I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 118 Competitors

Chapter 118 Competitors (asking for monthly tickets)
Before Sang Que and Kou Yushan could say anything, the fat middle-aged man ran in front of them and blocked Xiao Liu.

"Brother Xiaoliu, we are short of people here at Riyou. Captain Cui said that if we can't recruit anyone, he will kill me. Can you please spare me?"

Xiao Liu got anxious when he heard this. "Yu Da, you're talking as if we don't lack people for the night tour. You have nearly 200 people for the day tour, but we have less than 20 for the night tour. You call this lacking people? I saw these two first, get out of the way!"

The man called Yu Da was much older than Xiao Liu. He was not arrogant at all. He smiled but refused to give way.

"Brother Xiaoliu, you see, when strange cases happen on weekdays, we the day tour guys are the first to investigate and find out the cause. Most of the time, we the day tour guys can solve the problem on the spot and will never push it to you the night tour guys."

"We the day patrols do all the dirty work, so we naturally need more people. Otherwise, if we really encounter a serious mystery case, and we hand it over to you without investigating everything, Captain He will be angry, right? You night patrols are all elites, and it is better to draw elites from the army. These few..."

Xiao Liu forcefully pushed Yu Da away and said, "No, our captain has given the order. We have to recruit more people to join the night tour no matter what. Besides, it was our captain who first spotted this girl and asked her to come!"

Yu Da turned around and dragged Xiao Liu's arm, "Brother Xiao Liu, my good brother Liu..."

"Let go, no, I saw it first..."

The two men started fighting for it, and Sang Que and Kou Yushan looked at each other. If Sang Que didn't know that they were cannon fodder fighting to charge into the battle, he would have thought he was very important.

"Are they playing the saw game? Little Chan wants to play too..."

Xia Chan grabbed Sang Que's arm, blinked his dark eyes, and watched Xiao Liu and Yu Da arguing with each other.

Xiaoliu and Yu Da were stunned for a moment, and looked at Xia Chan at the same time, but Xia Chan quickly shrank back behind Sang Que.

"Well, can you let me say something?" Sang Que interrupted the two of them, "Since none of you will let us make the decision, why don't you let us make the decision ourselves?"

Xiaoliu and Yuda looked over. Yuda reacted quickly and said, "Young lady, I can tell from your appearance that you are a rare talent. And this warrior, you are a martial artist, right? If you join us for the day trip, you will receive a monthly salary of three strings of cash and a three-room courtyard."

"On weekdays, I patrol the streets during the day, occasionally go to nearby counties and villages, report to work and leave the court on time, and never delay. Even if I encounter a strange case, I will investigate it during the day. The main purpose is to inquire about the situation. There is nothing dangerous."

Yu Da glanced at Xiao Liu, "Unlike those night wanderers, they are quite free when they are free, and don't have to report for work or anything like that, but they are busy with deadly and mysterious cases. When they are working on a case, they work day and night and it is impossible for them to leave on time."

"Hey? Yu Da, are you looking for a fight?" Xiao Liu raised his hand.

Sang Que interrupted again, "Let me just say one thing, we are here for the incense burners, can you provide us with incense burners for the day and night tours?"

Sang Que spoke frankly. After all, everyone who "voluntarily" joined the Evil Suppression Bureau was not truly willing. They all came because they had various needs for the Evil Suppression Bureau.

Most of them came to the Suppression of Evils Division to seek shelter because they had gotten into strange troubles and had no other choice.

The most obvious characteristic of people who get involved in strange things is that they quickly descend into the underworld. If they cannot light their heart lamp within a short period of time and make the heart lamp reach a certain intensity, they will not live for more than a few days.

So it is understandable that Sangque made such a request.

Kou Yushan also nodded beside him. He was already forty years old, and it didn't matter to him whether he did night tours or day tours. The important thing was to survive.

What Yu Da said sounded nice, but Kou Yushan had already seen clearly that as long as it was a strange case, no matter how big or small, whether it was day or night, there was a chance of death. It all depended on one's caution and luck.

If you carry an incense burner with you, the heart lamp can provide a certain degree of protection, and the chances of survival will be greater.

Upon hearing this, the two of them fell silent. Yu Da scratched the fat on his face and said in a rough voice, "The rule here at Riyou is that after working for three months, you will be assessed. Only after passing the assessment can you officially become a Riyou Envoy and get your own incense mask."

Xiao Liu said, "We have a surplus of incense burners and masks for the night tour, and we can provide more incense than the day tour, but... this matter is up to our captain to decide."

After hearing this, Sang Que was already inclined to join the Night Patrol for three reasons.

The first is, of course, that the incense burners here at Night Travel can provide more incense, which can allow her heart lamp to quickly exceed the fourth level and begin to prepare for promotion to the ghost level.

Second, they just said that day tours must go to and from get off work on time every day, but night tours don’t have to. Night tours mean that the case handling time on weekdays is at night, so she can skip evening self-study and come to work. Sigh…

Thirdly, although the cases of the Night Tour are all dangerous cases, their number is less than that of the Day Tour, which can also allow her to have time to do other things. Moreover, the status of the Night Tour is higher than that of the Day Tour. Joining the Night Tour may make it more convenient for her to search for various information.

It’s about the incense burner. Why not let Ning make the decision?

"I can give you the Night Walker's incense holder."

He Buning's voice suddenly came from the corridor. Sang Que and Kou Yushan looked up and saw a man in dark blue tights. He had a tall and straight figure like a pine or cypress, a resolute face, and his sword-like eyebrows and star-like eyes were calm.

Although he looks young, he has a calm and reserved air as someone who has experienced a lot.

This was the first time that Sang Que saw He Buning's full appearance under the mask. The horrifying sight of He Buning with half of his face burned into dry bones by the Yin Fire in the bandit camp was still deeply imprinted in her mind.

He Buning looked at Sang Que, and his gaze quickly passed over Sang Que and fell on Xia Chan behind her. His eyes narrowed slightly, with a look of scrutiny and curiosity.

Sangque was keenly aware of this and subconsciously blocked Xia Chan, fearing that He Buning would discover that Xia Chan was a ghost.

There were four people following He Bu Ning, one of whom was burly with a tough face, and that was Xiao Wu whom he had met before.

Xiaowu and Xiaoliu are definitely not their real names, including the fat guy on the Japanese tour, who is also called Yu Da.

Sang Que had never seen the three people behind Xiaowu before, and even Xiaoliu looked puzzled, but the three people walked in unison, and their temperament and eyes were somewhat similar to Xiaowu, with quite a military temperament.

"Fifth brother, they are..." Xiaoliu asked.

Xiao Wu explained in a low voice, "The three of them were selected from the garrison and are preparing to join the night patrol. This..."

Xiao Wu pointed his chin at the one walking in front of the three people.

He had a strong face and a strong body, but his body was wet and smelled fishy, ​​and he left obvious water marks wherever he walked.

"His name is Qin Ze, a sergeant in the army. Not long ago, he encountered a strange incident on his way back from Jinzhou while escorting baggage. The whole team was wiped out, and only he survived. He accidentally became a ghost."

Xiaoliu's eyes lit up, "Fifth Brother, you are too tight-lipped. You didn't tell me when you found the person, so I had to compete with Riyou for him here."

Xiaowu rolled his eyes slightly, as if to say you didn’t ask.

Sang Que didn't expect that a competitor would appear just after she decided to join the night tour. Could it be that her mother added this competitor on purpose to make the plot more interesting?

Sang Que just thought about it and complained casually. After all, her mother's story was published on the Internet. It was not written on paper with the power of incense, so it would definitely not have such a big influence. Her mother wished she could become a god tomorrow, so how could she put obstacles in her way?

He Buning withdrew his gaze from Xia Chan and said, "I am recruiting people for Night Tour. I only recruit elites who can survive. If Miss Sang is in urgent need of a scented instrument for Night Tour, I can make an exception and give Miss Sang a chance."

As soon as He Buning appeared, Yu Da next to him immediately fell silent, but He Buning's attitude towards Yu Da was very respectful, as if he was treating an elder he respected.

"Old Yu, I remember that you guys had a strange case during your day trip, and you've been investigating it for half a year but there's still no progress?"

Yu Da quickly replied, "Yes, yes, the ghost fog in Pinghu Village, the main reason is that no one dares to approach that place. The people sent in have never come out. It's too weird. We are short of manpower so we put it on hold for the time being."

"Leave it to them. Whoever solves this strange case first within a month will officially become a Night Walker and will be given a Night Walker mask immediately."

"But I have to be frank. This case is indeed a difficult one. If you want to give up, you'd better do it as soon as possible."

During the May Day holiday, monthly tickets are doubled. Please give me monthly tickets!!

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