Chapter 214 Play to the End

Lian Baozhi stood there thinking for a while, then walked towards the director's room.

She certainly wasn't trying to come up with some stupid idea.

With her current status, no matter how poor she is, she doesn't need to bribe the director specifically. At most, she can say a few nice words to compliment him, but she is unwilling to do more than that.

So Lian Baozhi went there this time to threaten.

"Knock knock!"

There was a knock on the door. The assistant director and the director were thinking of a solution. When they heard the knock on the door, the assistant director responded and went to open the door.

When he opened the door, he saw that it was Lian Baozhi and was surprised.

What’s the trend today? Why are all the celebrities lining up to visit?

The assistant director observed Lian Baozhi's expression. Although he was smiling, the smile looked gloomy, as if he was about to smile but not smile. He was afraid that the person he came with was not friendly.

Lian Baozhi said, "Directors, can I open the door?"

The director said impatiently, "Open up, open up, each of them has so much shit to do. If it were a male star, there wouldn't be so much trouble."

Lian Baozhi forced a smile off her face and said calmly, "Director, you must be joking. A man and a woman alone in a room, maybe the paparazzi will think you are gay."

Director and Assistant Director: …

She walked to a corner casually and leaned against the wall, close to the door, so she could keep watch and leave at the first opportunity.

The director asked solemnly, "What do you want to see me about?"

Seeing that the director was not being polite, Lian Baozhi didn't say anything either, and got straight to the point: "Director, did Li Xuanfang come to you today and want to kick me out of the variety show?"

The two directors looked at each other in bewilderment. No wonder Lian Baozhi came to them. It turned out that the news had leaked out.

Without waiting for the director to reply, Lian Baozhi continued, "Director, I put a lot of effort into recording this show and contributed many wonderful shots. If it were put in any variety show, it would have the potential to be a big hit and would definitely be a hot topic. I believe you know that."

Both male and female stars can rely on their looks to gain attention. Today, either this one or that one is more beautiful than the other, so naturally they can also rely on their bodies to gain attention.

It’s not like there aren’t celebrities marketing their bodies.

It's just that body shape is usually the domain of male stars. Just showing some abdominal muscles can make people scream, while female stars will attract crazy pursuit from the media just by showing their shoulders and cleavage.

"Do you have any feelings for the male star you're working with?"

"The male star is so much older than you. When you kiss him, do you feel like you are kissing your father?"

“Do you think this play is a big sacrifice?”

“Is someone always watching you?”

Because they suffer so much malicious intent and are prone to people's imagination, female celebrities rarely rely on their figure to stand out.

But it’s just a small number, which doesn’t mean it’s a dead end.

As social trends become more open, women are also willing to wear nice clothes to show off their bodies, not for others to see, but just for themselves to appreciate.

Lian Baozhi's idea is a little bolder. Her outstanding and plump figure is both her weakness and her armor. She enjoys people staring at her and is not ashamed of it.

It is precisely because of Lian Baozhi's idea that she appears graceful and elegant when showing off her figure, and netizens really buy into it.

The director remained silent.

He also felt that regardless of whether these materials would become a hit or not when put into the variety show, it would definitely be enough to create buzz, which was why he had been tolerating the two female stars' quarrel on the show.

But now...

Lian Baozhi suddenly laughed softly and whispered, "I understand your concerns, but I'm also putting this here. If you kick me out, I will leak the information."

The two directors suddenly looked up at Lian Baozhi, with a look of doubt and uncertainty. Lian Baozhi said calmly, "Yes, that's what you think. Anyway, I've already complained about LP once. I'm not afraid of boiling water. It's not impossible to complain about "Run with All Your Strength" again. I believe that the Roast Conference will welcome me to come again.

You can kick me out, but I reserve the right to expose the information, and you were the first to violate the contract. "

The assistant director's mouth twitched slightly: "We can pay compensation."

Lian Baozhi smiled and said, "I don't want your money. I want to play with you till the end."

Now even Director Zheng’s face looked unhappy.

After saying this, Lian Baozhi turned and left the room.

She didn't know how the director communicated with Li Xunfang. Anyway, early the next morning, Li Xunfang continued filming with a gloomy face, and she did not receive any notice of dismissal.

Off camera.

The two of them were at loggerheads, neither paying any attention to the other, as if each owed the other 50 million.

inside the lens.

One has a bright smile, the other has a gentle smile, and they hold hands like sisters, working together in unity and friendship while completing the task.

The speed of his expression change was beyond the reach of the other three regular guests.

One of the residents quietly asked, "Have these two reconciled?"

The older star shook his head: "Have you ever seen people who have made up become so awkward off camera?"

However, Su Jiuyue vaguely understood something, which should be related to that night.

Anyway, all she needed to know was that Lian Baozhi was not kicked out.

On the other hand, Jinli's filming also went smoothly.

The crew has already captured the death of a third person.

The person who died this time was a retired general. He was killed by someone hitting him in the back of the head with a blunt object.

Although the films shot by Deng Zexu did not follow the order of the script, he always followed the order of the characters' death.

Jinli also went through several moments of inner analysis of Vera as each person died, and her acting began to sink in again.

The "heavy" here means that she will still make some micro-expression details, but not as deliberate as before, and instead weaken the arc of the expression.

You know she has paid attention to details, but her details are very subtle, which will not make people pay attention to them all the time. On the contrary, these vague details will make people more immersed in it.

Deng Zexu noticed Jinli's change immediately, so he changed his shooting method.

In the past, as long as Jinli's performance was flawless, he would pass it.

But now, he would demand more from Jinli, and the process changed from one take to multiple retakes.

The veteran actor also noticed Jinli's changes and admired this young person.

“She’s very spiritual.”

"After going through the extroverted stage, it's not easy to start acting more restrained."

Silent performances are far less eye-catching than ostentatious performances, but they can touch people's hearts.

At some point you become silent, at some point you fall into thought, at some point you begin to fathom the character's inner world.

Greed, sin, cowardice, suspicion... As the storm hits the island, everyone is put to the test of self-examination.

Is death the only peace that the soul can find?
Jinli suddenly thought of the real murderer at the end of this film. Is his behavior really just?
The more she thought about it, the quieter she became, and she became more flamboyant and lively when acting.

Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, and my relatives came over. I entertained them, so I am running out of time. I will update this much first. I used to like eating double yolk lotus seed paste mooncakes, but recently my taste seems to have changed to five kernel mooncakes, which I don’t feel so greasy (laughing and crying)

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