Chapter 108 Finale
I don’t know if it was a birthday present from the other party, but the master and three senior brothers left on her birthday, March 3th.

Spring days with flowers blooming.

Various fruits, vegetables and flowers grown in Wuji Sect are in full bloom.

From day to night, Lu Qingfei stayed with his master and senior brothers.

Xie Yunji used the excuse of exchanging blows to fight with Jiang Heng. Both of them liked to practice physical skills, and with new and old grudges added together, they fought without mercy.

Lu Qingfei, the headmaster, Zhong Qin and Yan Guilai were playing cards.

Zhong Qin, who was eliminated, took out a velvet square box and handed it to Lu Qingfei.

"Junior sister, this is a gift from Second Senior Brother. You will definitely like it!"

Lu Qingfei, who was concentrating on playing cards, took the time to open it and took a look. It was a dragon made of gold. She asked in confusion: "Second Brother, where do you have so much money?"

"Second Brother is not only good at fighting, but also has a good business sense!" Zhong Qin patted his chest and said proudly.

Lu Qingfei agreed: "Indeed."

Suddenly, a ray of light tore through the foggy sky, shedding bright and dazzling sunlight.

The girl appeared in everyone's sight.

Behind her is the dense and deep Lingxiao Mountain, and in front of her is the endless light blooming in the night.

Lu Qingfei looked up and saw a magnificent passage like the Milky Way running through the pitch-black night. The passage seemed to connect heaven and earth. Countless colorful fluorescent lights fell on Wuji Sect, as if covering the entire world.

Let the people in the sect be covered with a layer of flowing and clear light, brilliant and dazzling.

"When they sent us here, the thunder was so terrifying that it seemed like it was going to kill us. Why did they make it so grand when they sent us away?"

Zhong Qin said angrily: "How can this be possible!"

Jiang Heng and Xie Yunji walked back with brisk steps, both of them had some bruises on their faces.

Lu Qingfei had no time to care.

Tiandao Liya appeared beside the girl and began to urge them.

"It's easy to say goodbye but hard to meet again, just like flowing water, falling flowers and passing spring." The head of the sect rubbed Lu Qingfei's head, his tone slightly serious, "You will always be my little disciple, Chu Zhixun."

Lu Qingfei felt a little sad and nodded: "Yeah."

The girl raised her slender wrist slightly, and the masters and brothers who were originally beside her instantly arrived in the magnificent light path.

Zhong Qin waved frantically: "Goodbye, little junior sister, remember to miss your second senior brother!"

After returning from the banquet: "Junior sister, be happy!" Xie Yunji's eyes turned slightly red and he turned his head away.

Yan Guilai put his arm around Xie Yunji's shoulders and said softly, "Big Brother, please say something."

Xie Yunji clenched his fists and spoke with difficulty: "Junior sister, take care of yourself."

His voice was not loud, but Lu Qingfei heard it. Her eyelashes moved, and tears fell silently like jade beads.

"Okay! I will!"

Lu Qingfei's eyes reflected the fluorescent light in the sky, and in the brilliant light and shadow were her master and three senior brothers.

In the gorgeous dream, the cool and beautiful girl had a pair of clear and calm eyes, with a slight smile, looking at Lu Qingfei below.

The colorful lights shot up into the sky, like brilliant fireworks, fleeting and short-lived, and in the blink of an eye it seemed as if it had never existed.

At this point, all the cultivators disappeared and returned to the world of cultivation.

In the 21st century China, civilization continues.

Jiang Heng held Lu Qingfei's hand with one hand, raised the other hand, and gently wiped her tears with his fingertips.

Lu Qingfei raised his tear-stained face and looked towards the ink-black sky, his clear eyes moving.

Jiang Heng looked at her quietly.

"Senior brother."

Lu Qingfei said to him in a gentle and slow voice: "I also shed tears for you on that rainy night."

It was raining heavily, and the tears and rain were mixed together, making it easy for people to distinguish them, but she could tell them clearly.

Separation may only take a moment, but no matter what kind of feelings are rooted in the heart, it is difficult to give up.

Jiang Heng stretched out his arms and hugged Lu Qingfei, holding the back of her head with one hand, and touched her head affectionately and soothingly.

"I know."

After a pause, he continued, "You'd better stop crying. A girl crying like a baby is more difficult to deal with than a demon in your heart."

The man's warm breath touched the skin of his neck, and Lu Qingfei suddenly smiled.

The laws of the world are set. The past cannot be reversed, but the future can be changed.

Don't worry.

In countless time and space, I will meet you again.

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