Chapter 195 Protect her

Jinli considered that there would be two men tomorrow, so she asked Xi Mengze to go with her.

Somehow this news got out, and Yan Xingdong volunteered in the group to go there tomorrow.

And very presciently said -

[There are enough people going, so as to avoid being spotted by paparazzi, others should not go. I am just discussing the script with Director Yan. I am going to listen as a representative of the team.]

Chen Lin: [I always feel like you are pointing at me?]
Luo Yi: [You are not alone!]
Gu Cheng: [Only the captain knows what he is thinking]
Yan Xingdong: [@Gu Cheng, don’t force me to explode, be careful of me&*%……¥]
Jinli and Qiguan Mingzhu: ...

Marchday wouldn't treat the large group as a group chat, that would be...

So much fun!

Quickly reveal more explosive news!!
Qi Guan Mingzhu privately chatted with Jinli: [Are you going on a date with Gu Cheng tomorrow? ]
Jinli: [……-_-||]
Jinli: [What are you thinking about? There are Director Yan and Yan Xingdong! ]
Qi Guan Mingzhu: [╮(╯▽╰)╭I thought you finally got it, but it turns out you haven’t realized it yet]
Jinli didn't know what to do, so she put down her phone, walked to the balcony of the apartment, and looked up at the sky.

Nancheng is a semi-tourist city. In recent years, the government has stepped up efforts to promote greening, and all heavily polluting factories have been relocated.

There has been no significant improvement in the weather, but a few bright stars can occasionally be seen at night.

Today, Jinli saw the stars.

Not obscured by clouds or lights from airplanes, the bright stars emit a brightness that is no less than that of the moon.

A few blushes quietly appeared on Jinli's face.

She is not really a fairy who is detached from the world. She can still distinguish between ordinary care and special care.

When I first saw the blush on Gu Cheng’s brows, I knew that he had love luck, and I was worried about how he would find a girlfriend since he was so busy all day.

But after video chatting with him every day, Jinli understood it no matter how slow she was to react.

It turns out that the other end of this moving string of Red Luan Star is holding me!
Jinli couldn't help but smile and let out a long sigh. The cool autumn breeze blew past, and her heart gradually calmed down from being restless.

Let's take it one step at a time.

Don't be in a hurry.
The next day at noon, Jinli and Xi Mengze took the company car to the appointment, and Xiao Cheng drove for them.

It was the lunch break rush hour, and the road was a bit congested.

Jinli was chatting with Xi Mengze when Gu Cheng suddenly sent her a message saying that there was a traffic jam and he would be late.

Jinli: [Got it. There’s a traffic jam here too. I’ll be late as well.]
Xi Mengze asked curiously: "Who is looking for you?"

Jinli shook her head and put away her phone: "Gu Cheng told me that there was a traffic jam on the road and he would be late. I saw that it was also congested here, so I guess the time would be wrong."

Xi Mengze agreed and said, "Yes, it's because we came out late and encountered the peak period."

She changed the subject and said, "Let me continue to tell you about the recent events. Sister Fang wants me to participate in other music variety shows.

But after I participated in "I'm a Singer", I felt a little disgusted with other music variety shows, so I turned them all down and planned to participate in slow-life variety shows, where at least I could just play around and do nothing.

But after I participated in a slow-life flying guest show, I found it too boring. Although I like playing with my phone, I can’t play with it every day in front of the camera. I have to find something to do. ”

Xi Mengze said helplessly: "This makes me even more tired than participating in a music variety show!"

Jinli smiled and pointed out: "Have you noticed that your eyes are very bright when you sing?"

Xi Mengze was stunned.

Jinli: "Since you like singing, why not participate in a music variety show? Don't deny it yet. Let me continue."

She paused and said methodically, "There are many types of music variety shows. There are not only competitive ones. You can participate in travel-type music variety shows, or music dialogues like Friends, where there is no winner."

Xi Mengze asked curiously: "No one wins or loses?"

Jinli nodded and said, "Yes, such as the autumn concert, the camping concert, and I want to sing with you. There is no need to decide the winner."

Xi Mengze's eyes lit up, "This is quite interesting."

Jinli: "It's just that this kind of music variety show is not very well-known. Sister Fang is not inclined to let you take it, and she won't take the initiative to find you one. You have to ask her yourself."

Xi Mengze immediately said: "I will send a message now and ask her to find me a tie."

Soon, she put her phone down again.

Not knowing what he was thinking of, Xi Mengze stammered, "Jinli, if there is a person, no, a friend, he, he doesn't like to do something, but lies to you and says that he likes to do it, what's the situation?"

Jinli raised her eyebrows, "You should first figure out why she lied to you, right?"

"If I knew, I wouldn't come to ask you." Xi Mengze spread his hands.

Jinli thought for a moment, "Then why did she lie to you? She didn't want you to think you didn't like it. Why did she have this idea? Is that thing she liked important to you?"

Xi Mengze vaguely understood something.

"The thing he did in lying was exactly what I like to do."

Jinli swore, "She wants to have something in common with you!"

Xi Mengze: “That’s it?”

Jinli blinked: "Otherwise, what else could happen?"

Xi Mengze felt a little embarrassed, smoothed his hair with his hand, and turned his head away: "No, I just don't think it's necessary to accommodate me like this."

Jinli: "Maybe I really want to be friends with you!"

Xi Mengze: "Okay, okay, I will try my best to make good friends again."
When Jinli and Xi Mengze arrived at the hotel, it was already an hour later.

After they entered the box, Gu Cheng and the others had not arrived yet, so the two of them went to the bathroom together.

This restaurant is opened by someone in the industry and is very private. The paparazzi give face to the big boss behind the scenes and won't come in to stake out.

There are several such restaurants in the circle in different cities.

After running their business, some celebrities discovered that there was great potential in this business, so they started a chain business. The income from this side business was actually higher than that from their main job in the entertainment industry.

Some stars became confident and simply retired from the entertainment industry.

Most stars in the entertainment industry follow this path, relying on the company in the early stages, relying on fans to become popular in the middle stages, and relying on savings and investments in the later stages.

If the investment is successful, I will retire; if the investment fails, I will continue to stay in the circle.

As long as your reputation in the circle is not bad, you will be able to survive.

Of course, there are also many entrepreneurial failures, and the road to success is not always smooth.

Suddenly, Xi Mengze grabbed Jinli, pulled her back to the corridor, and said like a thief:
"Is that person in front of you Lian Baozhi, the one who was arguing with you before?"

Jinli poked her head out quietly and nodded, "Yes, it was her. Later she came to apologize to me and told me not to take it seriously."

Xi Mengze sneered, "If apologies are useful, then why do we need the police? If you know you did something wrong, why did you do it before?"

She took out her cell phone and took a few photos in the direction of Lian Baozhi.

Jinli asked curiously: "What are you going to do?"

Xi Mengze whispered, "Did you see the man next to her? I heard that his partner is not very clean. I wonder if Lian Baozhi has been arranged to do some internal transaction again. I will send it to Sister Fang and ask her to ask who this person is."

Jinli couldn't help but smile.

"I thought you were prejudiced against her, but it turns out you're just being soft-hearted and worried about other people's safety!"

Xi Mengze retorted: "No, I was thinking that if she bumped into me one day and wanted to target me, I could take out this photo to threaten her!"

Jinli didn't believe it and quickly pulled her away, "Just keep talking tough!"
Lian Baozhi walked for a while and suddenly turned around, feeling as if something was watching her.

But she found nothing. Director Zhuang Fan asked, "What happened?"

Lian Baozhi shook her head. "No, no, I thought I saw a paparazzi. It was my illusion."

She personally escorted Zhuang Fan to the hotel entrance and said with a smile, "Director, let's make it a deal!"

Director Zhuang nodded and said, "As long as you can join the crew before December, I will be able to convince the investors to change people, and the production team can be put together quickly. Please notify me half a month in advance."

Lian Baozhi said readily: "Okay, I'll let Sister Shan tell you when the time comes."

This was her second meeting with Director Zhuang.

When we met for the first time, she expressed her interest in the drama "Perfect Couple" and wanted to read the script.

Director Zhuang thought about it for a while and said it was no problem. He took out the script from his bag and gave it to her, allowing her to take it back.

This is a signal.

A day later, Lian Baozhi asked Director Zhuang out for a meeting again. This time the agent was not there, and the conversation between the two was more private. It was basically confirmed that a replacement could be made.

Director Zhuang is confident, so Lian Baozhi must also make preparations quickly. Those announcements that can be adjusted can be adjusted, and those that cannot be adjusted will have to be postponed.

Lian Baozhi stood at the gate, took a few deep breaths, and waited for the driver to come.

She secretly clenched her fists, determined not to miss this opportunity!

The door was pushed open again, and the sound came before the person arrived.

The voices of Gu Cheng, Yan Xingdong and Yan Jianqiao mixed together and said the same thing.

Jinli and Xi Mengze stared at them in amazement, and realized that they were about to bow and apologize, so they quickly waved their hands and helped them up one by one.

Only the director was standing alone, his back bent firmly.

Jinli said happily: "Why do you always like to be so polite to me?"

Gu Cheng also laughed: "Because March Day debuted relatively late, the people they interacted with in the circle were all seniors. We trained abroad before, and that country likes bowing and considers it a kind of etiquette.

After we returned to China to develop our business, Brother Guang felt that we were being sincere in doing so. No matter whether other people were unhappy with us or not, at least our attitude was in place, and we used courtesy before force, so he let us continue using this way of greeting.

This includes apologizing for doing something wrong, and it often works well.”

Xi Mengze said, "Tsk!" "Your agent is such a fox!"

Yan Xingdong said: "Brother Guang is also doing this for our own good."

Who likes to bow all the time?

If it weren't for the fact that this etiquette is indeed useful, Marchday would have abandoned it long ago.

This is the same principle as not hitting someone who smiles at you.

When you are in doubt, bow first!
Seeing that no one greeted him, Yan Jianqiao found a seat and sat down. He actually wanted to sit next to Jinli, but that seat was occupied by Gu Cheng.

On the other side, Xi Mengze was already sitting.

Gu Cheng mentioned Yan Jianqiao to Jinli, "This is the director of Assassination. Ever since he knew you wanted to invest, he has been wanting to meet you and have a discussion with you."

Yan Jianqiao straightened his back and extended his hand solemnly: "Hello, my name is Yan Jianqiao, nice to meet you, Jinli!"

Just as Jinli was about to reach out her hand, Gu Cheng suddenly reached out and held Yan Jianqiao's.

"Okay, don't be so polite. We are all friends. Don't be so serious. Let's just treat this as a gathering of friends."

Yan Jianqiao quickly withdrew his hand: "Yes, it's my fault. I wasn't relaxed enough."

He took the initiative to open the conversation: "Gu Cheng said that you are very optimistic about this drama, so I want to communicate with you in person. What do you think of the emotional line in the script?"

Jinli asked doubtfully: "Do you want to change the emotional line?"

Yan Jianqiao nodded and said, "For the TV version, I communicated with the screenwriter based on my own preferences, and I was also passionate at the time.

But after changing it to a movie version, I was a little worried that the audience wouldn’t accept it, so I was wondering whether to make a conventional love line.”

Jinli: "For example?"

Yan Jianqiao: "There is no romance in the campus part. The romance is set up during the revenge part. A classmate who was also bullied back then is introduced. He becomes a teacher when he grows up and becomes the heroine's helper."

Jinli pondered: "Change it to two strong men taking revenge?"

Yan Jianqiao: "Yes, but the visual focus is on the heroine. She still has the most scenes, but it will be difficult to change the emotional line like this..."

He slowed down and said, "It's not that easy to fall."

Jinli laughed out loud.

The others couldn't help but laugh as well.

As the director, the absolute controller of the crew, he really treats Gu Cheng and his gang as his own people, so he reveals his true feelings.

You have to be afraid!

He originally just wanted to make a TV series as his debut work, but somewhere along the way, it turned into a movie.

Seeing that Director Yan was very anxious, Jinli put away the smile on her face and said seriously: "If you want to listen to my advice, I hope you don't change it.

What attracted me to this TV series at the beginning was partly because of the love scenes. The love scenes of the heroine were very special.

No one knows whether she likes the hero or it is because he died in front of her that she has an indelible impression of him. "

Jinli added: "If you really want to modify the emotional drama, why not add a male second who helps her achieve revenge.

It would be best if the second male lead has a clean family background and a kind character, so that he can highlight the "evil" of the female lead, the "evil" of the students, and the "evil" of the school.

Although the cast of Assassination is all villains, it is not impossible to mix in a purely kind person, so that there is a sense of contrast, and after it is broadcast, it will easily cause the audience to feel uneasy. "

A hint of thought flashed across Yan Jianqiao's eyes.

The suggestion Jinli gave was something he had never thought of before, and it was quite feasible.

The meal was a great pleasure for both the host and the guests.

Yan Jianqiao drank some wine later and was a little drunk. He kept chatting with Jinli and muttered that he wanted to borrow some koi luck from her.

At the end, he still wanted to hug Jinli, saying it was a friendly hug, but was blocked by Gu Cheng.

Want to take advantage?
no way!

Even if you just want to try your luck, it’s not possible!

Yan Xingdong and Xi Mengze are just here to be wallflowers. Later on, we find that Gu Cheng turns into an old hen and tries desperately to resist the drunk Yan Jianqiao.

Xi Mengze sighed: "Jinli is still very safe!"

Yan Xingdong echoed: "Don't you even look at who is guarding her."

Xi Mengze humbly asked: "Who?"

Yan Xingdong said casually: "He is the brain trust of Marchday, loves to study, is pure-hearted and has few desires, is a cool male god, and most importantly, is a good family man who can handle both the living room and the kitchen."

Xi Mengze: …

Who is this targeting?!
I am a happy malo, malo, malo~
Black Myth: Wukong was recently released, and I saw a lot of news videos about it. Are you guys playing it too?

Friends, please help Jinli character to click on a little heart. You can click on it every day, and you can also click on Orange.

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