I became famous in the entertainment industry by burning incense

Chapter 117: Mr. Xiao bought a car generously, Jinli's learning mindset changed, Xi Mengze vowe

Chapter 117: Mr. Xiao generously bought ten cars, Jinli's learning mindset changed, Xi Mengze vowed to kill all the romance dogs in the world
Jinli and Xi Mengze only played in Hu Province for two days before Sui Lingfang called them back to South City.

Qi Guan Mingzhu went back with them, but did not receive a call from the company.

In Chenxi Entertainment.

Sui Lingfang mentioned the charity short film to the two of them and said seriously:
“The company will do its best to get you two selected for the filming, but the exposure involved in the public welfare short film is too huge.

In addition to the personality, reputation, and public recognition of the star, we also take into account a hidden unspoken rule.”

She paused, "Company strength."

Jinli and Xi Mengze looked at each other.

Even with the two of them joining Chenxi Entertainment, it is still just a medium-sized company in terms of company strength.

And this medium-sized company was only rated this year.

In the past, it was just a small company.

Jinli looked at Sister Fang.

Sui Lingfang took the initiative to call them back, and looked confident, perhaps she had found a way to break the deadlock.

She asked directly: "Sister Fang, what do you want us to do?"

Sui Lingfang said thoughtfully: "First, like other companies, we have to go to Director Zhong Wentai.

I heard that even Tianding Entertainment has sent its first-line artists to Zhong Wen Tai, and other companies will not miss this opportunity.

Although I think it is useless to sit back and wait, it is a common practice in the industry, so you should do the same.”

The entry of first-tier companies is a signal.

If even the first-tier companies in the industry let their artists do this, then what is there for the second-tier and third-tier companies and artists to be so pretentious about?
Not only do we have to keep up, we have to keep up with it fiercely and be more sincere than the artists from first-tier companies!

Although the entertainment industry has never been a place where you can move God with sincerity, you should at least appear sincere on the surface.

Once you are selected, you can say that you impressed the director with your sincerity.

And if they are not selected, they can still post on Weibo saying that they are not hard enough and good enough, and play the victim.

As long as the attitude is right.

Then you can attack when you advance and defend when you retreat.

After hearing Sui Lingfang's plans, the two looked at each other again without any objections.

If Sui Lingfang had arranged for them to go, they would definitely not be happy.

But even Tianding Entertainment is doing this, so those of them who still want to stay in the entertainment industry should just follow suit.

After the meeting, the two left the company.

When Jinli saw the nanny car sent by the company to pick her up, she thought:
Chenxi Entertainment has probably already digested Mr. Xiao’s investment.

In the past, there were only three nanny cars, and the artists had no chance to use one. Even Jinli sometimes had to take a taxi herself.

Now, when Jinli and Xi Mengze return to the apartment, they can each be assigned a car, but before there was only one.

When the two saw two nanny cars, they suddenly had an idea and ran to the company's garage to take a look.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

Jinli and Xi Mengze were surprised to find that, minus the two cars they had driven out, there were still five idle cars in the garage.

And looking at the quality of the car...

Jinli has no feelings for cars, doesn't recognize license plates, and can't tell whether a car is good or bad.

But I feel that from the appearance, these cars in the garage are much better looking than the previous ones.

Xi Mengze couldn't help but sigh: "What's going on with this sudden feeling of pride?"

Jinli also nodded: "It feels like a small company has gradually grown into a big company."

The two got into their cars and returned to the apartment.

In the car, Jinli specifically asked Xiao Chen: "Did the company use the investment money given by President Xiao to buy a few more cars?"

While driving, Xiao Chen replied with ease: "Sister Jinli, those cars were not bought by the company."

Jinli was surprised: "Is it not bought at any cost, or is it rented?"

Xiao Chen said jokingly, "Sister Jinli, renting a car is convenient for temporary use, but for long-term use, it is a waste of money.

If you have the time to rent a car every day, you might as well buy a car directly, otherwise you will have too much money to spend. However, the car in the company is not bought, but is related to Mr. Xiao. "

Jinli was surprised: "It wasn't bought by the company, could it be bought by President Xiao?"

Xiao Chen affirmed: "Yes, it was bought by Mr. Xiao."

She paused and sighed, "Boss Xiao is really a god of wealth. Chenxi Entertainment has a good boss!"

After listening to Xiao Chen's explanation, Jinli finally understood what was going on.

Isn’t it the end of Q2 already? Mr. Xiao came to see how Chenxi Entertainment’s KPI is being performed.

Xiao Chen said: "I don't know what the leader reported, but I saw that Mr. Xiao was smiling when he left the office.

Maybe because he was in a good mood, he suddenly had the idea of ​​going to the company garage to take a look. Seeing that there was no car in the garage, he asked how many cars the company usually had.

At the time, I was following Sister Fang and heard the company executives say that the company had three vehicles, and then President Xiao asked how many artists the company had.

Jinli asked curiously: "So how many artists does the company have now?"

Xiao Chen replied: "There are already 55."

Jinli let out a soft "wow". For a medium-sized entertainment company that doesn't promote idol groups and doesn't have any trainees.

There are 55 regular artists, which is considered a relatively large number.

Xiao Chen: "When Mr. Xiao heard this, he asked back, do you have enough cars?
Then the leader must answer truthfully and say that it is not enough.

At that time, Mr. Xiao said calmly: "I will ask the drivers to drive a few cars over and park them in the company for the artists to travel."

That demeanor and attitude are just like a TV drama. Rich people give away a few cars as if they are just talking about today’s weather.”

Jinli laughed when she heard this.

"So all those cars in the garage were brought by Mr. Xiao?"

Xiao Chen nodded: "Yes, I thought Mr. Xiao just wanted to give a few more cars, but I didn't expect him to bring ten cars directly, and they are all the same brand and model.

Sister Jinli, do you know what this means?"

Jinli was also happy to help, "What does it mean?"

Xiao Chen said excitedly: "How could a big boss have ten identical cars in his garage? This is totally unnecessary!"

Jinli: "So?"

Xiao Chen: "This must be President Xiao asking his assistant to buy ten new cars at once and put them in the company garage!"

Jinli saw that Xiao Chen was talking happily, and couldn't help but listen happily too.

She thought to herself: From the current perspective, Mr. Xiao is really a good person!

At night, night falls.

Jinli continued the live broadcast.

This time she chose to watch videos and summarize some difficult points of knowledge.

Netizens accompanied the whole process and took notes together. Afterwards, Jinli would randomly draw ten to give away scratch cards!

This is the old rule of the live broadcast room.

Netizens are still very willing to participate and try their luck in winning a prize.

Because many netizens participate every time, they can see Jinli's notes every time.

This time, when some people saw her notes, they were stunned.

[Libao's note-taking style has changed]
[Yeah, I thought I misread the notes!]
[It has become simpler and more concise, only the key points are kept, and those irrelevant supplements are not written]
[Is this considered Libao's further summary?]
[I really feel her improvement. She used to want to write down every word the teacher said. Now, she consciously records the core content based on her own shortcomings. This is a change in a student's thinking.]
[She is getting smarter step by step!]
Jinli didn't realize that her note-taking style had changed.

She only saw the comments in the comment section after she had taken notes and was about to randomly pick out the notes of netizens.

Only then did she realize.

It turned out that her notes had changed so much.

She seems to be getting more and more adept at studying.

After drawing the prize, Jinli hung up the live broadcast neatly.

Gu Cheng was still connected with Jinli, giving her some private lessons and explaining a relatively comprehensive question.

For questions of this difficulty, Jinli used to have to listen for half an hour.

But now, after just ten minutes of listening, I understood it all.

After finishing the topic, Jinli told Gu Cheng about the netizens' compliments on her and asked:

"Will the difference be so big just by changing the note-taking style?"

Gu Cheng thought for a while and asked, "Why do you want to take notes?"

Jinli said: "Record the key knowledge."

Gu Cheng compared her early and current notes: "When you took notes before, you just wrote down all the key knowledge without your own ideas.

These records are exactly the same as those summarized in the reference book, and I even wish the summary was more detailed than in the reference book.

But now, you look at it again, you have consciously ignored some knowledge, so you should ask yourself, why didn’t you record it?”

Jinli reflected on it and said hesitantly: "When I was listening to the class, I felt that some parts of the knowledge were very simple, and I completely digested them, so I didn't take notes.

Moreover, this knowledge can be found in reference books. I understand it and there is no need to record it again.

When I am listening to a lecture, I would rather record the knowledge points that I find difficult. ”

Gu Cheng tapped the tabletop with his knuckles, “So, this is the problem.

You are starting to make good use of the method!

Instead of wasting all your energy on all the knowledge points, you consciously select the content that you find difficult to understand and record it again to deepen your impression. "

Gu Cheng paused for a moment and said, "Jinli, do you want to see my notes?"

Jinli didn't notice the change in address.

She subconsciously said, "I remember your notes were also very concise. Last time you posted your notes online and were caught by netizens—"

However, when she saw Gu Cheng's notes, she suddenly stopped talking.

Gu Cheng’s notes are not a bunch of summarized and organized formulas and theorems.

Instead, it’s all a deduction process!
His notes are all deductions!
The derivation process he wrote is far more detailed than what is taught in textbooks or by teachers.

Jinli looked at the derivation process carefully. She could understand some steps, but not others.

Gu Cheng said: “The more deeply you study science, the more you will find that all of their formulas and theorems are actually derived step by step.

In high school, each subject has many formulas and theorems. How to master them quickly does not rely on rote memorization.

Because even if you memorize it, you won't be able to understand its meaning and will fall into traps when doing the questions.

But if you can deduce and summarize formulas and theorems from them, many problems will be easily solved.

Even if you forget the formula, you can derive it at any time.

Jinli, so I basically don’t take notes.”

Gu Cheng tapped his head lightly with his fingers, "My thoughts are my best notes."

Although Jinli didn't quite understand, she was greatly shocked!

At this moment, she felt that this might be the difference between ordinary students and top students.

Time flies by.

When Sui Lingfang finalized the date for Jinli and Xi Mengze to visit Zhong Wentai, the drama "The Mr. Right" was already halfway through its broadcast.

Princess Liu Ci, played by Jinli, returns to her evil self as expected by netizens!

After Liu Ci went to marry into the Kingdom of Dian, his life was miserable.

Although it was not filmed in detail in the TV series, only a ten-minute clip appeared occasionally in one or two episodes.

But netizens can also see from this that Liu Ci had a hard time in Dian.

What made Liu Ci give up the most was.

She was forced to abort the baby because the king of Yudian Kingdom disliked the baby because it had Central Plains blood.

And the appointment she had been waiting for a year had long passed.

It's been the third year now and no one has come to save her!
no one!!
In a foreign country, in a dark, small, freezing cold room, without any maids to serve.

Liu Ci thought that this was the way he was going to die.

She had a serious illness.

But God did not take her life, instead let her survive!
The moment Liu Ci woke up, there was only hatred left in his eyes.

My past self is dead!!
The crew of "The Perfect Lover" also knew that the blackened part of Liu Ci was a major climax of the crew.

Therefore, the crew did not deliberately hold back on the climax and keep the netizens in suspense for several episodes.

In the previous episode, Liu Ci woke up from the cold palace and was determined to take revenge.

In the next episode, she launched the "Falling Princess' Counterattack" and implemented her plan quickly and accurately -

Seducing the king's brother, expanding his ambitions, and maneuvering between the two men...

In the end, she killed the original king with her own hands by his pillow, and joined forces with the king's brother to overthrow the original rule of the Yu Dian Kingdom!
It only took Liu Ci half a year to become the queen of Yu Dian Kingdom, second only to the emperor!
Although her name was Liu Ci, there was no kindness in her eyes.

[These two episodes made my scalp tingle! The pace is too fast, just like watching a movie, there is no boring moment in the whole process! ]
[The director must like Liu Ci. Liu Ci contributed some excellent editing that is rare in this drama!]
[The princess is a typical beautiful, strong and miserable character. After knowing what happened to her...even though she is a bad person, I just can't hate her]
[Combined with my recent mental state, I prefer Liu Ci, and I hope she kills everyone and goes crazy!]
[This is the first time I hope that Liu Ci, the second female lead, can make a comeback and become the female lead]

Jinli, Xi Mengze and Sui Lingfang got in the nanny car and set off for director Zhong Wentai's residence.

Last night, Jinli's performance in "The Mr. Right" had been on the hot search list for several times.

And today, even during the day, the discussion has not diminished.

Even Xi Mengze couldn't help asking: "Carp, what will you do in today's episode? Will you really lead your troops back to the Central Plains?"

Jinli was curious: "This morning, Zhenzhu asked me about the following content in the group. Why are you asking me now? Are you all following it?"

Xi Mengze waved his hand: "No, I don't like watching TV series."

She changed the subject and said, "But I watch videos!
You don’t know that netizens edited your clips and put them together to form a complete personal cut.

Princess Liu Ci was so miserable, bitter, cruel, and mad that it gave me goose bumps."

She said excitedly: "I am a Liu Ci supporter, I hope Liu Ci can make a comeback!"

Jinli has no time to watch videos.

Whenever she had free time, she devoted it to study.

Recalling the subsequent plot, she said tactfully: "You also know that this is a period drama.

Liu Ci's most glorious moment was his counterattack in the Kingdom of Dian, and the script was well designed in this regard.

When she led the army back to the Central Plains, she couldn't avoid the old love story. "

Xi Mengze was very disappointed when he heard this, and said bitterly: "One day I will have a knife in my hand and kill all the romance lovers in the world!

When I'm focusing on my career, you're asking me to date? Kill, kill, kill!!!"

Have a nice weekend, cheers []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*
PS: I'm going to visit friends this weekend, so the update is tentatively scheduled to be 4,000

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