Chapter 161 Getting Ahead
"It's been three months." Mrs. Liu looked embarrassed.

"Congratulations, Aunt Liu." Liu Yingyue said with a smile.

Madam Liu blushed and invited Liu Yingyue to come in and sit down. "Madam Ying, you've been married for many months. It's almost time, right?"

Liu Yingyue also has no answer to this problem.

She and Qin Yiran have not been separated recently, and both are in good health, but they have not been pregnant.

Whenever someone asked her about it, she didn't know how to explain it.

"Yes, it will be soon." Liu Yingyue answered perfunctorily.

After entering the main house, Liu Yingyue asked Hongzhu to deliver the gift and stated the purpose of her visit straight away.

"I came here today to ask Uncle Liu for a favor."

Mr. Liu said cheerfully, "Madam Ying, just tell me."

Liu Yingyue said, "I heard that there is a blacksmith named Feng in Liubo Village who has excellent blacksmithing skills. I would like to ask him to help me make some small iron tools."

Mr. Liu exclaimed, "Madam Ying, your husband, Mr. Qin, also came to see him yesterday, but he didn't agree. If you come to see him again, I'm afraid he will refuse."

Liu Yingyue had expected Qin Yiran to come.

She said, "What my husband asked him to do is different from what I asked him to do. Maybe after seeing me, he will agree to help?"

Mr. Liu smiled and said, "That's true."

Mr. Liu ordered the people around him, "Go and ask Feng the blacksmith to come over."

Blacksmith Feng worked on the farm, responsible for repairing horseshoes and various iron farm tools.

I also make some ironware to sell.

Soon, blacksmith Feng arrived.

Liu Yingyue noticed that Feng the blacksmith had a sad face. After he lowered his head and walked in, he first nodded to Mr. Liu and then greeted Mrs. Liu before asking, "Mr. Liu, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"I know your family is busy, but no matter how busy you are, you have to meet guests. Look, Tianbao's savior, Lady Ying, wants to see you and ask you for something." Mr. Liu pointed at Liu Yingyue.

Blacksmith Feng clasped his fists and bowed to Liu Yingyue. "Madam Ying, I'm sorry. Your husband, Mr. Qin, also approached me yesterday, but I refused. I'm really sorry, I can't help you at all."

Liu Yingyue smiled, "I haven't said anything yet, why did you refuse?"

Mr. Liu also said, "Yes, Lao Feng, you should listen to what Lady Ying has to say about her first, it would be difficult to refuse her."

Blacksmith Feng shook his head with a sad face. "Something happened at home. I can't get away. I can't help you at all. I'm sorry, Madam Ying."

"What's going on at home?" Mr. Liu asked hurriedly.

"Yes, Blacksmith Feng, tell me, maybe I can help you solve it." Liu Yingyue nodded.

Blacksmith Feng bowed to Liu Yingyue again and said, "I'm sorry, Madam Ying, no one can help me with my family affairs. Even the Great Luo Immortal can't help me."

Madam Liu asked curiously, "I haven't heard anything about your family? I spoke to your wife the day before yesterday morning, and she was smiling and in a very good mood."

"Yes..." Feng the blacksmith sighed, "The night before yesterday, my son suddenly fell ill, and we still can't find out what's wrong with him. My wife has been crying since last night, and I haven't slept for two nights. I've been looking for a doctor everywhere."

Madam Liu clapped her hands and said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Madam Ying is a doctor, let her take a look at your son."

"Yes, Madam Ying cured her husband and mother-in-law's legs, and also cured my wife's illness. Her medical skills are not bad." said Mr. Liu.

Blacksmith Feng looked up, blinking in disbelief, "Madam Ying, are you really sure?"

Liu Yingyue said, "I can't say that I'm completely accurate, but I can cure 80% of the diseases that the old doctors can't cure."

Blacksmith Feng gained confidence, "Great, Madam Ying, please go and check on my son's illness now."

Liu Yingyue brought Hongzhu and followed Feng the blacksmith back home, because the whole family worked as farmhands and lived in the farm.

There is a row of houses in the southwest direction of Liujiazhuang, which were built specifically for the farmhands' families.

A family with three large rooms.

Feng the roofer's family consists of five people, including the couple, two teenage daughters, and a five-year-old son.

The two daughters went to the farm to herd sheep and were not at home.

Mrs. Feng held her son in her arms, sitting in front of the house basking in the sun.

Seeing Blacksmith Feng coming, she immediately said, "Dad Tiedan, why don't you go to the county town again today and find a doctor."

"Mother, there's no need to go to the county town. We've found a doctor." Blacksmith Feng pointed at Liu Yingyue who was following behind him.

Mrs. Feng blinked and recognized Liu Yingyue.

"Isn't this Madam Ying? How come she is a doctor?"

"She is the doctor. She has treated her husband and mother-in-law's legs. She said come and see Tiedan, he will cure them." said blacksmith Feng.

When Mrs. Feng heard that the cure was successful, she didn't ask any more questions.

She stood up and bowed to Liu Yingyue, "Madam Ying, as long as you can cure my son's illness, my husband and I will work like slaves for you. We are willing to do that."

Liu Yingyue waved her hand and said, "Let me check on Tiedan's condition first."

Blacksmith Feng moved a chair and placed it next to the mother and son.

Liu Yingyue sat down, took Feng Tiedan's pulse, and checked his body and pupils.

She frowned.

"How is it? Have you found out, Madam Ying?" Madam Feng asked hurriedly.

"Well, we found out it's epilepsy," said Liu Yingyue.

This is a strange disease, and Blacksmith Feng and his friends have also heard of it.

It is said that it cannot be cured.

Feng the blacksmith panicked, "Madam Ying, can this disease be cured?
"Madam Ying, you must cure my son. Our whole family will be grateful to you for your kindness." Madam Feng started crying again, holding her son and wanting to kneel down to Liu Yingyue.

Many people couldn't find out the cause of the disease, but Liu Yingyue did.

Although Mrs. Feng was worried that the disease could not be cured, she still hoped that Liu Yingyue could cure her son's illness.

Liu Yingyue helped Madam Feng up and said, "Don't panic. This is just the early stages of the disease. If you take medicine on time and combine it with acupuncture, it can be cured."

In fact, it was Yang Yongcui who found a good doctor to cure the blacksmith Feng’s son.

Qin Yiran was looking for a blacksmith everywhere. The news reached Yang Yongcui's ears. Yang Yongcui took the initiative to help find a doctor and also invited blacksmith Feng.

But the original owner was angry with Qin Yiran, blaming Qin Yiran for not caring about her.

Comparing the two, how could Qin Yiran like the original owner?
So, when she learned that Qin Yiran started looking for a blacksmith again.

She immediately came to Liujiazhuang and took the initiative to visit the blacksmith Feng's son.

She wanted to get ahead of Yang Yongcui and not let Yang Yongcui steal her limelight.

Madam Feng was so excited that she wiped her tears, "That's great, Madam Ying."

Feng the blacksmith brought over a small table and put paper and pen on it. "Madam Ying, do you want to write a prescription? No matter how expensive the prescription is, we don't care. Madam Ying, just write it down. If there are no herbs in the village market, I will go to the county town to get them. If there are none in the county town, I will go to the prefectural city to get them."

Blacksmith Feng is the only son in three generations. When his son falls ill, of course he will be anxious and willing to sacrifice himself.

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