About the update
I was in a hurry to start writing this book because I wanted to try a story with a native female protagonist without cheat codes. I looked up a lot of information (clothing, official positions, historical figures, the imperial examination system, marriage, dowry, customs, etc.), really a lot.

I reflected on it later and realized that it was because I put all my energy into looking up information when I was most enthusiastic, which wasted a lot of time. I was also in a hurry to sign the contract before the editor went on vacation, so I started the project too hastily. As a result, some content that should have been sorted out in the outline stage was not prepared, and the result turned out like this...

I was supposed to run on two legs, but because I was in too much of a hurry, I became a limp...

When I had written about 14 words, I couldn't write any more. I felt very painful and it didn't feel right. This wasn't the feeling I wanted, but I couldn't grasp it.

I wanted to give up at that time, but the editor kept comforting me and told me to hold on a little longer, so I continued writing and wrote another 22 words.
But when it reached 22, I was completely fed up. This book was far below my expectations, and it was extremely painful. It had nothing to do with the data; it was because of myself.

I could obviously write a good article, polish the words and sentences, and present a complete story and characters to everyone, but because of my willfulness, it turned out like this.

Too bad I can't write anymore
I have been stuck in a vicious cycle. I can obviously write well, but why don’t I put my heart into it? Why don’t I make good settings? Why don’t I write in advance?

In the last few days, I felt so uncomfortable when I had to write, and for the last time, I suddenly decided to give up.

Then the update was discontinued.

Over the past few days, my emotions have slowly calmed down, but it’s still very uncomfortable when I think back on it. Why did I write like this?

I hate myself for not paying attention. But when I see some cute people in the background voting and asking for updates, I think I should still answer.

Will it continue to update?
Yes, but it should be a fate update. I need to reorganize the plot and build a framework...

This is related to my writing habits. I am used to constructing long novels with a plot-based flow. The setting of this book is actually similar to that of a medium or short story, and it tends to be more emotional.

And because I had a lot of ideas when I started writing, I added them in unconsciously. Later I found that it was not right. There was a lot of perspective from the male protagonist in the middle, which was a headache... and because of the foreshadowing in the front, it was a bit difficult to take it back, which was even more painful.

For example, the protagonist's background.
The rivalry between the heroine and her brothers,

Bamboo Horse Line...

This is the consequence of not making a good outline.
Everything I wanted to write was in my head, but because I didn’t lay out the lines before I started, I couldn’t add it in later…

When writing about something you are not good at, it feels like you are moving forward in a fog and you can't grasp the direction. This way is fine, that way is fine, and you don't know what to do until the very end.

Next I should write some creative writing that I am good at, to get a feel for it.
It's all my fault. I'm sorry for disappointing everyone...

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