I became famous in the entertainment industry by burning incense

Chapter 126: Sweet girl is coming, "Wish Upon a Little Star" explodes, good things come on

Chapter 126: Sweet girl is coming, "Wish Upon a Little Star" is a blast, good things come one after another
In a dazzling fireworks.

Jinli and Gong Jiajia appeared together.

She was wearing a pink shirt and a gray plaid skirt. Her hair was loose and smooth, with some careful details. Her hair was tied into a small braid with a ribbon.

As she swayed slightly, her colorful braids swayed as well.

Youthful, cute and sweet.

If youth has a concrete synonym, it would definitely be Jinli.

Gong Jiajia, who was standing next to her, was wearing a white shirt and a gray plaid skirt. She didn't have many accessories on her body, and her look was simple and neat.

She tied her hair into a high ponytail, showing another dashing look.

[The two of them are so compatible!]
[cool gril! I thought of Tongtong. When will Tongtong be able to perform on stage?]
[Goodbye, your Tongtong is obsessed with outdoor adventures. I suspect she is going to create a female version of Bear Grylls' Wilderness Survival Show!]
Gu Cheng stared at Jinli on the screen without blinking, and did not forget to click the little love heart in the lower right corner with his finger, continuously sending out cute little gifts.

on the stage.

Jinli stood at the front and sang the first sentence with a gesture like firing a gun.

"The waves are surging, eternal and everlasting, a magnificent sight of 16 billion kilometers~
Endless abilities are compressed and collapsed, turning into an internal driving force~"

After a rotation, Gong Jiajia stood in front of Jinli.

"The energy of the universe powers me, the stars are small yet great
Gravity is my cause and effect, I plant a star along with the world~"

[“Wish Upon a Little Star” Ahhh, I haven’t heard this song for a long time, but I heard it this year!]
[This is the playlist I played on repeat during my adolescence. Back to my youth!]
[Recalling that when this song was first released, it topped all the charts and became a street song]
[It sounds nice, but I feel like it doesn’t have much technical content]
[“Wish Upon a Little Star” is just a catchy song. It’s not like there aren’t some profound songs for you to listen to. If you want to listen to something more profound, you can listen to some old songs.]
[I used to think this song was vulgar, but now I just feel like it’s my long-forgotten youth T^T]
Jinli gestured with Gong Jiajia and continued humming.

The gorgeous stage, the perfect costume, and some cute moves make people feel that Jinli is extremely cute.

Especially when thinking of Jinli's "koi" physique, the smiles on everyone's faces became even more motherly.

Who doesn’t like cute little koi?

[Who designed her hand movements? So cute (*▽*)]
[Is this the charm of a sister? That wink really touches my heart]
[I feel like she’s better at acting like a spoiled brat than my sister~]
[You are so brave! You are not allowed to visit my sister with dirty thoughts!]
[Full of garbage_(:з」∠)_]
At the halftime of the song, Jinli and Gong Jiajia performed a simple dance.

The reason why "Wish Upon a Little Star" was considered a catchy song by the public back then was that the melody was simple and distinctive enough.

The appropriate dance is coordinated with the melody, and every position is played, which causes everyone to burst into carnival.

no way.

The idol’s health is too poor, so if he can hold on and jump for one more second, it’s a victory for the fans.

[I just searched and found that the tickets for the finals are still sold out. Of course, they are no longer available. If I had known about Jinli, I would have bought them! ]
[The baby girl's dance is so beautiful, showing off all her cuteness]
[The choreographer understands the beauty of women. In comparison, Gong Jiajia dances very coolly, with two different styles in one dance]
[The height difference between the two is a perfect match, why not just choreograph a duet, how cool would it be to do a tango!]

When Jinli and Gong Jiajia appeared, the popularity of the live broadcast room reached a new high again, soaring from 20 million popularity points to 60 million popularity points.

If this song could be a little longer, it would have no problem soaring to 100 million popularity.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

A song that lasts more than three minutes has come to an end.

Jinli: "Radiating endless light and heat, small yet great~
Plant a star wish and it will produce the most beautiful and brilliant flower in the universe~

The song ended, and Jinli sang the last syllable.

The large screen stage behind him synchronously played the scene of the star being destroyed in the explosion and then suddenly formed in an instant.

Jinli stood in the center of the star, blinked at everyone and smiled brightly.

[The ultimate killer, tilting your head is better than winking!]
[My previous self: Girl group? What the hell is that? My current self: Sister, dance more (shashasha)]
[Libao was just weak, but never bad!]
After the singing session, Jinli was caught by the host for an interview.

The host asked: "How does it feel to be back on stage after such a long absence?"

Jinli smiled and said, "It's OK. My body can still adapt. Don't worry about me."

Host: "This time I came here to help Gong Jiajia. Do you have anything to say to her?"

Jinli looked at Gong Jiajia, and the smile in her eyes deepened.

"I hope you can stand on a broader stage. You still have a long future ahead of you. Don't worry about the gains and losses of the moment."

The host didn't want Jinli to leave, so he asked again: "How do you feel now?"

Jinli: "I'm very excited. I hope everyone can vote for Gong Jiajia. Come on!"

As soon as she finished speaking, before the host asked the next question, Jinli slipped away.

[Hahaha, this is the first time I see a star refusing an interview like this!]
[Libao is panting heavily. She probably wants to go to rest.]
As soon as Jinli left the stage.

Instead of going downstairs and sitting in the audience to continue watching the performance, he returned to the backstage lounge.

In the finals, each contestant does not just sing one song.

Gong Jiajia will sing two songs, one in collaboration with her and the other alone.

Jinli thought: Judging from the current audience reaction, as long as Gong Jiajia doesn't make any mistakes in the next song, she should have no problem winning the championship of this competition.

She practiced questions in the backstage lounge for half an hour, and when she felt she had recovered a little, she slipped out and stayed in the audience for a few minutes.

Originally, she wanted to wait for Gong Jiajia to go back together.

But after watching other people's performances while waiting, Jinli felt it was boring and planned to leave first.

As soon as I got into the nanny car, Gu Cheng called me via video.

He asked, "Do the test together?"

Jinli took a look at his attire, which was also a stage costume, with makeup on his face.

"Did you just get off work? Don't you want to take a break?"

Gu Cheng shook his head: "No, I have to record again in an hour, so I can only do it for an hour."

Jinli was ashamed: "You really tried your best!"

A smile flashed across Gu Cheng's eyes: "I'm not as good as you."

Jinli shook her head: "No, no, no, I'm not as good as you.

I am a poor student, so I should work hard. You are a top student, but you still work so hard. I am ashamed. "

Gu Cheng said slowly: "Since you feel ashamed, then study hard and get good grades."

Jinli smiled: "Yes."

She looked at the five-three in her hand, took a deep breath, and murmured to herself: "I still need to work harder!"

After Jinli returned to the apartment, she continued to do the questions.

She opened the live broadcast room only when Gu Cheng was about to record the program.

She was still dressed in the same girl group outfit as on the stage, which was very pleasing to the eye.

Jinli lowered her head to read the book, which did not seem out of place, but rather gave off a youthful vibe of striving and striving for progress.

[I think Jinli should go make a movie called "The Bad Student's Counterattack"! ]
[It’s being filmed now, and it will take at least two years. Watching her live broadcast and learning is like watching her documentary!]
[I am a video editor. I have been editing Jinli’s videos and plan to follow her for three years]
[This is a great idea, we are all witnessing her growth]
[Let’s create a material group, let’s share Jinli’s materials and contribute to “Student’s Counterattack”! ]
Jinli was concentrating on reading a book with her head down, and didn't look at the comments.

So she didn't know that netizens were secretly planning a gift for her. Another hour passed.

Jinli received a call from Gong Jiajia and ended tonight's live study.

After answering the phone, Gong Jiajia's excited voice came: "Sister Jinli, I won the championship! I won the championship! Thank you Sister Jinli!"

Jinli breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "If I go to be a guest singer and you still haven't won the championship, then I have to reflect on whether there is something wrong with me recently."

Gong Jiajia said embarrassedly: "Sister Jinli, thank you very much, thank you for troubling you, and also trouble Teacher Gu Cheng!"

Jinli said: "It's okay. If you really want to thank me, then work hard and become popular. We will wait for you to lead us."

Gong Jiajia's vanity was instantly satisfied: "I will definitely work hard, Sister Jinli!"

She loves talking to Sister Jinli the most, she loves it so much!
The news that Gong Jiajia won the "I Shine the Most" championship was also shared with He Yixuan the next day.

When He Yixuan learned that she had received help from Jinli, she couldn't help but reply on WeChat.

He Yixuan: [This time, I really want to thank Sister Jinli for her help. You should keep working hard.]
Gong Jiajia: [Sister Jinli is a very good person! ]
He Yixuan: [Yes, very good!]
After finishing the conversation with Gong Jiajia, He Yixuan took a deep breath and put away her phone.

She waited for a while, and when the staff called her, she walked into the meeting room.

She is in the third round of interviews, which is also the final round of auditions.

Sister Fang followed her from the first round of auditions all the way to the third round.

This made her a little carried away.

If Gong Jiajia hadn't sent her a message, He Yixuan would have been addicted to the days of being nagged by her agent every day.

But no.

After Jinli became popular, the company's focus will only revolve around Jinli.

She has to work harder and harder!
He Yixuan pushed open the door and bowed to the director, producer, screenwriter and others.

"Hello everyone, I'm He Yixuan, and I'm interviewing for the role of Anhua."


In the afternoon, the news of He Yixuan's audition was passed back to the company.

Sui Lingfang came back after answering the phone, smiling happily.

Seeing this, Zou Da asked curiously, "You seem to be smiling all day long. What's going on? Is there another good news?"

Sui Lingfang did not hide it and said with a smile: "Gong Jiajia won the championship of "I Shine the Most", and her star journey has become smoother.

I received several invitations to be a guest on several music variety shows today, and Gong Jiajia was specifically requested.

As long as she shows her abilities on the show, she can use this as a springboard to become a permanent guest."

She changed the subject and said, "As for He Yixuan, she also got the role of the third female lead smoothly, so she didn't let down the favor given by Xinrui Entertainment."

Zou Da compared the development of He Yixuan and Gong Jiajia and couldn't help but sigh:

"As expected, a company, no, a manager still needs to have a top artist under his management, otherwise there won't be so many opportunities."

Sui Lingfang made herself a cup of instant coffee and shook her head, “No, in addition to having a top artist, we also need someone with a good personality.

If Jinli wasn't so kind, do you think she would share resources with He Yixuan and Gong Jiajia?"

Zou Da thought about it and nodded, "Yes, not all artists can be as generous as Jinli.

Some people would rather receive an announcement and not take it themselves, nor would they allow artists from the same company to take it.

Even if it’s given to an artist from another company, I don’t want an artist from the same company to get it and surpass me.”

An artist’s resources are divided into resources provided by the company and resources they bring in themselves.

As far as Jinli's current position is concerned, the company can no longer help her get anything, and only advertisers flock to her.

It can be said that Gong Jiajia and He Yixuan both rose to prominence thanks to Jinli's resources.

Zou Da originally thought that the company had made a wrong decision by spending so much effort to sign Jinli.

But look at it now.

This is clearly like inviting a kind-hearted God of Wealth over.

Sharing happiness with others is worse than enjoying it alone. It would be great if we could make money together.

Not only the artists of Chenxi Entertainment have made continuous progress in their careers.

Even Jinli has recently reached a small peak in her career.

The hit drama "The Duke and Duchess", which has been a hot topic recently, has finally come to an end!

Netizens have been following the drama for more than a month, during which there have been laughter and tears, but more importantly, the crew of "The Mr. Right" is still very responsible.

The crew did not take advantage of the popularity to make money, did not allow advanced on-demand viewing, and broadcast the show equally until the finale.

Netizens had previously speculated that Liu Ci, played by Jinli, would end up in tragedy, and some netizens even revealed the subsequent plot.

I don't know where they got the news from.

But when the plot of "taking the knife for love" really came, netizens discovered that the knife was not only for Liu Ci, but also for their own hearts that hated him for not being able to make good use of his talents!

[I'm so angry, so angry, so angry, why should I die for a bitch?! ]
[The princess is rich, pretty, and resourceful. Can't she just destroy the small country and return to her own country?]
[It’s not that easy. The prejudices of the world are as huge as a mountain. I think the princess didn’t want to live anymore, so she chose to sacrifice for love.]
[The motivation that supported Liu Ci's transformation into a dark person before was to kill her enemies and take revenge on those who had let her down.

But after returning, she found that her so-called enemy had been trying to save her. How could she take revenge?

At the same time, after experiencing so many hardships, Liu Ci really didn't want to live anymore.

Her father, the emperor, who doted on her the most, died in her heart when he pushed her away to marry a foreign prince, and he also died behind her.

The considerate mother also committed suicide following her father.

As for the male protagonist, if the male protagonist loves Liu Ci, Liu Ci will still have the motivation to live, but the problem is, the male protagonist doesn't love her!

Lin Zhiyi later became Liu Ci's best friend. It was impossible for her to kill her friend, so death was the best way for her to fulfill her wish.

No one will forget her.]
The popularity brought by the finale triggered a wave of discussion across the entire network and also made the industry pay attention to Jinli again.

When "The Mr. Right" was first aired, the industry was still unable to judge Jinli's acting skills.

But now that "The Mr. Right" has been broadcast, Jinli's portrayal of Liu Ci is very good, and the character arc is full, making him the most outstanding beautiful, strong and tragic character in recent years.

All of a sudden.

Script invitations once again flooded into Chenxi Entertainment like snowflakes.

Some people called the company directly, while others got Sui Lingfang’s WeChat account from somewhere and contacted her directly.

What's more, he even got Jinli's contact information, trying to directly attack the final boss.

The bearing of my laptop is a bit broken, so I need to take it in for repair. I can only type on my phone these days_(:з」∠)_I hope the repair won't take that long, I've only had it for two yearsT^T

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