Chapter 95 Questioning
The wind, which had almost stagnated, began to flow again.

"So..." Han Gao raised his head and looked at Ange, "Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, has hatched again?"


“We have survived another crisis.”

"Humans have extended their lifespan by dozens or hundreds of years?" Angers' tone was full of sarcasm.

Slaying a dragon is essentially a race against time.

The four monarchs awaken one after another, and they appear at the end of each cycle.

A powerful enemy appears!

The hybrids will have to fight hard to challenge this great enemy, and once they win, the timer will be restarted.

Then prepare for the arrival of the next monarch.

This cycle continues over and over again.

Until... the day we fail.

Sounds hopeless, doesn't it?

"But at least, we have successfully overcome the crisis again, right?"

"This is definitely an achievement worth celebrating," Henkel said with a smile.

"Of course, this is indeed a good thing for you." Ange responded, "With champagne in your left hand and a beautiful woman in your right hand, it is another beautiful and relaxing day."

“How is this not a good thing?…

Except for Han Gao, almost everyone's expression became gloomy. Wherever they went,
They are always the guests of honor at high-end occasions and are respected. In their lives, almost no one dares to speak to them like this.

People are often like this, if they don't have much experience, they find it difficult to control their emotions. But Han Gao, who is already over 70 years old, seems unusually calm.
As if they had not heard Ange's words at all, some people began to breathe faster.

It was clear that the patience of these young people was wearing thin quickly.

Ange took a sip of the wine in his hand, then raised his head and glanced at everyone present.
"God gave the Jews a smart mind, but they only thought about how to make money."

"There is nothing wrong with this. After all, the pursuit of wealth is a biological instinct."

"Everyone wants to live a better life, they just make their own choices."

"But what about you?"

"Don't you have a choice?"

Although he was clearly cursing, he had a smile on his face, "You guys with dragon blood flowing in your veins, there are so many things you can do."

"Not to mention flying and hiding, he can be considered a superman in the eyes of humans."

"But what about the end?"

"You only use that power to rape women?"

Ange vented his anger.

In those dark times, everyone shared the same hatred for the enemy.

Know that this is everyone's war.

Know that this is it, a race war where it’s either you or me.

Dragon-slaying families from all over the world have contributed to varying degrees.

But as time went by, and it was passed down from generation to generation, the descendants might have never faced creatures like the Four Monarchs head-on.

They know nothing about the pain brought about by that dark history full of blood and tears.

All they see is the huge investment - money, time, and even life.

As the battle continued, they came to see it as a futile fight with no end in sight, and their mentality began to change.

At first, they fully participated in the battle, then they only provided financial support, and finally even the financial support disappeared.

They think that since there are institutions like Kassel College standing on the front line, why should they worry about those things?
In their view, the pursuit of wealth and enjoyment of life is obviously more sensible and tempting, why take unnecessary risks? This idea seems extremely stupid to them.

As time goes by, some people in the new generation have never even heard of that history. They express doubts about it and think it is just nonsense.

If such a thing really existed, how come I didn't see it?
This is certainly fiction.

It’s really funny to say, if such a powerful creature really existed, humans would have become extinct long ago, right?

How could humans possibly defeat the Four Lords? Not to mention kill them and put them into a deep sleep. The power gap between the two was so huge, how could such a thing happen?

Even novels and TV dramas don't dare to write like this, please be reasonable! !

Even if they did, so what? Why do they publicize those things? Isn't it for the money? This is really disgusting!
Once the doubts begin, these voices can never be stopped, just like a spark that can start a prairie fire.

Ange didn't care. He didn't care that those people were hiding comfortably in the back, pursuing wealth and women, it didn't matter to him.

The real reason for his anger was that people were always sacrificing in the front.

It was disgusting to him that such a person could clearly enjoy something but still looked so superior.

Ange's voice echoed in the small room, full of power and passion. His dissatisfaction was evident.

"Shouldn't we look forward?" the man in a white suit and with his hair parted in threesevens interrupted.
"Mr. Principal, it is not wise to always look back to the past." "We should look to the future,
Making progress together is what we should do now.”

"This world is vast and boundless." "Whether it is the four great kings or the black king Nidhogg who once stood at the top of the world,
They are all destined to become the dust of history.”

"What's past is past."

"We." He put his hands together on the table with an unfathomable smile on his face.
"We are the masters of the future of this world!"

He wore a ring on his right thumb that symbolized the family crest, which emitted a soft golden glow under the crystal lamp. Ange suddenly smiled.

"You still remember." He looked at this confident,

Young people who talk about the past as past and that they represent the future,
"What does the family emblem on the ring you are wearing represent?" The ring was extremely exquisite, made of pure gold, and the main body was a phoenix.

It is also made of red gold, into which rare elements are incorporated, making its color even more noble.

Although this ring is only the size of a fingernail, it is exquisitely crafted and lifelike, especially the pair of red crystal eyes that are the finishing touch.
Although small, it is priceless and was once sold at a sky-high price of tens of millions. For ordinary people, such a ring is a fortune that they would find difficult to accumulate in ten lifetimes.

When asked about the meaning of a family crest, it is difficult for a descendant of the family to know more than an outsider.
This is extremely shameful in a way.

However, this young man in a white suit leads a life of luxury and indulgence. Today he is spending the night with Victoria's Secret models.

Tomorrow he would hang out with a popular singer, and the day after tomorrow he would hang out with a rising star in the film and television industry. This kind of life made him almost forget his own identity.
He didn't even remember the teachings he heard when he got the ring more than ten years ago. Those words had long been forgotten by him.

“Mr. Principal, is there any point in us discussing the meaning of the family crest on my ring now?

"The young man in white argued, "I don't think this makes any sense."

"You forgot." Ange smiled and said, "This is what I wanted to remind you.

You people have gotten so comfortable that you've forgotten who you are and what you're supposed to do."

(End of this chapter)

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