I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 111 Bandit's Lair

Chapter 111 Bandit's Lair (April monthly ticket 4 plus more)

Weird Dynasty, Ziyun Mountain.

"Boss, I'm afraid we can't take down this bandit camp with just the three of us, right?"

At dusk, only a streak of sunset remained on the horizon. In the dense woods, He Buning took Xiaowu and Xiaoliu, hiding their tracks, and looked from a high place at the bandit camp in the valley opposite.

The bandit camp is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and on one side there is a three-person-high wall made of huge stones. There is no sunlight in the valley all day long, and it is a place where yin gathers.

On the huge stone wall, there are ten white zombies, jumping back and forth, guarding the stronghold.

The young and skinny Xiaoliu kept winking at the burly Xiaowu next to him, but Xiaowu remained calm and acted like a loyal guard.

The three of them were not wearing the Night Walker masks at the moment and were all in casual clothes.

They had only returned to Wangshan City for a few days when they received a call for help from the Riyou Envoy and rushed to Zhengyang County near Wangshan City to handle a strange case.

It took him three days of hard work to finally solve that tricky and strange case. He didn't even have time to catch his breath before he had to rush back without stopping.

As a result, when they passed by Ziyun Mountain, it was a cloudy day. They saw a robbed convoy and signs of zombies. He Buning immediately decided to go to Ziyun Mountain to take a look.

Ziyun Mountain has a special terrain, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and bandits often gather there. Wangshan City sends garrison troops to encircle and suppress the bandits once a year, but it still cannot completely eliminate the bandit problem.

Ziyun Mountain is the only way to Wangshan City in the southwest of Qinzhou, and merchants and caravans traveling there are often robbed.

In previous years, they only robbed people of their money and did not deliberately kill people unless they encountered fierce resistance.

But since last year, I don’t know if the bandit leader of Ziyun Mountain has changed or what, once passing merchants and caravans are robbed, all their people and property will be taken away.

In the beginning, no one went to Wangshan City to report the incident, so no one took it seriously. It was not until the beginning of this year that someone who was lucky enough to escape from the bandit camp ran directly to the Evil Suppression Bureau and said that the people in the Ziyun Mountain bandit camp were raising corpses.

Those captured traveling merchants were raised into zombies by the bandits. In just one year, there were more than a hundred primary white zombies in the Ziyun Mountain bandit camp.

White zombies are afraid of fire and sunlight, and can be forced back by glutinous rice and black dog blood. However, they are very strong, and ordinary swords and guns can injure them but cannot stop them from moving, so they are a bit troublesome to deal with.

In addition, there are five more powerful black zombies, with immense strength and invulnerability to swords and guns. Except for sunlight, they are not afraid of fire. The effects of glutinous rice and black dog blood are also very limited.

It is said that there is a higher-level jumping zombie that is not afraid of sunlight, sticky rice, and black dog blood, and can only be dealt with by Taoist targeted magic weapons and talismans.

Xiaoliu looked at Xiaowu. The two of them were wearing Night Walker masks and had only the third level of strength, so it was no problem for them to deal with three or five black zombies.

He Bu Ning has the strength of a fourth-level ghost, and the Yin Fire on his body is also very strong, but Xiao Liu finds it difficult to deal with the jumping zombies. After all, He Bu Ning's Yin Fire burns his blood.

What's more, there are more than a hundred white zombies and countless bandits. To be able to raise so many zombies, there must be some experts in the Ziyun Mountain bandit camp.

With just the three of them, it would be difficult to even get in, let alone save people.

Last year, the garrison troops of Wangshan City went to encircle and suppress the zombies, but they all returned with a miserable defeat. The Evil Suppression Division has sent a document to the Taoist sect, asking it to send its disciples to deal with the zombies here.

He Buning observed carefully, his eyebrows twisted together, and he was also hesitating whether to take the risk and explore.

Considering all aspects, they do not have the strength to attack now. It would be better to wait for the Taoist disciples to arrive, and then organize the garrison to bring kerosene, glutinous rice and black dog blood, and charge in together.

"Record the surrounding terrain before moving on."

Hearing that He Buning had given up, Xiao Liu showed joy on his face and said quickly, "Okay, I'll draw a topographic map right away."

Xiaowu was carrying a bamboo box on his back and turned around to ask Xiaoliu to get paper and pen.

The sky was getting darker and darker. Xiaoliu, who was recording the terrain of the southeastern woods, suddenly uttered a sigh, "When did the fog start over there?"

Xiao Wu heard the sound and looked over. "That's not ordinary fog, it's evil fog, heading towards the bandit camp."

He Buning was also squinting at the gray fog, which was surging towards the bandit camp like a huge wave.

"Evil spirits won't have such a strong purpose. It must be a ghost. Let's go down and take a look."


Xiaoliu was shocked and stared. He Buning had already put on the mask and was speeding down the mountain.

Xiaowu patted Xiaoliu and followed closely behind.

In the woods at the foot of the mountain.

Sang Que carried two barrels of gasoline bought from Hyundai and used Chongwu's teleportation ability to quickly approach the bandit camp.

The little cicada once again abandoned its body, leaving only its head and black hair, entangled with the mulberry bird. After its head was chopped off once, the little cicada found that it was fine and often took off its head to play with.

Coupled with Sangque's targeted training and verification, it was discovered that as long as Xiaochan's head returned to her body within 24 hours, it could be perfectly connected.

Including her limbs can be connected by hair and then separated from the body. Her body does not contain normal human organs, but hair wrapped in a layer of human skin.

Seeing a hanging rope on a tree beside the road, Sangque stopped, controlled the evil fog to wrap the hanging rope, and pulled it into the bronze mirror.

The hanging ropes were indeed an evil spirit that could be found everywhere. She had caught more than twenty of them along the way.

For this kind of low-level evil, there is currently no upper limit to the storage capacity of the bronze mirror.

"found it!"

The edge of Sang Que's evil fog touched the evil aura, and she immediately reduced the range of the evil fog to five meters around herself, hiding her tracks and slowing down.

She was in the evil fog and could "sense" the situation around her.

After walking a little further, the surrounding trees became gradually sparse. Sangque stuck close to the mountain wall and saw a high wall made of huge stones between two mountains diagonally in front of it.

There was a torch every three steps on the high wall, and there seemed to be blood-red lines between the torches, like a fence, encircling ten white-haired zombies on the high wall.

There are two tall towers on both sides of the high wall, with two bandits standing guard.

The spreading of the evil fog will certainly alert the zombies. Once the zombies become agitated, the bandits on the tower will surely sound the alarm, so it is necessary to deal with the bandits on both sides quietly and at the same time.

Sangque retracted the evil fog, put the gasoline barrel aside, took the hunting bow from his back and said to Xiaochan, "Xiaochan, I'll leave this bandit nearby to you, okay?"

Xiaochan thought for a while and nodded, "Xiaochan, I can do it!"

Sangque taught Xiaochan how to assassinate, and Xiaochan often reviewed and practiced it while on the road.

"You prepare first."

Little Chan frowned and looked serious. He hid his head in the knee-high weeds, his hair scratching the ground, and slowly approached the high wall.

The zombies on the high wall seemed to sense something and twitched their noses towards the direction where Xia Chan was hiding. Xia Chan hurriedly stopped and covered her mouth and nose with her hair.

The zombie smelled it for a while, then continued to jump back and forth, and Xia Chan continued to move forward.

After reaching a sufficient distance, Xia Chan concentrated all his strength on a strand of hair. As the rest of the hair shortened, that strand of hair quickly lengthened and flew upward along the gap in the high wall.

Sang Que took out an arrow, glanced at the bandit who was dozing on the tower in the distance, and put the arrow on the bowstring.

She turned her head to look at the nearby tower. Xia Chan's hair rushed up from behind the bandit and strangled the bandit's neck with lightning speed and twisted it hard.

The bandit's head tilted and he died.

The bandit in the opposite tower yawned, glanced over there, felt something was wrong, and just as he stood up straight, an arrow flew through the wind and hit him right in the middle of his forehead.

The bandit shuddered all over, opened his eyes wide in shock, and fell down limply.

On the other side, three people with excellent eyesight saw this scene and were all stunned.

"Good archery skills!" Xiaoliu couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

After Xiao Wu glanced around, he said to He Bu Ning, "Boss, two people attacked at the same time."

After the bandits on the tower fell, one of them saw blood, and the zombies on the high wall immediately jumped towards the direction where the smell of blood came from with their noses raised.

A large cloud of gray fog surged up from under the high wall, instantly submerging the entire wall.

The last ray of light in the sky disappeared, and night fell. The three people only felt a flash before their eyes, the fog disappeared, and the high wall appeared again.

The light of the torches swayed in the wind, the two bandits on the tower yawned, and the ten zombies jumped back and forth as if nothing had happened.

"This!" Xiaowu and Xiaoliu both showed surprised expressions.

He Buning nodded slightly, with a bit of appreciation in his eyes, "It's an illusion created by the special evil fog. The ghost walking below is an expert. Let's go!"

He Buning withdrew his gaze, suddenly became a little excited, and hurried over there with Xiaowu and Xiaoliu.

I have something to go out this afternoon, so I'll just update once more today. See you tomorrow~
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