I became famous in the entertainment industry by burning incense

Chapter 66 Central Air Conditioning, Resource Exchange

Chapter 66 Central Air Conditioning, Resource Exchange

Originally Jinli thought that this matter would take several days to resolve.

But she didn't expect to hear this news from Gu Cheng the next day.

Jinli went to the program crew to participate in the rehearsal. This was the second rehearsal, and the recording would officially begin next time.

All the instructors came to the rehearsal this time, and Jinli and Gu Cheng only had the opportunity to talk to each other alone after the rehearsal.

Gu Cheng said: "The night you mentioned that there was something wrong with the male employee, I contacted my uncle and asked him to investigate."

Jinli asked curiously: "What was the result?"

"He didn't go to find the female contestant, but went directly to the male employee." Speaking of this, Gu Cheng looked a little strange, "That male employee seems to be quite famous among them."


Jinli thought of his peach blossom face, and suddenly realized: "I see, do women often come to the program group to find him?"

Gu Cheng nodded: "That's about it. It was fine during the recording of this program. The production team was very strict and no outsiders were allowed to come in.

But before the show was recorded, this male employee had a few problems due to his personal relationship, and even my uncle had heard about it.”

The previous trouble was just a private matter and did not affect the normal operation of the work.

So everyone just turned a blind eye to him.

But this time, the male employee actually set his sights on the contestants. When his uncle heard this, he did not ask the female contestants, but instead went to find the male employee overnight.

After being threatened, the male employee confessed everything and his cell phone was confiscated.

Don't ask, don't know, I'm startled when I ask.

The male employee denied that he had any ambiguous relationship with multiple female players, and said: "I chat with so many female players on WeChat every day, how can I know which one has feelings for me?"

The director opened his phone and found that many women came to him every day, and this guy accepted all of them, and his answers were all "warm man style".

[Baby, the weather is getting cold, remember to wear more clothes]
[Don’t push yourself too hard, being happy is the most important thing, just do your best]
[Are you feeling unwell? Drink more hot water. Do you want me to get you a hot pack?]
Her warmth and thoughtfulness were so great that his uncle couldn't help but shake his head. Isn't that disgusting?

But the male employee enjoyed it very much.

And judging from the situation, the female players he flirted with also seemed to enjoy it very much.

After hearing the method he used, Jinli was amazed: "Is this the legendary central air conditioning?"

Gu Cheng: "I think AI is a more appropriate way to describe it. How come every sentence someone types has a hint of tea?"

Jinli curiously asked him what happened next: "What happened next? Did he still refuse to admit that he had an affair with those three female contestants?"

Gu Cheng shook his head first, then nodded: "I don't admit it, mainly because he flirts with many people every day, regardless of whether others pay attention to him or not.

My uncle also read the chat messages between him and the three female players. They were no different from the messages he sent to others, but the three female players were willing to pay attention to him, so—"

Jinli understood: "So in his eyes, those three female contestants were just being sentimental, right?"

Gu Cheng nodded, "That's pretty much what he was thinking."

Jinli clicked her tongue: "Some scumbags know they are scumbags, and they are also scumbags very clearly. But that male employee is obviously a scumbag, but he doesn't think he is a scumbag at all. If he keeps thinking this way, sooner or later something will happen!"

Losing your job is the lightest punishment; bad things are yet to come.

Gu Cheng changed the subject: "Anyway, he was fired the next day, and the program team also posted a notice in the girls' dormitory.

The program team pointed out that a male employee had poor moral conduct and had chatted with several students in a row, deceiving their feelings, and asked the female students to be more vigilant.

In addition, the program team said that they will continue to strengthen dormitory management. If there is anything wrong, everyone is welcome to report it. "

Jinli smiled and patted Gu Cheng on the shoulder: "Thank you, this matter has been resolved, which also relieved my worries."

She could pretend she didn't see it.

But she still wants to help some people to the best of her ability.

At least try to save the situation if it can be saved before it gets out of control.

Gu Cheng did not take credit for it. "No need to thank me. My uncle said he wanted to thank you. This was a mistake made by the program team. If one of the students leaked the information, the reputation of the program would be affected. He thanked you for solving a problem for him."

Not knowing what he was thinking of, Gu Cheng added: "My uncle said that if you are free, he would like to treat you to a meal."

Jinli smiled and said, "You don't have to eat. It's just a small thing, not worth mentioning."

After chatting, she saw that there was still some time, so she picked up the Wusan and did some questions, planning to wait for Ji Qinglian to finish her work before leaving together.

If Sui Lingfang were here, she would definitely not refuse Gu Cheng's invitation.

After all, he is the director of a popular variety show. Just meet him, have a meal with him, and exchange business cards with him, and your network will be expanded in this way.

But now she is alone.

Jinli brushed the questions for a while, and suddenly stopped. Her thoughts inexplicably turned to this point, and she couldn't help but smile softly.

She shook her head, pinched her face, and concentrated her attention, focusing on the questions.

Just let her be willful for a while and leave more time for her to do the things she likes.

Jinli stayed until eight o'clock in the evening when Ji Qinglian's rehearsal ended.

When she came to the lounge to find Jinli, her face was not very good, and she complained in a low voice: "It was supposed to end at five o'clock, but we have been lacking dancers, and the effect is not good, so we can only find dancers first.

I finally found a dancer, but Lian Baozhi insisted that the dancer was hers and she had to take it away from me, so I went to ask Qiu Qiwen to borrow it, but she refused. It was very strange, because she would never do such an offensive thing before.

Jinli packed up her books and asked, "Could it be that Qiu Qiwen is also rehearsing for her stage and needs a dancer?"

Ji Qinglian shook her head: "When I went to borrow it, the rehearsal had already ended. Logically, the dancers should have been able to follow me, but for some reason she refused to let go."

Large-scale variety shows like this all have dedicated dance troupes. They don't just have one dance troupe for one stage, or five dance troupes for five stages.

There is often a dance team serving all the stages of the variety show. The dancers will have practiced all the dances for the stages and can perform at any time.

The Marchday boy band then opened the door and walked in. They had been rehearsing very late this time. This stage was quite difficult and required repeated proofreading.

Chen Lin said, "Sister Jinli, Teacher Qiu Qiwen is waiting for you in the corridor. She said she has something to tell you."

Gu Cheng and Ji Qinglian asked at the same time: "Do you know Qiu Qiwen?"

Jinli looked confused and shook her head: "I don't know her. I only knew her after participating in the show."

Ji Qinglian: "Then you offended her?"

Before Jinli could say anything, Gu Cheng denied it: "Sister Lizi's schedule in the program group doesn't match ours, so we can't offend her even if we want to." That's true.

Except for the second episode when Jinli had a stage, there were no proper stages in the third and fourth episodes, and it could not be arranged in time with their rehearsal.

Jinli said calmly: "Don't worry, maybe they are discussing serious matters?"

When she came out into the corridor, Qiu Qiwen was wearing ordinary clothes and a mask. She leaned against the wall and looked down at her phone.

In order to maintain her posture and prevent her neck from leaning forward, she had to raise her phone accordingly.

The whole person looks very serious and solemn.

Female stars’ self-management is often stricter than that of male stars.

Jinli searched her mind and found no scenes of conflict with Qiu Qiwen, so she greeted her generously: "Sister Qiwen, I heard you were looking for me."

Qiu Qiwen put away her phone.

Originally, she didn't know how to tell Jinli, but when she saw Jinli greet her openly, she suddenly thought and just said it straight out.

"Hello Jinli, I'm looking for you because I want to tell you something..."

Night falls and the stars are shining.

Sui Lingfang did not follow Jinli during the rehearsal, but returned to the company to handle affairs. The notices related to Jinli had been piled up for a long time, and she had to give a reply to the notice provider as soon as possible.

In addition, she is not only in charge of Jinli, but also He Yixuan and several other artists, who also need her to arrange and deal with them.

So Jinli has been hanging out with Ji Qinglian these days - riding in her car, living in her room, and sleeping in her bed.

Boss Ji is really nice.

Not only did he provide her with three meals a day, he also vowed to fatten Jinli up so that he could squeeze out some koi and send them to her.

The two of them sat in the car, and Ji Qinglian asked curiously, "What does Qiu Qiwen want to see you for?"

She opened the small refrigerator, took out a tangerine and started peeling it, forcing herself to take some vitamins every day, mainly because she didn't want to rely on pills to supplement.

After taking too many pills, I felt a physiological nausea for no apparent reason.

Jinli said: "She asked me if I could give her some screen time in the next episode."

A silent squeezing sound was heard, and the piece of cake that Ji Qinglian had just peeled was crushed, but it was still edible.

She quickly put the broken piece into her mouth and asked curiously, "Why would she ask such a stupid question? If she wants the camera, she should ask the production team. What's the point of asking you?"

Jinli pondered and said, "It is still useful. She wants me to speak less during the next recording, so that the production team can give her more shots."

Ji Qinglian peeled another piece of orange and ate it while shaking her head: "We can't let her do that. If she wants more shots, she can find a way herself. We are also performing normally in the show. She can't find the highlight herself, so is she blaming us?"

We are all on the same front line and occasionally we have to work on the same announcements. It's not too common to encounter sarcastic remarks from colleagues.

But apart from ridicule, there are also some stars who have a good relationship with each other and will exchange resources.

If Qiu Qiwen was more familiar with them, then maybe they could talk about this matter.

But we are just strangers, why should I give in?
Ji Qinglian continued, "Besides, if she wants you to give up the camera, doesn't she plan to make any sacrifices? It's too rude to tell you this directly. She has no emotional intelligence!"

Jinli shook her head: "No, she mentioned the resource exchange to me. Her company is only a second-tier company, and some big brand resources cannot be exchanged, and she can't recommend them.

But her company is a 'newcomer' and has some resources in the film and television industry. There are several popular B-tier actors and actresses who all became famous through the film and television industry. They said that if I have any needs in the film and television industry, I can go to her. "

Ji Qinglian didn't expect this.

It sounded like he wanted to owe Jinli a favor.

Ji Qinglian pondered and said, "Xinrui, I have heard of this company. They have a good eye and have bet on several film and television dramas and asked their artists to star in them, and they have all been successful.

Now that you mention it, it reminds me of one thing. In fact, the only mentors for "PICK~Next Stop Queen" at the beginning were me and Marchday. The other two were not the two now.

Lian Baozhi has the support of LP and is determined to make further progress, so it is not surprising that she can squeeze out a spot. As for Qiu Qiwen, her qualifications are only slightly better than Lian Baozhi, and this is because she has been a first-line star for a longer time.

Xinrui is a second-tier company, so it's hard to help her squeeze out the quota, unless there is some kind of resource exchange with Penguin. Wait a minute."

Ji Qinglian took out her phone and searched. She remembered hearing someone say that Penguin had several new dramas, all of which were collaborations with newcomers.

"Found it. Look, Xinrui has collaborated with Penguin on three web series this year, two contemporary and one ancient. All are aimed at young people, and the leading actors are all young actors and actresses that Xinrui is promoting."

Jinli: "So, Xinrui and Penguin exchanged films and TV series, and that's why Penguin decided to let Qiu Qiwen be the mentor?"

Ji Qinglian nodded: "It should be, and this resource exchange is good for both parties. Penguin gets relatively cheap actor resources, and new actors get the opportunity to hone their skills in several dramas."

Nowadays, when companies exchange resources, it is rare that only one party benefits while the other suffers a loss. Most of the time, it is a win-win situation.

Otherwise it's not an exchange, it's charity.

Ji Qinglian asked: "What do you think? If you want to enter the film and television industry in the future, you can get on the line of new talents. My opinion is that you won't lose money, but I don't know if you can make it back."

Jinli said slowly: "Actually, I didn't want to come to participate in the fourth episode. The first two episodes gave me enough exposure. I also have social hot spots. I have appeared in front of the public frequently recently. I want to take a break."

Frequent exposure has both advantages and disadvantages, and celebrities all want exposure.

But overexposure is not good either.

Just like frequent marketing, if it’s overdone, people will be disgusted.

“If the production team hadn’t been trying so hard to invite me, and if the company hadn’t wanted to get back some debts from the production team, I would have decided to participate in the fourth episode after comprehensive consideration.

My previous idea was to be quiet and low-key this time. Even if Qiu Qiwen didn't come to me, I planned to reduce my presence. "

Ji Qinglian smiled: "That's perfect, you want to keep a low profile, she wants the camera, just let her owe you a favor!"

Jinli nodded, but had other thoughts in her mind.

She didn't know what kind of character Qiu Qiwen had, or whether she would repay the favors she owed. After all, she was not a capital in the entertainment industry, she was just a star.

Celebrities are not afraid of offending each other, but they are afraid of being banned by capital.

Therefore, if you really decide to go with the flow and let Qiu Qiwen owe you a favor, then it is best to get the favor back as soon as possible and not delay it too long.

After a long time, no matter how much gratitude you show, it will become meaningless.

Back to the hotel.

Jinli took out her cell phone and sent a message to Sister Fang, mentioning that Qiu Qiwen wanted to exchange resources with her.

After posting, she started the live broadcast and focused on watching the video and learning.

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