I became famous in the entertainment industry by burning incense

Chapter 157: Meeting a Predestined Person at Longhu Temple and Kidnapping an Assistant

Chapter 157: Meeting a Predestined Person at Longhu Temple and Taking an Assistant

Jinli did not hide the news that she had asked for leave on the weekend to attend the worship ceremony at Longhu Temple from the crew. Before the weekend even arrived, the entire crew knew where she was going.

In China, even non-religious people have heard of the Dragon and Tiger Temple.

It was originally just an unknown small Taoist temple, but later it was filmed by a film crew and became the main shooting location for a Taoist movie, and it became an instant hit.

The owner of the temple is also good at management.

Instead of commercializing the Taoist temple, they offered high salaries to the Taoist priests to improve the overall cultural quality of the temple.

Requirements for college students, masters and doctors all start with the Dragon and Tiger Temple.

The young people are full of energy and have studied the scriptures deeply. They have co-organized several activities with other Taoist temples, and as a result, they have become famous among the people.

Decades later, Longhu Temple developed better and better, expanded larger and larger, and seemed to be on the verge of becoming the leader of Dadao Temple.

Xu Wenwen is not a religious person, but after hearing about this incident, she specifically searched for the Ghost Festival.

Only then did I know that Taoism has the concept of "Three Yuans", which are divided into the Shangyuan Festival, the Zhongyuan Festival, and the Xiayuan Festival, corresponding to the three officials of heaven, earth, and water.

The Heavenly Official bestows blessings, the Earthly Official forgives sins, and the Water Official relieves disasters.

The Lantern Festival is still a major traditional festival in China. Activities such as guessing riddles and setting off fireworks have become national customs and are widely welcomed by people.

The Zhongyuan Festival is commonly known as the Ghost Festival. The customs of worshiping ancestors and releasing river lanterns have continued to this day. For people in many places, it is also a festival of great significance.

The Lower Yuan Festival is on the 15th day of the tenth month in the lunar calendar. The custom gradually changed to fasting and setting up rituals, worshiping ancestors and praying to gods, which is similar to the Zhongyuan Festival.

But nowadays, few people know about the Lower Yuan Festival.

Xu Wenwen curiously asked the assistant: "I don't have many scenes to film this weekend, can I go to the ceremony at Longhu Temple?"

The assistant looked it up for her and said helplessly, "No, the Zhongyuan Festival ceremony at Longhu Temple is too famous. Many wealthy businessmen return to their country to worship on this day. You need an invitation letter from the Taoist temple to participate."

Xu Wenwen frowned: "How did Jinli get the invitation?"

If she bought it, she could pay for it.

The assistant was aware of this, and someone in the crew asked Jinli about it, and Jinli told him about it.

"Jinli got the invitation letter based on her own ability. When she was recording a program abroad, she found a Taoist temple that had been in disrepair for a long time. She sent a letter to the Taoist Association Center, and then she was invited. They thanked her for her contribution to overseas Taoist temples."

Xu Wenwen was speechless. This is really...


Which celebrity would care about this when going abroad to record a show?
If you are not a devout Taoist believer, you would never think of going overseas to worship at Taoist temples, let alone maintain them.


On this weekend, Sui Lingfang arrived at the crew early in the morning and set off with Jinli.

Jinli observed Sister Fang deliberately and found that although her eyebrows looked a little tired, the middle of her forehead was full, smooth, bright and wide, with a faint yellowish aura.

This is a sign of excellent luck and everything will go well.

Jinli asked curiously: "Sister Fang, have you been very happy recently and everything is going well for you?"

Sui Lingfang glared at her speechlessly, "I am already exhausted by your endorsement with Xi Mengze. I am not happy at all.

Especially you, you can't leave the crew to take three or four days to shoot commercials. I have a lot of suitable endorsements in my hands, and I'm afraid they will all run away!"

Jinli said with a smile: "If the old doesn't go, the new won't come. We can't rush into this endorsement."

Sui Lingfang said helplessly: "You don't have to rush, but Xi Mengze can't wait. Recently, my attention is all on Mengmeng."

She paused and said thoughtfully: "I am thinking about whether to promote some agents to manage Xi Mengze full-time.

It feels a bit unfair for me to lead you two. In the past, I would have taken the time to come to the crew and say hello to the director, but I didn’t have time to come this time.”

Jinli didn't think so, "I'm an adult, not a child, why do I need you to say hello specifically?
If we change to a new agent, we will have to start over, and the notices the agent receives may not necessarily suit our tastes. If you have this idea, you must tell Mengmeng in advance."

Sui Lingfang asked back: "Don't you feel that you are being neglected?"

Jinli shook her head: "It's good to let it go like this now. My agent doesn't help my career much."

Sui Lingfang pondered for a while, Jinli was right.

For first-tier stars, the role that agents can play is already very limited, not to mention that Chenxi Entertainment is a relatively small company.

Relying on the company's capabilities, it is impossible to obtain any high-quality resources for Jinli.

As Jinli's fame spread, she was the one who brought resources to the company.

Sui Lingfang figured this out and said readily, "Okay, if you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me!"

Jinli took another look at Sister Fang's face. Based on the trend of her face, she didn't think Sister Fang couldn't take it into consideration.

I feel like she can take care of two or three more first-line actors.

Some people may complain, but when it comes to getting things done, their efficiency is impeccable.

The group took a plane to Longhu Temple.

On the plane, Jinli discussed the assistant issue with Sister Fang.

Speaking of this, Sui Lingfang also has a headache. It is difficult to find a reliable assistant!

She said: "Originally the company had several applicants, but something happened a while ago. A third-tier star was exposed by his former assistant that his bank account balance was 2 million, which triggered a wave of anti-rich comments. That star has been hidden by the company.

An assistant is responsible for taking close care of the actors and knows a lot about the entertainment industry. I want to find someone with good character and a tight-lipped personality, and I don’t dare to hire someone I don’t know.

If all my relatives around me had found jobs, I would have wanted to introduce them here.”

Jinli thought for a moment and said, "It's better not to have relatives. Although you can trust your own people, they are still the most ruthless when it comes to being ruthless.

Once the news is leaked, netizens will definitely believe it because of her identity, and you will have no way to defend yourself.”

She didn't want to use the so-called "own people" because even brothers had to settle accounts clearly.

Since ancient times, there have been a lot of relatives who have made things ugly for money.

Jinli said, "How about this, when you hire an assistant in the future, find a time to video chat with me online, and I will personally select the person."

With her ability to read faces, she can at least know the person's character.

Of course, this doesn't mean that having a good face will allow you to do a good job as an assistant, but at least it is definitely better than those who are lazy and slack.

Sui Lingfang asked in surprise: "Can you read people?"

Jinli smiled and said, "No, but if I choose someone myself, and if I have to be a traitor in the future, then I will accept it."

Two hours later, they got off the plane and took a taxi to Longhu Temple.

At the same time, the paparazzi who had been following Jinli also took a plane and a Didi with them.

Jinli's external schedule is not difficult for people in the industry to check, and if the paparazzi are interested, they can easily find out her whereabouts.

The paparazzi were surprised when they found out her final destination was Longhu Temple.

"This celebrity's religious belief is quite impressive, it's not just superficial."

"Alas, it's a waste of effort. I thought it was just a cover for the outside world, and that they were actually sneaking out to do some face work or date. I didn't expect that they were really here to participate in the worship ceremony."

"What do you think? Could it be that Jinli is really destined to be with Taoism? Will she become a nun like that female star from Hong Kong Island?"

"No way, her career is booming!"

“Hey, that female star from the last century also had a very successful career, and she became a nun just like that.”

A paparazzi asked Zhuo Qiang: "Boss, should we sneak in and take pictures?"

Zhuo Qiang pondered for a long time and shook his head slowly: "The Ghost Festival is a very special day, so forget it. I'm afraid of filming something dirty. I don't want to be a "Strange Stories" show."

These paparazzi have lived through decades of turmoil.

At that time, in addition to various underworld bosses coming out to promote people, there were also many male and female stars who would do anything to become famous.

These paparazzi who have been around Hong Kong Island have heard about things like "raising ghosts", "paying debts to the underworld", "casting black magic", "changing fate with feng shui" and so on.

But they didn't report it, for fear that it would be entangled with dirty things, which would be difficult to clear away later.

There is a saying that goes "It is easy to invite a god but difficult to send him away". If you really encounter these things, you might die without knowing how you died.

Zhuo Qiang emphasized: "Let's just shoot outside."


After Jinli and Sui Lingfang showed their invitation letters, they were led by the Taoist boy to the bamboo house in the backyard, which was a place for guests who wanted to stay overnight.

The ceremony would not begin until the afternoon, so while there was still some time, Jinli took Sui Lingfang to worship first.

Naturally, Sister Fang worships the God of Wealth. The Temple of the God of Wealth is very popular and there is a very long queue.

Jinli is the Ancestral Hall, which enshrines the Three Pure Ones, with plaques on each side.

Left: Three Jingdongming looking for Yunjin
Right: Jiu Huan Dan returns to He Ming
Today is a special day. In addition to the worship ceremony prepared by the Taoist temple, it is also open to other pilgrims to worship the gods.

Jinli also had to queue up at the Ancestral Hall, but the line was not that long and it took only twenty minutes to get her turn.

She was dressed simply, wearing a mask and a hat, and lowered her head slightly, so no one could recognize her.

Perhaps because there were so many pilgrims and everyone was so devout, Jinli blended in with them and was not recognized.

After leaving the Patriarch's Hall, she immediately felt a divine power entering her body, and her body felt warm.

Nothing changed this time, except that I had endless energy and abundant energy and blood.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed, and Jinli's appearance was captured.

She looked over sharply and saw a white figure running away in a hurry. From the back, it should be a girl.

“Here are the photos you requested.”

Chen Qin sent the photo from her phone to the paparazzi and asked nervously, "You won't use this photo to do anything bad, will you?"

The paparazzi looked at her and said speechlessly, "What bad things can they do? It's just exposing her online. She's a celebrity, and if we publish the news, it can also increase her exposure!"

Do you really think they are paparazzi and they must expose big news?

Although every big news about a famous star is their lifelong pursuit.

Chen Qin is 20 years old this year. She grew up in an orphanage. After she became an adult, she did not go to college. After leaving the orphanage, she worked outside.

She was not sick, but was abandoned by her parents on her own initiative. According to the director's mother, there was a note in the basket where she was abandoned, and the name was "Chen Zhaodi".

The director's mother didn't want this name and named her Chen Qin.

In the past two years, she has been doing odd jobs near the orphanage, washing dishes and serving food in restaurants, and selling flower baskets near the Taoist temple during holidays.

She grew up here and has never been anywhere else. She is not satisfied or dissatisfied with her current life and will just do what she can.

The paparazzi saw that she was young and smart, so they found her and asked her to go into the Taoist temple to take a picture of someone, and gave her 500 yuan after the job was done.

Chen Qin's heart was deeply moved.

She would have to work odd jobs for five days to earn this money, and she only needed to take one photo.

The paparazzi looked at the photo and said with some disdain, "I asked you to take a photo of her burning incense, but why did you take a photo of her after she came out? You didn't even include the main part of the hall in the photo."

In fact, Chen Qin had been following Jinli for a long time.

She is not a fan of celebrities, but the person the paparazzi mentioned was very easy to recognize. Among the pilgrims, her temperament was very outstanding.

She grew up nearby and was very respectful of the Taoist temple. She didn't dare take pictures of the statues for fear of being disrespectful.

And who knows why these people want Jinli's photo? What if they use it to do something bad? She would be an accomplice and would have bad karma.

Chen Qin immediately said, "Three Pure Ones, I have already taken the photo for you. At that time, I just told you to try your best to take the photo of the incense burning. If you can't take the photo, you can't blame me. If you regret it, Three Pure Ones will make the decision for me!"

"Wow." The paparazzi looked at Chen Qin carefully, it was strange.

They are the only ones who threaten others, but they didn't expect that today they would be threatened in return.

The paparazzi wanted to say something, but Zhuo Qiang suddenly said, "Forget it, transfer the money to her. Today is a special day."

Zhuo Qiang looked at the photo with a frown on his face. "Just use it as it is."

They called several people to help them go in and take pictures today, but they all refused after hearing the request. Only Chen Qin was willing to help them.

But they were unwilling to go in and shoot on their own.

Zhuo Qiang said: "When the worship ceremony starts this afternoon, please take a few more photos for us."

Chen Qin quickly shook her head: "I can't take pictures unless I get permission from the Taoist temple. You may not be afraid of me, but I am!"

Paparazzi: …

After Chen Qin left, the paparazzi looked at each other in confusion. One of them asked, "Shall we go in and take pictures this afternoon?"

Another person said: "Is your horoscope good? I asked my mother about it and she said that my horoscope is weak and if I get close to these ghostly places, I will get sick!"

"Go to hell, why didn't you tell me earlier? I'm not very healthy. I always get a fever when I go to the hospital!"

Some people didn't believe in these things at first, but after being pushed around by them, they didn't want to go in anymore.

As for Zhuo Qiang, he didn't even think about going in.

He sighed and said, "Okay, no need to take the photo. I can post it with this photo. I'll try to get it on the trending search list."

Zhuo Qiang muttered in his heart, wondering if it was a psychological reason, why did he feel that Jinli in the photo was so radiant?

Wasn't it said that she was in poor health? Why did she seem to have a divine glow?


Chen Qin returned to her stall and continued selling flower baskets.

Not sure if it was a coincidence, but she actually ran into the star she had filmed before - Jinli.

Sui Lingfang asked: "What flowers should I buy? Will they be used for the ceremony this afternoon?"

Jinli said: "Ask this little sister, she should know."

Chen Qin was very nervous and pointed at the larger flower basket. She whispered, "Many people bought this today. The white color represents..."

Jinli listened to her explanation patiently, bought two flower baskets, and after paying, she suddenly looked at Chen Qin.

"You took the photo of me this morning, right?"

Chen Qin's heart was beating fast, and she stammered, "Yes, a few people came to me and asked me to take pictures of you, saying that you were a star and wanted to publish news about you."

Jinli smiled gently: "You said the content of the transaction so easily, is this okay?"

After saying it, Chen Qin felt much more relaxed and secretly vowed not to do such sneaky things again, otherwise she would feel guilty.

Chen Qin said clearly: "Let's put things in perspective. I agreed to take the photos and got the money, and the deal was over. They didn't ask me to keep it a secret.

I'm selling flower baskets outside. You came to my stall, which means you are destined to be with me. It must be the gods who guided you here. Let me tell you the truth."

Sui Lingfang saw this and asked curiously: "Little sister, if we don't come over, you won't tell us the truth?"

Chen Qin thought about it seriously and said, "I think so. I will give you half of the money I receive. I have never done such a thing before. I found that I was very upset after doing it. I will never do it again."

Sui Lingfang took out her cell phone and searched for "Jinli", but found no relevant news.

But it is also good to be informed in advance, so she can think of a response plan now.

Sui Lingfang walked aside and called a colleague in the company to see how to do the subsequent public relations.

Jinli stayed where she was and continued to talk to Chen Qin, asking her about her family situation and what she was doing.

After asking, Jinli discovered that Chen Qin's background was quite similar to hers.

Chen Qin also loved chatting with the beautiful sister, and couldn't help but express her thoughts about the future.

"I think I still need to learn a skill, preferably one that can break the academic monopoly, so that I can make money."

Jinli asked: "Is there any industry you want to join?"

Chen Qin nodded: "Yes, one is to be a professional door-to-door cleaner. You can find a housekeeping company to train you in this area. Although it is a bit hard, the salary is high.

Another one is to be a confinement nanny. I have seen a lot of short videos. Professional confinement nannies have very high salaries and also have to learn a lot.

I am strong, young, and smart, so I am definitely much better at learning than those aunties in their 40s and 50s, so I should be able to do it."

Jinli thought for a while: "You said that you and I are destined to be together, so let me give you a suggestion. Your situation is not popular in the confinement nanny market. Customers will definitely prefer confinement nannies who have given birth to children and have experience in taking care of children.

You have to know that a confinement nanny not only has to take care of the employer, but also the baby. The situation is very complicated. If you really want to do it, you can only lower the price. "

She changed the subject and said, "But I don't recommend being a professional cleaner. It's a physically demanding job and you'll end up with a lot of health problems if you do it for more than a decade."

Chen Qin couldn't help but ask: "Ah? Then what am I suitable for?"

Jinli looked at her seriously for a few times: "Although I said this, you are still very suitable for taking care of people. How about this, come and be my assistant?"

Chen Qin was stunned.

Jinli continued, "As my assistant, your salary won't be high in the early stages, only 3,500 a month, but I will buy you five insurances and one fund. After the three-month probation period, I will raise your salary depending on the situation.

I feel like you don’t know me. Let’s add each other on WeChat. My name is Jinli. If you want to know more about me, I recommend Baidu Encyclopedia. It knows me better than I know myself.

I can't promise you anything, but I can take you out of your world."

Sui Lingfang came over at this time and looked at Jinli: "It has been handled, let's go in."

Jinli took out her mobile phone, motioned for Chen Qin to scan her QR code, and then left.

Sui Lingfang asked curiously: "How did you get that little girl to add you?"

Jinli explained her situation and said, "I think she is suitable to be my assistant."

Sui Lingfang sighed: "She has a miserable life, but she can take pictures of you for money, and she might reveal secrets about you for money in the future."

Jinli smiled, but shook her head: "Sister Fang, she has a fear of the gods. Even if the benefits are huge, some people can't get over it and dare not do it."

Jinli guessed correctly, Chen Qin was a person who believed in fate.

When she heard Jinli asked her to be an assistant, she hurried to Longhu Temple to ask for a fortune before she even added Jinli's WeChat.

"You can come and go as you please, and the prices are low and the clothes are well made.

You should be happy that the beauty knows you are an old friend, and welcome the guest who has stayed overnight to come back.

Explanation: The five nobles’ splendor and glory are the rewards of Yanshan’s good deeds.

Chen Qin read it several times and felt that the meaning should be good, so she quickly gave it to the Taoist priest to help interpret it.

The Taoist priest took it and glanced at it: "Are you asking about love or career?"

Chen Qin: “Ask about career.”

The Taoist priest said without hesitation: "Seize the opportunity, work hard and keep your feet on the ground."

Chen Qin was certain in her heart and knew what choice she had to make.

Have a nice weekend, cheers []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

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