I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 123: Blessing Instruments

Chapter 123: Blessing Instruments (asking for monthly tickets)

When Sangque took out the road bell and copper coin inner armor from under the carriage mat, Yaozhen praised them as good things and said that she couldn't even afford this road bell made of pure brass.

There is also a copper coin inner armor. Yaozhen's eyes lit up when he got it in his hand. Sangque felt like a black bear demon seeing Tang Monk's cassock.

"What a good thing! You just threw it into the car without putting it in a box? Wait, you didn't bring the things back to your room last night, did you? Aren't you afraid of thieves stealing it? Where did you get such a good thing? You're not a Taoist priest."

Sang Que felt guilty, but his expression was flawless. "I once met a noble man, a Taoist priest. He gave these things to me before he died. This donkey was also left by that noble man."

Xuanyu made a disdainful sound, and Xia Chan nodded while eating, saying that whatever her sister said was right.

Yao Zhen sighed, "That Taoist priest is such a good man. It would take more than ten or twenty years of practice to make such a treasure. I tell you..."

Yaozhen gave Sangque some basic knowledge. The Taoist bell blessed by Taoist disciples can break ordinary ghost walls by simply shaking it. It can also eliminate illusions caused by evil spirits. The sound of the Taoist bell has a repelling effect on evil spirits.

If evil spirits approach silently, the Dao bell can also give a warning. It has many uses, and how long a blessing can be used depends on the intensity of use.

Copper coins are used even more widely by Taoist disciples, including divination, exorcism, formation setting, rituals, and making copper coin swords, including the luxurious use of copper coins to weave inner armor.

The copper coin is round on the outside and square on the inside. The outer circle represents the sky, and the inner square represents the earth. The dynasty number on it can represent people. It has the three elements of "heaven, earth, and man", and therefore has the power to change the world.

Moreover, the copper coins have passed through the hands of thousands of people, gathering the positive energy of hundreds of families, and can ward off evil spirits.

Sangque and Yaozhen chatted as they walked along the way. Sangque learned a lot about Taoism from Yaozhen. Yaozhen also tried to get Sangque to give up the idea of ​​joining the Evil Suppression Bureau and going to Pinghu Village, and let Sangque go up the mountain with her to practice Taoism.

To practice Taoism, one must offer one's real name to the Taoist God, and then one can borrow incense and candles from the Taoist God. The amount one can borrow depends on how pious one is to the Taoist God.

Piety is difficult to measure. Daily worship of the Taoist god, spreading the Taoist teachings, and developing believers can all accumulate piety. As time goes by, more and more incense will be borrowed.

You can also ask the Taoist God to draw talismans with his divine power, and the ability to bless magic tools will be strengthened as your piety increases.

Sang Que always felt that giving his real name to the so-called Taoist Lord was a very dangerous act.

Of course, there are disadvantages to joining the Evil Suppression Bureau. One is that there are endless strange cases to be solved, and one has to frequently come into contact with evil spirits, which does not provide freedom.

One is in the Evil Suppression Division. All the incense accumulated by handling strange cases belongs to the incense maker and does not belong to him.

For Taoism, part of it belongs to itself and part belongs to the Taoist master. After all, outsiders first recognize the identity of Taoist disciples and then take a look at the personal abilities of the Taoists.

In comparison, Sang Que naturally prefers the Zhenxie Division. After all, she still has her mother to help her accumulate incense and vows. As long as she has the Zhenxie Division's incense burner in her hands, the incense on the burner can also be used by her.

If you have the ability to work in the Evil Suppression Bureau for your entire life, then the incense on the incense burner will be no different from your own.

They didn’t feel tired during the day’s journey as they chatted, and around four o’clock in the afternoon, they arrived at the second post station to Bailong County.

As usual, Sangque asked for a room. Yaozhen said that she would help her perform a ritual and bless the instruments at night, so she wanted to live with them and sleep on the floor.

Sangque did not expose Yaozhen's idea of ​​saving money, and let her sleep on the floor in the room.

A Taoist priest cannot be disturbed by outsiders when performing rituals, but Yao Zhen has no taboos. He places an incense table and other items behind the screen in the guest room, chants incantations that Sangque cannot understand, and asks the Taoist to bless the ritual instruments.

Through the screen, Sang Que heard the sound of the Taoist bell. The temperature in the room gradually dropped as Yao Zhen chanted faster and faster. Xia Chan and Xuan Yu felt the terrifying atmosphere and huddled in the corner of the bed.

The light of the candles and lamps in the room was gradually suppressed by the cold, and the whole room gradually became dark.

An irresistible chill rose from Sang Que's back, causing goose bumps all over her body. Only the mountain ghost token in her arms gave her a little warmth, allowing her to resist the cold. Wisps of purple-black mist emerged from the ground, and something seemed to be rolling and wriggling in it, stirring the purple-black mist and gathering behind the screen. The candle on Yao Zhen's desk cast a shadow on the screen.

Sang Que couldn't see it clearly, but the outline of the shadow suddenly reminded her of the indescribable thing that was created by tearing three corpses into pieces when Yin Tong advanced.

Sang Que felt dizzy after just one glance, and the tinnitus in her ears quickly became sharper, giving her a splitting headache.

She immediately turned around and closed her eyes, not daring to look again.

Could it be that the thing that Yin Tong had put together at the beginning was the true appearance of the "ghosts and gods"?

After a while, the chill faded away and the lights in the room came back on.

Yaozhen looked tired. He walked out from behind the screen with the copper coin inner armor and the Taoist bell and handed the two things to Sangque.

"My ability is limited. This bell can only repel a fourth-level ghost three times. The copper coin inner armor can block a fourth-level ghost's attack. Ordinary swords and knives cannot break through the defense."

Sang Que was a little surprised. To be able to block a fourth-level ghost's attack was already very impressive in her opinion. How could this be called limited ability? Yao Zhen's cultivation level must be at least the fourth level.

Yao Zhen yawned, "By the way, don't let your sister play with this copper coin inner armor and the Dao bell, be careful not to hurt her."

Sangque's pupils trembled. Did Yao really see that Xiachan was a ghost?

"Cheng Hui, three hundred coins, a fair price, not a penny less. If you pay in full, I will give you a soul candle. I saw you using a soul lamp before, right?"

Yaozhen smiled and waved a red soul candle in front of Sangque's eyes.

Sang Que took out the banknotes that Kou Yushan gave her from her bag and counted out three hundred coins to give to Yaozhen. In fact, she felt it was quite cheap and there was no need to bargain.

After the payment was made, Yaozhen happily sat at the table, carefully strung up the three hundred coins, and only took out ten copper coins and put them away separately.

Nothing happened that night, and they arrived in Bailong County at noon the next day.

The county town is a bit shabby, with dirt roads all over the ground. The city gate is bustling but messy. On both sides of the road are stalls made of colorful coarse cloth supported by bamboo poles, selling fresh vegetables and meat. The sounds of hawkers are full of the atmosphere of life.

The donkey cart slowly drove through the crowd. Xuanyu got out of the cart, jumped onto Sangque's shoulder, and licked his lips at the roadside vendors.

There are many fish sellers here, and the fishy smell is strong.

Yaozhen said to Sangque, "There are many lakes to the south of Bailong County, so the villages around Bailong County are mostly fishermen, and they all worship ghosts in the water. The people here have many rules and are very particular about them. You must be careful about what you say and do when you are outside."

As he said that, Yaozhen turned around to get his bag and jumped off the donkey cart.

"Okay, I'll get off here. Since you gave me a ride, I'll advise you again. It's best not to go to Pinghu Village if you can. If you must go, don't eat or drink anything after entering the village. Only then will you have a chance of survival."

"If you ask me anything else, I can't tell you anything. I'm going to wait for someone in Bailong County. I'll set up a fortune-telling stall in the East Market for about half a month. If you need help, bring ten strings of cash and come find me."

Yaozhen smiled at Xia Chan in the car, threw his bag behind him, picked up his sword and left, in a cool and neat manner.

Sang Que watched Yao Zhen disappear in the bustling crowd, then he withdrew his gaze, flicked the whip, and drove the donkey cart to find the branch of the Zhenxie Division.

While it was still early, she wanted to go and see Zhang Yuanzhong who reported the case.

and also……

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