Chapter 20: Support you
Jinli felt that among the figures that flashed by, there was a person whose figure was quite familiar.

She asked curiously, "Who are those people?"

Ji Qinglian frowned and said uncertainly: "It should be the Marchday boy band. They are still in the second season. They are probably rehearsing the second season's stage today."

Jinli: "Speaking of the rehearsal stage, am I going in now?"

She raised the small piece of paper in her hand, and Ji Qinglian took it enthusiastically: "Let me help you take a look!"

After a while, she said, "It's still early. It's in this rehearsal room, but you have to wait half an hour before it's your turn. If the instructor inside delays, you may have to wait for an hour."

Ji Qinglian was afraid that the instructors in the rehearsal would bully Jinli because she had not yet completely returned to the first line and was considered a small second line, so they took advantage of their power to bully others and shorten her rehearsal time, so she said:

"I'll wait outside with you, and we can talk. It's been a long time since we've had a chat like this!"

The rehearsal time is fixed. If one instructor delays by ten minutes, the next one will reduce it by ten minutes.

When the time comes, the staff will leave work on time. They don’t care what kind of star you are. They will just follow the contract and work until that time.

Unless the star is willing to give some extra benefits, the staff may be willing to work overtime.

Celebrities aren't the only profession in the entertainment industry. Many people who work in related jobs are familiar with this.

On the other side, the Marchday boy band hurried into the elevator and burst into laughter the moment the elevator door closed.

"Xiao Lin, why were you laughing just now? When you laughed, I laughed too!"

Xiao Lin, also called Chen Lin, is the youngest in the team.

Chen Lin said embarrassedly: "I couldn't help it. I just passed by there and suddenly heard a young lady say to another young lady with great emotion - you look so healthy! I laughed at the same time. What kind of new way of greeting is this?"

Gu Cheng thought about it and agreed, "I think this way of greeting is pretty good. In order to look good on camera, people in the industry often go on improper diets, which leads to poor health. If some stars look healthy, it's also a blessing."

Chen Lin complained: "According to what you said, it's more like a curse! After all, people become physically ill in order to look good on camera. People who look healthy at first glance probably won't look good on camera either."

Gu Cheng did not comment, he still felt that physical health was more important.

However, when it comes to body shape, the public is more demanding on female celebrities.

Rehearsal Room 5.

Qiu Qiwen and her partner Ren Tiantian were stuck in the middle of a dance.

They first performed the dance completely, then watched the scene in the camera and found that the position changes in the middle were too scattered, giving people a sense of confusion.

It took half an hour to change the design of this dance midway.

There is still half an hour left, so I can only perfect the details of the first half, but the second half is not finished yet.

This time, Qiu Qiwen did not invite her first-tier partner, but a second-tier actress whom the company wanted her to promote.

She and Ren Tiantian had only met in the company and didn’t know each other’s business capabilities. It was during this rehearsal that she discovered——

Ren Tiantian’s basics are too poor, especially her dancing skills!

She couldn't help but frown. Even so, the company still dared to package her as "good at singing and dancing"?

Qiu Qiwen could already imagine that when the program was broadcast, it would be the scene of Ren Tiantian’s car accident.

Ren Tiantian also felt the unkindness of her predecessors, so she didn't dare to slack off or complain throughout the whole process.

Soon, an hour of rehearsal time passed, but half of their dance still needed to be revised.

Qiu Qiwen whispered a few words to her assistant.

After a while, the assistant came back with a few bottles of water, gave one to each staff member present, and then came to Qiu Qiwen.

"Sister Qiu, I just went to see. The one waiting for rehearsal outside was Jinli, and Ji Qinglian was chatting with her. I thought they were having a very happy chat." Qiu Qiwen frowned fiercely.

Ren Tiantian's assistant also went out to inquire about the news. After a while, he came back and whispered a few words to her.

Soon, Ren Tiantian came over, approached Qiu Qiwen, and said in a low voice: "Sister Qiu, how about we take up half an hour of rehearsal time? The next one to rehearse is Jinli, a small second-tier actress."

In the circle, if there is a “small” in front of something, it means it’s just a little short of something.

A small second-tier city means it is more than a third-tier city and almost a second-tier city.

Qiu Qiwen said expressionlessly: "No, we won't take up other people's rehearsal time. Next time, ask your assistant to get more comprehensive information. Didn't you see Ji Qinglian waiting at the door in person? Do you still want to take up Jinli's rehearsal time?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in her eyes. She said nothing more and turned away.

Ren Tiantian lowered her head, her face turning pale and blue, looking extremely ugly.

When she looked up again, she looked amiable and smiling again.

After a while, the door of rehearsal room No. 5 opened.

The first to walk out was Qiu Qiwen, followed by Ren Tiantian and their assistants.

Qiu Qiwen greeted Ji Qinglian warmly, and then held Jinli's hand, "Jinli, it's been a long time since we last met. We participated in the same announcement before, and I have seen you before."

She looked at Jinli carefully. Her rosy little face did not look sickly at all.

"You look much better!"

Qiu Qiwen said this sincerely.

Jinli smiled and said, "Yeah, it's only this year that things got better, otherwise I don't know when I can return to the stage."

Qiu Qiwen gave her an encouraging gesture: "I wish you good luck."

Jinli walked into the rehearsal room, and Ji Qinglian said, "I won't go in. I'll wait for you outside."

Jinli raised her eyebrows and pulled her in forcefully, "You can watch it if I ask you to. And you can give me some suggestions."

Ji Qinglian originally wanted to avoid suspicion.

Rehearsal is a very private matter. She subconsciously felt that it would be best if no one had seen Jinli's performance.

But since Jinli said so, she had no choice but to obey.

Standing on the stage, Ji Qinglian asked: "What kind of stage do you want?"

Jinli said without hesitation: "Singing, maybe I can also play the piano a little."

Ji Qinglian was a little surprised: "Not dancing?"

Jinli shook her head and said simply: "My body can't support it."

Ji Qinglian thought for a moment and said, "Then don't sing this time. Just recite a few words to get out of position. I'll help you watch the camera."

Rehearsals are simple, but if you want to present a more exquisite performance, you will definitely have to put in a lot of thought.

They discussed the lighting effects and the changes in lighting for a full hour.

The staff was almost driven to mental breakdown by the two men, and begged for mercy again and again: "It's time to get off work, two big stars, let's leave it like this for now, there is still a second rehearsal!"

Jinli and Ji Qinglian both smiled.

The two sides looked at each other, and the tacit understanding they had as teammates emerged.

It's really nostalgic!
 Happy holidays, girls!
(End of this chapter)

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