I became famous in the entertainment industry by burning incense

Chapter 146: Down to Earth, Dignified, 1 Arrow, 3 Kills

Chapter 146: Down to Earth, Hold Your Head, Kill Three Birds with One Stone
The roof is covered with green tiles, and the layers of stacked tiles have a staggered beauty.

Right under this ancient building, two foreigners in suits and ties were arguing fiercely, giving the illusion that they were all gathered at Guangmingding.

If the two of them were just having a daily conversation, Jinli, who was catching up on her knowledge, wouldn't be unable to understand a single word.

But the two physicists used obscure physics terms, so she couldn't understand anything.

Beside Jinli, there were two other people watching together, namely Director Zhong and Qiu Qiwen.

Qiu Qiwen looked helpless and asked Jinli in a low voice: "Do you understand?"

Jinli shook her head silently, "I don't understand."

Qiu Qiwen: "Why did you come here if you don't understand?"

Jinli said seriously: "Accept the influence of sacred knowledge!"

Qiu Qiwen: …

After standing aside and watching the two foreigners talking at cross purposes for half an hour, Director Zhong finally stood up and left leisurely.

He scanned other areas with sharp eyes, looking for another target.

Jinli then said: "Director, do you understand?"

Zhong Wentai said, "Well, I understood a little bit. After I finished studying directing in China, I went abroad to study. They were discussing the grand unified theory of physics."

Jinli asked with interest: "Grand unification? Unified theory? Do they already have a relevant theory that can unify all forces?"

Zhong Wentai shook his head: "No, this is something that everyone in the physics community wants to prove, but it is far from that simple. Gravity can never be integrated into this system."

The more Qiu Qiwen listened, the more confused she became. Are they speaking human language?
No, are the issues they discussed from the same world as hers?
She raised her hand silently: "I want a summary of the situation. I don't understand anything at all."

Zhong Wentai said with a look of disappointment: "I can tell from the first glance that you haven't done your homework. If you had read the information I gave you, you wouldn't have been clueless."

Qiu Qiwen said in a low voice: "Uncle, I didn't mean to not watch it. Wasn't it because I was running around for announcements that I didn't have time to watch it?"

Zhong Wentai didn't respond: "Jinli is more popular than you, and she even studies live every day, how come you can't do it?"

Qiu Qiwen: It hurts, my friend!

Jinli smiled and said: "The unified theory is a theory about the unification of strong interaction and electroweak interaction. It is hoped that a single theory can be used to explain the physical phenomena caused by strong interaction, weak interaction and electromagnetic interaction.

Existing research results and observations can theoretically explain the unification of strong interaction, weak interaction, and electromagnetic interaction, but it is still impossible to incorporate gravity into the system. "

Jinli didn't know what she was thinking of. She paused and said softly:
"If we can see the grand unification of physics in our lifetime, this should be the dream of many physicists."

Director Zhong Wentai sighed: "It's difficult, difficult!"

Qiu Qiwen asked naively: "Is it difficult?"

Jinli affirmed: "It is very difficult, and no one can guarantee how many years it will take to achieve it. So many conjectures and theories have not been confirmed, and there is a very long way to go."

Zhong Wentai said slowly: "Theories may not be correct, and conjectures may not be wrong. In the process of studying physics, we are also constantly overturning old theories."

Qiu Qiwen asked, not quite understanding, "Why do we need to overturn it? Isn't the old theory wrong?"

Zhong Wentai shook his head and said, "It's not wrong, but it can't be explained.

The theory is correct, but if it cannot be used to explain another phenomenon, then we can only find another way out.

If physics wants to achieve grand unification, it must come up with a powerful theory that can encompass all phenomena.

Of course, we are laymen, and this is just what laymen say. Experts don’t say this, but if you really explain it to us, we won’t understand it.”

Qiu Qiwen nodded quickly this time.

Well, I really don’t understand.

Director Zhong Wentai took them to listen to the discussion of several other foreigners, although Jinli and Qiu Qiwen still couldn't understand.

But the obsessed and excited expressions of those people during the discussion left a deep impression on their hearts, and they couldn't help but stand in awe.

Jinli also kept asking herself during their discussion:

What is physics?

What is so fascinating about it?

She combined her understanding of the character He Hui in the script and looked at physics in a new way with the thinking of an outsider and the mentality of an insider.

Physics does not literally mean "the study of the most basic motion forms and laws of all matter, from the universe to elementary particles."

This is actually too formal.

The most popular understanding is actually "seeking the truth of things."

To put it in a broader sense, it is about exploring the truth of the world.

Why does water flow downward? Why does the sun rise in the east and set in the west? Why do people keep their feet on the ground instead of floating in the air?

From the very beginning, physicists have only been trying to find an answer to the law of change and development of all things.

Starting from the most basic gravity, extending to universal gravitation, then to Einstein's theory of relativity, and then to the Big Bang cosmology...

Jinli kept reading literature and understood to some extent why those scientists were so obsessed with studying physics, forgetting to eat and sleep.

At the same time, I also had a deep understanding of He Hui's righteousness.

In that war-torn era, it was a very difficult decision to abandon the comfortable and affluent environment and return to the motherland for development.

Knowledge has no borders, but scientists do.

Knowledge belongs to all mankind, but no scientist belongs to the whole world.

Jinli came to the crew with this idea in mind.

But under the guidance of Director Zhong, she began to reshape her concept of "physicist".

After spending four consecutive days on the set, they watched many discussions by physicists, both local and foreign, and Director Zhong suddenly asked:
"Do you think these physicists are any different from us?"

Jinli said uncertainly: "Their thinking is very different from ours?"

Qiu Qiwen thought for a moment and said hesitantly, "I'm going to say something disrespectful. I don't think there's any difference. They are all human beings. When they discuss, it's just like they're arguing."

She was still very brave when facing her uncle.

"In fact, I think they are no different from customers bargaining in the vegetable market. They are noisy and seem like they will fight at any time if they disagree with each other."

Zhong Wentai smiled and turned to look at Jinli: "You have to learn from Xiao Qiu. She saw that these physicists are actually no different from ordinary people.

They are also human beings, eating grains like us. If you ignore the knowledge they discuss, they are just ordinary people like us.

Jinli, you respect knowledge enough, so I don't ask you to cram physics knowledge. On the contrary, I want you to put aside that knowledge and take a good look at how they live in their daily lives.

Learn something. Being a physicist does not mean that you have no desires. Seeing them arguing over a certain point of view, do you still think that they survive on dew in the world of mortals? "

Jinli blushed a little.

The physicist may not have grown up drinking dew, but she did grow up drinking ambrosia.

After Zhong Wentai finished talking about Jinli, he looked at Qiu Qiwen again.

He was even more rude to Qiu Qiwen.

"You are different. Your observations of them are down-to-earth enough, so you have to float on the surface.

From today on, you have to read the physics literature carefully, understand what contributions physics has made to society, and have a clear understanding of physics.

You have to understand and master all that knowledge before I dare give you the role of Gao Wen. Otherwise, forget it!"

Qiu Qiwen glared and shouted, "Uncle! What are you doing——"

Zhong Wentai waved his hand and interrupted, "I don't want to make you look like a physicist without any manners. As you said, you are bargaining for vegetables in the market. What does that look like?
You are the opposite of Jinli. Jinli is too dignified and praises physicists too highly, while you belittle them too much and are more dignified. "

At this point, Zhong Wentai couldn't help but laugh: "You two are complementing each other, it's just right, you can learn from each other!"

Return to the dormitory in the evening.

Qiu Qiwen was holding a pile of information in her hand, reading it with agony.

Jinli kept thinking about the physicist she saw today. Her problem was obvious, and Director Zhong had told her about it.

Too much!
What he wanted to shoot was a down-to-earth, flesh-and-blood physicist, not a pretentious fairy.

Do you really think you can survive by drinking dew?
This problem is actually difficult for Jinli to change.

Since she came into this world, she has been very devout in her attitude towards learning and studies every day without fail.

So she believes that knowledge is sacred.

But knowledge is not only sacred to her, but also awe-inspiring.

After all, she had to study hard to survive.

But other people don’t need it.

Others may regard knowledge as sacred, but they will not be in awe of it. If they were always in awe of it, those wrong theorems would not be overturned by later generations.

Especially as a scientist, one must have the courage to question the past path.

Is this road blocked? Should we try another one, or derive a new one from it?

Denying past knowledge is painful.

But the reality of physics is there. Whether you accept it or not, it exists as a real and objective phenomenon, rather than being made up out of thin air in your mind.

Starting from the earthen foundation of slash-and-burn agriculture, it has developed step by step, from being able to observe the vastness of galaxies and celestial bodies to being able to glimpse the mysteries of quark particles.

You can pick stars and look at the moon, or dig holes and drill wells to look at the earth's crust.

This is physics. It is right in front of people. It does not need to be created, but needs to be explored and excavated by others.

This is not only true for physics, but also for mathematics.

Italian astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei once said: "Mathematics is the language in which God writes the universe."

The theoretical structure of physics also makes full use of mathematics as its working language.

As you learn more, you will find that mathematics is the language of all scientific thinking and is inseparable from any subject.

Qiu Qiwen's words came from her ears, interrupting her thoughts.

"Jinli, have you really read all this information in the past few months?"

Qiu Qiwen flipped through the thickness of the information and was in disbelief.

She felt that if she read day and night, it would take her at least a month or two to finish reading it, not to mention the need to understand it.

Jinli shook her head and said, "Of course I haven't finished reading it all. Director Zhong is just trying to scare you. I only read half of it at most."

Qiu Qiwen shouted: "Half?"

She looked down at the pile of information in her hands, and half of it was exaggerated.

"You study live every day, where do you find the time to watch it?"

Jinli smiled: "Use the time outside of study to look at it. As long as you want to squeeze it out, there will always be time, but the premise is that you have to ensure that you have enough energy.

If you don’t have enough energy, forcing yourself won’t lead to any good results.”

When Jinli joined the group for retreat.

The program team of "Leisure and Slow Life" also issued a notice of suspension to the outside world.

One stone caused a thousand waves!

Fans and netizens expressed their regret and incomprehension, wondering why the program would be suspended when the traffic was so good.

[It is reasonable to suspect that March Day was banned by the company, and Jinli and Qi Guanmingzhu were also banned by the company]
[So what is Jinli doing? I haven’t seen her for a long time]
[With such strong data, the summer season has just begun and they are giving up. Are you a coward?]
Many of the things that fans and netizens see are one-sided.

The so-called "sticking to the facts" is actually the most serious "one-sided statement".

They only see that the opening data of each episode of "Leisure and Slow Life" is very impressive, but they don't see the fierce competition in the summer season.

They only saw that "Leisure Slow Life" ranked among the top five in ratings across all platforms, but they did not see how many national variety shows would be revived during the summer vacation.

to be honest.

Netizens and companies have different perspectives and receive different information, so the results are also different.

Faced with fierce accusations from netizens, the program team was well prepared and immediately launched a compensation plan.

The program team said that the already recorded programs will be broadcast normally, and then they will adjust whether to continue recording based on the broadcast data.

When fans see this, they decide to do whatever it takes to comment on "Leisurely Slow Life" and increase its popularity. Maybe the show won't need to be suspended?
Tianding Entertainment is also observing public opinion and program data in recent days.

The decision can also be changed!

"How is it, what are the recent statistics of "Leisure and Slow Life"? "

Marchday had just finished a promotion, and in the hot and humid July, they performed on two stages, jumping and singing in broad daylight.

Everyone was sweating and even felt a little disgusted with themselves.

Seeing that it was Brother Guang who drove to pick them up this time, Yan Xingdong quickly asked him so that he could have a better idea of ​​the situation.

Zhang Guang said calmly: "It's quite difficult. These past few days, there have been two trending searches every day. Today, the trending searches have dropped to only one.

Except for the first suspension notice that made it to the top ten trending searches, the subsequent ones were hovering around the top 20 or 30, which was difficult to deal with.”

Chen Lin wiped his sweat with a big towel and shook his head, "It's so difficult!

When we were recording last week, our live broadcast was still trending on the search list every day. Who would have thought that after just one week, netizens would no longer love us. "

Luo Yi sneered, "It's the summer season, so all kinds of monsters and demons are coming out. It's normal. Today, it's either this star buying hot searches or that star buying hot searches. It's hard to get in just by relying on natural popularity."

Chen Lin asked: "So there is no chance to continue recording?"

Gu Cheng took off his headphones and just heard this. He glanced at him and asked, "Do you really think you have a chance to continue recording?"

Now it was Chen Lin's turn to be confused.

Luo Yi patted his shoulder and sighed, "That's why I said you are young, can't speak, and can't mix in society!
The program crew released that passage clearly to appease the rioting fans, and it just so happened that the episode they filmed was bound to be released, so they hyped it up with the announcement of suspension of updates.

Even if the broadcast performance is excellent this time, it will definitely be stopped.

Let’s not talk about the distant things, let’s just talk about the recent things. How many notices has Brother Guang received for us?

Look at that busy schedule, do you think you can spare time to record it? Not to mention that "Leisurely Slow Life" has already lost in the battle for hot searches, right? "

Hot searches during the summer vacation are so expensive, and the company obviously doesn’t want to spend that money.

If you can dominate the cold period, why bother going to the summer season, which is a big millstone?
Chen Lin figured it all out and said speechlessly, "It's obvious that you guys are too complicated. You have to do so many things just to hype it up."

Gu Cheng said calmly: "The Propaganda Department has been divided into a separate department, and you will know how big the interests behind it are."

Chen Lin wanted to say something when suddenly a notification popped up on his phone.

He opened his eyes slightly and said in surprise, "Hey, Li Xuanfang officially announced that she has accepted two costume dramas?"

As he spoke, he shared the news in the group.

same moment.

In Chenxi Entertainment, Sui Lingfang also received a message from Li Xunfang's studio.

She immediately called Zou Da to hold a meeting.

Although it was unknown what the two were discussing in the office, the entire brokerage department was filled with a solemn and serious atmosphere.

No one knew what happened, but some said that Zou Da had a serious expression when he went in.

One of the assistants muttered something under his breath, which was clearly heard by the other assistants - "Is he going to be fired?"

after an hour.

Sui Lingfang and Zou Da came out and publicly announced that several assistants were fired for leaking company secrets.

When the assistants heard this, they packed up their things and left at any time without even trying to defend themselves.

When they left, everyone in the agency department was in an uproar.

"What company secrets are you leaking? Are there any secrets in our company that can be stolen?"

"I feel like it has something to do with the two dramas that Li Xunfang officially announced. Haven't Li Xunfang and Jinli always been competing for the brand spokesperson for Fangfei?"

"Let me search... Yes, these two dramas are both heroine conspiracy dramas. Li Xuanfang has never acted in one. How can she act in one?!"

"Wait, these are the two dramas? I saw them in Sui Lingfang's office. Wasn't Jinli invited to act in them?"

There is no impenetrable wall in the entertainment industry.

Not to mention that when Sui Lingfang and Zou Da fired people, they did it openly and never concealed it.

The purpose is to let people spread it.

The agent has many group chats and circles. He can chat in this group and ask around in that group about people from Chenxi Entertainment.

Soon, other economic companies learned that Li Xunfang had snatched Jinli's notice!

Chen Lin is an expert at gossiping in March. He had just read the news about Li Xuanfang’s official announcement of two dramas, and then he checked his circle of friends and found some interesting stuff.

He said: "I saw someone posted a message on WeChat Moments saying that Li Xunfang's team deliberately snatched Sister Jinli's announcement."

He asked curiously, "That's not right, doesn't Sister Jinli have any plans to film a costume drama?"

When the others heard this and thought about the cause and effect, they all understood what was going on.

Yan Xingdong praised: "It's like fishing. Others think they have robbed someone, but in fact they have voluntarily fallen into the trap."

Chen Lin: "What does this mean?"

Luo Yi opened his phone and checked his Moments: "What's the point? Chenxi Entertainment did it on purpose.

Jinli probably wouldn't take those two dramas, and her own company couldn't get any artists, so she spread the word.

We can see who got it and find out who has been keeping an eye on Chenxi Entertainment. We can also conduct an internal self-examination and catch the spy.

At the same time, it can also harm others. The roles she received are just smokescreens to the outside world, and the prospects may not be good.

In addition, it can also plead for Jinli and create an image of a victim. This wave kills three birds with one stone!"

Chen Lin was dumbfounded: "Are you guys playing a palace drama?"

Brother Guang sneered: "Is this a palace fight? Then I am fighting in the palace every day.

"I got you the resources, did you really think it was that easy? Once you put your name out there, do you really think all advertisers will pay for it?"

He warned: "You have a good relationship with Jinli, and you know that she has accepted the movie. Don't spread this news."

Everyone else agreed.

Artists who can make it in the entertainment industry, even Chen Lin, are very tight-lipped.

He loves to read gossip, but that doesn't mean he's a gossiper.

5K5 update is coming~ Cheers []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

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