Crossing the line

Chapter 123 Don't disturb me

Chapter 123 Don't disturb me
In the following days, Yun Yuwan and Wen Yangzhi lived in the old house, maintaining an eerie calm with Wen Wei and Zhao Qin.

Zhao Qin often goes out to play cards and go shopping during this period, and attends various social parties. She stays away from home even less than Wen Wei did when he was young.

When she saw the two of them at home, she would just glance at them and then look away, pretending not to see them. When she talked to her, she would just say "hmm" and look as if she didn't accept it.

The family was relatively peaceful for a few days, but the Magu Bank was in dire straits.

On the third day after the technology scandal broke out, the deposit volume of Magoo Bank fell to US$2101 billion, US$1852 billion on the fourth day, US$1511 billion on the fifth day, and US$ billion on the sixth day. The deposit volume directly fell below US$ billion, reaching an unprecedented US$ billion.

There has never been a precedent of this in a bank, and even the most nasty banking scandal would not lead to such a precipitous drop in liquidity.

For example, in the last embezzlement scandal of Wen's Bank, only more than 30 million yuan was withdrawn.

Even in major scandals, there has never been a precedent of such rapid withdrawal of funds.

This situation usually occurs when a bank is about to go bankrupt, such as the former Silicon Valley Bank, which declared bankruptcy after experiencing the devil's forty-eight hours.

Magu Bank convened its board of directors several times in a hurry, and everyone was extremely worried.

"At this point, it seems that we can only sell some of the long-term bonds we have."

Someone immediately objected: "No! The US central bank has raised interest rates so many times, we will lose a lot of money if we withdraw it now."

"Even if we don't withdraw it, it has already depreciated significantly. Do you think it will be able to deflate back in the future?"

But someone suddenly flipped the table and pointed at David anxiously: "It's all because of that idiot Danny, David. If you couldn't control your son and let him anger Wen's, why would Wen's Bank target us? The same goes for those technology companies. Why would they use a fake junk to deceive investors!"

David's face was not looking good either, but since his son had caused Magu to get into this situation, he had no reason to fight back: "Now is not the time to complain. Hurry up and think of a strategy. If this continues, Magu's existing cash flow will not be enough to provide withdrawals, and all transactions must be stopped."

"What else can we do? Let Danny go to China and apologize right now."

When Danny realized that the bank funds were declining, the hand holding the phone froze.

A bank shareholder sent a message to scold him, saying that if it were not for him, there would not have been this turmoil in Magu.

Because of him, Magu might go bankrupt.

Danny actually didn't believe that such a small thing could lead to bankruptcy.

Because a few days ago, Magu was still at the peak of his career, people in the financial industry were still respectful to him, and there was almost no senior executive in Silicon Valley who didn't know him.

But shareholders kept sending him messages, and everyone blamed him for the incident. His heart seemed to be hanging in the air and he might fall at any second.

After being scolded one after another, he realized that he was really in trouble and this time the matter was very serious.

The people at the party noticed that Danny looked upset and asked, "What's wrong?"

But he was distracted and stood up and walked out of the party area.

I just flirted with the director's wife, how could this happen?

There was actually someone who went to such extreme lengths to seek justice for his wife.

It was just a woman.

In the next two days, Magu's total assets continued to decline and his working capital was almost exhausted. As a last resort, the top management decided to sell a bond portfolio of 320 billion US dollars.

This sale means that Magu's account loss turned into a real loss of 30 billion US dollars.

However, Wen's Group had no intention of letting them go, and even triggered a new round of medical technology scandals. The protagonists of this batch of scandals were all clients of Magu Bank.

Danny knew he was done for even without the shareholders putting a gun to his forehead.

He flew to China overnight on a red-eye flight. When Yun Yuwan opened the curtains in the morning, he saw a man kneeling in front of the villa.

She jumped in surprise.

Wen Yangzhi came over from behind, holding a cup of coffee, and looked down calmly: "Good morning."

Yun Yuwan said blankly: "Morning."

She couldn't help but ask, "Why is that Danny kneeling here?"

Wen Yangzhi's eyes remained still: "I asked someone to let him in."

He slowly raised his arm and took a sip of the aromatic Arabica coffee: "A man should be able to take responsibility. He provoked you and caused chaos in Magu, so he should be here."

Yun Yuwan was worried: "But if he kneels here, it might not be good, especially for the reputation of the Wen family."

"Anyone who kneels here may become a social news item, saying that the Wen family thinks they are superior to others."

Wen Yangzhi spoke slowly and mercilessly:

"But this is him. If others knew about this, they would just laugh at how Maigu was willing to submit to the Wen family. They would spread the story that the Wen family stepped on Maigu's head and Maigu knelt down to beg for mercy, and spread it as an anecdote."

Yun Yuwan looked up at Wen Yangzhi.

He raised his eyelids slightly and looked at her:
"Do you want to go down and take a look, or wait for him to kneel for a while?"

"I don't want to forgive him." Yun Yuwan felt that the other party could redeem the relationship by just kneeling down, which was too much of a trick on her.

If it wasn't for profit, how could he kneel down? However, he wanted to play the victim to make her sympathize with him, so he went forward to talk to Wen Yangzhi about letting Maigu go.

In fact, he was taking advantage of her psychology, thinking that by kidnapping he could get a soft-hearted woman to plead for him.

If the apology is not sincere, why should we sincerely help him up?

If you really want to apologize, you would have come a long time ago.

Wen Yangzhi said calmly: "Then I'll have someone kick him out."

Wen Yangzhi turned around and pressed the call bell in the room: "Uncle Deng, ask the security to kick him out."


Soon, the security guards came downstairs and forcibly took away the kneeling Danny, and released him at the door.

As the clouds were about to set in, I began to get goosebumps.

Wen Yangzhi watched as the curling steam of coffee floated past his eyes.

If no one kills the chicken to scare the monkey, no one will realize that Yun Yuwan is indeed someone who should not be messed with.

What he wanted was not to fire or discipline anyone who got into trouble, but for everyone to be afraid to offend Yun Yuwan from the bottom of their hearts.

If she wants to be forgiven just by kneeling for a day, then the daughter of the Wen family is too easy to bully.

But on the other side of the ocean, the Magu Bank came up with another solution.

We plan to issue additional shares to obtain financing.

And the amount has been set, and they want to raise 5 billion US dollars.

This is an extremely clever response strategy.

But what was unexpected was that as soon as the news was released in the financial media, many people began to predict the future of Maigu. Anyone who knows a little about finance, in light of what has happened to Maigu recently, would realize that from the moment the financing was announced, it meant that Maigu had a greater liquidity loss that they had not seen.

Otherwise, why would there be a need to issue additional shares to sell for money?

Outsiders may not understand, but insiders can understand it very clearly.

As a result, not only did Magu Bank fail to obtain financing in a short period of time, but the funds and major shareholders who had already invested in them also became aware of the crisis.

After an intensive meeting and decision-making, they immediately announced their withdrawal from Maigu and left Maigu with large amounts of funds.

The major shareholders were all like this, and the customers who had deposited money in Magu Bank were even more worried and rushed to withdraw their money.

On the most outrageous day, 600 billion US dollars were withdrawn from Magu overnight.

The top ten global companies that were still in the limelight a month ago, suddenly turned into an empty shell with no money or even losing money.

Magu had no way to take out money to help his customers withdraw money, so he had to shut down the banking system.

For a time, global media were frantically reporting the news that Magoo Bank was on the verge of bankruptcy, causing worldwide panic.

Depositors of Magu Bank around the world were unable to withdraw their money and were banging on the bank's doors. The loss of their hard-earned money drove ordinary depositors crazy, not to mention the big clients who had deposited large amounts of money in Magu, who were simply in a state of panic.

The hot search trends around the world were all about dissatisfaction with the Magoo Bank, and Danny's incident was also dug up, and Danny was scolded badly.

Danny was obviously broken that day. He didn't know how the people on Magu's side had whipped him crazily, and how those people who had gone from being a billionaire to being penniless had vented their anger on him. When the security guards of the Wen family's old house let him in, he was dishevelled and in a trance. He only knew that kneeling in China was the formal way to admit one's mistakes, and he begged them from below:
"Director Wen, I beg you to let me go. I don't want Magu to go bankrupt. I was wrong. I shouldn't have flirted with your female companion."

He spoke broken Chinese and Yun Yuwan was shocked.

Wen Yangzhi was changing his clothes, Yun Yuwan was standing by the window, feeling a little sorry:
"Wen Yangzhi, is Maigu really finished?"

"Of course." He looked calm.

Yun Yuwan felt a little uneasy, but more of a pity: "Is such a big bank going bankrupt just because of me?"

"Do you know why I want to go to the United States to study for my undergraduate degree?" He straightened his shirt slowly.

She was puzzled: "Why?"

“Because there is a bank in the United States that I really like.”

She asked confusedly, "So which bank did you go to see?"

"I'll prepare it." He looked over with a bottomless gaze, "Buy it."

Yun Yuwan was surprised, but suddenly realized something.

Wen Yangzhi originally planned to acquire Maigu, so bringing down Maigu was only part of his plan.

Wen Yangzhi remained calm and said, "Without you, I would have brought down Magu. With you, I just sped up my pace."

"Brother, you are not a good person." She muttered.

He walked behind her and said in a low and gentle voice: "How can there be good people in the financial field?"

He glanced at Danny, his eyes like a green anaconda living in a dangerous primitive rainforest, but his voice was casual:
"If you are a good person, what about your wife, children, shareholders and siblings who are behind you?"

Someone always dies, either someone else or him.

He spoke slowly, adjusting his cufflinks, with the intention of coaxing her, but Yun Yuwan knew it was not such a simple matter when she saw Danny kneeling and begging below. When a proud man put aside his dignity and knelt down to beg, it could only lead to bloodshed.

The global financial circle may be shaken by this.

After all, the one that is about to collapse is one of the world's top ten banks.

She didn't expect Wen Yangzhi to be so ruthless in the business world.

"I want to go down and see him." Yun Yuwan couldn't bear it.

Wen Yangzhi said: "Go ahead, but remember to stay away."

Yun Yuwan trotted downstairs and opened the door.

Danny saw her finally come out and quickly knelt a little closer: "I'm sorry, I was really wrong, I shouldn't have been disrespectful to you."

Yun Yuwan remembered that his mother was Chinese, so it wasn't strange that he could speak Chinese.

It’s just that he looked down on Chinese people, so he always spoke English in China.

Yun Yuwan pointed out: "Why didn't you apologize to me before?"

Danny quickly made up an excuse: "Actually, my father asked me to apologize a long time ago, but because my mother was also molested by someone and my father did not intervene, I hated him, so I did not apologize in time. In fact, I already knew I was wrong--"

Yun Yuwan interrupted him: "Danny, you have become the kind of person your mother hates the most."

Danny froze in place, looking at the gentle and kind young woman in a white dress in front of him.

She held the door, in fact, she was somewhat reluctant: "You should go back, it's no use begging me, I can't help you with business matters. There is a saying in China that spilled water cannot be recovered."

She turned and left, signaling the servant to close the door.

But when Yun Yuwan returned upstairs, he heard him confessing in not very fluent Chinese and begging Wen Yangzhi for mercy.

Wen Yangzhi also knew that it was futile for him to do so, so he asked Uncle Deng to ask the security to take him out, and said to him: "Wait for the acquisition."

The destruction of Magu overnight was shockingly absurd.

The speed is too fast and the reason is too magical.

Yun Yuwan was actually a little worried: "A lean camel is bigger than a horse. What if they counterattack us?"

He just braided her hair and said ruthlessly: "A skinny camel must be a camel first. If it is just a donkey that has eaten too much and vomited out everything it has eaten, it will just be a skinny donkey that is powerless to resist."

"But a lot of people really lost their hard-earned money," she worried.

He was just calm, as if he had already figured everything out: "The U.S. Treasury Department will not sit idly by."

Sure enough, two days later.

The U.S. Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) issued a joint statement.

We will ensure that all depositors can get their deposits.

At the same time, the whole world also knew that Wen Yangzhi was preparing to acquire Maigu.

The US wants to sell Magu as a package to Wens.

The rumor that is spreading widely is:

The head of Wen's Bank ruthlessly massacred the Magu Bank for a woman.

The whole world has witnessed how tragically the Magu Bank died.

The new head of Wen's is too scary.
He has a wife.

Not only does he have a wife, he will also kill his colleagues for his wife.

It’s better to avoid irrational mad dogs like this one.

This incident shocked Wen Wei greatly. From the day he saw Maigu's son kneeling there, Wen Wei was stunned and looked out through the window for two days.

Later, Wen's openly discussed the acquisition with the US side. He was so surprised that the coffee he had just drunk came out of his nose while holding the newspaper.

It was completely different from the approach he took when he was in charge of the Wen family. He originally thought that Wen Yangzhi would take the safe approach, but he didn't expect that Wen Yangzhi would take the risk.

How can you do business like this? What if someone hates you and wants to kill you?
He was extremely anxious, and after much thought, he decided to talk to Wen Yangzhi and discuss his views.

He went upstairs, knocked gently on Wen Yangzhi's door, and said earnestly: "Gangsheng, can I talk to you?"

There was a noise in the room, and Wen Yangzhi came to open the door in his pajamas, with his upper body naked, looking at him expressionlessly.

Wen Wei, who had prepared a lot of words, was stuck: "Son, are you busy?"

He was a little bit angry, but he didn't show it. He just asked calmly, "What are you talking about?"

Wen Wei adjusted his expression and tried his best to pretend that nothing had happened: "Why didn't you tell me about the Magu Bank incident?"

Wen Yangzhi refused: "It's not necessary."

Wen Wei couldn't help but ask: "When do you plan to start the acquisition? The acquisition will take several months, it's not a small matter--"

"Let's see when Maigu goes bankrupt." Wen Yangzhi interrupted directly.

That Magu has gone bankrupt, the Federal Reserve has issued a notice, and is also looking for new buyers.

But Wen Wei still wanted to ask: "Then..."

Wen Yangzhi seemed a little impatient, and looked at him mercilessly with his eyes downcast: "Anything else?"

Wen Wei hesitated a little: "Then it's okay."

Wen Yangzhi slammed the door shut.

The few bald hairs on Wen Wei's forehead were blown up by the wind brought by the door.


As expected, he forgot his father after he got married.

(End of this chapter)

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