I became famous in the entertainment industry by burning incense

Chapter 89: The bond between agents and stars, job-hopping hot search, arrests in progress!

Chapter 90: The bond between agents and stars, job-hopping hot search, arrests in progress! (1+ monthly tickets requested)
Yan Xingdong coughed lightly a few times.

“It’s actually pretty easy to recognize the people in our company. There are only a few senior executives who come and go. If you come to the company a few more times, you’ll be able to recognize them all.

As for other artists, it doesn’t matter whether you know them or not.

Our company adheres to the principle of 'self-reliance and self-reliance'. We will not have old employees to train new employees. There are enough resources for new employees to develop.

Even if we really want to let the elderly take care of the new ones, we must ensure that their image and interests will not be damaged.

The company respects the opinions of artists and will also make reasonable plans for them and communicate with them so that we can seek common ground while reserving differences.”

Jinli and Qi Guanmingzhu looked at each other and saw a smile in each other's eyes.

It was not enough for the agent Zhang Guang to come and recruit people, the Marchday boy band also came in person to recruit people.

This sincerity is indeed sufficient.

However, at this moment, Chen Lin, who was chewing chicken wings, raised his head and said:

“Our company does communicate with us and respects our opinions, but I think Jinli’s company has more freedom.

You see, we have wanted to take a vacation so many times, but we only have two or three days off a month. What about Sister Jinli?"

Chen Lin turned to look at Jinli, and said with great envy and admiration: "I don't know how many times I have seen gossip about your vacation. Even if you go to a Taoist temple for vacation, it would be great."

He counted them on his fingers, one by one: "The environment is quiet, the scenery is unique, it is located on the mountains, it is a natural oxygen bar, there is a small pond, and you can fish..."

Yan Xingdong, Luo Yi and Gu Cheng all stared at Chen Lin who was still talking incessantly and sighed heavily.

No matter how good the assist is, it is not as good as a backstab from a teammate!
What is a pig teammate?
This is the person in front of me.

Jinli and Qi Guan Mingzhu looked at Chen Lin, then at the other three people, and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

--so fun!
After dinner, Marchday actively invited them to play with the company's entertainment equipment.

Jinli was a little surprised: "You have entertainment equipment here?"

Chen Lin nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, yes, last time I mentioned that I wanted to play games, but it's not convenient to go to the Internet cafe all the time, so the company built a few Internet cafes for me.

They are all equipped with gaming-grade computers. Oh, and there is also a VR room for gaming. Do you want to go and play?"

Jinli and Qi Guan Mingzhu looked at each other and felt a little moved.

Yan Xingdong struck while the iron was hot and said, "It's still early, so just have some fun first. I'll ask Brother Guang to take you back in the evening.

If you don’t want to go back, the company also has a lounge for you to stay in, so you don’t have to worry about safety issues.”

Jinli listened silently, touched Gu Cheng gently with her hand, and asked in a low voice: "Are all people in your company so arrogant?"

Gu Cheng also tilted his ear, gently touched her arm with his arm, and followed suit: "What?"

Jinli: "A few internet cafes were built because of an artist's suggestion?"

Gu Cheng smiled and said, "It's about the same. Our company has such a big building, but we don't have many signed artists and we only accept a small number of trainees. In fact, many floors are empty and we haven't made any plans yet.

So whoever has a demand and a reasonable demand will be built. We not only have Internet cafes and VR game rooms, but also various sports venues, tennis rooms, indoor basketball halls, swimming pools..."

Jinli's heart was moved.

In comparison, Chenxi Entertainment is truly a small family workshop!

“Are they all free to use?”

Gu Cheng: "Well, it's free to use. If there are a lot of people, you need to make an appointment in advance to limit the number of people, but there is no such problem at the moment.

Trainees cannot use these facilities, and the artists who can use these facilities fly all over the world and rarely enjoy such benefits.

As you know, the benefits are great, but they come at a price.

According to the market price of card opening outside, some popular stars can earn hundreds of years of card opening amount with just one announcement, so this is just a benefit. "

Gu Cheng paused and added, "Tian Ding Entertainment treats its own people very well. Don't look at Chen Lin always complaining about not having a vacation. It's because we are in the development stage of our career. If we really stop, it will be easy for others to catch up.

The company urges us to work, which is also a disguised way of helping us save some money for retirement, so that we don’t lose our income in the future when we are no longer popular.”

Jinli nodded in agreement: "Young people should work hard and not be lazy."

Gu Cheng asked back: "What about you? You are only 25 years old, very young!"

Jinli sighed and patted his shoulder earnestly.

"You don't understand. I'm old now. All I want to do now is retire, study, and lie down."

Gu Cheng: "...With your obsessive learning level, it's impossible for you to lie down."

Jinli spread her hands: "I don't want to either, but life is more important!"

Then, the doubts arise again.

What is the connection between learning and destiny?
Gu Cheng asked, but Jinli only gave him a meaningful reply: "Young man, you don't understand!"

Gu Cheng: ...

Jinli played with Qi Guanmingzhu for two hours and declined the invitation to stay overnight at the company. Zhang Guang, the manager of the Marchday boy band, personally sent them back to South City.

The Marchday boy band also wanted to go along, but before they even got on the car, they were sternly driven away by Zhang Guang.

Zhang Guang threatened them: "You have a brand event to attend tomorrow morning, so go to bed early. If you dare to stay up late and feel tired the next day and have dark circles under your eyes, I will make sure you don't have a day off for a week!"

Chen Lin, who was making the most noise, immediately became dispirited and awkwardly released his hand that was pressing on the door.

He won’t send it anymore. Is it okay if he doesn’t send it anymore?

In the car.

After Zhang Guang had been driving for a while, Qi Guan Mingzhu said, "Your relationship with the Marchday boy band seems to be pretty good."

Zhang Guang thought for a moment and said, "They are all young people. When I went abroad to recruit trainees, I spotted them at first sight outside the dance studio.

To this day, I can still recall the scene when I first saw them - it was very cold and the first snow was falling. I was squatting outside the dance studio, wanting to take a break and then go somewhere else to have a look.

Then I saw this group of people leaving the dance studio.

Can you imagine that scene? I'm wearing a bulky cotton coat, a scarf, and a hat to keep out the snow, and what about them?

They had just finished dancing practice, they were sweating and hot, and they just came out wearing a short-sleeved shirt and long pants.

The snow fell on them, as if it had become their background, and the smiles and sunshine on their faces were more dazzling than the first snow in winter. At that moment, I seemed to see the warm sun in the winter night. "

Zhang Guang believes.

People are creatures of first impressions, and only when the first impression is good will there be subsequent developments.

When he chooses artists, he looks at the atmosphere they create based on their first impression.

"At that moment, I decided that they were the team I was looking for, and then I approached them to communicate, but I was still considered a scammer."

Speaking of this, Zhang Guang couldn't help but smile: "The little bastard is quite vigilant. He said that since we are from the same hometown, he would not call the police and asked me to leave quickly.

I subsequently looked for them several times, and asked some colleagues to come over and show various identification documents.

They believed that I was really the agent of a domestic entertainment company, and then, after my persuasion, they decided to return to China to develop their careers.”

Zhang Guang said with emotion: "I personally brought them back from abroad. They trusted me and were willing to return to China for development. How could I not care?

I am also afraid that a decision I make will ruin their future.

They are still young and seem to have a lot of time, but a person's best youth only lasts a few years. If you miss it, it's gone. How can I not take it seriously? "

Jinli looked at Zhang Guang who was talking about the past, and thought: There is also a deep bond between Zhang Guang and the Marchday boy band.

Some people always say that agents look like nannies.

In fact, it’s almost the same. Watching artists of such young age struggling in the circle, and then helping them deal with various work notices and life troubles, isn’t that just taking care of children in disguise?

As time goes by, the relationship between agents and stars becomes like that of family members.

When Jinli and Qi Guan Mingzhu returned to South City.

They didn't know that their trip to Tianding Entertainment in the afternoon and their being personally sent back by the Marchday boy band's manager in the evening were all photographed by paparazzi and posted online.

[Breaking news! Jinli and Qi Guan Mingzhu suddenly joined together and went to Tianding Entertainment. Does Tianding have any other big moves? ]

[Shocked! A former member of the Pink Girls Group left the company late at night because...]

[Breaking news! Tianding Entertainment takes action to gather the Pink Girls Group! ]

As soon as this news came out, the tag #Pink Girls Group and Tianding Entertainment# rushed into the top ten hot searches and landed at a relatively high ranking.

Passersby who were just watching the video clicked in to take a look.

[Didn't Jinli just combine with Xi Mengze, why is she combining with Qi Guan Mingzhu today? So is Jinli going to switch to Tianding?]
[I don’t think it’s Li Bao. Chenxi Entertainment treats her well. The profit-sharing ratio of 8% is unprecedented in the industry. Currently, no first-tier star can get this price. How is this different from doing charity?]
[So Qi Guan Mingzhu wants to change jobs?]
[Which agency is Qi Guan Mingzhu’s? I have no idea about it.]
[It's a small company, even cooler than Chenxi Entertainment. It doesn't get any resources or notices. It all depends on Qi Guan Mingzhu. She is a Buddhist. She doesn't run notices for a year, but she is more active than Jinli and will go around]
[So, couldn't Jinli bring Mengmeng and Zhenzhu to Tianding together? Or Zhenzhu could switch to Chenxi Entertainment!]

Jinli and Qi Guanmingzhu just returned to the apartment. When she took out her cell phone, she found that she had more than a dozen missed calls.

They were all calls from Sui Lingfang.

Qi Guan Mingzhu took out his cell phone and looked at it, also a little surprised.

"My agent called me 40 or 50 times, but I didn't check my phone. I blocked the vibration and sound, so I didn't see anything."

Jinli frowned slightly: "My agent also called, let's see what happened first?"

She called back, and Sui Lingfang answered quickly and asked directly, "Where are you?"

Jinli: "Just got back to the apartment."

Sui Lingfang: "I'm coming over to talk to you now, wait for me, baby~"

Jinli was a little confused, "What are you talking about? Didn't we just talk a few days ago? Why did you call so many times?"

Sui Lingfang paused and said uncertainly: "Don't you want to change jobs?"

Jinli: "...Where did you hear this rumor?"

Sui Lingfang put her hand to her forehead, feeling as if she had worried for nothing.

She simply parked the car on the side of the road and discussed the hot search with Jinli.

After they talked for a while, they realized that both the netizen and she had misunderstood.

It's not about negotiating a contract, but about negotiating cooperation.

Jinli: "After Zhenzhu and I received the invitation from Marchday, we went to Tianding Entertainment for a meeting while we were both free, and we were also guests. Sister Fang, don't be too nervous."

Sui Lingfang breathed a sigh of relief. "When I saw the trending search, my heart skipped a beat. I was worried that you were really kidnapped by them."

Jinli said with a smile: "The industry's profit margin is 8%, let's be honest, Tianding Entertainment can't open it to me, so don't worry."

Sui Lingfang asked curiously, "What about Qi Guan Mingzhu?"

Jinli glanced at Zhenzhu who was also on the phone on the other side. Her expression was a little serious, but she was also explaining over and over again.

She said thoughtfully: "I'm not sure. She has her own ideas. I haven't communicated with her about this."

Sui Lingfang said earnestly: "Jinli, have I been good to you all these years?"

Jinli: ...

Sui Lingfang: "It's time to use your strength. Go ahead and pull Qi Guan Mingzhu over here!"

Jinli complained: "You think too highly of me!"

Sui Lingfang shook her head: "No, no, no, I absolutely believe in your ability!"

call ended.

Jinli was lying on the sofa, exhausted.

After a while, Qi Guan Mingzhu sat on the sofa opposite, in the same slouched posture as her.

She said, "I'm a little tired today."

Jinli: "I think so too."

Qi Guan Mingzhu looked over and said, "Go to bed?"

Jinli sat up straight: "Come on, I've cleaned up the room for you, take a rest first, we'll talk tomorrow if there's anything."

As for what Sister Fang had told her, she thought about it and decided to just let things take their course.

What is yours is yours.

If it's not yours, it's useless no matter how much you ask for it.

The next day.

After a night of public opinion fermentation, the fans of the Pink Girls Group have gone from "Jinli and Qi Guanmingzhu are going to change jobs" to "Jinli takes Xi Mengze and changes jobs with Qi Guanmingzhu", and finally imagined it as -

"Tian Ding Entertainment has huge ambitions and wants to gather the Pink Girls Group!"

Not only the fans of Pink Girls are paying attention to this matter, but even the fans of Marchday are also silently paying attention to this matter.

This is Tianding Entertainment!
The company, which has developed in recent years, has achieved a leapfrog development through the Marchday boy band and has become a first-tier entertainment company, becoming a company that can compete with LPs.

Tianding Entertainment is highly sensitive to traffic, and its tentacles reach into all aspects.

When it really wants to make an artist famous, no netizen will doubt that Tianding Entertainment can't do it.

And this is the Pink Girls Group!

If the former top girl groups could really get together, it’s hard to say whether Marchday would still be the top group at that time.

[Danger! I feel like my brother’s position is in danger!]
[Although I don’t think Pink Girls is that great normally, I have to admit that their traffic is really impressive!]
[Can’t we develop harmoniously?]
[This is impossible. There can only be one absolute KING in a company, otherwise there will be fighting!]
Just as fans were making wild guesses, Tianding Entertainment finally released a blog post around ten o'clock in the morning:

Tianding Entertainment: [We welcomed former members of Pink Girls Group Jinli and Qi Guan Mingzhu, who were guests of Tianding Entertainment yesterday and discussed group variety shows with Marchday.

May is the season for setting sail and also the season for hard work and struggle. Marchday is closely preparing for the team variety show, so please stay tuned!

Main members of the group show: Yan Xingdong, Luo Yi, Gu Cheng, Chen Lin

Group variety show regular guests: Jinli, Qi Guan Mingzhu]
This official announcement shattered the fans' dreams, but it also sparked a new round of discussion.

[I knew there was no such good thing in the world. Although the girl group cannot be assembled, at least they can be on the variety show and see the loving interaction between Li Bao and Zhen Zhu! ]
——This is what the fans of the Pink Girls Group think.

[Ahhh, are the brothers finally going to have a variety show? A group variety show, so happy, so excited, I really want to watch it now! But why do group shows have to have female guests? I don’t want to watch female guests. Even if you invite male guests, it’s better than female guests!]
——This is what the fans of the Marchday boy band think.

Since their debut, Marchday has been promoting their absolute strength.

They are indeed strong and powerful.

But because of his good looks, he attracted many female fans, and once dominated the major charts with the help of these female fans.

However, this kind of fans is a double-edged sword for idols.

Girlfriend fans can lift you to heaven, or drag you into hell.

these two years.

Tianding Entertainment has been committed to helping Marchday break away from girlfriend fans and make their fans less extreme.

As to whether it is effective or not, only the company knows.

At least for now, when these girlfriend fans saw that the permanent guests were actually female celebrities, they excitedly started cursing at the Pink Girls Group.

However, the fans of the Pink Girls Group are not vegetarians either.

It’s not like their sister hasn’t experienced the era of being a top star, and it’s not like she hasn’t benefited from the fan circle.

What Marchday fans are doing now are all left over from what they did back then.

So the fans of the Pink Girls Group responded to the Marchday fans who left messages like this:
[Have you finished your homework? Have you passed your classes? How many A's did you get on the tests? Have your grades improved over the years? Have you studied hard?]
[Just focus on your own life. Why are you so excited about those lousy stars you'll never see?]
[Do your parents know that you are such a fan of celebrities?]
[You have too much pocket money, can you give me some?]
Fans of the Pink Girls Group have a main strategy: I won’t argue with you, I will just make you angry and poke you!

The angry and aggrieved Marchday fans heard that Jinli was doing a live broadcast to learn, so they swarmed into the live broadcast room and attacked Jinli personally.

[If you don’t cling to boy bands, you’ll die, right? Ex-celebrity stars, get out of the entertainment industry!]
[Last time when I was doing a project, a student asked a question about cyberbullying. I think the chaos in the live broadcast room of this anchor is very suitable for popular science. I have taken a screenshot and saved it for class. Back to the topic, let's talk about Article 42 of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law". Anyone who commits any of the following acts shall be detained for not more than 5 days or fined not more than 500 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be detained for not less than 5 days but not more than 10 days, and may be fined not more than 500 yuan:

(1) writing threatening letters or threatening others’ personal safety by other means; (2) openly insulting others or fabricating facts to slander others; (3) fabricating facts to falsely accuse others…]
The fans then changed their statement.

[Can Jinli please stop working with Marchday?]
[Let’s talk about young people’s addiction to the Internet and its correlation with depression…]
[You, you, you guys…]
[Friends above, can you give me some idioms about “peace of mind”?]
[Uh, if you calm down, you will feel cooler?]
As they kept cursing, Marchday’s fans suddenly became a little discouraged.

There were a bunch of math Olympiad questions, physics questions, environmental protection questions, biology experiment questions... It would have been fine if they didn't understand them, but they didn't even understand the seemingly daily first aid questions!

Oh, it’s boring, really boring.

same moment.

When Marchday fans were rioting on the Internet, Lian Baozhi met Lu Shanjie again.

In a secret room.

Lian Baozhi took out his new mobile phone with all the data transferred from it and played one of the recordings.

She has to migrate data to the new phone every day and delete the recordings on the old phone.

on the phone.

Lian Baozhi's voice came: "Brother Liu, when do you want to have dinner together about the mutual aid association you mentioned last time?"

Liu Xuan said: "No hurry, I'm arranging the time. Everyone is very busy recently. If it wasn't you but someone else, we might not be able to get together for this game."

Lian Baozhi lowered her voice and asked, "Brother Liu, we are just going to have a meal and not do anything else, right?"

Liu Xuan sneered: "Lian Baozhi, you are also in the entertainment industry. There are only two ways to get resources, either relying on your strength or relying on your body. Which one do you think going to eat is?

I see that you are quite enthusiastic about joining. To be honest, there are many mutual aid groups for people like you on the front line, including both men and women. Don't feel ashamed of it.

We both get what we need and it's mutually beneficial. If you don't want to, I won't force you."

Lian Baozhi was silent for a while, then said softly, "Brother Liu, is it too late for me to quit now? Didn't you say you wouldn't force me?"

Liu Xuan smiled and said: "Why are you so naive? There are some things that you will never know.

But once you know it, even if I don't want to force you, how can I trust you not to leak it?"

In other words, when she heard the words "Resource Mutual Aid Association", there was no room for her to withdraw.

After listening to the recording, Lu Shanjie couldn't help but turn to look at Lian Baozhi.

Lian Baozhi lowered his head, his body trembling slightly, and one hand kept scratching the other hand.

Her hands were white, tender and delicate, and she looked pampered, but now they were covered with several distinct claw marks.

Lian Baozhi seemed to be unaware of anything and kept grabbing, grabbing, and grabbing again.

It looks like it’s about to bleed!

Lu Shanjie grabbed her hand and said loudly: "Lian Baozhi, calm down. It's useless to hurt your body. Instead of torturing yourself, it's better to torture others."

Lian Baozhi raised his head in a daze.

Lu Shanjie was stunned.

Only then did she realize that Lian Baozhi's eyes were filled with tears and she had her head lowered because she had been crying non-stop.

She hugged her in her arms and said, "Don't cry, don't cry, this is not something we can solve.

I asked some friends, Liu Xuan is very experienced in the industry and is also a capable person among LPs. Some people say that he owns some of the LPs’ shares.”

Lu Shanjie paused, "If you tell this to the company's top management, I'm 70% sure that the company will ignore you and will more likely tell Liu Xuan."

Lian Baozhi's body trembled violently, and she choked up and said, "Then what should I do? Wuwu, Sister Shan, I don't want to go to that meeting, I don't want to go in..."

Lu Shanjie patted her distressedly and said fiercely: "This matter is not something we can handle. Since we can't solve it, let's report it to the police!"

Lian Baozhi cried and asked: "Will it be useful to report it to the police? Will they think I am playing tricks on them?"

Lu Shanjie affirmed: "It is useful. I can testify for you, but."

She was silent for a while. "You have to think about it. If you really report it to the police, if the nature of the matter is very serious, the authorities will definitely disclose it. At that time, all netizens may think that you..."

Lu Shanjie didn't say anything else.

But Lian Baozhi understood what she meant.

Even though she hasn't done it, people would think she has done it.

All the mouths of gold, accumulating and destroying bones.

Even the dead can be said to be alive!
She is a star and cares more about her reputation. If this matter were to be disclosed, it would be very difficult for her in the circle.

But Lian Baozhi thought about it, gritted his teeth and said, "Just go and report it to the police!"

Even if she had to face strange looks, at least she could still survive.

But if you really join Liu Xuan's big pit, it will not be a question of whether you can survive, but that you will be controlled all the time.


Somewhere in a bathing town.

The members of the task force were dressed in plain clothes and acted as service staff here, serving customers who had arrived early in the morning.

After a while, the target appeared and everyone watched quietly.

The first person to appear was the vice president of Dynasty Entertainment.

He first entered a room, and soon several tightly wrapped women also walked in.

About twenty minutes later, they received instructions and immediately rushed into the room.

"Hold your head and don't move!!"

The task force caught the vice president in the act of erotic transactions and closed down the erotic venue, but the vice president thought he was just caught for ordinary prostitution.

It wasn't until a higher-level investigator showed up and asked him seriously about Dynasty Entertainment's tax evasion that the vice president's face changed drastically!

Time passed quickly, and another three days passed.

The popularity of the Marchday boy band's group variety show finally died down, and Chenxi Entertainment felt that it was enough, so it posted an announcement on its blog.

Morningside Entertainment: [Welcome @Gong Jiajia to join Morningside Entertainment and become a member of the Morningside family. Let us look forward to her future development! ]
This announcement did not become a hot topic.

Chenxi Entertainment is only a little famous because of Jinli, and it doesn't have much traffic normally.

Therefore, this announcement only caused a small-scale discussion.

[Gong Jiajia, a treasure artist, Jinli has always been optimistic about her. It’s a pity that she didn’t debut in a group at that time]
[I'm a little worried. Will Jinli be forced by Chenxi Entertainment to train new people?]
[It seems that many celebrities have been bringing in newcomers recently, saying that it is a requirement of the company. To be honest, they all made their way to the top on their own, so why don’t newcomers follow suit and always want to take shortcuts!]
And Jinli here.

It is impossible to bring in new people.

Chenxi Entertainment had never mentioned this to her, and Jinli would not ask. It was already good enough to be able to give them some notices to run around.

But although she doesn't take care of new people, she can take care of the old ones.

"Catpaw Live's new charity event to care for the elderly's lives?"

In the company.

Jinli heard what Sui Lingfang said and extracted the key points of the information in her words.

Sui Lingfang nodded: "That's about it. This is a charity event. Maozhua Live will only give a small amount of notice fee. It's up to you whether to participate or not."

If it were any other artist, she would have rejected it directly.

The time of most artists is very precious, especially those in their development stage. Charity is not an area they can touch.

But Jinli is different.

First, Jinli likes to do charity work, second, Jinli has few announcements, and third, Jinli has a good image...

Taking into account various reasons, if she does more charity work, it will be better for her image.

More importantly, Sui Lingfang felt that Jinli would agree to participate.

Jinli didn't know that her fans sent private messages to her blog every day.

Her backstage was overwhelmed, with thousands of messages every time she went online.

[Agent sister, when will you arrange work for Li Bao~]
[Libao is learning through live streaming every day. Is she going to change her career to work? She can rely on her looks, but she chooses to rely on her talent T^T]
[Help, find a job for Libao, I'm worried she will quit the entertainment industry!]
Sui Lingfang: …

Family members, who understands? I also want to shout for help, okay?
have to.

It seems that there is no suitable job, but this charity event can be arranged.

Jinli flipped through the plan handed over by Maozhua Live - "Caring for the Later Life of the Elderly", this theme is actually quite good.

Everyone will grow old one day. You cannot ignore your life in old age just because you are still young now.

Moreover, some elderly people do live a very difficult life in their later years.

Jinli then said: "I took it, when will the live broadcast start?

We also need to communicate with the elderly in advance. We care for them, not let them suffer. We need to respect their opinions.”

Sui Lingfang nodded and said, "It should be next week. I will reply to Cat's Claw later and ask them for a more detailed schedule. I will also tell Cat's Claw about your ideas."

She thought for a moment and then added, “Last time you broadcast live on Cat’s Claw to help farmers, it received a very good response.

Since then, many celebrities have followed your example and made efforts in various charitable fields. Several celebrities with mediocre reputations have made a comeback through this.

In May alone, the company counted 20 charity events initiated by celebrities in the circle.

As the influence of public welfare grows, more and more stars, especially big stars, will join this field, and your influence may be weakened. "

Jinli said indifferently: "It doesn't matter. It's OK to use their influence to promote it. I never thought of this."

She always does things according to her heart.

Sui Lingfang smiled and said, "I also don't think you care. Besides, charity is a good thing as long as it is done. The company doesn't want to gain any benefits from it."

She changed the subject and said, "But the company has done a forecast analysis. Because there are too many charity events in May, some official department may respond. Maybe they will hold a large-scale charity promotional video shooting in June.

I think you have a great chance of being selected. Next, you need to pay attention to your own image. The company will also try to see if it can get some inside information. "

For celebrities, public service promotional videos are a battleground.

The exposure of the promotional video is not a simple and ordinary exposure.

That is all-round exposure covering both online and offline, and the exposure lasts for a whole year!
Once the authorities take action, we will know whether it is true or not.

Once the short film appears, all major video websites must insert it. What if you don’t?


Jinli nodded: "I will pay more attention."

Sui Lingfang just said that she was not worried about Jinli's image.

With this image of someone who has nothing to do but practice questions, what can come out of this?

After leaving the company, Jinli returned to the apartment.

Assistant Xiao Chen, who was driving the car, suddenly reminded: "Sister Jinli, sit tight."

Jinli was a little confused.

She always wore her seat belt, and this time she held the handle on top.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Xiao Chen turned a corner, braked, drifted a little, turned, drifted a little again, and drove into an alley.

"I felt something was wrong, as if someone was following the car."

Jinli frowned: "My fans wouldn't do that, right?"

Xiao Chen: "I don't know, maybe they weren't your fans, they could be paparazzi, or they could be sent by someone else."

When becoming famous, every star will go through this step.

After getting rid of the car behind him, Xiao Chen said, "Sister Jinli, when we return to the apartment, I will check for you to see if you need to move to another place.

But your place is a high-end apartment, so generally speaking there won’t be any problems. The security of those luxury apartments is actually similar.”

Jinli nodded with a heavy expression.

Return to the apartment.

Xiao Chen checked it and left only after confirming that there was no problem.

Jinli opened her phone at this time and sent this message to both Marchday and Pink Girl's group chats -

[When I was returning to the apartment this morning, I encountered paparazzi or fans following my car, or someone else called a car to follow me. My assistant took it very seriously and helped me check the apartment. There was nothing wrong. I just left.]
Pink girls group.

NANA: [We are about to go to film, Koi, please be careful!]
Meng Meng: [Fans following the car? Your fans can’t be that crazy, right? Don’t they see you in the learning live broadcast room every day? Isn’t that enough?]
Tongtong: [Maybe it’s the paparazzi?]
Qinglian: [I haven't been online for a long time, just a chat~ The paparazzi can't be with Jinli, Jinli's daily life has been revealed through the live broadcast room, there is nothing to dig up, I don't think it's a paparazzi]
Pearl: [If the possibility of it being a paparazzi or a fan is not high, then it is most likely a proxy photographer hired by the rival]
Koi: [Photographer? What is this?]
Pearl: [Take ugly photos for me to restore your true appearance, love you~]
Tongtong: [vomiting.jpg, is it so disgusting?]
Pearl: [I do have a guess. Recently, the fans of the Marchday boy band were blasted by our fans. Among them, Jinli was scolded the most by their fans. Could it be that she was hired by the boy band’s fans to take photos?]
Koi: [It wouldn’t be necessary to go to this extent…]
However, in Marchday’s group chat.

Pearl also made the same guess, but it attracted the collective attention of Marchday.

Chen Lin: [To be honest, this has happened before.

When we first debuted, there was a male celebrity who got along well with us, but he was treated like this by our fans. After that, that male celebrity distanced himself from us, and no one posted his ugly photos anymore.]
Yan Xingdong: [Did you write down the license plate number?]
Jinli: [Xiao Chen should have remembered this. I’ll go ask.]
After a while, Jinli sent a long list of license plate numbers.

Yan Xingdong: [Got it. I’ll ask the company to check it out as well. If it was done by our fans…]
He didn't know what to say.

Apologize to Jinli on behalf of the fans?

This is impossible.

Fans are fans, stars are stars, everyone is an independent individual and there is no blood relationship.

Even if the star apologizes this time, who knows what the fans will do next time? Do we have to clean up the mess for the fans every time?
There are many times when he doesn't understand what his fans are thinking.

Gu Cheng: [Let’s investigate first and find out what’s going on. If it’s really done by our fans, then let’s sue.]

When that happened last time, I wanted to sue. Some fans’ behavior is too crazy. Our silence is actually a disguised form of connivance. They always think they are not wrong.]
Last time he wanted to get to the bottom of it.

The male star had the best relationship with him, and he was also angry when he was treated like that by his fans.

Later, the fan was found and apologized while crying.

His three teammates all advised him to be patient, and Brother Guang also said so, so he endured it.

If the same situation happens again this time, it means that the previous tolerance is meaningless, and not everyone has the awareness that "making mistakes will be punished."

Some things won’t hurt unless they happen to you.

This matter has come to an end for now.

Gu Cheng privately chats with Jinli.

He was very worried about Jinli's personal safety and suggested: [Why don't you buy a surveillance camera and put it in the house? ]
Jinli: [Isn't this too much of a fuss?]
Gu Cheng: [It’s better to be safe than sorry. It’s not the selection month yet. In fact, your popularity is enough to be rated as a first-tier star.]
Gu Cheng: [But I think your treatment, at least the treatment given to you by Morningside Entertainment, is not up to par with that of a top star. When you go out to promote, you sometimes have to take a taxi, and you don’t even have a dedicated bodyguard.]
Gu Cheng: [If fans are interested in observing your daily life and can guess the route and time you return to your apartment, this is very dangerous]
Jinli thought about it and agreed that it was better to be prepared.

Jinli: [OK]
Gu Cheng: [Shared a surveillance camera link]
Jinli immediately ran to buy it.

After the purchase, she sent a screenshot to Gu Cheng.

Gu Cheng: [Meow meow showing belly in cuteness.jpg]
He then sent another question to Jinli, asking her to take a photo for him after she finished it, as he had to go to the announcement first.

Jinli looked at the math problem, which looked complicated at first glance, and fell silent.

Fans always ask her to not have such curly hair, but how can she not have curly hair?

Look, there is someone who is even more curmudgeonly than her... Look, there is one right next to her!
Jinli shook her head, stared at Gu Cheng's WeChat note for a while, and changed the note again.

From [Gu Juanjuan·Orange], it was changed to [Gu Dajuan·Orange].

It’s a pity that Gu Cheng can’t appear in the live broadcast room, otherwise she really wants to let her fans see who is the real king of curling!
There are people who are smarter than her, people who are more diligent than her in running announcements, and people who are more enthusiastic than her!
I thought the double monthly ticket bonus ended yesterday, and I could stop updating, but... it lasted until the 7th. I cried~
I don't know how long I can release more, I'll just try my best haha. Here are 10,000 updates. I wish you all a happy May 4th Youth Day!
Gather the fire of youth, ignite the light of the times, come on, Chinese youth!

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