I became famous in the entertainment industry by burning incense

Chapter 148: Deliberately exposing oneself, some people regret it

Chapter 148: Deliberately exposing oneself, some people regret it
In the outside world, the first conflict broke out between Jinli's fans and Li Xunfang's fans, which forcibly brought up the popularity of "Leisurely Slow Life".

Many people thought that Jinli was pushed forward by "Leisure Slow Life", but it was not until then that they discovered that she herself also had a very strong base.

And in the industry, many people have rediscovered Jinli's popularity.

Popularity is a very illusory thing.

Some stars, with the hype of their team, appear on the hot search list for a month in a row. Appearing on the list once a day gives people a feeling that they are very popular.

But in fact, these are all illusions.

Unless the gap between data on paper is extremely large, it can be marketed.

The industry has its own set of judgment criteria. Through various analyses, they know how many active fans each star has and how many fans have been bought by the company.

Which star is hyped up by the team, and which star has real achievements.

Among them, Jinli's popularity has always been far ahead.

She is not a recognized top star in the circle, and she is not as popular as Marchday, but netizens just like to search for news related to her.

Many companies in the industry believe that Jinli has a very large number of passers-by.

She may not have many loyal fans, but she is famous and has a strong sense of favorability among passers-by.

Of course, this is also related to a series of actions taken by Jinli after her comeback this year.

First, he became famous through social media, won a mentor position, then signed a contract with Mao Zhua, and studied live in public, and then made efforts in the field of charity, and the first supporting role he took became a hit, and then officially announced a variety show with Marchday...

She did not follow the route of a traffic star, and she did not receive many announcements, but every step she took was solid.

In the past, people only thought that she was popular with the public, but that she might not be able to gain many fans.

This time, when her fans were fighting with Li Xuanfang's fans, everyone actually saw her potential.

Jinli's popularity is well-deserved, she has many fans, and her popularity can be converted into actual competitiveness!

This is very scary.

Many investors believe that Jinli is a potential stock.

When can potential stocks bring greater returns?
That means you should buy her shares in advance when she is not yet very popular, and reap rich rewards in one or two years!

Jinli is currently just a hot topic, but she does not manage fans or collect data.

This also resulted in her data not being very impressive, so her price was not worth talking about.

Therefore, in the industry, Jinli's endorsement fee is still very low.
"Hello, Mr. Liu, regarding Jinli's endorsement, I can't agree to it all at once, I need to discuss it with her...

Alas, how can I help her make the decision? Jinli is the most popular person in the entire company. It’s not that I don’t give you face, but you really can’t surpass her. "

Sui Lingfang had just hung up a phone call and a hint of fatigue flashed across her face.

She was about to pour herself a cup of coffee to clear her head when another call came in.

When Sui Lingfang saw the name, the corners of her mouth twitched. This was another call that she couldn't refuse, so she immediately adjusted her mindset and answered it.

"Hello, Mr. Qian. No, no, I'm definitely not leaving you alone. The business department of the company has been very busy these days, and all I can hear is the sound of answering the phone.

I'm helping her choose Jinli's endorsement. I can't make the decision for her directly... There's nothing I can do. You know what happened to the pink girl back then.

If they hadn't secured a good contract, why would they come to a small company?"

After hanging up the phone with Mr. Qian, Sui Lingfang felt that this was not going to work.

I opened and closed my eyes and kept muttering to myself. The day passed by without me getting anything done.

She has been in this state for two days. This cannot go on. She may not be able to continue working.

Sui Lingfang simply threw her phone aside and walked out of the office.

She glanced outside and found that not only she felt tired, but everyone in the entire agency department felt tired.

Ever since Jinli's fans and Li Xuanfang's fans started fighting online, Chenxi has received an endless stream of calls, all wanting to negotiate a one- to two-year endorsement contract with Jinli.

Sui Lingfang clapped her hands, attracting everyone's attention.

"Don't answer the phone yet, let's have a meeting to discuss what endorsement Jinli will take next and come up with a set of rules."

Chenxi Entertainment is a small company, Sui Lingfang never denied this, it is not as formal as other companies.

But small companies also have their advantages.

For example, in the case of an emergency like the current one, she can always organize a dozen experienced agents to discuss a set of effective methods.

In the Physics Village.

Jinli met up with Qiu Qiwen and went to the cafeteria to eat together.

They observe the characters separately, and each person understands the role differently, so they don’t need to act together.

But when it comes to mealtime, they will eat together tacitly, including director Zhong Wentai.

When it was time for dinner, he would come to the cafeteria and talk with them while eating.

Maybe it was about the script, or about the group of physicists he saw.

Even the director was trying so hard to observe, fearing that the filming would not match the character. Naturally, Jinli and Qiu Qiwen did not dare to act rashly and stayed in the Physics Village obediently.

After Jinli served the food and sat down, Qiu Qiwen asked, "I heard from the staff that you asked for leave tonight?"

Jinli nodded: "Today, the third episode of "Leisurely Slow Life" is broadcast. Although I can't be there in person, I can watch it with them through live broadcast."

Qiu Qiwen couldn't help but ask: "When you signed this drama, "Leisure Slow Life" had already filmed several episodes. Your agent didn't help you negotiate. Can you go out and film this variety show?"

Qiu Qiwen knew that Chenxi was a small company that relied entirely on Jinli to lead the company, but she didn't expect it to be so unreliable.

Without waiting for Jinli to answer, Qiu Qiwen frowned and said, "Why don't you switch to Xinrui Entertainment? I'll introduce you to them. They should offer you very good conditions."

Jinli quickly explained: "No, you misunderstood. Sister Fang helped me negotiate. It was "Leisure Slow Life" that made program adjustments and decided to stop updating to avoid the confrontation during the summer season.

Watching the live broadcast of variety shows together was originally an additional agreement, and I have no obligation to do this live broadcast.

Plus, it’s very troublesome to go in and out after joining the crew, and I don’t think it’s necessary to ask for leave to record a live broadcast. I can just pick an evening and go out to record it.”

When they entered the Physics Village, they all signed a confidentiality agreement and were not allowed to film any scenes inside.

Even shooting in the room is not allowed.

Jinli plans to go out at night, and it will be ok to just have some people for the live broadcast connection.

Qiu Qiwen said, "This place is quite remote. I'm worried about you going out to record at night. I'll go with you then. By the way, have you decided where you want to record?"

Jinli was at a loss, "I just plan to find a random place to record it, to see if there is a coffee shop or internet cafe or something like that."

Qiu Qiwen shook her head: "I saw that you didn't bring an assistant with you, so I guessed that you didn't check the place out. This place is really remote, there are not many high-rise buildings nearby, only a few small restaurants."

She thought for a moment and said, "I'll ask my assistant to pick a location."

Jinli asked shyly: "Will this bother you?"

She is not used to troubling others and prefers to do her own things herself.

Qiu Qiwen waved her hand and said, "It's okay. The assistant is also paid. We are in the Physics Village, and she can't come in. She is idle outside every day."

Jinli chuckled.

"What are you talking about? You look so happy?"

Director Zhong Wentai arrived late, holding the script in his hand.

He has been revising the script these days, and it seems that he has got some inspiration again.

Qiu Qiwen mentioned that Jinli was going out for a live broadcast in the evening.

Jinli originally thought that Director Zhong Wentai would think that she was making a fuss out of nothing, but unexpectedly, the director nodded in agreement.

"Jinli, I have to tell you this, when it is inconvenient for you, you need someone to help you.

Otherwise, if you do everything by yourself, your energy will be dispersed and you may not be able to do anything well. You should find an assistant. "

Jinli said: "I think I don't have many announcements, so I don't need an assistant."

Director Zhong Wentai shook his head: “But you have to think about your own safety, especially someone as weak as you who can’t resist once caught.

Having an assistant can also work part-time as a bodyguard. Even if he is also very thin, there is courage in numbers!
Some actors become more and more immersed in their roles, and their lives become more lonely, often keeping to themselves.

If you have an assistant, it can increase your popularity, so when you go to other crews, people won’t think you are easy to bully.”

Qiu Qiwen echoed, "Yes, this is not formalism or ostentation, it's just following the crowd. Although you are not a first-tier star, everyone knows that your popularity has long been at the first-tier level.

Our crew is small, so we don't care about these things, but in other crews, the stagehands and the stars filming the show all treat people differently based on their situation.

As the saying goes, 'It's easier to meet the King of Hell than to deal with the little devils'. If you don't show some momentum when you join the group, everyone will treat you as a soft persimmon, easy to bully! "

Jinli looked at Qiu Qiwen.

It seemed that she had encountered something, which was why she spoke so sincerely.

She considered it and said, "I'll find time to talk to my agent."

She has an assistant, Xiao Cheng, who drives for her.

Xiao Cheng can be a driver and also work part-time as a bodyguard, but it is indeed inappropriate to ask her to be a life assistant.

Xiao Cheng is rather careless and is not suitable for taking care of others.

Jinli has only filmed one drama, "The Mr. Right", and it was shot as an emergency. The entire crew made way for her role and were quite supportive of her, so she never experienced any infighting within the crew.

Now that I think about it, wherever there are people, there is the world of martial arts.

The crew looks small, but there are hundreds of people, and each has their own ideas.

Jinli couldn't guarantee that every director she met was reliable.


After lunch, Jinli went back to the dormitory and planned her afternoon schedule.

Through these days of observation, she found that although those physicists came from different countries, they always had the same temperament.

Full of scholarly atmosphere.

This kind of temperament is related to their profession. Jinli feels that it cannot be imitated simply. Temperament is equivalent to a style.

Then she can only try to lean towards this style.

So she decided to continue to open the liver!
She remembered that when she was doing a live broadcast of studying, some netizens said in the barrage that she seemed to be becoming more and more quiet and had a scholarly air.

But Jinli herself didn't notice it at all.

However, she believes in the judgment of netizens, and she also believes in her heart that people who read frequently are indeed very different from office workers. Although it is a bit exaggerated to say so, people who read all the time are more or less romantic.

She observed that although the physicists had arguments when discussing some issues, they would become very happy afterwards and would get together to talk about what they would do in the future.

Maybe I only see their positive side and haven't seen their other side in the laboratory.

Jinli went out with a pile of information, planning to find a pavilion to read, and met Qiu Qiwen who was also going out.

Qiu Qiwen dressed herself up specially and looked radiant, with a very fashionable style of a female star.

Jinli asked curiously, "Are you going out?"

Qiu Qiwen asked back: "Didn't I have to go out with you tonight?"

Jinli: "...I'm just going to connect, and you won't be on camera, are you sure you want to dress so beautifully?"

Qiu Qiwen snorted softly, "I don't care. I've been feeling a little crazy these past few days. I just want to go out and get some fresh air."

Jinli suddenly had an idea and asked, "What are your plans for the afternoon?"

Qiu Qiwen: "I have no plans, so I just wander around."

Jinli smiled and said, "Then let's just go out in the afternoon!"

Qiu Qiwen's eyes lit up: "Really? Are you going out for a walk?"

Jinli shook her head: "No, I'm not going to go shopping. I'm going to go out and do a live broadcast to learn."

She raised the materials in her hand and said, "I just happened to be looking at these materials, and by the way, I wanted to do some questions."

During these days on the set, she took some time to learn high school knowledge.

But maybe she was used to live streaming, so Jinli always felt weird when she didn't start live streaming.

She didn't plan to observe the physicists in the afternoon, she just wanted to read some information. Qiu Qiwen was also bored, so this was a good opportunity for her to go out and start a live broadcast.

Qiu Qiwen thought Jinli was asking her out to play, but she didn't expect that she was just looking for information in a different place!
It’s okay for a physicist to be so competitive, but are you, an actor, also so competitive for your performance?
Qiu Qiwen feels a lot of pressure.

But at least I could go out and there was someone to accompany me. After hesitating for a while, I decided to go outside.

"Let's go, let's go. I've been wanting to go out and get some fresh air for a long time. I always feel that the people here are too serious. The more I observe, the more pressure I feel."

Jinli returned to the room, took out the study materials, and asked casually, "What pressure?"

Qiu Qiwen sighed: "There are so many outstanding people around me. It is very stressful to be a loser. I am going against the trend!"

Jinli was speechless.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, Maozhua suddenly popped up a push notification to many people.

[The Jinli live broadcast room you are following has started! ]
Jinli hasn’t been on the air for five days. At first, netizens were wondering if she was being lazy and didn’t want to go to college anymore.

Later, someone broke the news that Jinli was in a bad mood and was kicked out of Mocheng without seeing the director, so she was taking a vacation to relax.

Everyone gave various reasons, but Jinli didn't say anything, and neither did Chenxi Entertainment, so everyone just made wild guesses.

No matter what the reason was, everyone thought she was in a bad mood.

So when Jinli started the live broadcast and was debugging the equipment, she saw that the barrage was full of comforting hugs.

Jinli asked curiously: "Why do you keep sending hugs?"

It was only then that netizens realized that Jinli was not broadcasting live in an apartment. The background was a decorative wall, and the style looked a bit like a hotel?

No way, is she really on vacation?
The fans felt even more distressed.

[Don’t cry, Libao, the next script will be better!]
[After this incident, Chenxi Entertainment will definitely strengthen its management and will not leak your script again!]
[Libao, be more careful in the future. Don’t let others see which script you are reading, or else someone else will snatch your notice!]
After Jinli finished reading it, she realized that this was the case.

This news has been around for several days, but the heat hasn't died down yet?

After she communicated with Sister Fang that day, she didn't open her blog again. Now when she opened her blog, she found that the tag of Li Xunfang stealing her announcement was ranked 17th on the hot search list.

She scrolled down and saw that the tag #锦梨开直播# had also climbed to the 30th place.

It seems that netizens are all people who enjoy watching the show and want to make these two trending searches go hand in hand.

Jinli thought about it for a while and felt that the stalemate would not work. The first post was so popular for so long because it was actually caused by the fans' quarrel.

She said: "Thank you for your concern. I haven't been doing live broadcasts these days because I have joined another crew, not traveling."

She turned to look at Qiu Qiwen, who understood and appeared in the camera.

"Hello everyone, I'm Qiu Qiwen, very happy to meet you, this time I'm in the same crew with Jinli.

As for which drama we are filming, we cannot reveal it. Don't worry about Jinli, I will take good care of her!"

Qiu Qiwen greeted the camera gracefully, Jinli re-entered the camera, turned on the mute function, and then read the physics materials carefully.

But Qiu Qiwen's statement was noticed by many people.

In many occasions, every word and action of celebrities will be magnified.

Some words are said unintentionally, but some words are put out intentionally just to attract attention.

As for what Qiu Qiwen said, Jinli knew that she must have meant it on purpose.

Because when she occasionally turned around to rest, she found that Qiu Qiwen was playing with her mobile phone in a good mood.

If she hadn't been reading a book next to him, this person would probably have hummed a song happily.

Jinli suddenly remembered what Qiu Qiwen had told her about Li Xunfang, and it seemed that the two of them were not getting along.

She shook her head, stopped worrying about it, and continued studying.
Jinli and Qiu Qiwen joined the group together. Combined with the time when Jinli did not start live broadcast, attentive netizens quickly guessed when Jinli joined the group.

That was the day when the news came out that Li Xunfang had snatched Jinli away!

So the fans argued for two days, and it turned out to be a misunderstanding?
[Who has the gossip? What happened between Jinli and Li Xunfang? Didn’t Li steal Jin’s notice? How come she also joined the group?]
This is the common voice of netizens.

But it is different for the fans of Jinli and Li Xunfang.

Li Xunfang's fans scolded Jinli for not clarifying the matter in time, which damaged Li Xunfang's reputation.

Jinli's fans said the other way around, how can we clarify the fact that there is no contract signed and nothing has happened yet?

You can't admit to something you haven't done!
This time, Li Xunfang's fans were upset, while Jinli's fans were showing off.

Netizens were having fun arguing with each other, but people in the industry felt a little uneasy.

Jinli joined the crew?

What crew did she join?
Li Xunfang knew about this first, because she had specifically asked her assistant to keep an eye on the hot searches in the past two days and tell her as soon as there was any movement.

In the online war of words, her fans have the upper hand, and Li Xuanfang likes to see her fans speak for her and vent their anger.

Hearing what the assistant said, Li Xunfang frowned slightly and asked, "Which new drama is Jinli's?"

The assistant shook his head: "I don't know, netizens are all guessing, and no one has figured it out yet."

Li Xunfang had a bad feeling and immediately called her agent.

"Sister Zhao, Jinli has accepted a new drama, and is partnering with Qiu Qiwen again. Could it be that she is not interested in those two costume dramas, but other dramas? Whose drama did she accept?"

Zhao Rui comforted her, "Don't worry, I'll go investigate. After all, she flew to Mo City in person, so she must have gotten a drama. Maybe she got a modern drama."

Zhao Rui didn't get the news as quickly as Li Xunfang. She only found out about it when Li Xunfang brought it up. After hanging up the phone, she went to check it out immediately.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, not to mention that it was received together with Qiu Qiwen, the direction was too obvious.

same moment.

The news spread quickly, some gossipy artists were asking about it, and some management companies were also investigating.

Some savvy artists and agents realized that Li Xuanfang had been fooled after hearing this news!
"Li Ting, it's a good thing we were a step slow. We stole those two costume dramas from Li Xunfang in vain!"

The agent immediately told Jian Liting the news while Jian Liting was attending a brand event.

She is tall, has a noble and elegant temperament, and a dignified and generous appearance.

Jian Liting's style is completely different from Jinli and Li Xunfang.

If she were in a film crew, she would be a famous actress, and she would look very elegant at first glance.

As for Jinli and Li Xuanfang, they are obviously Hua Dan.

There is no similarity between Jian Liting and Jinli's routes. If there is any competition, it is only a competition for high-quality scripts.

She can also play the heroine in Jinli's drama.

Many people in the industry believe that Jian Liting’s acting skills are okay, but she just has bad luck.

She films every year and plays the leading female role every year, but once those dramas are aired, they fail to make any splash.

——bad luck.

This is what many people say about Jane Li Ting.

So, hearing that Jinli was lucky, plus her first filming was a hit, made Jian Liting a little excited.

Maybe Jinli's vision in choosing scripts is just amazing?
As a first-line star, she has everything from word-of-mouth to ability, but she just hasn't had a hit drama. Jian Liting is very anxious, so she wants to grab it.

Hearing what her agent said, she was stunned and quickly asked, "What do you mean, can we continue to grab the show?"

The agent shook his head: "No, Jinli flew to Mocheng that day to join the crew. She didn't talk to the directors of the two costume dramas at all. We all misunderstood!"

A trace of disappointment flashed across Jian Liting's face. "I've already joined the group, so I can't get it."

The agent smiled and said, "You didn't understand what I meant. In other words, all the news we received was false. Jinli is not going to those two dramas at all. It's useless to grab them.

Luckily, Li Xuanfang acted quickly and we didn’t snatch the role away from her. Otherwise, we would have signed the contract and would have had to grit our teeth and act. Who knows if the film would flop or not.”

Jian Liting understood everything and nodded: "I should thank Li Xunfang. Next time I attend an event, I will thank her specifically."

Although her style is different from Li Xunfang's, the two of them do not get along. Jian Liting can't stand her, and so can Li Xunfang.

As for how the conflict started, Jian Liting had long forgotten it.

Maybe in the entertainment industry, there are always some people whose magnetic field is incompatible with yours, and you dislike them the moment you meet them.

Jian Liting asked curiously: "So what is Jinli's new drama?"

The agent gloated: "It's still under investigation. I am now looking forward to the reaction of Li Xunfang's team.

After going through so much trouble to get two fake ones, I wonder if he will be so angry that he will vomit blood, or if he will want to cancel the contract.

I guess Li Xunfang's team is praying that Jinli will not take on a big production, and it would be best if it is a small unknown production, so that they won't feel heartbroken. "

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