,000 dress?

Even if you don't wear it, just leaving it there will make you feel satisfied and happy.


Xia Mi said, "If you have any missions in the future, be sure to call me. I like to go on missions!" The extended Lincoln was driving at high speed on the road.
Even though the principal was driving very fast, he still had no obstruction.

This is not entirely due to Angers' superb driving skills, there are other reasons. The value of a luxury car is not only reflected in the vehicle itself.

The extra value embodied by the vehicle allows passers-by to know at a glance that the owner is extraordinary and a successful person with outstanding achievements.

Moreover, when driving on the road, other vehicles will often actively give way to avoid damage caused by carelessness.

If an unfortunate collision occurs, your life may suddenly become a mess. Who wants to go out for a drive on a beautiful afternoon, only to be forced to sell their property and car when they get home?

If you feel that your life is too comfortable and you want some twists and turns...then go crash a luxury car.

That is a shortcut that can change your life in an instant.
"Life Changer".

"You want to take on more missions?" Angers took a puff of the cigar in his mouth, "Then you have to spend more time with Ye Yang."

"Why?" Xia Mi asked puzzledly.

"As an unprecedented S+-level student in the academy, Lu Mingfei is now extremely obsessed. I really can't think of anyone more suitable for solving the task than him."

What Ange said makes sense. The task should naturally be assigned to the best person to complete.

"Brother." Xia Mi immediately held Ye Yang's hand tightly, "I plan to follow you in the future."

In a moment, Ye Yang felt that Xia Mi and Finkel were somewhat similar, both seemed quite practical.

But then he realized that Finkel might be even more brazen.

He is probably swearing to heaven to ensure his absolute loyalty. If Ye Yang asked him to beat up Lu Mingfei, Finger would probably act without even thinking.

He would even ask considerately, Chairman Ye, how do you want me to fight?
Should I cut off my hands or my feet? It is also acceptable to cut off both hands and feet.

You know, I am your most loyal follower and I guarantee that you will be satisfied.

As for Lu Mingfei's outcome? That's not important anymore.

He is just an ordinary roommate. At most I can treat him to a meal later.

Ye Yang couldn't help but laugh. He really admired the girl's innocent and pure character. She was lively and cute, and had no ulterior motives.


(End of this chapter)

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