I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 100 Wanxi's Notes

Chapter 100 Wanxi's Notes (asking for monthly tickets)

This is a large chapter of 4800 words, which tells the story of Ming Wanxi and Huilan in the form of Ming Wanxi's diary. If you don't like it, please don't subscribe. Not reading it will not affect the main storyline.

Be cautious!
[March 3, Shangsi Festival]

It's Shangsi again, the mountain peach blossoms should be in bloom.

I still remember when I was eight years old, I sneaked out and climbed on the back of Qingyang and his friends’ carriage all the way to the grassland on the top of Cuiyun Mountain. The sun was shining brightly and I suddenly appeared, scaring them into a cold sweat.

The scorching sun left me with sores all over my body. My father beat me badly and my mother cried and cursed me, but I was very happy.

I’m glad that they still know that I exist in this world.

I haven't left Yinyuexuan for ten years, and I almost forgot the color and fragrance of the peach blossoms. I just remember that they were beautiful, much more beautiful than the flowers growing in the graves in my yard.

There will be a new maid coming to Yinyuexuan today, so I'd better hide first so as not to scare her.

I don’t know how long this maid can hold on, and how long I can hold on, but as long as she doesn’t break the rules I set, I won’t hurt her.

【March 4】

This maid can read and has carefully read the rules I wrote.

When cleaning and cooking, don’t go to places you are not allowed to go to, and don’t touch things you are not allowed to touch.

You can see that she is very scared, but she does not have any overly curious thoughts. She closes the door tightly at night and behaves very well.

She should be able to stay longer.

【March 5】

There is a peach blossom in my study!
It is placed in a pure white vase on the desk where I usually write ghost stories.

I cried a lot. I thought I had forgotten what the outside world looked like, but when I saw the peach blossom, I realized that the memory of when I was eight years old had not faded at all.

I would rather be covered in sores again and get beaten again, but I still want to go out and see the world.

What did I do wrong?
Why was I born a freak?

【March 6】

It turns out her name is Huilan, and she has a younger sister named Huixin.

Today, her sister came to see her. She was so scared that her face turned pale and she dragged her sister away, as if there really was a man-eating evil ghost in the yard.

I forgot that I am the evil ghost.

Huilan is very timid and would shrink back at the sound of my footsteps, but her cooking is delicious, better than those maids who only tried to fool me before.

not bad.

【March 7】

Huilan really came back covered in dust and dirt. Did she really think that the monthly salary in my courtyard was so easy to get?
Someone should have delivered it at the beginning of the month, but it was delayed for seven days and only half of it could be received when they came to my door.

Although I am the eldest daughter of the Ming family, no one cares about my life or death. It is only because the clan rules do not allow it that they left me with something to eat and let me suffer in this Yinyuexuan.

Forget it. I'll eat less recently and leave more food for Huilan. She looks younger than me and has to do so much work every day.


【March 10】

For three consecutive days, bamboo shoots were included in every meal.

Are there many bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest outside Yinyuexuan?
These days Huilan goes out early and comes back with a basket of bamboo shoots. She washes, peels, cuts and dries them in the yard.

The maids in front are all lazy, and I won’t increase their monthly salary, so who should she be working hard for?

【March 11】

Finally, Huilan changed the dish to a plate of lush green...weeds!
It seems to be behind the yard. I have seen it several times. It is edible and not bad.

Huilan put a bunch of yellow flowers in my study. I don’t know what they are called, but they are very beautiful.

She also helped me open the windows to ventilate and dispel the moisture in the room.

The smell of the sunlight mixed with the scent of flowers makes people feel comfortable, but I can't get close to the sunlight, it will make my whole body fester.

There were more and more racks for drying bamboo shoots outside the yard. She also climbed out from the back wall of Yinyuexuan and went to the back mountain to get some mountain products that I didn't even recognize.

My little courtyard suddenly has a hint of homely atmosphere, which is great.

It is not safe for Huilan to go to the back mountain to pick mountain products, so I gave her two talismans to ward off evil spirits.

【March 12】

Huilan's handwriting is actually better than mine.

Such a diligent and kind girl should be loved like a jewel in any family. Why would she come to Ming Mansion to be a maid?
Is it because of family changes?

She did not refuse the talisman I placed on her desk, left me a letter to express her gratitude, and asked if she could read the books in the bookcase.

Ever since I scared three teachers to death when I was ten years old, those books have been gathering dust in the cabinet. My mother gave up and no longer used this incident to embellish her image as a loving mother.

Huilan brought back a pheasant today. The pheasant stewed with dried bamboo shoots in the evening was delicious. In fact, I wanted to have another bowl, but I didn’t dare go out and tell her.

I was afraid that I would scare her, and I would be sad if she was scared away.

The next maid probably won’t be like her and bring flowers to decorate my study, and neither did the previous maids.

【March 13】

This morning, I deliberately stayed in the study waiting for Huilan to come and clean. Huilan suddenly saw me and screamed in fright, and the flowers she had just picked fell all over the floor.

Huilan was not scared away. She looked at me for a moment and actually said that I was very pretty. It was the first time in my life that someone said I was pretty.

They all just called me a freak, even my parents looked sad and disgusted when they saw me.

I talked a lot with Huilan today, more than I have talked in a year, and I am very happy.

【March 14】

Today I was waiting for Huilan in the study early in the morning. As soon as she came, I asked her to take me to dig bamboo shoots. Seeing her nervous look, I felt sad and funny at the same time.

I know that the housekeeper has ordered that no one can let me leave Yinyuexuan, and anyone who violates the order will die.

Even though there is only a door between the bamboo forest and Yinyuexuan, I cannot step out of that door.

I didn't make things difficult for Huilan. It wasn't easy for her either. Her sister would come to the yard and cry every few days. Huilan didn't eat a single bite of the pheasant that day. She gave all the rest to her sister.

I showed Huilan the ghost story I wrote, and she said she couldn't understand it. She certainly didn't dare to say that I wrote it badly.

Huilan told me about a very interesting person, a storyteller, someone who can make ghost stories come true.

If I had this ability, I would make everyone become like me, so that I would no longer be a freak.

I asked Huilan how she learned to read and write so well. Huilan said that she had a younger brother and had been going to school since she was young. She learned secretly from her brother and sometimes even helped her brother write articles that the teacher asked him to copy as punishment. This was how she learned from his practice.

It turned out that Huilan was sold to the Ming Mansion by her family, but her family was not poor, and her parents didn't care about her, just like me.

Tomorrow is the fifteenth day of the lunar month again. I need to remind Huilan not to stay at Yinyuexuan tomorrow night.


【March 16】

This morning, Huilan came to Yinyuexuan and saw the room full of blood. I looked like a wild beast and was terrified.

In the past, I would deliberately let those maids see me sucking human blood on the 15th of every month, so that they would be afraid and not try to bully me again.

But I didn't want Huilan to see me like this, and Huilan came back too early, so early that I didn't have time to clean up.

I locked myself in the bedroom and didn't have any breakfast or lunch. Huilan knocked on the door, put down the lunch box, and left.

Is she scared? Why doesn't she say a few more words to me?

She must be scared and will hide from me from now on.

There is no need for her to hide. I will never see her again in the future. Just like before, I know how to avoid her.


Huilan put a paper toad in the food box. It would jump when you pressed its butt. It was a children's toy, but she actually used it to amuse me.

I was overthinking it. The food Huilan cooked was as delicious as always.


[April 1st]

Huilan actually received the full monthly salary without any deductions from her subordinates.

After asking her, I found out that she used to try to get close to a senior maid in my mother's courtyard every day and send her small gifts every now and then. Today, she asked the maid to lead my mother to the accounting office and expose the fact that they had withheld my monthly salary.

Although my mother didn't like me, she wanted to play the role of a loving mother, so she naturally wouldn't tolerate the servants treating me harshly.

I think that for at least the next six months, no one will deduct my monthly salary.

Huilan is so smart.

But she is too kind, especially to her younger sister. She spoils her younger sister even though she knows that she is lazy and likes to eat. I am too busy with the work in the yard to help her younger sister.

Huilan said that she was the eldest sister in the family and that the eldest sister should take care of her younger brothers and sisters.

I am also the eldest sister and I have younger brothers, but Qingyang doesn't need my care. He wishes he didn't have a freak sister like me.


【April 20】

Finally, the ghost story I wrote scared Huilan.

She had a nightmare in which children pulled her and asked her to play with them.

Huilan asked me if I wrote such stories because no one played with me since I was a child.

How could anyone want to be friends with a freak like me?

Huilan, she just treats me like a young lady and respects me, and abides by the duties of a maid, right?
Today Huilan taught me how to make paper figures. Next time I write a ghost story about paper figures, I want to write about paper figures as kind beings that are covered in scary clothes and deliberately scare people so that they stay away from danger. (Note ①)
After all, sometimes people are scarier than ghosts.

……[May 9]

I lost control last night. It was the first time I felt scared, afraid that I would hurt Huilan, just like I had done to those maids before.

When I woke up and saw Huilan was fine, I hugged her and cried for a long time.

Why was I born a freak? Why can't I be a normal person like Huilan?
I hate myself and I don't want to live like this anymore.

In the past, I lived with gritted teeth because of hatred. I wanted to make my parents, grandmother, and people like Qingyang, who hated me, feel uncomfortable because of my existence.

But now, I want to die, because my life is very dangerous to Huilan. If she is hurt in any way because of me, I will blame myself and feel upset.

I'd rather die. If there is an afterlife, I'd like to ask all the gods and ghosts to let me be a normal person. It would be great if I could meet Huilan again.

But if a sinner like me dies, I will just go to hell.

【May 10】

Huilan slapped me and then she cried and told me that everyone wanted me to die, but she didn't.

Only then did I know that Huilan was beaten with a stick by Nanny Wang, who was by my grandmother's side, in order to save me that night.

After finally getting human blood, Qingyang pushed him down and broke the jar of human blood. There was also news that the jar was poisoned.

In the end, it was Huilan who gave me her own blood, which helped me get through the night.

I told Huilan that a freak like me didn't deserve to live. There were many maids in the graves in the yard who died because I lost control. If I didn't die, she would have become one of them.

Huilan actually said that I was a good person, that I was not a freak, that I was just sick.

She said I should live, because only by living can there be hope.

She said that if I was willing, she could save money, and when she had enough money for the journey, she would take me away from Mingfu.

Go see the outside world and find the legendary 'Bell Doctor' who can bring the dead back to life. He will definitely be able to cure me.

I am willing. How could I not be willing? If there is someone in this world who can cure me, I am willing to pay any price!
Of course, I won't allow anyone to hurt Huilan except Huilan.

I asked Huilan if she was willing to call me "elder sister". If she had no relatives who loved her, then I would do it.

From now on, we are no longer master and servant, but sisters!

【May 11】

I killed someone, the first time I killed someone on purpose.

Nanny Wang's blood smelled as bad as her body, but the frightened faces of my grandmother and the maids in her courtyard were pleasing to the eye.

It was never them who imprisoned me, but I just imprisoned myself in Yinyuexuan because I understood their difficulties.

From now on, I will let everyone know that I am not an easy person to deal with. Bullying Huilan is going against me!

Huilan cried and begged me not to do this.

How could I not?
Didn’t she say that the eldest sister should take care of the younger sister? If I don’t do this, her kindness and weakness will only kill her.


【June 1st】

After that day, Huilan refused to call me sister anymore.

I received my monthly salary today and asked Huilan to save it all. We can leave Ming Mansion as soon as we have enough money for the trip. I don't want to stay here for even one more day.

If I have nothing to eat, I can eat bamboo shoots for every meal.

Huilan laughed at me and said that there were no bamboo shoots at this time of year.

If Huilan hadn't disagreed, I could have stolen my mother's jewelry and sold it.

Huilan said that we have to live even if we leave the Ming Mansion. We cannot steal all our lives. We should learn to make money on our own and live an upright life.

She taught me how to make paper flowers, fold gold ingots, and cut paper money...

She also taught me to identify wild vegetables and various mountain products, and taught me how to make simple traps. She said that her grandfather used to be a hunter and later moved to Dongyang County. When her grandfather was alive, he taught her a lot of things.

I want to go to the back mountain with Huilan to dig for mountain products and set traps.

Huilan agreed.

Why do I feel like she looks like my elder sister?

No, I have to show my demeanor as the eldest sister.


【June 16】

There is meat for lunch today, so I asked Huilan to save some. If there are no bamboo shoots, I can survive by eating wild vegetables and drinking water.

Huilan said that I would feel weak after the attack on the 15th of every month, and she asked me to take more supplements so that I could run better when I was in good health.

I was convinced by her.

Today Huilan finally helped me make a sun-blocking cloak and said she would take me to the back mountain tomorrow.

I asked Huilan if she was afraid?

Huilan smiled and said that she could now walk around the Ming Mansion with impunity and no one dared to stop her. Others avoided her like the plague. She had never been so arrogant before.

Huilan has been smiling more often recently and has become much bolder than before. She even dares to tell you directly that the ghost stories I write are not good.

Does it really not look good?

【June 17】

After returning from the mountain, I couldn't fall asleep.

Today’s experience was so wonderful that I was afraid I would forget it when I fell asleep.

Huilan and I picked mountain products together. Huilan taught me many taboos about walking in the mountains. As long as I remember those rules, nothing will happen.

We picked a lot of wild fruits, and I even fell from a tree once.

Huilan is right. I am too weak. I will have to help Huilan more with work in the future, otherwise I won’t be able to catch up with her even if I run.

Huilan picked a lot of black grass, saying that it could be used to make dye. She would dye my hair and eyebrows black, and then use the curtain on my hat to cover my eyes, so that no one would think I was a freak anymore.

I couldn't sleep, so I went to count how much money we had saved.


July 1

I never thought that one day I, the eldest daughter of the Ming family, would be so money-grubbery-minded and concerned about my monthly salary.

Now when I think about the monthly salary that was deducted in the past, I feel heartbroken.

Today, I slipped out wearing the cape Huilan made for me, and I saw the murderous man holding a straight knife again. (Note ②)
He is my father's good friend and an official in the Evil Suppression Division.

Every year before the Zhongyuan Festival, he would come to Mingfu to find my father and discuss the matters of the Jue God Festival. After the Jue God Festival, he would come again and stay in the ancestral hall in the back mountain for a while.

That man made me feel very dangerous and scary.

Cymbidium is back!
We counted the money in the evening, and Huilan said it was enough to hire a car to take us to Wangshan City.

Huilan was a little hesitant. I knew she couldn't bear to leave her sister, but I didn't want to take that leech with me. Huilan could only live for herself if she left her.

Huilan understood this logic, and finally she promised me that we would run away after the Ghost Festival.

I will sleep with the cash box as my pillow these days. This money must not be lost.


【July 10】

Huilan won't leave. She wants to save her sister, but who can come to save me?

When she didn't want to die, she saved me who wanted to die.

When I didn't want to die, she was going to die.

Why should Huilan bear the fate of others?
Why should the sins of the Ming Mansion fall on me?
What did Huilan and I do wrong to deserve this punishment?

It's me. It's all my fault. I laugh at Huilan for being cowardly, but am I not a coward too?
I survived by drinking the blood of innocent people. I knew that every year the Ming government would sacrifice nine innocent girls to the God of Weaver, but I never did anything?
I can survive only because of the God of Jue. This is my sin, so the punishment from heaven has come to me.

Huilan came to say goodbye to me, and I asked her to call me elder sister again.

She didn't.

I know that she doesn't want me to disobey Ming for her, and doesn't want me to be branded as unfilial.

But what is filial piety?

Is being like Huilan or me filial?

Huilan, even if you no longer call me elder sister, you are still my Ming Wanxi's only sister.

It was you who told me that as an elder sister, I should protect my younger sister, so this time, I will still protect you.

Even the Ming family, even the God of Jue, cannot take you away.

I will never allow it!

① The notes mentioned that Ming Wanxi and Huilan made paper figures. Ming Wanxi wanted to write a ghost story about paper figures. The paper figures in the ghost story are kind beings that scare people and remind them to stay away from danger. Everyone can recall the paper figures that Sang Que encountered in the Ming Mansion, and they did not cause any substantial harm to her.

The first time in the side courtyard, the paper figurine of the old lady suddenly appeared. According to the storyteller, she actually wanted Sang Que to leave.

The second time when entering the main courtyard, he saw the paper bride hanging under the eaves when he was struck by lightning. He also wanted to scare away Sangque because there was "Play with Me" in the main courtyard.

The third time Xuanyu saw the paper child on the beam, after Xuanyu was scared away, the bearded man and the freak from Mingfu appeared, also to remind Xuanyu.

②The notes mentioned that the man from the Zhenxie Division who was carrying the knife was a good friend of Ming Wanxi’s father. He would appear before the Jue God Festival every year, and would also appear after the Jue God Festival, and would stay in the back mountain for a few days.

This shows that Mingfu has someone in the evil-suppression department, so the fact that Mingfu used living people for sacrifice in the Jue Shenji will not be exposed. Moreover, this man Jue Shenji came to make arrangements, and Jue Shenji later naturally came to see if there was any evil spirit of the bride. This corresponds to the fact that the man with a knife later captured Huilan and sealed her in a mirror to raise a ghost.

The man with the knife refers to Bearded Man's father. Bearded Man inherited the knife from his father. Bearded Man is also considered a person related to the Ming Mansion incident.

The above is a hidden foreshadowing. It is not appropriate to reveal it directly from anyone's perspective in the text. You need to think about it before you can understand it. I will write it directly here so that you don't have to think about it.

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