I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 1 Story Chain

Chapter 1 Story Chain
"Sangque, my dad has locked me in the house again. He just left and the key is still in the old place. Can you come and help me?"

"Okay, I'll go there now."

It was a midsummer evening, just after eleven o'clock.

Sang Que changed into a loose black sportswear, tied her hair into a simple high ponytail, said goodbye to her mother, took her cell phone and went out.

It had just rained last night, and the air in the small town at the foot of the mountain was damp and cold. There were few people on the streets and very few cars.

While waiting for a bus on the side of the road, Sang Que looked up at the sky. The news said that there would be a blood moon tonight, and all kinds of strange predictions were spreading on the Internet, causing a lot of buzz.

Unfortunately, the sky was gloomy and we couldn’t see anything.

Finally, he stopped a taxi, opened the door, sat down on the right side of the back seat, and gave his address.

The vehicle started slowly and drove towards the destination.

"Do you want me to bring you something to eat?"

Sang Que sent a message to Qin Lu, but there was no sound when she called him before.

Qin Lu sent a message saying that her phone was dropped by her father and the microphone might be broken. Although the screen was also broken, it was barely usable.

Qin Lu is Sang Que's classmate and her academic performance has always been among the best. Sang Que is very familiar with her family situation.

Qin Lu's mother left after failing to get a divorce. Her father was an alcoholic and would beat her when he was drunk. He also often locked her at home and wouldn't let her go out, fearing that she would leave like her mother.

It is now early August and it is summer vacation. The day before yesterday, their high school classmates had a reunion, but Qin Lu didn't come.

"No, I'm not hungry."

"Pack your things. We'll stay in a hotel tonight. Come with me to find the class teacher tomorrow to find a solution. You can't go on like this."

The message was sent, but Qin Lu did not reply.

Sang Que kept urging Qin Lu to call the police, but Qin Lu refused. She wanted to hold on until she became an adult and was admitted to university.

The taxi was driving on the empty and deserted road. Sang Que put down his phone and turned to look out the window. The neon lights of the small city were flashy, giving people a sense of the old-fashioned 1980s.

It was quiet and deserted outside, and the atmosphere inside the car was cold and silent.

ding dong~
There was a new message coming in. Sang Que thought it was from Qin Lu. When he opened it, he was stunned.

Story chain? When did she join such a group?
Just as I was about to delete it, a new message popped up in the group.

[The story I told you last time about someone knocking on the door at midnight seems to have scared you. Today I will tell you a less scary story about a midnight taxi.]

Sang Que frowned slightly and glanced at the front row.

[The story begins with a high school student who went out to visit his classmate at night and got in a taxi. It was an ordinary night and an ordinary taxi, but the high school student didn’t know…]

[There is a body hidden in the trunk of the taxi! ]

Sang Que's breathing stagnated. He looked towards the front row and through the rearview mirror, his eyes met with the middle-aged, fat driver. The driver avoided him in a panic.

[…She was a young girl who looked like a high school student. She died…]

The phone suddenly went off automatically. Sang Que's heart tightened and she quickly unlocked it again, but the group in the chat history was gone and she couldn't find it using the search bar.

Sang Que's heart tightened and she inexplicably felt the temperature in the car drop, which made her hair stand on end.

She subconsciously reached into her trouser pocket. Whenever she went out alone at night, she would carry a fruit knife for self-defense.

Sang Que couldn't help but move his gaze backwards, looking at the rear of the car through the rear window. While holding his mobile phone to prepare a text message to the police, he scanned various places in the car.

The interior of the car had obviously just been cleaned, it was very clean, but the smell of cheap incense was very strong. I didn't notice it at first, but now I feel dizzy.

Sang Que immediately held his breath, turned on the sound of the short video, and pretended to be relaxed. In fact, he had already edited the alarm text message and was ready to send it at any time.

"Master, it's a bit stuffy in the car, can you open the window?"

The driver glanced at Sang Que in the rearview mirror, paused for a few seconds, and then opened the rear window a crack.

There was a crack that didn't allow her to jump out directly, so at most she could stretch her arms out. Why not open the whole crack for her?

The damp and cold smell of earth after the rain poured in. Sang Que kept his composure and remained calm. He continued to hold his phone, pretending to watch short videos, but in fact he was on full alert.

The journey of less than ten minutes seemed particularly long, and Sang Que thought of countless unexpected situations and coping methods in his mind.

Finally, the taxi stopped outside the urban village.

The sound of mournful opera singing, accompanied by bursts of crying that sometimes rose and sometimes fell, was creepy.

A stage was set up at the dim entrance of the village, paper money was flying, wreaths and paper streamers were everywhere, and a group of people in mourning were holding a funeral.

Even so, Sang Que relaxed and didn't feel scared. He was just glad that he was in a crowded place. "How much is it, Master?"

"Eight dollars."

Sang Que quickly scanned the code and got off the car, then ran quickly to the stage and blended into the group of people in mourning, pretending that they were all his relatives.

When Sangque looked back, the taxi was still parked there. It seemed as if a pair of eyes were peering out from the car, thinking, hesitating...

It took a full ten seconds before the taxi started again and left the entrance of the urban village.

Sang Que let out a long sigh and quickly sent a message to Qin Lu.

"I'm in your village."

Sang Que walked quickly around the stage and into the village. The humming voices of the opera were fading away. Most people in the village were watching the opera at the entrance of the village. The doors of the houses on both sides of the cement road were closed, and it was dark and quiet.

The lamp posts are covered with various small advertisements for certificate issuance and men's health services, and there are always a few lights flashing.

She came several times, but no one fixed it.

Sang Que found Qin Lu's house. The big red double iron doors were rusted and peeling. The cold wind blew the ivy on the outer wall. Suddenly, a cat ran over the wall and scared Sang Que.

Sangque skillfully found the key under the flowerpot, opened the lock on the door, pushed it open a crack and slipped in.

There is a yard behind the gate. The ground is covered with a layer of black and red stains all year round, which makes your feet sticky when you step on it. There is a lot of garbage piled in the corners, flies are flying around, and the air is filled with the stench of garbage that has been left for a long time in the summer.

The yard was pitch black, with only a little light coming through the window of a small house on the right side of the row of bungalows.

"Qin Lu——"

Sangque cried out and saw a figure flash by the window.

Sang Que walked quickly to the door of the house. Sure enough, a piece of bent steel bar was inserted into the old door bolt. She pulled out the steel bar and opened the door.

The stench of decay hit Sangque in the face, and his scalp went numb and his eyes widened in horror.

On the bed was a body that had been dead for a long time!

Swelling and rotting, corpse fluid and blood seeped into the damp and peeling walls, leaving strange tree-like patterns.

Among the swarm of startled flies, the tree-like lines were wriggling and contracting like blood vessels.

The corpse was holding a cell phone with a broken screen in his hand. On the desk by the window, the light of the desk lamp suddenly began to flicker.

Sang Que was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, and then he felt physiologically nauseous. He covered his mouth and almost vomited.

ding dong~
The phone rang, and the 'story chain' group appeared again!
[…The high school student was very alert and restrained, and did not do anything extra to trigger the death rule, and got off the taxi smoothly. However, when she arrived at her classmate's house, she found that her classmate had already died in the bed, and his death was strange.]

[So, who was the person who just texted the high school student? ]

The text on the phone made Sang Que feel creepy. A chill rushed to her head. She pressed the amulet hanging on her chest, turned away, and called the police with trembling hands.

Before the call to the police was made, a text message from Qin Lu came into the phone.

"Where are you going? Didn't you say you would accompany me?"

A pair of rotten and swollen arms stretched out from the darkness, clinging to all parts of the mulberry bird's body. Flies were flying around, and a huge tree-shaped blood net spread from under its feet.

A bone-chilling chill instantly enveloped the whole body, and the coldness, accompanied by a stench, whispered softly in Sangque's ears.

"Stay...don't go!"

The phone fell to the ground and the screen exploded like a spider web.

The dark clouds dispersed, and a blood-red full moon hung high in the sky...


I personally care a lot about the logic of the writing. If there are problems with the book pointed out by readers, I will fix the bugs, which leads to [the difference between pirated and genuine versions]

Therefore, I urge everyone to read the genuine version and not the pirated version. If you read the pirated version, please have the quality of a pirated reader and don't come to the genuine version to spray nonsense. I will block anyone who comes to criticize me. Thank you for your understanding.

This is an [upgrade article], not a pure rule-based horror story with no solution. It has an upgraded power system, and the sense of terror will weaken as the heroine's strength increases. So it's scary in the early stages, develops towards a [cool article] in the middle stages, and becomes [farming, developing, and building a dynasty] in the late stages. Please be informed!
 [Special note] The heroine is not an orphan. Mentioning this may involve spoilers. The heroine was picked up and adopted. She has living relatives and a brother. The heroine is not a delicate sister, nor does she have a brother complex. She is a cold and aloof Valkyrie. If you mind having a brother, please don't buy in!

  A long article, about upgrading. The heroine is a growth type. She is not full of intelligence, character, and ability when she appears. She will make mistakes, correct them, and grow. She is a poor student because she has no interest in learning and spends all her time practicing martial arts. It does not mean that she is stupid. She will grow up comprehensively with more experience.

  The supporting characters also have growth lines, imperfect personalities, rubbish cannon fodder, passers-by and tools, everything is there.

  The highlights will be given to women and men as well. Generally speaking, I can guarantee that [there are more women than men]. Just like the previous book, I don't write female-dominant articles, nor do I write yuri articles. It's easy to spread rumors, but I have no way to refute them. Some people say that I write yuri, some people say that I love men, I can't explain it even with a thousand mouths!
  Please don't worry about the number of men and women, the gender of cats and dogs, the gender attributes of words, and whether idioms involve misogyny. I can only [try to avoid it]. Please don't just focus on the highlights of men, and just think that I have written men well, and just think that I set off men. Women have highlights, and women have a lot of highlights. There is a sequence of appearance of male and female supporting characters. Don't ignore the countless female highlights that follow just because a male highlight appears first, and then say that I love men, read the book happily, and abandon the book if I'm unhappy.

  If I am wrong, please tell me and I will admit it and correct it. The more we argue, the clearer the truth will be!
  I wish you all a peaceful state of mind and boundless merit. I wish you all great wealth and win the jackpot on the scratch card!

  (End of this chapter)

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