Chapter 44: Plan to Buy a Shop

Because it is a village market, the market street is not complicated, with only two small streets running horizontally and vertically.

Also, because people from all over the place come here to attend the market, although the market is small, when the market is big, the street will be crowded with people and it will be very prosperous and lively.

The intersection is the best business location.

Fangzheng pointed to the bun shop next to the intersection and said, "This shop will not be open today, and the front is a good place to set up a stall. I was going to sell this place to two basket sellers, but if you want it, I'll give one to you."

He took out a number plate from his pocket and gave it to Liu Yingyue.

Having a number plate means having permission from the neighborhood head and no one else can come and take over the stall.

Liu Yingyue took it in her hand and thanked her, "Thank you, Brother Fangzheng."

When she was about to pay, Fang Zheng waved his hand and said with a smile, "If I take your money, my mother will scold me when I get home. Today's stall fee is your repayment. You don't have to pay. No need."

Fang Zheng refused to collect the stall fee no matter what.

Liu Yingyue had no choice but to give up.

After making the arrangements, Fangzheng turned around and was about to leave. At this moment, a passerby called out to Fangzheng, "Tian Fangzheng, is there any progress on the matter I mentioned?"

"Old Five, your price is too low. The owner doesn't agree."

"How can it be low? Aren't all the prices in this street market the same?"

"Can other shops compare with this one? You are also a businessman. The prices will be different in shops that are just one store apart." Fang Zheng glanced at the closed shops and pointed at the person who stopped him from talking with a smile.

"You really can't lower the price?"

"Anyway, I don't have the ability to persuade Mr. Liu. If you have the ability, go and talk to him in person."

"I'm not familiar with Mr. Liu, otherwise, how could I find you, Tian Fangzheng?"

Liu Yingyue listened to their conversation and looked back at the closed shop door.

Could it be that this shop is going to be sublet or sold?

This is a crossroads. If you rent a shop here, you will have business no matter what you sell.

Next to this shop is a popular steamed bun shop. If a food restaurant is opened here, some of the diners will be attracted from the steamed bun shop.

And since they all sell food, it will form a snack street, which can boost each other's business.

After the passerby left, Liu Yingyue called Fang Zheng again.

"Tian Fangzheng, is this closed shop for sale or for rent?"

Tian Fangzheng said, "The owner wants to sell the shop."

Liu Yingyue pondered in her heart.

If they buy it, the price will definitely not be cheap, and the Qin family definitely cannot afford it.

Why not, she buys it and secretly rents it to Qin Xiuzhu.

"How much is it? I want to buy it too." Liu Yingyue said.

Tian Fang was looking at Liu Yingyue with his eyes wide open, "Madam Liu? You want to buy it? You'd better not buy it."

Liu Yingyue blinked, "Why can't I buy it?"

Tian Fangzheng looked at the passers-by and nodded to Liu Yingyue, "Madam Liu, come over here and talk."

Seeing that Tian Fangzheng was very secretive, Liu Yingyue became curious and followed him, "What's going on? Tian Fangzheng?"

Tian Fangzheng led Liu Yingyue to the entrance of an alley, avoiding passers-by, and whispered, "That shop is haunted, but the owner is unwilling to sell it at a low price."

The so-called ghost story is probably just people causing trouble, right?

"I'm not afraid of ghosts, Tian Fangzheng, just tell me how much the shop is for." Liu Yingyue said. Tian Fangzheng was surprised, "Are you really not afraid?"

"I'm not afraid. I bought it and asked my two brothers and my younger brother to open a shop. They are grown men and they are fearless." Liu Yingyue said.

The reason why Tian Fangzheng looks down on her is because she is young and petite, right?

Then move out the two older brothers and the younger brother.

It would be a joke for a grown man to be afraid of ghosts.

Tian Fangzheng had no choice but to say, "Well, the owner said he won't sell it for less than two hundred taels."

"Two hundred taels? So expensive?" This time, it was Liu Yingyue who was surprised.

If it were a county town, two hundred taels of silver would be a normal price for a shop, but in a country market, two hundred taels would be considered a high-priced shop.

No wonder Tian Fangzheng told her not to buy it.

"This shop is haunted, but the owner is selling it at such a high price? Does he want to sell it? Or does he not want to?" Liu Yingyue thought that this matter was too strange.

Tian Fangzheng looked around again and whispered, "Madam Liu, since you helped my family find my son, I will tell you the reason quietly, but you must not tell anyone else, otherwise Mr. Liu will find out and make trouble for me. I still have to manage the street market. There are several shops on this street owned by Mr. Liu. How can I do my job if I offend him?"

Liu Yingyue nodded, "Tian Fangzheng, don't worry, I'm not that kind of person, and I won't tell anyone."

"This is what happened..." Tian Fangzheng was talking about the reason why the shop was haunted and why the prices were high.

Tian Fangzheng said that last year, Mr. Liu's son in his old age suddenly disappeared, and Mrs. Liu became so anxious and angry about losing her youngest son that she went mad and called everyone she met her son.

He often came to this shop to look for his son, causing the shop's business to plummet.

Mr. Liu had no choice but to close the shop and try to sell it.

But the shop was left to Mr. Liu's parents, so not only Mr. Liu had a share in it, but also his younger brother.

Mr. Liu wanted to sell it at a low price and share the profits, but his younger brother insisted on selling it for two hundred taels.

Liu Yingyue suddenly realized that this was the point of contradiction.

"I understand. However, I still want to buy it. Tian Fangzheng, are you free now? Please take me to Mr. Liu's house to ask for the price."

Tian Fangzheng said, "Okay, if the shop is sold, Mr. Liu will treat me to a drink."

Liu Yingyue said, "I have to go back and talk to my sister-in-law first. I'll come to your house to see you later."

Tian Fangzheng agreed.

Liu Yingyue returned to where Qin Xiuzhu was setting up her stall.

She saw that Qin Xiuzhu and Chen Baian were no longer hostile to each other as before, and they no longer disliked each other. Instead, they helped each other to attract business.

She held back her laughter and walked over.

"Xiuzhu, Chen Baian, what are you talking about?"

Qin Xiuzhu glanced at Chen Baian secretly and said with a red face, "No...nothing."

"I didn't say anything, Madam Liu." Chen Baian said with an embarrassed look.

I didn't say anything, why are you blushing?
There is no silver here.

Liu Yingyue was very happy in her heart, but she didn't point it out to them. She just said to Qin Xiuzhu, "I helped Tian Fangzheng find his son, and he gave me a stall in a good location. Xiuzhu, let's change places."

She gave the stall number to Qin Xiuzhu.

Qin Xiuzhu glanced at Chen Baian, bit her lip and said, "Yingyue, this place is good, why do you want to change places?"

"That's a crossroads, there are a lot of people there, the Fangzheng walks around the street every day, he doesn't know where to go?" Liu Yingyue helped Qin Xiuzhu sort out the cakes in the basket, "Hurry up, I still have to find the Fangzheng to do some work, settle you down, I have other things to do."

(End of this chapter)

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