Crossing the line

Chapter 74 My brother will roll away by himself

Chapter 74 My brother will roll away by himself
If it were someone else, they would definitely bully her.

He couldn't stand his sister being bullied by others.

But around him, if anyone showed the slightest contempt for her, no matter if it was the housekeeper who had worked in the old house for more than ten years and was very much loved by Zhao Qin, or the capable Assistant Zheng who had followed him for three years and was about to be promoted, as long as he noticed that someone was a little disrespectful to her, no matter if it was just a fleeting expression or a casual word or two, he would immediately tell the other person to get lost without any room for negotiation.

No one could look down upon his sister.

He knew that NPD was narcissistic, and he knew it better so that he could maintain her rule.

No one can make concessions without hesitation like him, no matter how much interests are involved.

Let those little boys take care of her. He knew very well that little boys of this age would hardly give up their own interests for a girl. Most of them would only persuade her to be patient, calm down, and understand her difficult situation. If there were greater benefits, she would just be a woman who could be replaced.

Because women can be replaced, but future cannot.

He is a man and understands what men are thinking best.

Maybe the start of their relationship would be good and happy, but he didn't want Yu Wan to become a woman who could be replaced by others at will. To him, she would never be replaced, and her dream would never be shattered.

She wanted the prince to love her as much as she wanted, and the prince loved her as much as he loved her.

She thinks she has what she wants.

Because my brother is Wen Yangzhi.

He could afford anything that had a price, and he could also get anything that had no price. If he was asked to love her, he would love her.

He is almost thirty years old, and there is nothing around him that he likes, except Yun Yuwan.

She had everything he loved, from her looks to her profession, from her personality to her identity.

From looking down on her but unable to resist getting entangled with her, to willingly accepting her as the apple of his eye and not allowing anyone to bully her anymore.

She posted photos of a hugging event with thousands of people on London Art Center. She hugged many people, with white, yellow, brown, and black skin, and many people took photos with her.

But her copywriting is,
The person I want to hug the most is far away across the ocean and there is no way to hug him.

He was tied up in official duties at the time and couldn't go abroad, so he could only make a clay jar immediately. Before the clay was fired, he hugged the jar, leaving traces of the hug, and sent it to her by international express.

As a result, just a few days later, she posted a photo of her and her bestie hugging and kissing each other, with the caption "I got my big baby ChuChu in my arms, my wish has come true."

The corners of Wen Yangzhi's mouth suddenly drooped.

She posted on her WeChat Moments that she would have to spend Christmas alone this year, and attached a picture of herself eating instant noodles. He immediately became anxious and took a red-eye flight in the middle of the night to fly out to be with her. As soon as he landed, he saw the pictures she posted of her playing with friends on Regent Street in London.

My younger sister is the best at lying.

He was so anxious that he was deceived, and then he casually sent a photo saying that he was very happy today~

With his status, it is difficult for him to be bullied by anyone, but Yun Yuwan always gives him something he has never seen before.

But Yun Yuwan wasn't always angry with him.

One time when he came home, he was so tired that he took a nap on the sofa. Suddenly he smelled a very familiar floral scent.

He didn't open his eyes. The scent of gardenia lingered around him for a long time. She probably thought he was asleep. One of her small hands pressed on his thigh, and the temperature was getting closer and closer to his face. He probably guessed that she was going to kiss him secretly.

As a result, his earlobe was bitten.

He only knew that fish bite people, but he didn't know that fish balls also bite people.

After she bit him, she didn't move her hand away. He could feel her sniffing around him, like a puppy, identifying people by smell. It seemed that she really liked his smell and kept staying by his side. His legs were numb, but she still didn't leave. If he didn't get up, he would have a cramp in front of her.

Wen Yangzhi's eyelashes trembled unconsciously.

She seemed to think he was about to wake up, so she rolled and crawled off the sofa. He heard her knee hit the floor and she fell. He was about to open his eyes to help her up, but she suddenly got up and rolled away quickly.

When he opened his eyes, he saw her standing behind the doorpost and looking at him, pretending that she had just returned home, with a surprised look on her face, as if she was wondering why he came home.

Wen Yang was almost so angry that he laughed.

He used to hate the fact that Wen Wei was deeply in love with Lou Wanyi, but later he realized how terrifying genes were because he also liked Yun Yuwan.

Even when she was so stupid that she could trip over her left foot and fall over her right foot, her mother was the woman his father had not been able to forget for decades.

He still fell in love with her, and even wanted to buy her flowers and take her to a high-end restaurant for dinner, and gave her a card to let her swipe all over the street, and just wanted to tease her when he saw her sitting there.

He wanted to do with this little fish ball the things that he should do with girls of his own age.

And I couldn't help but imagine her expressions and movements when she did these things.

When I see gardenia, I think of her.

Other men who like her might praise her as being as beautiful as a gardenia.

But Wen Yangzhi was thinking,
The gardenia, as beautiful as the evening clouds, has bloomed again.

In fact, from the moment he had this thought, Wen Yangzhi should have realized that he had a problem.

But he never felt anything was wrong.

What is the gardenia without the setting sun?
She stayed away from him for six years, not even coming back during holidays. She chose a school in Europe and deliberately avoided going to the United States.

She should have been able to see that he really wanted her to choose America. He had specifically asked her if she liked Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, and Chicago. She was very happy and said yes. He said that if she came here, she could visit these cities with her brother and stay with her brother on weekends. She was overjoyed.

He asked her study abroad guidance teacher, who said that she had attended almost all American schools, with only one European school.

He was overjoyed and had already begun imagining the future without Zhao Qin and Wen Wei. He went back excitedly to decorate his villa and buy things the girl needed.

As a result, the little girl's love came and went quickly. It took less than half a year for her to go from liking him to avoiding him.

He thought that she probably didn't like him anymore later on, or maybe she also felt his feelings, felt troubled and didn't want to get entangled with him, and just wanted to have a normal brother-sister relationship with him.

She is older now and will not always like the person she liked when she was young and ignorant of the world. The filter she had for him has long disappeared.

It doesn’t matter, my brother will go away by himself.

If she didn't want him to disturb her, he wouldn't bother her. When she sent him a message wishing him a happy holiday in order to barely maintain a superficial relationship, he was tactful enough to only reply with one dot so as not to put her in a dilemma.

Sure enough, she finally felt at ease and gradually stopped sending messages.

After six years, she finally came home, but he didn't expect that she ran home to seduce him.

When she said at the dinner table that you didn't push hard enough last night, Wen Yangzhi almost lost his erection.

He asked her to sit over here, and when she sat on his lap, he almost broke down. He had only one desire, which was to hug her. It was the nature of men to subconsciously shake his legs, letting her slide down a little, letting her sit on his legs. When he reacted, he had already done it, and could only resist hugging her. When he went home and smoked a cigarette, she came over, wearing clothes that exposed her chest and shoulders for him to see. In fact, she didn't need to dress like this to seduce him, she could wear pajamas, but she didn't dress like this to seduce him, but to seduce Jiang Yingyu, just to let him see it by the way.

He was so angry that his back teeth clenched, but he still had to say she was beautiful because she didn't like her brother liking her.

The first time they were arranged to meet, he asked Yun Yuwan to wait in the room upstairs and didn't let her go downstairs, but she still wanted to see Jiang Yingyu.

She is an independent adult and he cannot interfere with her thoughts.

She flirted with him as well, probably because it was a habit she learned abroad. After all, Belgium is a country with the kiss on the cheek etiquette, and npd is good at sexual teasing.

It was not until she kissed and touched him again that he finally realized that she was not teasing him because of the living habits she had acquired abroad, but was really seducing him, and to this end he used all his magical powers.

She thought she was clever, not knowing that it was his sincerity that determined her victory or defeat.

Because he didn't want her to be embarrassed by his feelings, no matter how she flirted with him, he was in agony not to show his feelings for her. Because he realized that she liked him, she said "I love you, too". He couldn't sleep that night. To make sure that she didn't cross the line because she learned some messy customs, he ran to the old house to wait for her until it was almost dawn.

As long as she likes him, it's enough as long as she likes him.

He appears calm on the surface, but actually he gets secretly happy whenever he thinks about it when no one is around.

After being with her.

She seemed curious about his body, not just touching him.

The night she moved in, he noticed that she was rummaging through his clothes, smelling his perfume, and fiddling with his rings and watch, because his things were always arranged neatly and he would notice if someone moved them.

Jiang Jianqing once asked him, since he hadn't been in a relationship for such a long time, whether he had no desire for women, and where the desire lay.

The night is dark.

He was a little tipsy, loosened his tie, and muttered to himself slowly and softly:

"Desire, in desire..."

Jiang Jianqing thought he was drunk and repeated it, not knowing that he had not finished speaking.

Yuwan means his desire, and she was born with these two words.

He didn't actually need her to do anything. When he saw her sitting there, he wanted to tease her, touch her, kiss her, and hug her. It was a very primitive desire. This attraction was like the south and north poles of a magnet. His hands just wanted to stick to her.

He hates establishing intimate relationships and is disgusted by playing those disgusting scenes of you love me and I love you with any woman. Like Wen Wei, he is able to please both sides and still believe that he is deeply in love.

But when Yun Yuwan sat here, he would think she was so cute and like to hear her call him brother, brother, brother.

From being bored to enjoying it, Wen Yangzhi himself didn't even notice that there was anything wrong.

I don't know why I am willing to fall.

Tonight, she and Jiang Yingyu ran into him on the spot. She was still smiling and said, "This necklace is not..." But she suddenly ran away halfway through her words.

She was still smiling, but in fact she knew very well that Zhou Fei was just a female companion at the party. She could see that Zhou Fei was just hooking his arm loosely, but Jiang Yingyu was not like that.

At first, I thought she was afraid that he would be angry that she was with Jiang Yingyu. Later, Wen Yangzhi realized something was wrong, so he came out immediately and looked for her all night. Finally, he found out that she was not in the service area. He asked Jiang Jianqing and found out that Jiang Yingyu really had a helicopter. Wen Yangzhi came back to wait for her.

He held back his anger and didn't mention that she had spent the whole night with another man, thinking that she would be happy after coming back from a night of fun.

It turned out not to be.

As soon as she came back, she had a gloomy face, and the little stupid fish ball kept saying the opposite, mumbling that he didn't love her, and was crying there, but lying on his bed and refused to leave.

Although you say you're breaking up, your body is honest.

In fact, she just wanted him to prove her love, wanted him to show that he loved her very much, and longed for him to hug her and keep her.

Psychologists have reminded him that if his partner is NPD, he will feel abandoned if his partner does not love her the way she wants in very small things. Once the panic of being abandoned is triggered, it will arouse his strong defense mechanism. In order to avoid being hurt, he will take the lead in violently attacking and hurting the other party in this relationship.

So even a small thing can make her react strongly and want to break up, and she may even accuse the other person of not being sincere.

When he heard it, his first reaction was not rejection and disgust, thinking that such a person was unreasonable and unworthy of a long-term partnership.

But, she was so afraid that he would abandon her.

Even the smallest things would make her feel like others were abandoning her.

Her parents abandoned her, and she was afraid that he would abandon her.

But he is the only person in the world who will never abandon her.

He didn't feel much about it originally, but tonight, he felt it for sure. It was just a matter of a necklace, but if it were someone else, they would have talked about it.

But she was very afraid that he would abandon her, so without any communication or explanation, and because she was too afraid that he didn't want her, she took the initiative to cut off this relationship to avoid him abandoning her.

He knew she had problems and was very radical, but he was willing to become her believer, read her unrighteous Bible, and let her abuse him and doubt his sincerity because of a necklace.

He was very sure of his sincerity, so it didn't matter to her how she doubted it.

At this moment, Wen Yangzhi sat in front of the bed, looking at her quietly, while Yun Yuwan just shed tears and said nothing.

He pressed the cigarette into the ashtray, stood up, climbed onto the bed, and held her in his arms: "If you think she shouldn't wear that necklace, I'll go get it back."

The warm and dry breath from his body made people feel safe for no reason. Yun Yuwan couldn't believe what she heard. She was so shocked that she forgot to be angry. She stuttered:
“But you gave them all away.”

He is Wen Yangzhi, how could he take back a gift he gave to someone else?

So what if he gave it to someone else? Even if a dog eats it, he will dig it out.

Wen Yangzhi had no expression on his face: "But you are not happy."

He was even willing to get the necklace back for her, which meant that he didn't care what Zhou Fei thought of him, and didn't care about his image in Zhou Fei's eyes. Of course, it was impossible for him to have a good impression of Zhou Fei.

She finally softened her attitude, but said timidly: "It's not because of the necklace."

Wen Yangzhi circled her, leaning closer to her, his tall body completely pressing her under him: "What is that?"

Little Stupid Fish Ball finally spoke with red eyes and tears: "Assistant Zheng and Uncle Deng said that the emerald necklace was given to the lady you were interested in, which means that the lady you were interested in before was Zhou Fei."

So that's why she thought he would abandon her: "I gave it to her because her mother has a close relationship with the wife of the director of Chen's Real Estate. I need her to be my female companion to win the project of Chen's Real Estate, so I gave her this necklace as a stepping stone."

After receiving this reply, Yun Yuwan finally dared to ask him directly the question that really concerned her:
"You didn't like her before?"

Wen Yangzhi looked into her eyes, and when he was just one centimeter away from kissing her, he told her clearly:

"It's all about interests, not feelings. I just like you."

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